292 resultados para Jerarquía motora
The balance changing in the visually impaired is target of investigations, as balance and vision are interrelated. Also, another important factor in the maintenance of postural control is the biomechanical aspect of the feet. This study aimed to evaluate postural control and feet type of individuals with visual impairments. For then 17 adults with visual impairment participated in this study and have been evaluated by the baropodometry system. The oscillation of the center of pressure data were analyzed using the software Conformat Research 5.8, and subjected to Mann-Whitney’s statistical test. The results showed no statistically significant difference in postural control when comparing individuals with and without visual residue and which normal and foot with biomechanical alterations, which demonstrates that the visual impairment was the main factor of changes in postural control for the participants of this study.
Introduction: The Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapeutic program which main goal is the functional recuperation of paretic upper extremity of stroke patients with motor deficits by an intensive treatment, practice of functional repetition and wear of restriction in non-paretic during 90% of the daily hours. Objective: The aim of this study was evaluate the CIMT influence on upper extremity function of hemiparetic individuals. Method: The CIMT was provided for 3 daily hours for 10 consecutive days. Besides, patients were asked to wear a restraint dispositive on the unaffected hand during 90% of their activities daily living hours. Before and after the intervention period, 2 tests were administered to evaluate motor function, the Motor Activity Log (MAL) and the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT). Results: The results of MAL showed significant difference in quantity (p=0,011) and quality (p=0,016) of paretic upper extremity movements. Analysis of WMFT indicated a significant reduction of time that patients performed the tasks (p= 0,042) and a difference for quality of movement (p<0,0001). Conclusion: The present results showed that CIMT improves upper extremity function in hemiparetic individuals.
Children with cerebral palsy due to movement and posture disorders might have an injured nutritional state. This study's objective was to classify the body mass index of children with cerebral palsy and verify its relation with the injury level of gross motor function. Twenty children, male and female sex, with cerebral palsy with ages between 2 and 14 years participated in the study. They were chosen from a rehabilitation center with physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy accompaniment. Children were classified according to the gross motor function classification scale. The anthropometric measures of each child weight, heel-knee length, estimated stature and body mass index were gauged. The body mass index was classified according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's body mass index percentile calculator for children and teenagers. The obtained data didn't show any relation between the gross motor function and body mass index. The reduced number of participants and the fact of all children be accompanied in dysphagia clinics and, when necessary, nutrition clinics, might have influenced these results.
Thematic focus: The motor abnormalities may be part of so-called comorbidities that can coexist with autistic disorder. Objective: To characterize the motor profile of students with autistic disorder. Method: the study included six children with years and 9 months. After signing the consent form by parents or guardians, the students were submitted to the Motor Development Scale for assessment of fine motor, gross motor performance, balance, body scheme, spatial organization, temporal organization and laterality. Results: The results revealed a significant difference between the motor age and chronological age. According to the classification of the Scale of Motor Development, students in this study showed motor development lower than expected for age. Conclusion: The students with autistic disorder in this study presented a profile of Developmental Coordination Disorder in comorbidity, showing that participants of this research presented difficulties in activities that required skills such as handwriting. Thus, motor and psychomotor needs of these students were focused on educational and clinical environment to reduce the impact of behavioral and social manifestations.
Due to motor limitations of students with cerebral palsy, in many cases, there is the need to adapt pedagogical resources or indicate among available materials which is more accessible according to their Motor Skills to plan teaching strategies. It is known, however, that for these procedures you must perform an assessment not only able to identify their difficulties in relation to the motor act, but their skills related to resource access and what is expected with the handling. However, it is not so easy to evaluate specific characteristics of each student, since the literature has considered that teachers, even those with training in special education, have had difficulty not only in assessing students with disabilities, but also to consider data assessment to plan an effective intervention in teaching these students. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor skills of five students with cerebral palsy using the instrument called ASPA-PC. The results indicated that the use of ASPA-PC enabled the identification of motor skills in relation to access to the materials specifically to each student and therefore was possible : 1) adapting teaching resource; 2) contraindicate the use of a particular feature due to difficulties physical and the energy expenditure of the student performing the movement and 3) indicate more accessible materials to the student, taking into account its design. Furthermore, the evaluation result corroborated to develop teaching strategies for each student according to their characteristics.
Exergames are a new educational tool, and have been used by teachers in physical education classes because it is an activity that provides entertainment and caloric expenditure. The goal of this study was to verify the opinion of students in an elementary school class on a program of adapted physical activity using the videogame, developed during physical education classes. Study participants were students in a fourth-grade elementary school class that had a student with disability. The researcher and the Physical Education teacher elaborated the planning program of an adapted physical activity with the use of videogames. The classes were recorded in a log book and group interviews were conducted at the end of each class. The results showed that the classes were nice, fun and interesting experiences. The study concluded that the program was successful.
Indivíduos com Paralisia Cerebral apresentam desenvolvimento motor atípico, caracterizado por alterações posturais, de coordenação motora e de tônus muscular, que resulta em limitações no desempenho de atividades funcionais. Neste contexto destaca-se a prescrição e confecção de recursos de tecnologia assistiva com objetivo de maximizar as habilidades funcionais destas pessoas e prover sua inclusão social. Os indivíduos com paralisia cerebral, muitas vezes, têm dificuldade para a manutenção da dinâmica corporal, principalmente na postura sentada. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de confeccionar uma cadeira e mesa escolar adaptadas com material de baixo custo e verificar sua eficácia no desempenho grafomotor de uma criança com paralisia cerebral. O participante foi uma criança com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral diplégica, do gênero masculino. A coleta e registro dos dados foram feitos em três momentos, com a criança posicionada no mobiliário adaptado, no mobiliário escolar comum e novamente no mobiliário adaptado, para se estabelecer a comparação. A análise de dados se deu por meio de testes estatísticos não paramétricos. Não houve significância estatística e foi verificada uma inconstância nos dados apresentados, já que não se pode afirmar ao certo qual mobiliário foi mais eficaz na realização da atividade proposta e nem se houve aprendizado motor com a sua repetição. Esse fato não invalida a adequação de mobiliário escolar ao aluno com paralisia cerebral, visto que este é um fator importante para favorecer o controle e estabilidade postural ao individuo, o que interfere na coordenação motora fina destes indivíduos, influenciando no seu desempenho em atividades escolares.
The accessibility concept has been incorporated by scientific and social environment. In this context, it is necessary to be concerned about issues of accessibility in scientific events, mainly those that approach the subject special education and that appreciate inclusion and social participation of people, regardless of the differences. This study presents text some information on accessibility in scientific congresses as well as a checklist to assist in planning events of this nature.
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Na sociedade atual, é comum a diminuição do tempo de sono da população visando cumprir as inúmeras exigências da rotina diária do estilo agitado de vida atual. As consequências da falta de sono são diversas e afetam mais as mulheres que os homens, podendo influenciar diretamente a gravidez. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da restrição de sono durante o período gestacional no desenvolvimento dos filhotes. Os descendentes foram analisados quanto ao desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico desde o 1º dia de vida pós-natal até a vida adulta reprodutiva. Ao final dos experimentos, os animais foram eutanasiados para coleta de sangue para dosagens de testosterona e progesterona. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a restrição de sono (RS) durante a prenhez foi prejudicial ao desenvolvimento pós-natal dos descendentes. Houve danos em diversos parâmetros do desenvolvimento físico e sensório-motor, como abertura dos olhos, desdobramento das orelhas e reflexo de sobressalto auditivo. O comportamento sexual dos machos também foi afetado, evidenciado pelo aumento da latência para monta e menor número de montas, caracterizando diminuição da motivação sexual. Isso se deve principalmente ao declínio de progesterona no grupo RS. O desempenho sexual desses animais, no entanto, não foi prejudicado, uma vez que não houve alteração na concentração de testosterona no grupo RS, comparado ao grupo CTRL. Houve também um aumento no interesse sexual nas descendentes fêmeas, possivelmente devido à elevação da testosterona no grupo RS. Esperou-se com este projeto traçar a dimensão dos efeitos da falta de sono durante a gestação sobre o desenvolvimento da prole, procurando conscientizar a mulher da importância do sono para o seu bebê
The human hand is the focus of inumerous research studies. Human individuals are capable of performing manual tasks beyond the ability of any other animal. Such large motor ability is due in part to contact surface of the pulp thumb in opposition to the other fingers. Evidences in the literature show that the position of the upper limb influences the ability of hand strength and control. Specifically, the position of the wrist has great influence on the production of pinch strength. The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of wrist position on the pinch grip with the thumb in opposition to the index finger. Participants of the present study were 21 undergraduate students, 10 men and 11 women. Participants performed a pinch grip task in three wrist positions - maximum flexion, maximum extension and neutral - on two force conditions - 20% and 40% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). MVC was measured in two attempts in each of the three positions of the wrist for a period of three seconds, and the trial of the best result was used as the parameter for task performance. In each trial participants maintained the force production at position for 10 seconds. All participants performed each test condition four times, and the first was used as a familiarization trial and discarded from further analysis. In all trials visual feedback online was provided. Results of both group gender showed variability was similar for force production. Men were stronger than women, but this difference was not significant and both produced on the average more strength in the neutral wrist position than in flexion or extension. In the extended position participants were significantly less variable than in the flexion and neutral positions. We obtained a significant positive correlation between weight and pinch force...(Complete abstracts click electronic access below)
Introdução: Até o presente momento, não existem observações com o intuito de comparar o andar (em terreno regular e durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculo) de pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) caidores e não caidores. O conhecimento mais detalhado das diferenças clínicas e locomotoras entre pacientes caidores e não caidores pode servir como ferramenta importante para o melhor delineamento de intervenções com o intuito de prevenir e/ou reduzir a ocorrência de quedas na DP. Objetivo: Comparar o quadro clínico e o comportamento locomotor durante o andar em terreno regular e a ultrapassagem de obstáculo de indivíduos com DP caidores e não caidores. Método: Participaram do estudo 36 indivíduos com diagnóstico de DP idiopática. Inicialmente, a ocorrência de quedas foi registrada durante quatro meses por meio de entrevista semanal (contato pessoal e telefônico). Estes dados foram utilizados para distribuir os indivíduos em dois grupos: caidores (n=12) e não caidores (n=24). Em seguida, os pacientes realizaram, em estado “on” do medicamento, a avaliação do quadro clínico e do comportamento locomotor. A avaliação clínica incluiu a aplicação da escala de Hoehn & Yahr (estágio da doença) e da subescala motora da Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (comprometimento motor). A avaliação do andar consistiu em caminhar, em velocidade preferida, sobre uma passarela de oito metros de comprimento em condições com e sem obstáculo. Um sistema optoeletrônico para a análise do movimento (OPTOTRAK) foi utilizado para a coleta de dados do andar. As variáveis dependentes incluíram as pontuações nas escalas clínicas e os parâmetros espaciais e temporais do andar em terreno regular e da ultrapassagem de obstáculo. Resultados: Os pacientes caidores apresentaram menores valores do que os pacientes não caidores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The main objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of variables related to swim ability at and above maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), performed at continuous and intermittent conditions in individuals with different aerobic performance levels. Participated of this study male swimmers with ages between 20 to 25 years, specialists in events of 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m and open water swims, with at least 3 years of experience in the modality. The individuals performed a maximal 400-m swim test. After this test, they were divided into two groups, in accordance with the speed attained during 400-m swim test: G1 (higher performance) and G2 (lower performance). For the determination of continuous MLSS (MLSSc), 2 to 4 trials of 30-min were performed. For the determination of the intermittent MLSS (MLSSi) 2 to 4 trials of 30-min (12 repetitions of 2 min 30 s, with 30 s of rest) were performed, in constant speed, with the first trial performed at 102.5% MLSSc. Th technical indexes, stroke rate (FB) and stroke length (CB) were determined in all tests. The SR was calculated trough recordings using the time needed to perform five stroke cycles. The SL was calculated dividing the speed by the SR. There was no significant difference on the antropometric characteristics between groups. The speed at and above MLSSc were significantly higher at G1 (1,23±0,05 e 1,27±0,06, respectively) than G2 (1,10±0,06 e 1,13±0,06, respectively). There was significant change in SL and SR in G2. In the same way, there was significant change in SL and SR only in G2, above MLSSc. Similar to continuous condition, the speeds at and above MLSSi were significantly higher in G1 (1,27±0,05 e 1,30±0,05, respectively) do que no G2 (1,14±0,07 e 1,16±0,07, respectively). There was significant change in SL and SR only in G2. There was significant change in SR and SL in both groups above MLSSi. Thus,...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Individuals with spastic cerebral palsy show muscle weakness, difficulties in the control of agonist and antagonist muscles, decreased range of motion and tonus and sensibility alterations, especially in knee joint. These problems can interfere on the performance of functional activities such gait. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution of knee range of motion on gait of hemiplegic and diplegic children considering their asymmetries. Twelve children, 6 hemiplegics e 6 diplegics from 7 to 12 years of age (age average= 9,5 ± 1,93) took part. Spasticity was assessed by the Ashworth’s Modified Scale and the passive knee range of motion by an eletrogoniometer. The task was to walk on a walkway of 8m long, in their preferred speed, in 6 attempts, been 3 on right and 3 on left sagital planes. Eigth passive markers were bilaterally fixed for the kinematic record. Orthogonally to the walkway, two digital camcorders were assembled on the sagital plane. The fotogrametric procedures were performed by the Dvideow 6.3 software. The Matlab 7.0.1 software was used to filter and to calculate the dependent variables. The U test of Mann- Whitney found differences to the cerebral palsy type for knee extension/hiperextension (U = - 2.943; p= 0.003), knee relative angle at heel contact (U = - 5.992; p= 0.001) and knee range during stride (U = - 4.099; p= 0.001). The Wilcoxon’s test revealed differences according to the asymmetries for the hemiplegics only for the knee relative angle at heel contact (T= - 2.635; p<0.008). The contributions of passive knee range of motion, revealed by the Spearman correlations, for the more afected limb of the diplegics, showed that the knee extension/hiperextension interfere on the cadence, stride duration and step width; the knee relative angle at heel contact change the stride length and duration and cadence; and the...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)