294 resultados para Tubo em "T" de silicone
O autor desenvolveu em silicona uma escala de tonalidades de pele humana. Foram confeccionados vinte e sete corpos-de-prova em silicona acética (Silastic 732 RTV), pigmentados com óxidos de ferro e dióxido de titânio. A quantidade de silicona acética manteve-se constante (dois gramas) em todos os corpos-de-prova, e os pigmentos foram misturados a ela em várias proporções até a obtenção de vinte e sete diferentes tonalidades. Através da comparação da cor dos corpos-de-prova com a cor da pele de quarenta e um indivíduos, foram selecionados os cinco corpos-de-prova com as tonalidades que mais se igualavam à cor da pele dos pacientes, compondo, assim, um guia de tonalidades. Com a metodologia empregada, foi possível desenvolver uma escala de tonalidades de pele que poderá facilitar a definição do tom da pele do paciente quando da confecção de próteses faciais em silicona, permitindo economia de tempo e de material no momento da seleção da cor.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estudou-se a vascularização arterial em nove fêmeas adultas de cateto, incluindo uma jovem e uma gestante, e em seis fêmeas de queixada (três jovens e três adultas). Para este estudo as artérias foram injetadas com solução de látex Neoprene 650 corado e após fixação de formol foram dissecadas. O material foi obtido na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Palotina e na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Ilha Solteira. As artérias responsáveis pela irrigação sangüínea dos ovários, tubas uterinas e útero são as artérias útero-ováricas, que emitem as artérias uterinas e ováricas, e as artérias vaginais, estando presentes em todas as amostras, porém variando suas origens. As artérias ováricas emitiram ramos para os ovários, tubas uterinas (ramos tubáricos) e extremidades craniais dos cornos uterinos (ramos tubo-uterinos) e as artérias uterinas enviaram ramos para os cornos uterinos, corpos uterinos e porções craniais da cérvix uterina. As artérias vaginais enviaram ramos para a cérvix e a vagina.
O tapir ou anta, descrito como o maior mamífero terrestre brasileiro, pertence à ordem Perissodactila, subordem Hippomorfa, superfamília Tapiroidea e família Tapiridae. Na floresta úmida está envolvido com a dispersão de sementes em função das características do tubo digestivo. O acompanhamento do ciclo estral permite avaliar e compreender a atividade reprodutiva nas espécies animais. Nos animais silvestres, o estresse da contenção pode interferir na própria ciclicidade gonadal, uma das alternativas é o acompanhamento dos hormônios gonadais nas excretas. Buscamos neste trabalho o acompanhamento periódico da atividade gonadal através da quantificação de progesterona no leite. Utilizamos uma fêmea recém-parida no Zoológico de Araçatuba, da qual colhemos leite, esfregaço vaginal e temperatura retal. A progesterona foi quantificada por radioimunoensaio de fase sólida (Coat-a-Count, DPC®) com curva padrão fornecida pela F.A.O. O ensaio mostrou sensibilidade de 1,25 nmol/l com coeficiente de variação intra-ensaio de 15,36%. Durante a fase de lactação, a fêmea não apresentou níveis detectáveis de progesterona por 158 dias (de novembro a abril). O primeiro pico de produção foi de 2,3 nmol/l e apresentou duração de 5 dias. O segundo pico de 3,54 nmol/l teve uma duração de 23 dias. Setenta e quatro dias após o aparecimento da progesterona no leite a lactação cessou. Podemos concluir que a fêmea de tapir apresentou um período de anestro lactacional de aproximadamente 5 meses e voltou a ciclar no outono (abril) sugerindo pouca influência do fotoperíodo. A quantificação da progesterona no leite mostrou-se útil para o acompanhamento do ciclo estral na espécie, porém a variação da citologia vaginal e temperatura retal não apresentaram correlação com os níveis hormonais.
As fibras de vidro e de polietileno podem ser utilizadas na prática ortodôntica em diversas situações clínicas, nos casos com ou sem extrações dentárias. Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar algumas das aplicações clínicas nas quais as fibras contribuíram de forma significativa para a realização dos tratamentos ortodônticos, simplificando-os e aumentando a eficiência clínica. As fibras foram utilizadas principalmente em segmentos de ancoragem e na substituição da banda pela colagem da associação fibra/tubo nos molares.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Statement of problem. Two problems found in prostheses with resilient liners are bond failure to the acrylic resin base and increased permanent deformation due to material aging.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of varying amounts of thermal cycling on bond strength and permanent deformation of 2 resilient denture liners bonded to an acrylic resin base.Material and methods. Plasticized acrylic resin (PermaSoft) or silicone (Softliner) resilient lining materials were processed to a heat-polymerized acrylic resin (QC-20). One hundred rectangular specimens (10 X 10-mm(2) cross-sectional area) and 100 cylindrically-shaped specimens (12.7-mm diameter X 19.0-mm height) for each liner/resin combination were used for the tensile and deformation tests, respectively. Specimen shape and liner thickness were standardized. Specimens were divided into 9 test groups (n=10) and were thermal cycled for 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 cycles. Control specimens (n=10) were stored for 24 hours in water at 37degreesC. Mean bond strength, expressed as stress at failure (MPa), was determined with a tensile test using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min. Analysis of failure mode, expressed as a percent (%), was recorded as either cohesive, adhesive, or both, after observation. Permanent deformation, expressed as a percent (%), was determined using ADA specification no. 18. Data from both tests were examined with a 2-way analysis of variance and a Tukey test (alpha=.05).Results. For the tensile test, Softliner specimens submitted to different thermal cycling regimens demonstrated no significantly different bond strength values from the control; however, there was a significant difference between the PermaSoft control group (0.47 +/- 0.09 MPa [mean +/- SD]) and the 500 cycle group (0.46 +/- 0.07 MPa) compared to the 4000 cycle group (0.70 +/- 0.20 MPa) (P<.05). With regard to failure type, the Softliner groups presented adhesive failure (100%) regardless of specimen treatment. PermaSoft groups presented adhesive (53%), cohesive (12%), or a combined mode of failure (35%). For the deformation test, there was no significant difference among the Softliner specimens. However, a significant difference was observed between control and PermaSoft specimens after 1500 or more cycles (1.88% +/- 0.24%) (P<.05).Conclusions. This in vitro study indicated that bond strength and permanent deformation of the 2 resilient denture liners tested varied according to their chemical composition.
Well-fitted dentures prevent hyperplasic lesions, provide chewing efficiency and promote patient's comfort. Several factors may affect final adaptation of dentures, as the type of the acrylic resin, the flask cooling procedure and the water uptake. This investigation evaluated the effect of water storage and two different cooling procedures [bench cooling (BC) for 2 h; running water (RW) at 20 degreesC for 45 min] on the final adaptation of denture bases. A heat-cured acrylic resin (CL, Classico, Classico Artigos Odontologicos) and two microwave-cured acrylic resins [Acron MC, (AC) GC Dent. Ind. Corp.; Onda Cryl (OC), Classico Artigos Odontologicos] were used to make the bases. Adaptation was assessed by measuring the weight of an intervening layer of silicone impression material between the base and the master die. Data was submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (0.05). The following means were found: (BC) CL=0.72 +/- 0.03 a; AC=0.70 +/- 0.03 b; OC=0.76 +/- 0.04 c//(RW) CL= 1.00 +/- 0.11 a; AC=1.00 +/- 0.12 a; OC=0.95 +/- 0.10 a. Different labels join groups that are not statistically different (P > 0.05). Comparisons are made among groups submitted to the same cooling procedure (BC or RW). The conclusions are: interaction of type of material and cooling procedure had a statistically significant effect on the final adaptation of the denture bases (P < 0.05); water storage was not detected as a source of variance (P > 0.05) on the final adaptation.
Objectives. This study evaluated the durability of bond strength between resin cement and a feldspathic ceramic submitted to different etching regimens with and without silane coupling agent application.Methods. Thirty-two blocks (6.4 mm x 6.4 mm x 4.8 mm) were fabricated using a microparticulate feldspathic ceramic (Vita VM7), ultrasonically cleaned with water for 5 min and randomly divided into four groups, according to the type of etching agent and silanization method: method 1, etching with 10% hydrofluoric (HF) acid gel for I min + silanization; method 2, HF only; method 3, etching with 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) for 5 min + silanization; method 4, APF only. Conditioned blocks were positioned in their individual silicone molds and resin cement (Panavia F) was applied on the treated surfaces. Specimens were stored in distilled water (37 degrees C) for 24 h prior to sectioning. After sectioning the ceramic-cement blocks in x- and Y-axis with a bonded area of approximately 0.6 mm(2), the microsticks of each block were randomly divided into two storage conditions: Dry, immediate testing; TC, thermal cycling (12,000 times) + water storage for 150 d, yielding to eight experimental groups. Microtensile bond strength tests were performed in universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min) and failure types were noted. Data obtained (MPa) were analyzed with three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results. Significant influence of the use of silane (p < 0.0001), storage conditions (p = 0.0013) and surface treatment were observed (p = 0.0014). The highest bond strengths were achieved in both dry and thermocycled conditions when the ceramics were etched with HF acid gel and silanized (17.4 +/- 5.8 and 17.4 +/- 4.8 MPa, respectively). Silanization after HF acid gel and APT treatment increased the results dramatically (14.5 +/- 4.2-17.4 +/- 4.8 MPa) compared to non-silanized groups (2.6 +/- 0.8-8.9 +/- 3.1 MPa) where the failure type was exclusively (100%) adhesive between the cement and the ceramic.Significance. Silanization of the feldspathic ceramic surface after APF or HF acid etching increased the microtensile bond strength results significantly, with the latter providing higher results. Long-term thermocycling and water storage did not decrease the results in silanized groups. (C) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was the development of miniaturized structures useful for retention and/or selection of particles and viscous substances from a liquid flow. The proposed low costs structures are similar to macroscopic wastewater treatment systems, named baffles, and allow disassemble. They were simulated using FEMLAB 3.2b package and manufactured in acrylic with conventional tools. Tests for retention or selection of particles in water or air and viscous fluids in water were carried out. Either in air or water particles with 50 mu m diameter will be retained but not with 13 mu m diameter. In aqueous flow, it is also possible the retention of viscous samples, such as silicone 350 cSt. The simulated results showed good agreement with experimental measurements. These miniaturized structures can be useful in sample pretreatment for chemical analysis and microorganism manipulation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Difficulties in sterilizing impressions by traditional methods have led to chemical disinfection as an alternative, and some studies have shown that disinfectants may adversely affect impressions. PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of disinfection methods on the dimensional stability of 6 elastomeric materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Impression materials were submitted to the following treatments: immersion in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes, immersion in 2% glutaraldehyde solution for 30 minutes, and no immersion (control). After treatments, impressions were poured, and respective stone casts were measured with a Nikon Profile projector and compared with the master model. RESULTS: The elastomeric materials had different reproduction capacities, and the disinfecting treatments did not differ from the control.
The accuracy of impressions that transfer the relationship of the implant to the metal framework of the prosthesis continues to be a problem. This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the transfer process under variable conditions with regard to implant analog angulations, impression materials, and techniques. Replicas (n = 60) of a metal matrix (control) containing four implants at 90°, 80°, 75°, and 65° in relation to the horizontal surface were obtained by using three impression techniques: T1 - indirect technique with conical copings in closed trays; T2 - direct technique with square copings in open trays; and T3 - square copings splinted with autopolymerizing acrylic resin; and four elastomers: P-polysulfide; I-polyether; A-addition silicone; and Z-condensation silicone. The values of the implant analog annulations were assessed by a profilometer to the nearest 0.017°, then submitted to analysis of variance for comparisons at significance of 5% (P < .05). For implant analog at 90°, the material A associated with T2 and material Z with T3 behaved differently (P < .05) from all groups. At 80°, all materials behaved differently (P < .01) with T1. At 75°, when T1 was associated, materials P and A showed similar behavior, as well as materials I and Z; however, P and A were different from I and Z (P < .01). When T3 was associated, all experimental groups behaved differently among them (P < .01). At 65°, the materials P and Z behaved differently (P < .01) from the control group with T1, T2, and T3; the materials I and A behaved differently from the control group (P < .01) when T1 and T2, respectively, were associated. The more perpendicular the implant analog annulation is in relation to the horizontal surface, the more accurate the impression. The best materials were material I and A and the most satisfactory technique was technique 3.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that mechanical polishing methods of ceramic surfaces allow similar superficial roughness to that of glazed surfaces. Twenty-five Vitadur Alpha ceramic discs (5 mm x 2 mm) were prepared according to the manufacturer's specifications. All specimens were glazed and randomly assigned to 5 groups (n=5), according to finishing and polishing protocols: G1: glazed (control); G2: diamond bur finishing; G3: G2 + silicon rubber tip polishing; G4: G3 + felt disc/diamond polishing paste; G5: G3 + felt disc impregnated with fine-particle diamond paste. Next, surface roughness means (Ra - μm) were calculated. Qualitative analysis was made by scanning electron microscopy. Surface roughness data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. G1 and G4 were statistically similar (p>0.05). G2 presented the highest roughness means (p<0.05) followed by groups G3, G5, G4 and G1 in a decreasing order. The hypothesis was partially confirmed as only the mechanical polishing (G4) produced similar superficial roughness to that of surface glazing, although finishing and polishing are technically critical procedures.
This study aimed to evaluate the durability of adhesion between acrylic teeth and denture base acrylic resin. The base surfaces of 24 acrylic teeth were flatted and submitted to 4 surface treatment methods: SM1 (control): No SM; SM2: application of a methyl methacrylate-based bonding agent (Vitacol); SM3: air abrasion with 30-μm silicone oxide plus silane; SM4: SM3 plus SM2. A heat-polymerized acrylic resin was applied to the teeth. Thereafter, bar specimens were produced for the microtensile test at dry and thermocyled conditions (60 days water storage followed by 12,000 cycles). The results showed that bond strength was significantly affected by the SM (P < .0001) (SM4 = SM2 > SM3 > SM1) and storage regimens (P < .0001) (dry > thermocycled). The methyl methacrylate-based adhesive showed the highest bond strength.