188 resultados para Doentes oncológicos


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The benefits of proper nutrition and analgesia are closely linked when it comes to animals that are suffering from any illness and are hospitalized. In patients who are ill or under the stress of hospitalization, increase secretion of glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone antagonize the effects of insulin, leading to hyperglycemia and degradation of tissue proteins to provide substrate for gluconeogenesis. These changes result in loss of lean body mass, reflecting negatively on tissue repair processes, immune response and prognosis. Likewise, the pain induced by noxious stimulation can lead to protein catabolism, stress, immunosupression, delayed wound healing and acceleration of disease processes. This review confirms the nutrition and pain control importance in hospitalized patients, showing their physiological benefits and reduction in hospital stay when the clinician understands these benefits and the animals are treated with such care


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The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was described in 1964 by William Jarrett and collaborators wen find viral particles attached to the membrane of lymphoblasts in cat with lymphoma. The virus belongs to the family Retroviridae, subfamily oncornavirus. With worldwide distribution, the occurrence of FeLV has 1.6% in healthy cats and 10.8% in sick cats in Brazil. The mortality of persistently viremic animals in catteries is about 50% in two years and 80% in three years. In catteries that have endemic feline Coronavirus (FCoV), FeLV and / or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), the FeLV infection has greater contribution to mortality. The test for infection and FeLV positive cats segregation is the main way to prevent the spread of infection. The diagnostic methods are based on clinical signs and changes compatible with FeLV infection observed by physical examination, complete blood count, X-ray, bone marrow aspirate and biochemical. The viral p27 protein is produced in infected cells in high amounts and is found in abundance in the cytoplasm and in body fluids enabling diagnosed methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA and direct immunofluorescence, detection of viral genome (Chain Reaction Polymerase - PCR) and detection of the virus by virus isolation. Although diagnostic tests are highly sensitive, it should be made more than a confirmatory test, especially serological due to variable characteristic of the progress of infection


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Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The genus Mycobacteriumhas two different complexes: M. tuberculosis Complex and M. avium Complex. This is a global health epidemic and remains a major global health problem, besides, the clinical severity of TB is significantly higher in transplanted patients. The detection of these mycobacteria complexes in transplanted patients, by molecular methods, is fundamental for quick treatment of patients and can contribute for rapid and accuracy of diagnosis. Objective: To detect mycobacteria DNA of M. tuberculosis and M. avium Complexes in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded samples (FFPE) of two patients groups: non transplanted and transplanted. Materials and Methods: The study includes 40 FFPE biopsies separated in four groups: NTP – presence of epithelioid granuloma and positive ZN, non-transplanted patients – 9 samples; NTN - presence of epithelioid granuloma and negative ZN, non-transplanted patients – 10 samples; TP – positive ZN, transplanted patients – 9 samples; TN – negative ZN, transplanted patients – 7 samples. Sections were cut for DNA extraction. Samples were submitted to PCR for amplification of: a) β-actin, b) IS6110 insertion and c) IS1245 insertion. DNA evaluation was made by spectrophotometry and efficiency and PCR analysis was made by agarose gels under UV light. Results: In all samples processed, 97.1% were positive for human β-actin gene. In22.2% of NTP group were found the IS6110 insertion sequencebut the IS1245 wasn´t. In the NTN group was not found any sequence. In theTP group, 11.1% of the samples were positive for IS6110 and also 11,1% werepositive for IS1245. In the TN group, 14.3% of the samples were positive forIS6110 and for IS1245, 14.3% was also positive. Conclusion: Although factors such as DNA degradation after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding, were possible to detect DNA from the human gene ...


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Most cancer types are treated by antineoplastic chemotherapy, which can be performed conjointly with other treatments, such as radiotherapy and surgery. Due to its action, chemotherapy provides the possibility of cure, but it also leads to a number of adverse effects, such as myelosuppression, cutaneous and gastrointestinal toxicity, etc. Patients undergoing chemotherapy must receive constant information concerning how to prevent or minimize these effects in order to achieve better quality of life and, consequently, a more successful treatment. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the need and preference for different forms of information by oncologic patients submitted to chemotherapy. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study conducted at the chemotherapy division of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital/SP on a sample of 50 patients older than 18 years. After previous knowledge of the study and formalization of Free Consent, the individuals answered a questionnaire containing 12 questions related to the importance attributed to the information received, from which professional and when to receive it. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test and showed that 62% of the patients were females, and the remaining 38% were males of whom 46% were older than 60 years, 26% were from 50 to 60 years old, 24% from 30 to 50, and only 4% were younger than 30 years old. The patients had lymphatic (23.4%) and solid (76.6%) tumors. All the respondents reported that receiving information about the disease and its treatment was extremely important. As regards information related to side effects, 98% of patients answered that receiving it was extremely important, and only 2% answered that it was little important. Correlations were made between age, gender, and tumor type with the answers obtained for the best moment, how and from whom to receive such informatio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study aimed at analyzing the scientific production on health care humanization in intensive-care and emergency units based on publications in national journals. Therefore, this is an integrative review of the national literature. The online database Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS) based on the Health Virtual Library (BVS) platform was used to select articles. The final sample in this review consisted of 21 articles. The presentation of results and data discussion was descriptively performed and divided into three themes: communication with relatives and the team, caregiver humanization and, finally, the difficulties faced to implement humanization. As regards communication, it is seen by the authors as a fundamental strategy to ensure quality in intensive care, and it is placed as a central axis in the humanization policy. Concerning caregiver humanization, the physical and mental overload resulting from the work process in these units are factors that interfere with personal relations between team members as well as with that between team members and patients. Among the difficulties faced for implementing humanized care for critical patients are the units’s physical and organizational structures, technology and health care professionals’ education, which is centered on the biomedical model. It was concluded that communication is considered to be fundamental for humanization of the care provided to critical patients, since it allows for the development of a network of meanings between patients, the team, families and the establishment. In order to implement care with humanized actions in urgency and emergency sectors, particularly in ICUs, it is necessary to change organizational culture and value health care professionals


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um levantamento bibliográfico da situação em que a cidade de Rio Claro, interior de São Paulo, se encontra em relação à Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana, uma vez que, o município foi apontado como foco da doença no ano de 2000 por mídias regionais. O trabalho visa identificar o período de maior número de casos bem como a situação atual da doença na cidade. Este levantamento bibliográfico, contou com auxilio de agentes de saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Instituto Adolfo Lutz presente na cidade, além de departamentos da prefeitura municipal envolvidos com tema. Ficou evidente que o município enfrentou períodos de surtos da doença, porém, atualmente a LTA está controlada, apresentando poucos casos em relação há anos anteriores. O atendimento aos doentes é oferecido gratuitamente na rede municipal de saúde. A cidade procura através dos órgãos envolvidos com o tema, conscientizar a população quanto ao risco e método de prevenção


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Dramatic changes occur in the lives of patients on peritoneal dialysis and his family life, changing lifestyle, professional and social activities. Considering the important role of family in treatment, is crucial for nurses to know how these families perceive their role as caregivers and their difficulties and needs, in the process of peritoneal dialysis. The approach chosen for the study was the phenomenological method, based on Merleau-Ponty, who proposes to understand the human experience, from the description of those who lived it. The study findings show that in the beginning of treatment, family members, feel impacted with the disease severity and eager to become responsible for maintenance treatment, fearing not match the expectations.Guided by staff, appear confident in taking care and deal with the difficulties and complications of treatment, supported by professionals. However, resent the great changes in their social activities and work, his life turns out to be quite limited, due to the dedication to a sick family member. Many feel overwhelmed because they are not supported by other family members. Some envision a future outlook for renal transplant, others seem skeptical, given the long waiting list, especially when advanced age of the sick family member. These results suggest the need for individualized attention to family caregivers, and to encourage the family to organize itself and develop a joint work. In this sense, the design of health care, taking care with the focus of the family, it seems highly appropriate in preparing the plan of family orientation, this is defined as a dynamic unity, which, working in harmony, can contribute positively in the treatment of health a sick member


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O interesse no tema pela praticas alternativa e complementar na saúde vem aumentado, principalmente entre pacientes oncológicos, que buscam uma melhor qualidade de vida e algumas alternativas para amenizar os efeitos colaterais do tratamento convencional. Fazer uma revisão integrativa da produção científica em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, acerca das praticas integrativas e complementares no tratamento do paciente com câncer. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, indexada nas bases de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, no período de 2000 a 2010. Após exclusão daqueles que se repetiam entre as bases de dados e dos que não se encaixam nos critérios de inclusão, resultaram 19 artigos. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos meses de janeiro a março de 2011 por meio de um instrumento elaborado pela pesquisadora. Utilizou-se do aplicativo Microsoft Excel 2007 para organizar o banco referente aos dados quantitativos. Os dados quantitativos, referentes às variáveis da caracterização da produção científica, foram apresentados em tabelas e submetidos à análise estatística descritiva. A análise de conteúdo, na abordagem representacional e do tipo temática (Bardin, 1977) foi utilizada como estratégia metodológica qualitativa para organizar, sistematicamente, a produção do conhecimento. A caracterização do corpus de análise aponta uma produção majoritária de publicações internacionais (94,74%). A maior parte das publicações é oriunda dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA), correspondendo a 36,86% da amostra. O método qualitativo foi predominante (84,21%). Da análise temática emergiram quatro temas: Tema 1. Relação médico-paciente com o profissional da Medicina alternativa e complementar (MAC); Tema 2. Crenças e costumes relacionados ao uso das MACs; Tema 3. Variedades das MACs e suas interações...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objectives: to identify the demographic profile and frequency of anemia and hemoglobinopathies, as a basis for future implementation of actions aimed at pregnant women in the public health domain. Method: this is a cross-sectional study developed with pregnant women attended in a university hospital at Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Blood samples were collected for the erythrogram analysis for detection of anemia and selective and specific tests for abnormal hemoglobin. The patients regarded as indigenous and mentally ill, as well as inmates, were excluded from the research, as they represent a vulnerable population which needs a cohort different from that of the sample. For data collection, a particular questionnaire was used. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), under the Protocol 873/2006. Results: of the 215 pregnant women under study, 20% were adolescents; 36.3% had incomplete primary education; 53.0% were non-Caucasian; 43.3% were from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil; and 21.1% were of European descent. 17.7% had some type of anemia and, in the evaluation of hemoglobinopathies, 4.7% of patients were detected with some abnormal hemoglobin, with the following frequencies: 3.3% with HbAS; 0.9% with HbAC; and 0.5% with intermediate β-thalassemia. Conclusion: the frequencies of anemia and hemoglobinopathy found in these pregnant women showed the importance of early diagnosis, revealing indicators able to provide a basis for preventive and assistance actions for adequate clinical monitoring, reducing maternal and neonatal morbimortality in the public health services. Descriptors: pregnant women; anemia; hemoglobinopathies; public health; nursing.