177 resultados para Violência por parceiros íntimos


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The objective of this study was to analyze intergenerational patterns of alcohol related violence (ARV). An intentional sample comprising 42 family members was selected according to a set of criteria, including history of ARV. A genogram based on anonymous semi-structured taped interviews was created. The Content Analysis pointed to different patterns of repetition of intergenerational ARV. The most recurrent ones were those of lineal consanguinity (father/son) and through marriage. We observed similarities over the generations of each family as regards the pattern of alcohol consumption; the type of violence; the family reaction and the family life cycle in which ARV was intensified. Our results confirm the intergenerational reproduction of ARV. In conclusion, it is important to create intervention strategies to prevent intergenerational repetition of this association of behaviors.


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Modern society lives daily with groups of human beings who have high rates of aggression and violence. Scholars in the field point to the influence of certain environmental condition for the development of aggressive behavior. Among such circumstances, we can quote various aspects including the influence of media, and more specifically, the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The MMA is now one of the world's most popular sport, having international visibility through your largest organization, the UFC® (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The sport's global coverage is surely source of influence for our children and adolescents, who without the correct direction, can take the scenes seen in the sport as common facts of everyday life, making aggression and violence acceptable behaviors in their lives. Many studies show behavioral changes related to violent practices in virtue of exposure of individuals to aggression scenes by media. Works provide some interesting theoretical models to explain the observational learning. Under such aspects, the determined reality brings a need for in-depth studies on the subject addressed, looking for a better understanding of relations between the sport's violence and your influences on social behavior of individuals in this context, and then, look for possible solutions to deal with the problem pre supposed


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O trabalho de curso aqui presente foi resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfica feita pela autora sobre o tema violência escolar e suas 3 vertentes que são dividas da seguinte forma segundo Charlot (2002): violência na escola, violência da escola e violência à escola. Foi usado o acervo online do Jornal do Estado de São Paulo utilizando a palavra chave escola e a partir das notícias colhidas foram feitas análises dividas em categorias sendo elas: Políticas Públicas ou a falta dela, Violência na escola, Violência da escola e Violência à escola


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O problema da violência doméstica, infelizmente, se naturalizou em nossa sociedade, o que significa que culturalmente sofrer violência em casa é de certa forma, considerado comum. Todavia, a violência doméstica não deve ser encarada desta maneira, já que constitui uma violação das Normas Internacionais e da Legislação Brasileira que a protege. Esta idéia torna-se premissa básica para que sejam desenvolvidas estratégias de planejamentos de ações e serviços, pois a violência contra a mulher é um problema social e de saúde pública, consistindo num fenômeno mundial que não respeita fronteiras de classe social, raça/etnia, religião, idade e grau de escolaridade. Diante desta realidade, o Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia do Campus de Araçatuba se preocupa em diagnosticar as lesões faciais de mulheres vítimas da violência doméstica, levar ao seu conhecimento seus direitos e proporcionar um atendimento integral e humanizado.


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Objective: to describe the profile of non-fatal cases related to interpersonal violence treated in an emergency care unit of reference that serves seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2010. Methods: the study data came from the cases reported from the Epidemiological Vigilance in Penápolis-SP to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases; variables were shown according to the Notification/Investigation Individual Formulary of Domestic, Sexual, and/or other Types of Violences. Results: 109 occurrences were studied; most of the victims were young and female (93.6%); and the aggressors, mostly were men (57.8%), partners or relatives/acquaintances of victims. Physical violence was the main form of aggression (93.6%), principally in the home (67.9%), on Sunday (16.5%), between 6:01pm and 12:00pm (57.8%). Conclusion: the cases reported had a consistent profile of domestic family violence against women, different from other studies about interpersonal violence in large cities and metropolitan regions


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La violencia contra los niños es, sin duda, un grave problema por resolver, dado el impacto de sus efectos en todos los sectores sociales, especialmente salud. Este artículo tiene por objeto presentar los principales aspectos relacionados con la notificación obligatoria de casos de maltrato infantil por los profesionales de la salud. A pesar de obligatoria, la literatura demuestra la negligencia de los responsables de notificar. Para la notificación a convertirse en una práctica entre los profesionales es necesario saber acerca del tema, el soporte institucional, la conciencia de la importancia de este proceso y sobre todo la voluntad para tomar actitudes.


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This study aims to highlight the prevalence of situations of domestic violence experienced by adolescents during their childhood. It is cross-sectional study with 372 adolescents enrolled in a vocational training institution, Araçatuba-SP, utilizing the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), translated and validated. Gender and social class were also investigated. According to the results, 180 adolescents were female and 192 were male. The predominant social class was B2 (39.2%). Seventy two percent of teens reported having experienced at least some form of violence during childhood. Mild (28.7%) and moderate (9.2%) emotional abuse were the most prevalently associated, as well as between: physical and emotional violence, physical and sexual, physical and emotional neglect, sexual and emotional abuse, emotional neglect and emotional. Regarding social class, no associations were found. In conclusion, most teens suffered abuse in childhood, with a prevalence of emotional violence.


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Introduction: The violence against children and teenagers severely damages physical health and psychological development of their victims. Health professionals are in a strategic position to detect cases of assault and legally obliged to report such cases, even suspected. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the knowledge of health professionals who work in the National Health System (SUS) on reporting of violence against children and adolescents. Methods: We conducted interviews with 54 primary care team of four cities from the region of São José do Rio Preto. Results: Through the study could be seen that 92.6% of respondents suspected or witnessed violence against children exercising their profession in the SUS. About Order 1968/2001, 75.5% of practitioners claim ignoring it. 96.2% were not informed about completing the notification form of violence. 88.9% do not know about the existence of the same workplace. The association between obtaining information on work and the act of notification was significant (p = 0.0276). Conclusion: The professionals are still unaware of the legal issues related to notification. It is suggested that the training of them to deal with the bureaucratic side of the issue, once notify contributes to the delineation of the epidemiology of violence and consequent development of public policies


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Violence in adolescence, specifically sexual violence, is a topic of great relevance. Not only in Brazil but the world has witnessed the increase of sexual violence, becoming the most prevalent morbid occurrence in adolescence. Draws attention to the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and adolescents not only the fact that most of the victims are assaulted in their own home environment, but also the type of relationship between victim and aggressor. Thus, based on systemic approach, this study aimed to compose eend family dynamics of adolescent victims of sexual intra-familial. Participants were seven teenagers and their parents, users and beneficiaries of services offered by CREAS - Reference Center for Specialized Social Assistance in a municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul. The instruments used were the Test of Drawing in Colour of the Family (FCDT) and a questionnaire about the pictures taken and family interactions. The results indicated the difficulty in differentiating family roles, especially regarding the differentiation of the mother and daughter, a fact that seemed to be the motivator for the impoverishment of individuation in groups. Also noted the presence of conflict between the familiar figures probably originated from this abusive situation. In this context, the studied families showed communication difficulties between family members, hindering the integration between them, as well as the existence of an authoritarian leadership and strict rules performed by the father figure. These results may support preventive and therapeutic actions to situations of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Thus, it is suggested that psychological counseling for the study participants and other stakeholders with a view to reducing damage and recovery of quality of life for all family members, as well as the need for further studies in the area in question.


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This research reveals an understanding that football fans have about the rivalry between fans. The fans believe that their rivalry on the one hand encourages teams, but when it passes the limit becomes violence and vandalism. The fans who attend the stadium are no longer made by families and are increasingly being criminals and delinquents who ruin the spectacle of football