167 resultados para apparent dielectric constant
This letter reports microwave dielectric measurements performed in the antiferroelectric phase of NaNbO3 ceramics from 100 to 450 K. Remarkable dielectric relaxation was found within the antiferroelectric phase and in the vicinity of the ferroelectric-antiferroelectric phase transition. Such dielectric relaxation process was associated with relaxations of polar nanoregions with strong relaxor-like characteristic. In addition, the microwave dielectric measurements also revealed an unexpected and unusual anomaly in the relaxation strength, which was related to a disruption of the antiferroelectric order induced by a possible AFE-AFE phase transition. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O artigo relata pesquisa que visou, entre outros objetivos, identificar a presença do estresse, a sintomatologia e as fases apresentadas pelos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental atuantes em escolas públicas estaduais de uma cidade do Interior de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 175 professores, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 70% dos profissionais de Ensino Básico I (PEB-I) em atuação no município. Para obtenção dos objetivos foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados: o ISSL (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse) e um questionário para caracterizar a população pesquisada. A pesquisa revelou que 56,6% dos professores estão experimentando estresse, cujos principais sintomas presentes são: sensação de desgaste físico constante, cansaço constante, tensão muscular, problemas com a memória, irritabilidade excessiva, cansaço excessivo, angústia/ansiedade diária, pensar constantemente em um só assunto e irritabilidade sem causa aparente.
Plasma treatments are frequently employed to modify surface properties of materials such as adhesivity, hydrophobicity, oleophobicity etc. Present work deals with surface modification of common commercial polymers such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyurethane (PU) by an air dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure. The DBD treatment was performed in a plain reactor in wire-duct geometry (non-uniform field reactor), which was driven by a 60 Hz power supply. Material characterization was carried out by water contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The plasma-induced modifications are associated with incorporation of polar oxygen and nitrogen containing groups on the polymer surface. The AFM analysis reveals that the plasma treatment roughens the material surface. Due to these structural and morphological changes the surface of DBD-treated polymers becomes more hydrophilic resulting in enhanced adhesion properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Surface treatment of polymers by discharge plasmas has increasingly found industrial applications due to its capability of modifying uniformly the surface without changing the material bulk properties. This work deals with surface modification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure. The treatments were conducted in air, nitrogen or argon plasma. The polymer surface was characterized by contact angle measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results show that the plasma treatment introduces oxygen-and nitrogen-related polar groups on the polymer surface and promotes the surface roughening. Both plasma-induced surface modifications contribute to the enhancement of the polymer wettability.
Cold atmospheric plasma treatment of microorganisms and living tissues has become a popular topic in modern plasma physics and in medical science. The plasma is capable of bacterial inactivation and noninflammatory tissue modification, which makes it an attractive tool for treatment of skin diseases, open injuries and dental caries. Because of their enhanced plasma chemistry, Dielectric Barrier Discharges (DBDs) have been widely investigated for some emerging applications such as biological and chemical decontamination of media at ambient conditions. Despite the high breakdown voltage in air at atmospheric pressure, the average current of DBD discharges is low. Therefore, a DBD can be applied in direct contact with biological objects without causing any damage. In this work a 60 Hz DBD reactor, which generates cold atmospheric plasma inside Petri dishes with bacterial culture, is investigated. Samples of Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram-positive bacterium and Escherichia coil a Gram-negative bacterium were selected for this study. The bacterial suspensions were evenly spread on agar media planted in Petri dishes. The reactor electrodes were placed outside the Petri dish, thus eliminating the risk of samples microbial contamination. The covered Petri dish with agar medium in it serves as dielectric barrier during the treatment. The plasma processing was conducted at same discharge power (similar to 1.0 W) with different exposure time. Sterilization of E. coil and S. aureus was achieved for less than 20 min. Plasma induced structural damages of bacteria were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is shown that, in the two brane time variation model framework, if the hidden brane tension varies according to the phenomenological Eotvos law, the visible brane tension behavior is such that its time derivative is negative in the past and positive after a specific time of cosmological evolution. This behavior is interpreted in terms of a useful mechanical system analog and its relation with the variation of the Newtonian (effective) gravitational constant is explored.
A permissividade complexa de filmes de poli(eter-eter-cetona) (PEEK) foram investigados num grande intervalo de frequência. Não foram observados picos de relaxação no intervalo de frequência de 1,0 Hz a 10(5) Hz, mas no intervalo de baixa frequência (10-4 Hz) há uma evidência de pico, o qual também pode ser observado com medidas de corrente de despolarização termo-estimulada (TSDC). Este pico está relacionado com a transição vítrea do polímero. A energia de ativação relacionada a esta relaxação dipolar foi obtida e ovalor é Ea = 0,44 eV, que é similar à energia de ativação de muitos polímeros sintéticos. As cargas espaciais se mostraram importantes no mecanismo de condução como evidenciado nas medidas da corrente de despolarização.
Polypropylene (PP) samples were treated by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) in order to modify their surface characteristics. The XPS analysis reveals that the DBD treatment added oxygen atoms to the PP surface. These polar groups cause increase in the wettability as shown by water contact angle measurements. The formation of low-molecular-weight oxidized materials (LMWOMs) in the form of small nodules on the PP surface was observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The presence of oxygen polar groups on the PP surface was also confirmed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). All analysis were performed before and after rinsing the treated samples in water and showed that the LMWOM can be removed from the surface by polar solvents.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi monitorar o desempenho de remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal no tratamento das águas residuárias da produção intensiva de tilápia nilótica em sistema com recirculação de água. O sistema foi constituído por um sedimentador convencional e um reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado trifásico com circulação, operados com tempos de detenção hidráulica de 176.4 e 11.9 minutos respectivamente. O meio suporte utilizado no reator foi o carvão ativado granular com densidade aparente de 1.64 g/cm3 e tamanho efetivo de 0.34 mm; a concentração do meio suporte no reator foi mantida constante em 80 g/L. A eficiência média de remoção do nitrogênio amoniacal total foi de 41.2%. O sistema avaliado é uma alternativa efetiva para o reuso da água em sistemas de recirculação para aqüicultura. Embora a variabilidade das concentrações do nitrogênio amoniacal afluente cujo valor médio foi de 0.136 mg/L, o efluente do reator conservou as características de qualidade da água estáveis, com concentrações médias de nitrogênio amoniacal de 0.079 mg/L e do oxigênio dissolvido de 6.70 mg/L, recomendáveis para a criação dos peixes e nas faixas de valores permitidos pela legislação Brasileira (Resolução CONAMA No. 357 de março 5 de 2005) para lançamento de efluentes finais nos corpos de água receptores.