189 resultados para Formação acadêmica e prática
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This research aimed to investigate, to describe and to reflect on the initial and continuous training playful preschool teachers and their applicability in daily practice. Through a literature search on the official documents and playfulness in the formation of the pedagogue, we see the importance of the uses of games and toys in kindergarten. Therefore, a retrospective of early childhood education and teacher training were conducted by analyzing the knowledge necessary to professor of playing in kindergarten. In order to collect data in the field were used as instruments to direct observation of everyday practice of the teacher and a questionnaire to see if the teachers' planning the use of toys and games, times and spaces intended for recreational actions are recorded and are ensured. With these investigative actions, from the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data can be verified as occurred playful teacher education early childhood education and its importance in recreational use in the classroom every day
This paper presents the extension project Youth Empowerment for Work and Citizenship. It is a psychosocial and an educational activity focused on the care of impoverished youths, aged between 14-19, from Assis-SP. It aims to contribute to the cognitive, affective and social process of the participants. The extension activity has benefited the education of Psychology undergraduates students to the mediation in human development under nonformal education. The theoretical and methodological background is based on the cultural-historical psychology of Vigotski. The results obtained are: the establishment of partnerships between universities and state and local public organizations; the incorporation of innovative thematic in psychology curriculum course at UNESP; production of academic-scientific research about the experience of Psychologists in social educational area; and the participation of one hundred young people as well as their parents or legal guardians in the project.
This study’s main goal was to investigate the representations of nursing students about the work of a nurse in a gender perspective, during the training process. The research used a sample of 41 nursing students (1st and 9th semesters) being applied to such a questionnaire, analyzed in the face of the organizer model concept, and also the critics studies of gender. Was found the research data, one is able to notice that, students that start off their academic lives in the nursing course have less stereotyped representations regarding gender behavior and certain problematization concerning the sexual division of the profession. When it comes to training, from the moment in which these students begin to live with the nursing practices, that are impregnated with stereotypes, in different contexts, the vision that once was considered generalizing, becomes crystallized, delimiting the practices that exist in nursing. The data points out to the need of the training courses to embark a problematization on the gender relations in the context of the nursing practices, given the fact they seem to reinforce standards, neglecting an egalitarian democratic and professional action in the professional field.
This paper seeks to understand the importance of Pibid (Institutional Scholarship Program for Teacher Initiation) in initial formation, more specifically in the pedagogue's formation. The interest for research was motivated by my inclusion in this program, through the interdisciplinary subproject called University and school thinking of interdisciplinary teacher formation: research, reflection and action in which I participated from August 2011 to December 2013. I developed a qualitative survey of bibliographic character, which aims to analyze the theoretical productions in the field of education and that has the focus the Pibid's contribution as well as its potential. For this purpose, I considered the articles located in the Annals of the XVI ENDIPE (National Meeting of Didactic and Teaching Practice) in 2012, in all its themes (Educational policies and impacts at school and in the classroom, Policies of initial formation and continuing formation of teachers and Didactics and teaching practices in contemporary school reality: findings, analysis and propositions). I believe that the research can contribute to rethink the initial formation practices by providing subsidies to the graduated on the teaching career, raising the quality of basic education
Visando melhoria na qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem dos alunos, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo elaborou em 2008 um documento para sistematizar um currículo único para todas as escolas dos níveis de ensino fundamental II e médio, sob sua jurisdição. Assim, objetiva-se com o presente estudo analisar tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente a produção acadêmicocientífica no campo da Educação Física acerca do Currículo do Estado de São Paulo, a fim de identificar as possíveis implicações para a prática pedagógica. Para isso, foram analisados artigos publicados em sete periódicos nacionais da área e um banco de teses e dissertações, tendo como recorte temporal o período de 2008 até 2014. A análise e discussão dos dados se deu, inicialmente, por apresentar os resultados referentes a cada um dos periódicos investigados para, em um segundo momento, compreender de forma qualitativa o panorama geral concernente à produção acadêmica na área da Educação Física sobre a temática do Currículo do Estado de São Paulo. Logo após, os artigos e as teses e dissertações foram organizados de acordo com a classificação de temas investigados proposta por Bracht et al. (2011). Assim, foi possível identificar as possíveis implicações da produção acadêmico-científica para a prática pedagógica, sob essa temática. Os resultados indicaram uma baixa quantidade de publicações pautadas no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Física. Do total de 593 artigos ou trabalhos monográficos que foram encontrados sobre Educação Física escolar, foram identificados apenas 16 baseados no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Física, valor correspondente a 2,69% do total encontrado sobre a temática de Educação Física escolar durante o período considerado para a pesquisa. Assim, conclui-se que como não é possível afirmar que tudo aquilo...
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Teachers’ formation presents itself, nowadays, as one of the challenges to Education. Th is article looks forward to analyze the teachers’ continuing formation, taking as basis the refl exive critical perspective with a view to autonomy and emancipation of the teachers’ practice. Th e comprehension of the education that aims the critical citizen formation and the emphasis on the constant teachers’ qualifi cation, having the school as privileged locus for formation and critical refl ection as a principle, are themes to be approached in this paper.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aims to investigate the main issues presented in the literature relating to teacher training during the period 2005/2014. Particular attention is paid to articles that address the Supervised Training and Practice as a Curriculum Component. For the analysis of the articles from the literature, the technique of Content Analysis was used. The results showed that the potential which is attributed to these curricular components depends on the ability to put the trainee teacher in touch with the experience of being a teacher, whilst enabling the approach of the training content to be consistent with professional practice. The technical and fragmented curriculum for training and the extensive content in the disciplines, limited by outmoded practices, is presented as a barrier against this occurring. This shows a discrepancy in the proposed training between the pedagogical design of the course and, what is actually designed as concrete action in its development.
O Karatê-Do é uma das artes marciais mais conhecidas e praticadas em todo o mundo. Esta arte marcial, nascida na ilha de Okinawa, no Japão, passou por profundas transformações ao longo do tempo até alcançar a configuração que tem hoje em dia, assim como toda a sociedade japonesa. Mais do que uma simples forma de luta, o Karate-Do se tornou um caminho, uma doutrina a ser seguida por seus praticantes, ensinando valores e conceitos para a construção da personalidade de indivíduo da sociedade. Através da esportivização desta arte, assim como ocorreu com o Judô e outras formas de combate, e também através da crescente popularização e exposição das artes marciais no cenário mundial pelos chamados eventos de artes marciais (MMA), os valores e atributos intrínsecos ao Karatê e a outras artes marciais não têm sido transmitidos aos alunos. Os treinos visam apenas golpes e ataques utilizados em competições, supervalorizando a técnica em detrimento as filosofias que são a base do Karatê. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar enquanto prática formadora em seu contexto histórico e cultural o Karatê-Do. Neste sentido, procuraremos explorar as características singulares desta modalidade de arte marcial que contribuem para a formação ética e moral de seus praticantes
This research focuses on the practice of writing in the initial formation of teachers. My interest for this thematic arose from my participation in the extension project Formation Group: Dialog and Otherness and the extension course School: local for teacher formation, both coordinated by my supervisor. After all, I had the possibility of experimenting the exercise of writing and acknowledging the relevance of it in these contexts, in my condition of teacher-in-training. This thematic has involved me, which is why I conducted an autobiographical investigation. As data gathering tools, I used papers that I produced, as participant of the aforementioned extension project and extension course. Those papers were file records I made from the meetings, monthly papers produced from a thematic that was chosen by the graduating students that attended the extension project and, furthermore, I bring a self-assessments I developed inspired by the experiences I had in these two formative gaps. All these experiences provided pieces of my formative experience as a future teacher. The research aimed to understand which act of writing mobilized knowledge and triggered reflections in the aforementioned contexts, based on paper analysis, seeking to legitimate the importance of this practice in my formative process. Furthermore, a bibliographical research of qualitative nature was developed, achieved from the statement and analysis of articles located in the Annals of International Congress of (Auto) Biography Research (CIPA, in Portuguese acronym), from 2006 to 2012, and in the Annals of National Conference of Didactic and Teaching Techniques (ENDIPE, in Portuguese acronym), in the period from 2006 to 2012. This bibliographical research aimed to increase the understanding of the formative dimension of the practice of writing in the initial training in Pedagogy. I sought to distinguish the writing practices promoted in the context of initial...