199 resultados para Ciências (Primeiro grau)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Podemos observar que muitos jovens estão dispostos a mudar o mundo, porém, em contraste a essa afirmação, dados demonstram que ainda é grande o número evasão dos mesmos durante o Ensino Médio. Esse fato pode ser atribuído a diferentes motivos: a violência e ingresso na criminalidade, convivência familiar conflitante, má qualidade de ensino, falta de interesse ou a necessidade de trabalhar para ajudar a família ou a si próprio. Outro fator que contribui com a evasão escolar, é a falta de estímulos aos professores que, em geral, vêm sendo desestimulados pela baixa remuneração ou salários pouco atraentes, ausência de um plano de carreira promissor e recompensador, falta de infraestrutura adequada nas escolas e a falta de valorização profissional perante a sociedade, o que, por consequência, desestimula também o ingresso de jovens recém-formados na carreira da licenciatura. Nesse sentido, a necessidade de mecanismos que resgatem a qualidade do ensino nas escolas é eminente e a Universidade pode desempenhar um papel importante, pois representa uma fonte geradora de conhecimento e tecnologia, que nem sempre chegam à população. Assim a difusão de conhecimento e tecnologia, no Ensino Médio, representa um passo promissor na popularização da ciência e o início para a busca do interesse dos jovens ao conhecimento científico e suas tecnologias, através de oficinas e exposições que tem contribuído para a divulgação científica. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a apreciação dos alunos do Ensino Médio que participaram de oficinas de férias propostas pelo Projeto de Extensão “Difundindo e popularizando a Ciência”. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de sistematizações das respostas coletadas junto aos alunos que expressaram suas concepções sobre as oficinas a partir de formulários específicos. Num primeiro momento, trazemos dados, de 2007 a 2012, relativos a oficina Experimentando Genética, em ...
Las neuronas de la raíz coclear son las primeras neuronas del sistema nervioso central a recibir la información auditiva proveniente de la cóclea y se conectan con centros de integración sensoriomotora del tronco encefálico, especialmente con el núcleo reticular caudal del puente. Funcionalmente las neuronas de la raíz coclear están envueltos en el circuito elemental del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto juntamente con las células ganglionares del órgano de Corti, el núcleo reticular caudal del puente y las motoneuronas de la médula espinal. El reflejo auditivo de sobresalto presenta una serie de modulaciones como la habituación, la sensibilización, la inhibición por estímulo previo y la potenciación por un estímulo adverso. Las alteraciones en la reacción refleja de sobresalto y sus diferentes modulaciones poseen valor diagnóstico en la clínica médica de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y psiquiátricas como Parkinson y Esquizofrenia. Las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto ocurren mediante la influencia de diversos núcleos sobre los componentes del circuito elemental de este reflejo. El núcleo menos estudiado del circuito neural del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto es el núcleo de la raíz coclear. El patrón de conectividad eferente de las neuronas de la raíz coclear es bien conocido, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre los orígenes de sus aferencias y la identidad neuroquímica de las mismas. Estudios previos demostraron que el soma y en las dendritas de las neuronas de la raíz coclear están cubiertos por botones sinápticos de cuatro tipos, sugiriendo que existan diversos orígenes para estos terminales axonales, con características neuroquímicas propias. El conocimiento de las aferencias a las neuronas de la raíz coclear es relevante para comprender cual el papel del núcleo de la raíz coclear en las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto. Por lo tanto, ...
O transporte mucociliar é um mecanismo de defesa muito importante do trato respiratório, e é por meio deste que agentes agressores são carregados e expelidos. As substâncias presentes na fumaça do cigarro provocam mudanças no sistema respiratório, incluindo no transporte mucociliar. Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito agudo do fumo no transporte mucociliar de indivíduos tabagistas em diferentes momentos e comparar com grupo controle. Métodos: Foram avaliados 20 tabagistas (10 homens; 46 ± 13 anos; 26 ± 22 anos/maço; 19 ± 10 cigarros/dia) em quatro momentos: após 12 horas de abstinência, imediatamente, 20 minutos e 2 horas após fumar. No primeiro momento foram obtidos dados pessoais, história tabágica (anos/maço, cigarros/dia e grau de dependência de nicotina), e após 12 horas em abstinência do tabaco foi realizado o teste de função pulmonar (espirometria), quantificação do monóxido de carbono no ar exalado (COex) e mensuração do tempo de trânsito de sacarina (TTS) ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study sought to raise the water issue is addressed in the teaching of chemistry in public schools through the notebooks Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo. First we tried to do a survey of knowledge related to construction of the concept of historical perspective, the physical and chemical properties, their importance to man and the particulars of the national curriculum for this subject. The methodology used was qualitative, descriptive and documentary. We analyzed the books for the first, second and third marking periods and the three series (the 4th book had not yet been distributed). As expected the first scenario, the proposed curriculum addresses the topic in greater depth in only one of the notebooks of the second year of high school. The approaches are no longer linked to health issues and the environment, cross-cutting issues considered by the NCP and important for students to make associations between the chemical content and their daily lives. We conclude that the contract should be evaluated by teachers and that their use should be involved in drawing up a plan that takes into account the aspects that seem incomplete. We also emphasize that although the proposal is interesting from the standpoint of teaching, teachers need training to its full use in the classroom
A number of 170 individuals of the species Pimelodus maculatus, a Neotropical fish known as mandi was collected in three distinct locations of the Piracicaba river (Piracicaba, Santa Maria da Serra and Americana – SP0 from April 2009 to February 2010. A common species of catfish whose individuals exist in many neotropical basins was observed to get more information about a possible influence of the water conditions in distant parts of a same river to its condition and also to verify whether the stomach contents of fish collected in these distinct places may distinguish as a possible consequence of food availability. The species were studied by collecting biological data such as standard length (SL) in cm, their total weights (TW ) in grams and sexes to see the composition of fish present in the samples. Length-weight relationships are important means to investigate facts related to the condition of the species in these systems. The analysis was made by using covariance to observe if individuals of similar lengths collected in distinct places may be compared to this purpose. Usual methods to investigate relationships of stomach food contents were applied. By analyzing the condition factor, one may conclude that the mandis collected in the region of Santa Maria da Serra presented similar characteristics to those obtained in Piracicaba, but they differ in this aspect for individuals collected in Americana. This fact is not conclusive about the reasons of this situation, but it may be a first step to other studies in order to get more information about. The degree of stomach repletion may be a first approach to this possible explanation, as individuals of Piracicaba presented usually full stomachs and differed in this way to individuals collected in the two other places
This research aims to show how children can learn the meaning of forgiveness in order to build their autonomy and moral . Research is essential to support teachers to work morale within the classroom with their students , so that conflicts a re minimized or even eliminated . Through Piagetian clinical method was observed and interviewed students from the first year of elementary school , trying to identify those who can take a perspective other than you r own . All this in order to inve stigate the possibility of these becoming autonomous and can measure th e consequences of their actions . To develop the moral and intellectual autonomy of the students , Piaget (1994 ) shows the importance of children to act properly by choice , not by pres sure punishments or rewards , and that they have the correct answers , not because someone showed you , but because found . Through research , we found that students are able to forgive, but often requiring that the colleague is also punished in some way. Fo r in fact the children act autonomously it is necessary that the school provides situations where they can experience the cooperation , reciprocity, mutual respect , and thus gradually build their autonomy
Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre o mercado de trabalho e o grau de escolaridade, no Brasil, Chile e Argentina. Os três países foram escolhidos não apenas por sua proximidade geográfica, mas por conta de suas economias, que estão em pleno desenvolvimento e apresentam diversas semelhanças. Além de uma abordagem macroeconômica ampla sobre as três economias, outras análises foram feitas sobre o mercado de trabalho informal, as regulamentações trabalhistas e a presença marcante das mulheres no mercado de trabalho nas últimas décadas. Por fim, testes empíricos foram realizados para comprovar tal correlação entre as variáveis apresentadas
Overall, in Brazilian schools, the concept of reading does not take into account its possibilities and its meaning for life. But read is assigning meaning to something , make sense, interact with the text read. Thus, the present study addresses the mechanical reading, that without contextualization, performed on a technique by joining letters and syllables loose and also reading social use, consisting of statements, dialogism , polyphony and heteroglossy. It is known that the mechanical reading brings undesirable consequences, including learning problems, such as lack of attention, concentration, memory, imagination. When the reading is taught in a systematic way, with only the goal of the code decoding of written language, destroys social perspectives and intellectual development. It is common, when you offer the children a book, there the difficult disinterest of textual interpretation, because there is no attribute meaning to the content, and even the ability to interact with the text. With the interest in studying the dialogic reading this and the statements and genres, the present study was based on several authors: Bakhtin (1988, 2000), Schneuwly and Dolz (2000), Faraco (2009) and Ponzio (2009) Jolibert (1994), Bajard (2002; 2007) Foucambert (1997) Martins ( 1985) and Smith ( 1999). Aim for this study the following research question: what are the contributions of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory to the teaching of reading from kindergarten through the first grade of elementary school? Our hypothesis is that if they are guaranteed to pre -school and elementary school beginners diversified materials and new approaches in teaching reading and encouragement to her, will be developed in children a taste for the act of reading, so that they can assign meaning and significance, making reading part of their lives...
The expansion and growth of towns affect the hydrology of watersheds included in the urban environment, impacting mainly the slopes and river channels. This interference can be in soil waterproofing, the runoff of rainwater, the extinction of surface drainage, the dynamics of flooding processes, etc. For studies concerning the hydrological behavior of watersheds, Remote Sensing techniques have been used to support the acquisition and analysis of data and also to generate new information from the integration of these data. In this context, the study aimed to characterize scenarios and conduct comparative analysis of urban occupation of parts of watershed the Córrego da Servidão, in Rio Claro (SP) and analyze the degree of waterproofing on the ground. With the support of the soil categories of waterproofing listed in Soil Conservation Service (S.C.S / USDA) this analysis was conducted, considering the scenarios of 1958 and 2006, through processes of interpretative analysis of panchromatic and color images aerofotogramétricas. The analysis, data integration and mapping of the watershed area were conducted in an environment of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Maps were obtained to characterize land cover in the watershed, showing the evolution of urban occupation, as well as indicating the densely built and waterproofed
A infecção genital por Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é uma das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), de origem viral, mais prevalente no mundo. As lesões intraepiteliais escamosas de baixo grau (LIEBG) e de alto grau (LIEAG), assim como carcinoma cervical invasor (CCI), estão associadas à presença do HPV. A resposta imune tem papel importante na infecção pelo HPV na cérvice uterina, sendo as citocinas importantes reguladoras da transcrição viral. Avaliar a concentração de IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ e TNF-α no soro de mulheres portadoras de LIEBG, LIEAG e CCI. Foram incluídas no estudo 40 mulheres com diagnóstico histopatológico de LIEBG (n=11), LIEAG (n=10), CCI (n=10) e 9 mulheres com suspeita de doença HPV induzida, mas sem alterações histopatológicas na biópsia do colo do útero (controle), atendidas no Ambulatório de Colposcopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) e no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Preventiva do Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, SP. O sangue periférico foi colhido por punção venosa e o soro armazenado até o processamento. A dosagem das citocinas no soro foi avaliada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A pesquisa de HPV foi realizada empregando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os dados sócio-demográficos foram obtidos por entrevista no momento da consulta ginecológica. A mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo controle, LIEBG, LIEAG, e CCI foi de 38 (21-69), 32,5 (17-51), 39 (23-65) e 51,5 (29-72), respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante de mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo CCI quando esta foi comparada com os demais grupos. Em relação às características das pacientes, 76% eram brancas, 68% relataram união estável, 31% concluíram o 2º grau, 42% eram fumantes, 37% das mulheres relataram 3 ou mais parceiros sexuais durante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)