309 resultados para experimental animal
Purpose: To elaborate an experimental model of pulmonary carcinogenesis in Wistar rats. Methods: Male Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar lineage was carried through an intra-pulmonary instillation of the Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) dilution in alcohol 70%, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon widely known by its power of tumoral induction. Three experimental groups had been formed with 08 animals each: Control Group (Alcohol 70%); B[a]P Group 10 mg/kg; e B[a]P Group 20mg/ kg, submitted to euthanasia 08, 10, 12 and 14 weeks after the experimental procedure. The pulmonary sections had been colored by hematoxilin-eosin (HE) and submitted to the morphometrical analysis to describe the tissue alterations. Results: The presence of diffuse inflammatory alterations was observed in all groups, however, at the analysis of the pulmonary tissue of the experimental groups, it had been observed hyperplasic alterations (BALT hyperplasia), and in one of the animals of the experimental group 20mg/kg (12 weeks), it was noticed the presence of cellular epithelial tracheal pleomorphism, suggesting the adenocarcinoma formation in situ. Conclusion: The main secondary alterations to the intra-pulmonary instillation of B[a]P in Wistar rats were: cellular proliferation, inflammatory alterations of several degrees and nodular lymphoid hyperplasias. The association of an activator agent of the pulmonary metabolic reply is necessary to establish the ideal reply-dose to the development of the lung cancer.
Fibrin glue has been researched as an alternative method for tissue synthesis and is known for its capability to promote hemostasis at the application site, good approximation of wound edges and fast healing. The current study consisted in the application of fibrin glue derived from snake venom as treatment for experimental corneal ulcers. Twenty-one dogs had their corneas experimentally prepared through lamellar keratectomy (of standardized diameter and depth). Animals were divided into seven groups of three animals each. Six experimental groups were periodically evaluated and collection was carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15 th, 30th and 60th post-operative days, whereas one control group was evaluated throughout the experiment. Analyses consisted in the clinical evolution and in the histopathological study of all operated on eyes. Results indicated that fibrin glue was efficient in repairing keratectomy wounds in dogs and contributed to an earlier healing phenomenon, avoiding edema formation and keeping corneal clearness. The use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom showed to be easy to apply, feasible with animal models and of low cost, avoiding the lesion progress and allowing fast and appropriate corneal healing.
The clinical and histopathological effects of two alcoholic neurolytics were studied in horses. Normal horses were shod with a designed shoe adaptted with 5 screws to produce solar pain. After gait and lameness score analysis, the palmar nerve of 5 horses was injected with 5 ml of 0,75% benzyl alcohol (Group A) and 5 horses were injected with 5 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol (Group B). The animals were submitted to regular lameness evaluation and solar sensibility tests during next six months. The solar sensitivity returned 5 months latter in the group injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, while in the group injected with absolute ethyl alcohol, the sole was still desensitized 6 months latter. The histopathological findings showed that the nerve injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, resulted in axonotmesis, characterized by axonal nerve degeneration, with possibilities for the nerve conduction recovery. The perineural injection of ethyl alcohol absolute, resulted in neurotmesis with difficult nerve regeneration. It was concluded that chemical neurolysis with alcohol is an option for temporary or permanent nerve blocks in horses.
Feline hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is now recognised as the most common endocrine disease of the domestic cat. Feline hyperthyroidism cause multisystemic disorder associated with incresead circulating concentrations of the thyroid hormones, tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Cardiovascular abnormalities in cats with spontaneous hyperthyroid have been described. Objective to determine heart size of progressing experimental thyrotoxicosis of 19 cats, using a vertebral scale system (VHS). The lateral, dorsoventral e ventrodorsal radiographs thoracic were measured using a vertebral scale system. Lateral radiographs thoracic to efficient develop that DV and VD. The VHS method is easy to use, allows objective assesment of heart size in cats hyperthyroid, and may be helpful to identify cardiomegaly and heart size progressing.
Aim: Based on the hypothesis the application of a low-viscosity hydrophobic resin coating improves the bond of all-in-one adhesive, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of four adhesive systems to bovine root dentin using the push-out test method. Methods and Materials: The root canals of 32 bovine roots (16 mm) were prepared to a length of 12 mm using a FRC Postec Plus preparation drill. The specimens were allocated into four groups according to the adhesive system used: (Group 1) All-in-one Xeno III; (Group 2) All-in-one Xeno III+ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive; (Group 3) Simplified Etch & Rinse One Step Plus; and (Group 4) Multi-Bottle Etch & Rinse All-Bond 2. A fiber-reinforced composite retention post was reproduced using an additional silicon impression and fabricated with DuoLink resin cement. The root specimens were treated with the selected adhesive systems, and the resin posts were luted in the canals with DuoLink resin cement. Each root specimen was cross sectioned into four samples (±1.8 mm in thickness), and the post sections were pushed-out to determine the bond strength to dentin. Results: Group 2 (2.9±1.2) was statistically higher than Group 1 (1.1±0.5) and Group 3 (1.1±0.5). Groups 1 and 3 showed no statistically significant difference while Group 4 (2.0±0.7) presented similar values (p>0.05) to Groups 1, 2, and 3 [(one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)] and Tukey test, α=0.05). Conclusion: The hypothesis was accepted since the application of the additional layer of a low-viscosity bonding resin improved the bond of the all-in-one adhesive. Further studies must be conducted to evaluate the long-term bond.
One of the most often used strategies to study the physiopathological alterations caused by coronary occlusion is the use of the experimental infarction model in rats. Among other factors, this is due to the similarities in the physiopathological alterations that occur after the infarction in humans. One must consider, however, that this model has characteristics that can hinder the use as well as the interpretation of eventual outcomes. Thus, this review aims at analyzing the main characteristics of the experimental infarction model in rats, discussing the coronary occlusion technique, the consequences and the methods of morphological and functional assessment of the infarction and its clinical implications.
Purpose: To present a technique for filling facial folds by using autologous orbicularis oculi muscle, based on an experimental model. Methods: two studies are presented: (1) an experimental study using 15 albino guinea-pigs from which a strip of the sural triceps muscle was removed and implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal area. The animals were sacrificed 7, 30 and 60 days after the implantation, and the material was histologically evaluated. And (2%) an interventional prospective clinical trial carried out on 20 patients referred to blepharoplasty surgery. They received autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle for filling facial folds. The results where evaluated by patients satisfaction and clinical exam. Results: the sural tricep muscle, when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, resulted in fibrosis. The patients whom received autologous orbicularis muscle implanted for filling facial folds showed that the procedure can be successfully carried out. Conclusions: autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle is a good material for filling facial folds. Cicatricial tissue will be formed on its implantation site, filling the tissue gap that forms the folds on the skin.
Hyperthyroidism is and endocrinal dysfunction characterized by excessive serum concentrations of thyroid gland hormones, which can cause several effects on the bone tissue in humans and in animals. For a better characterization of thyrotoxicosis effects on bone metabolism, 16 cats were induced into hyperthyroid state. Results showed that, in some moments a major bone demineralization of the right distal radium estremity promoted an elevation of the serum levels of phosphorus and total alkaline phosphatase.
Lumiracoxib is a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) approved for the relief of symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of this specific inhibitor of COX-2 as adjunctive treatment on induced periodontitis in rats. Periodontal disease was induced at the first mandibular molar of 60 rats. After 7 days, the ligature was removed and all animals were submitted to scaling and root planing (SRP) along with local irrigation with saline solution and were divided into 2 groups: SRP (n = 30)-received subcutaneous injections of 1 mg/kg of body weight/day of saline solution for 3 days and; SRP + L (n = 30)-received subcutaneous injections of 1 mg/kg of body weight/day of Lumiracoxib for 3 days. Ten animals in each group were killed at 7, 15, and 30 days. The histological description was performed and the histometric values were statistically analyzed. In Group SRP + L, the histometric analysis (0.58 ± 0.08, 0.64 ± 0.06, and 0.56 ± 0.10 mm 2) showed less bone loss (p < 0.05) than Group SRP (1.52 ± 0.08, 1.55 ± 0.09, and 1.49 ± 0.24 mm 2) at 7, 15, and 30 days, respectively. Within the limits of this study it can be concluded that subcutaneous application of specific inhibitor of COX-2 was a beneficial adjunctive treatment for periodontal diseases induced in rats. © 2010 Springer Basel AG.
Purpose: To establish an experimental model of traumatic ulcer in rat cheek mucosa for utilization in future alternative therapy studies. Methods: A total of 60 adult male rats (250 - 300g) were used. Ulceration of the left cheek mucosa was provoked by abrasion using a n o 15 scalpel blade. The animals were observed for 10 days, during which they were weighed and their ulcers were measured. The histological characteristics were analyzed and scored according to the ulcer phase. In the statistical analysis, a value of p<0.01 was considered a statistically significant response in all cases. Results: During the five first days, the animals lost weight (Student t test, p<0.01). The ulcerated area receded linearly over time and was almost completely cicatrized after 10 days (ANOVA, Tendency post-test, p<0.0001). Groups on days 1, 2 and 3 days displayed similar results, but a decrease in scores were observed after the 4th day. Conclusion: The proposed cheek mucosa ulcer model in rats can be considered an efficient, low-cost, reliable, and reproducible method.
Considering that the cutaneous flap can be affected by isquemic complications the extra corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was described as rescue techniques. The present study was developed to analyze histological and with morfometry, twenty one skin samples treated or not with the shock wave therapy, obtained from flap's distal border, used in this study to repair eyelids' experimental defects in dogs. The flap with or without ESWT did not show any histological sign of inflammatory or atrophic alterations. Both group treated showed similar morphometrical characteristics. The ESWT with the protocol used in this study (2500 impulses at 0,15 mJ/mm 2) did not demonstrate significant clinical outcomes as a rescue technique when applied over the oris angularis flap, however results showed no signals of collateral deleterious effects.
Leaves from Carpolobia lutea (Polygalaceae) were screened to establish the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim and to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds by semi-preparative HPLC. The anti-nociceptive effects of Carpolobia lutea (CL) G. Don (Polygalaceae) organic leaf extracts were tested in experimental models in mice. The anti-nociceptive mechanism was determined using tail-flick test, acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, formalin-induced hind paw licking and the hot plate test. The fractions (ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane) and crude ethyl acetate extract of CL (770 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant inhibitions of both phases of the formalin-induced pain in mice, a reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing as well as and an elevation of the pain threshold in the hot plate test in mice. The inhibitions were greater to those produced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Ethyl acetate fraction revealed cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives, which are described for the first time in literature. These cinnamalglucosides polyphenols characterised from CL may in part account for the pharmacological activities. These findings confirm its ethnomedical use in anti-inflammatory pain and in pains from gastric ulcer-associated symptoms. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.
Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of type IIb external skeletal fixators with a transarticular pin in experimental tarsocrural arthrodesis. Twelve adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, ranging in age from two to five years and weighing 12 to 25kg, were used. The configuration of the fixator consisted in the application of a transarticular Steinmann pin and of centrally threaded pins to the proximal portion of the tibia and calcaneus and to the distal portion of the metatarsal bones. In addition, Schanz pins were inserted into the medial and lateral side of the tibia and into the medial side of the metatarsal bones. Radiographs were taken 15; 30 and 45 days after surgery. Bone fusion of the treated joints were observed at 30 days in all animals, and the implants were removed after 45 days. Loosening of the centrally threaded pins was observed in all groups, especially for those applied to the calcaneus. The configuration of the external fixator proposed here was found to be satisfactory in terms of bone union for all joints during the same period, irrespective of the weight of the animal.