201 resultados para Perguntas e respostas


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for approximately 56% of all cases of dementia. The present study aimed to report the perception of AD by students of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy from Faculty of Philosophy and Science “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP – Marília, with regard to the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, between 2011 and 2012. The questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered to 101 students, using as a criterion for exclusion those who refused to answer the survey and / or not signed the informed consent form. After the questionnaire application, the answers have undergone quantitative analysis, checking which information and concepts about Alzheimer’s disease these students acquired during the undergraduate years. The data shows that although students have knowledge about the signs and symptoms of the disease, few mention the importance of family, the caregiver and the relationship of the disease with dependence that commonly reaches this population.


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The article reports on research conducted with fifteen teachers and forty-five students in three high schools municipal Marília - SP, with the goal of mapping relationships between school libraries, computer labs and digital devices. The investigation is linked to the other two poles: one in the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Uberlândia and another at the French Institute of Education, in Lyon, France. Responses were obtained through questions previously formulated and recorded by scholars in an interview situation. The article initially retrieves historical projects of French in the late nineteenth century with the intention of establishing linkages with the situation in 2012, in Brazil. It then presents and comments on the graphics with data. The findings indicate the absence of organicity in relations between libraries and computer labs. Handheld devices outside of school are predominantly used to play and participate in social networking sites.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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PURPOSE: to describe a proposal that may contribute to the development of actions promoting health to back Speech therapists performance in school, based on educators' investigation on conceptions about the written language development process. METHOD: descriptive study performed through application of questionnaires in nineteen elementary school teachers in three public schools in a city in the State of Parana. The questionnaires contained questions on the development of written language, factors that favor and/or hinder this process. Data analysis was carried out through transcription of discursive replies and quantification of multiple-choice answers. From the content submitted in the replies, it was possible to create subject areas to be discussed. RESULTS: seven reports (35%) showing that the development process of written language starts at school were recorded; contact with writing was quoted twelve times (30%) as support for the development of written language; individual aspects were reported sixteen times (38%) as causes for learning difficulties; and there were twelve reports (39%) on forwarding to other professionals as a solution for such difficulties. CONCLUSION: educators have lack of fundamental knowledge for their educational practice regarding the literacy process, although most have training being consistent with what is advocated by LDB. It is not possible to generalize this conclusion, due to the small sized study sample.


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Adopting a healthy lifestyle it is critical for the prevention of high blood pressure and is an indispensable part of the treatment of those with hypertension. High levels of physical activity and greater fitness are associated with reduced incidence of hypertension. However until the beginning of the 1990 decade, the resisted exercise was not inclued at the internacionals statements for people with heart disease. Fortunately, in the past few years, this type of exercise started to take into account as a possible strategy for the first and second prevention of diferents cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study it is to evaluate, through a systematic review, the contribution of the resisted exercise on the cardiovascular responses in hypertensive male adults. Twenty eight articles were pre-selected for this study, four attend to the requirements. The results were not consistent in this review, only the diastolic blood pressure demonstrated decrease in three of the four studies, in circuit protocol as much as in the conventional protocol. Otherwise one study proved an increase in the VO2max, wich is an important data, because it is an anaerobic exercise and, an improve was not expected. An other article analised the harm issues of the Valsalva manouvre, where it was presented the maximum blood pressure values (345/245 mmHg) and evidences of lower blood pressure rises in the intra-arterial, intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressures when the exercise was performed without the manouvre, enhancing the necessity to avoid the use of this manouvre in hypertensive individuals.


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The main objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of variables related to swim ability at and above maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), performed at continuous and intermittent conditions in individuals with different aerobic performance levels. Participated of this study male swimmers with ages between 20 to 25 years, specialists in events of 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m and open water swims, with at least 3 years of experience in the modality. The individuals performed a maximal 400-m swim test. After this test, they were divided into two groups, in accordance with the speed attained during 400-m swim test: G1 (higher performance) and G2 (lower performance). For the determination of continuous MLSS (MLSSc), 2 to 4 trials of 30-min were performed. For the determination of the intermittent MLSS (MLSSi) 2 to 4 trials of 30-min (12 repetitions of 2 min 30 s, with 30 s of rest) were performed, in constant speed, with the first trial performed at 102.5% MLSSc. Th technical indexes, stroke rate (FB) and stroke length (CB) were determined in all tests. The SR was calculated trough recordings using the time needed to perform five stroke cycles. The SL was calculated dividing the speed by the SR. There was no significant difference on the antropometric characteristics between groups. The speed at and above MLSSc were significantly higher at G1 (1,23±0,05 e 1,27±0,06, respectively) than G2 (1,10±0,06 e 1,13±0,06, respectively). There was significant change in SL and SR in G2. In the same way, there was significant change in SL and SR only in G2, above MLSSc. Similar to continuous condition, the speeds at and above MLSSi were significantly higher in G1 (1,27±0,05 e 1,30±0,05, respectively) do que no G2 (1,14±0,07 e 1,16±0,07, respectively). There was significant change in SL and SR only in G2. There was significant change in SR and SL in both groups above MLSSi. Thus,...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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É comum congêneres do cerrado brasileiro mostrarem-se morfologicamente semelhantes, mas com padrão de ocorrência distinto. O sucesso de uma espécie em um hábitat é fortemente dependente de seu desempenho ecofisiológico, que pode relacionar-se aos recursos naturais de seu ambiente. Hipotetiza-se fundamentalmente que os referidos congêneres apresentam diferentes taxas de crescimento radicular, e o solo também pode representar fator determinante para a ocorrência de espécies de cerrado. Diante disso, também é admitida a hipótese de que esses congêneres apresentam maior crescimento se cultivados em solo de cerrado ou solos relacionados às áreas dos fragmentos de cerrado em que ocorrem, do que quando cultivados em solos mais férteis. Ainda, baseando-se em observações de campo, supõe se que dentre os congêneres, S. ferrugineus deve ter o maior crescimento de raízes e o menor crescimento da parte aérea. Também é provável que S. camporum mostre a maior plasticidade de crescimento em resposta à fertilidade do solo, dada sua ampla ocorrência em relação a diferentes hábitats. Para testar essas hipóteses, objetiva-se medir o crescimento da raiz principal em solo de cerrado s.s., através de observações em rizotron. Também serão medidas as taxas de crescimento da raiz principal, a altura da planta, número de folhas e ganho total de biomassa dos três congêneres em resposta a dois solos com características e fertilidades contrastantes. Um dos solos será originário de um fragmento de cerrado s.s. e o outro, um substrato utilizado para viveiros de plantas nativas florestais da região. Será um experimento com nove repetições (rizotrons). O crescimento da raiz principal será medido em intervalos de 10 dias, até 180 dias de cultivo. A biomassa total final será medida através de coleta destrutiva. Os fatores estudados serão as três espécies... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Estudos têm demonstrado a ativação de neurônios no núcleo leito da estria terminal (NLET) durante situações aversivas. Além disso, foi demonstrado o envolvimento do NLET no controle das respostas cardiovasculares e neuroendócrinas durante o estresse. Evidências têm apontado que a neurotransmissão colinérgica, através de receptores muscarínicos, é um mecanismo envolvido no controle das respostas fisiológicas durante o estresse emocional em várias estruturas límbicas. No entanto, apesar de estudos indicarem o envolvimento de mecanismos colinérgicos do NLET no controle da função cardiovascular, não existem evidências na literatura acerca da participação da neurotransmissão colinérgica no NLET nas respostas fisiológicas ao estresse. Diante disso, nosso objetivo no presente estudo foi investigar o efeito do pré-tratamento bilateral do NLET com hemicolínio (inibidor do transportador de colina), metilatropina (antagonista de receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos) ou neostigmina (inibidor da enzima acetilcolinesterase) sobre as respostas autonômicas e neuroendócrinas desencadeadas pelo estresse por restrição agudo em ratos. Para tanto, seis dias antes dos experimentos os animais tiveram cânulas guias implantadas bilateralmente no NLET para administração dos fármacos. Vinte quatro horas antes dos experimentos um cateter de polietileno foi implantado na artéria femoral para registro dos parâmetros cardiovasculares. No dia do experimento, os animais foram submetidos a uma sessão aguda de 30 minutos de estresse por restrição 10 minutos após o tratamento farmacológico do NLET. Medidas de pressão arterial média (PAM), frequência cardíaca (FC), temperatura cutânea da cauda e dos níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona foram analisados antes e durante o estresse por restrição em todos os grupos experimentais. O estresse por restrição causou elevação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A queda da pressão parcial de oxigênio no sangue arterial (PaO2), provocada pela hipóxia aguda, aumenta as descargas dos quimiorreceptores periféricos, carotídeos e aórticos, cujas aferências estimulam núcleos bulbares como o núcleo do trato solitário (NTS, Chitravanshi e cols., 1994, Mifflin, 1992), resultando em uma série de repostas compensatórias incluindo o aumento da VE ( Overgaard e cols., 1996, Sun e Reis, 1994). Estudos demonstraram que a via neural do quimiorreflexo periférico no NTS tem como neurotransmissores o L-glutamato e mais recentemente o ATP. Além disso, o ATP atuando em receptores purinérgicos presente na superfície ventral do bulbo estaria envolvido com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia. No entanto, a participação dos receptores purinérgicos do NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia ainda é desconhecida. Portanto, o presente estudo investigou o envolvimento dos receptores purinérgicos P2 no NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia em ratos acordados, usando injeção bilateral de suramin (antagonista inespecífico dos receptores P2) e PPADS (antagonista seletivo dos receptores P2X). Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman (290-310g, n=4-9/grupo) com implante de cânulas guia no NTS. Para medida da pressão arterial média (PAM) e freqüência cardíaca (FC) foi inserido na artéria abdominal, através da artéria femoral, um tubo de polietileno (P-10 conectado ao P-50). Freqüência respiratória (FR), volume corrente (VC) e VE foram registrados através do método de pletismografia de corpo inteiro. Os parâmetros FR, VC, VE, PAM e FC foram registrados antes e após a injeção bilateral de salina, suramin (2 nmol/100 nl) ou PPADS (2 nmol/100 nl) no NTS durante hipóxia (7% de O2 por 35 min) ou normóxia (21% de O2)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The main objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of blood lactate concentration ([La]), oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (FC) in an intermittent protoco, performed at 95%VO2max with passive or active recovery in untrained subjects. Participated of this study, active healthy males with 20 to 25 years, which were doing aerobic exercises witha weekly frequency of 3 sessions at least. The individulas performed, in different days, the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) An incremental test until exhaustion to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the intensity at VO2max; b) Two transitions at 95%VO2max for the determination of the VO2 kinetics parameters and; c) Two intermittent tests until exhaustion, with repetitions at 95% IVO2max and with durantion defined as being half of the duration of the slow component. The duration of the recovery was half of the duration of the effort (effort:pause of 2:1). This test was performed with passive (GP) and active recovery (GA). The VO2 and FC were measured continulously in both tests. Blood collections were performed for the determination of the [La]. There was significant correlação in both groups for VO2 (ATIVA - 0.94, PASSIVA - 0.75), [La] (ATIVA - 0.83, PASSIVA - 0.90) and FC (0.93) only for the passive group. Thus, it can be concluded that the cardiorrespiratory and metabolic responses present good realiability in an intermittent exercise with active or passive recovery


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Currently, the competition between organizations in the pursuit of consumer preference has become increasingly fierce. In addition, consumers have become increasingly demanding due to high speed with which innovations occur, leaving the companies meet and sometimes surpass those expectations In this context, there is the necessity to use methods as mathematical models capable of dealing with the optimization of multiple responses simultaneously. In this context, this study presents an application of techniques of Design of Experiment in a machining process of a NIMONIC 80 alloy, a “superalloy” that has thermal and mechanical properties that make its machining difficult and in order to do this, the Desirability Function was used. As they are determining conditions in the machining capability of the alloy, the roughness and the cutting length were considered as variable settings, and the factors that can influence them are cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth, inserts type and lubrication. The analysis of the result pointed out how was the influence of all factors on each response and also showed the efficiency and reliability of the method