211 resultados para Índice de Confiança na Justiça


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The Engineering Education in Brazil is constantly changing since its inception always aiming to meet the market demand for this type of professional. To meet this market demand, the institutions of engineering education to bring within their organizations as the new curriculum guidelines Registration System. In 2008 the Faculdade of Guaratinguetá entered its new Registration System, from series to Credit. The failure rate for each system will be the basis for understanding what the best system for this institution


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The mathematical problem solving is very important in the student's school career, leading him to develop his creativity and self-confidence. The way the teacher explains specific content may interfere in the student learning. Some researches show that the teacher trust and his problem solving rapport lead to a more satisfying job. This research focused on students of the course PARFOR at UNESP Bauru. This work was performed in order to investigate the affinity, trust and attitudes toward mathematical problem solving, the performance from who have positive and negative attitudes and the results that may be generated during class


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as influências e os aspectos que a mídia televisiva impregna no desenvolvimento moral da criança. Estando a cultura midiática muito presente no cotidiano do indivíduo, em sua subjetividade, fazendo com que o mesmo construa e adquira novos símbolos e sentidos a respeito de sua realidade, interferindo totalmente em sua identidade, é válido trazer à tona uma discussão sobre o conteúdo existente no desenho animado “Pica-Pau”, pois é um desenho muito assistido pelas crianças e refletem na aquisição e reprodução dos valores morais ali contidos, constantemente. O foco aqui presente será a análise do desenho animado “Pica-Pau”, à luz da teoria de Jean Piaget, sendo apontado, assim, todo um diagnóstico acerca do mesmo e, em seguida, encontrando uma maneira deste conteúdo ser trabalhado pelos professores


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This work refers a comparison between a government’s index budget and another one which take into account the traditional method, in other words, taking real values practice in market as base. For its achievement will be used the design of a low standard single-family residence, quantifying all the materials needed for its construction with Prices Compositions Table for Budget, provided from the PINI publishing. After that, was made two budgets: one based on the SINAPI index costs, provided from Caixa Econômica Federal and calculated for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatistics; and another based on the costs used in the SESC work in Birigui city, as well as values collected from building material stores in the same city. Finally, with both finalized budgets, will be drawn a direct comparison in order to verifying if the index can be use as parameter for budget calculations for low standard residences


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O depósito de amilina é um achado histopatológico freqüente em pacientes portadores de diabetes melito tipo 2 (DM 2) e parece estar relacionado à disfunção da célula beta pancreática característica desta doença. Apenas as moléculas de amilina que sofrem agregação in vivo, tal como a amilina humana, são citotóxicas para as células beta, enquanto as variedades não agregantes, como a amilina de rato, não apresentam efeito deletério. Com o objetivo de compreender melhor os mecanismos de toxicidade associados à forma agregante da amilina, um projeto em andamento em nosso laboratório estudou, por micro-arranjos de cDNA, o perfil de genes modulados pela amilina humana em ilhotas pancreáticas murídeas, comparando duas situações específicas: ilhotas tratadas com fibrilas de amilina (“amilina madura”) e ilhotas tratadas com oligômeros de tamanho intermediário (“amilina fresca”), já que evidências recentes apontam para um efeito deletério apenas de oligômeros de amilina. As ilhotas foram isoladas a partir de ratos Wistar, mantidas em cultura por 24 horas e a seguir tratadas com 10


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This paper concentrates on the analysis of how, through the narrative elements, as narrator, characters and story, Guimarães Rosa builds the theme of justice in tales of Sagarana. While all the collection is taken into consideration, we emphasize in the study: O burrinho pedrês, Duelo, São Marcos, Corpo Fechado, Conversa de bois and A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga . We realize that justice built in tales always has two manifestations: human justice and divine justice, which regulates all the events of the stories


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Cette communication prétend parcourir quelques poèmes de Les planches courbes (2001) d’Yves Bonnefoy à partir de l’opposition entre mémoire et oubli. Cette réflexion se trouve esquissée dans l’essai “Sous l’horizon du langage” du livre homonyme, lorsqu’il affirme que la poésie est “ce qui, dans l’espace des mots, notre monde, a mémoire du surcroît de ce qui est sur ses représentations” (2002 : 8). Il s’agit d’une mémoire établie moins à partir d’un lieu perdu que retrouvé. Ce à elle que le moi se confie: dans le “oui”, dans la paix, ces deux mots qui apparaissent dans ses livres les plus récents. Le poète apporterait une confiance qui reprendrait, d’une certaine façon, ce que Paul Ricoeur a caractérisé comme le sens des inscriptions-affections: “elles seraient le dépositaire de la signification la plus dissimulée, mais la plus originaire du verbe “demeurer”, synonyme de “durer”. Dans Les planches courbes, il s’agit également d’une mémoire de l’enfance et des mythes. Ce sont des événements qui prennent place dans un temps primordial. Espoir/confiance, donc, de remonter à une force plus ancienne de la langue, de soi-même, de l’être, de ses rapports. Remonter à une unité dans le simple, en reliant une appréhension du monde et de soi-même dans un acte de suffisance, dans lequel celui-ci se conjugue avec une espèce de dépossession: de l’idée, du concept, de l’image.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the judgments about the virtue of generosity or justice by teachers in early childhood education and compare their judgments with the children’s judgments about generosity or justice. We interviewed 26 teachers and 90 children aged 4, 5 and 6 years at this level of education. The instrument used was a moral dilemma in which the protagonist of the story would have to choose between giving a prize to the child who drew the most beautiful picture (justice) or to the child who was sad (generosity). The results indicate that justice is the virtue most valued by teachers and that it is already valued by children and may be a need for them. And generosity is valued more by children than by teachers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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The study aimed to assess the degree of dental crowding correction on the lower anterior region of patients treated with T4k functional appliance using Little’s irregularity index. Twenty caucasian patients of both gender (10 female and 10 male) were selected. They featured malocclusion Class I and II in mixed dentition, with chronological age between 5.7 and 11 years. The treatment lasted from 1 year and 11 months up to 3 years and 11 months. Lower anterior crowding was measured using Little’s irregularity index. Measurements were obtained on study models achieved before and after functional orthopedic therapy, using a digital caliper in millimeters and placed parallel to the occlusal plane. Overjet and overbite measurements were also performed using a caliper. Results demonstrated that the therapy provided significant decrease in overjet (average = 1.55 mm) and also in the irregularity index (average = 1.23 mm). There was a nonsignificant raise in overbite. There was no relation between the studied variables and the treatment period or even with the patient’s age in the beginning of the therapy. The treatment with T4k resulted on reduction and improvement of dental crowding.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC