230 resultados para figuras de linguagem


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Alessandra Del Ré discute nesta obra a importância de se desenvolver um trabalho com o humor na escola, a partir da constatação de que crianças pequenas, de 3 a 5 anos de idade, têm no humor um elemento importante no processo de aquisição da linguagem. Partindo da hipótese de Garitte e Legrande, de que as crianças que fazem uso do humor têm melhores competências sociais, Del Ré critica a imposição sem nuances, pela escola, de padrões de linguagem, à medida que as crianças crescem. Tal imposição - necessariamente acrítica - minaria aos poucos a capacidade de produção linguística criativa e natural das crianças até seu desaparecimento, para prejuízo de futuras conceituações e efabulações oriundas do Imaginário. O trabalho defende que impor à criança cedo demais padrões transmitidos como sérios e indiscutíveis é como colocar uma venda em seus olhos e privá-la de se tornar mais ativa e principalmente mais criativa, capaz de manipular e reutilizar o humor cotidiano - algo que a escola deveria estimular, e não coibir.


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Neste livro, de grande profundidade e escrito com linguagem clara e acessível, Leonardo Borges Reis busca apontar as articulações entre o pensamento político e a teoria linguística de Avram Noam Chomsky (1928). Por conta principalmente de sua postura de resistência à política externa de seu país, Chomsky é conhecido internacionalmente como um importante ativista da nova esquerda norte-americana. Apesar de seu ativismo ter despontado durante a Guerra do Vietnã, ele inclinou-se às ideias libertárias ainda muito jovem - começou a refletir sobre as semelhanças entre o programa fascista e o Ocidente democrático em plena adolescência, ao se ater à posição dos anarquistas durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola. Mas, nos anos 1960, Chomsky, professor do Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tornou-se revolucionário também na Linguística, ao introduzir uma das mais notáveis criações teóricas dessa área de conhecimento: a gramática gerativa. A teoria que a linguagem humana se assenta sobre a manifestação de estruturas abstratas universais, que tornam possível a aprendizagem de sistemas particulares de línguas. A manifestação da linguagem dependeria, dessa forma, do estímulo do contexto linguístico e do emprego de estruturas universais, subjacentes aos humanos. De acordo com Reis, esse quadro mostra que, apesar do enorme desenvolvimento e alcance das ideias de Chomsky, o conjunto de seu pensamento permanece imerso em relações aparentemente enigmáticas: Referimo-nos aqui às ligações entre sua teoria da linguagem e sua obra política. Normalmente, as referências encontradas sobre Chomsky oscilam entre dois territórios de fronteiras supostamente intransponíveis: de um lado, encontra-se o político, e, do outro, o linguista. No entanto, ainda conforme o autor, mesmo com a divisão entre a obra de ativismo e de Linguística, é possível identificar breves incursões de Chomsky no campo de uma teoria social, baseada em ...


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This paper describes an investigation into the initial training of foreign language teachers (German and English) and the internships required in the fourth year, considering the possibility that online forums may provide a virtual environment for the manifestation of critical thinking by future teachers. We analyze the messages and themes addressed in three forums, based on concepts of critical thinking and on the theoretical model of Practical Inquiry proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000; 2001). For a better understanding of the phases in discussions on topics, we use the model of these authors, also identifying some discourse markers characterized by them, mainly based on the assumptions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994) and on the types of conversational moves proposed by Eggins and Slade (1997). A new model was created based on the selected theoretical underpinnings and on the analysis of the data, as well as the conclusion was that online forums can be considered an important tool for the manifestation of teachers' critical thinking and for a critical reflexive education, in a context marked by the specificities of information society.


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Researchers in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication point out the lack of instruments for assessing children and young people with a complex communication needs. This study's focus is the selection of words for creating an instrument for the vocabulary range in non-speaking children aged two to eleven years and eleven months. Three studies were performed. The first study identified and described tools available for assessing receptive vocabulary and their respective word lists. The second identified and described research that presented word inventories or word lists. The third study identified the vocabulary reported by parents and teachers. The words that were identified in the three studies were analyzed according to: the number of times they occurred; the Picture Communication Symbols system classification; and a semantic and syntactic classification. Based on these studies the following criteria for vocabulary selection were established for word selection: the 45 words which appeared in all three studies, the words that occurred five times or more, considering the three studies, representing 167 (14.14%) words; the words identified in study one or two, but that had been reported by the families - 183 (19.37% out of 945 words) - or by teachers - 108 (11.43% out of 945 words). The word list was composed of 269 items, classified in 18 semantic and syntactic topics; it represents an initial tool for professionals in the field of health and education to set goals for beginning assessment of children and teenagers who are users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The relation among the concepts text, document and information is discussed, with the aim of clarifying the concept of document, with a focus in the field of economic information organization and management. A document is a medium in which information is recorded and manifested. A document is, thus, material, has a purpose, can be organized and treated for its improved dissemination, and has a specific subject and context.


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Our intention was to describe the case of a six-year-old boy, carrier of a language disturbance associated to neurological disorders, in language therapy. Our goal was to build instruments for the diagnosis of similar cases. Relating the patient's psychopathological characteristics with a neurological disease, we understood that both results in manifestations of verbal and physical aggressiveness as well as in the severe disturbance of the language. We hope we have contributed to the understanding of the disturbances of communication associated to psychogenic symptoms and of neurological disorders.


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The goal of this research was to characterize written stories, produced by students, without complaint of language development (oral and written), from pictographic support. In a specific way, it has been searched, in those stories, elements that could grant coherence, applying that performance with the participants’ profile variables. It was characterized as a descriptive-exploratory study, held at a rural municipal school in the State of Parana. Twenty-one (21) students of both genders and ages between seven and nine years old have participated in this study. Data collection consisted of two narratives requests: one oral, after being released, to the child, four pictures placed in sequence to form a story, and one written. This writing production had been taken for the analysis. The results have indicated that most children (71.42%) managed to produce coherent stories, seventeen (80%) in story 1 and thirteen (61%) in story 2. As to the relation of that coherence with the students’ profile in story 1, there has been no statistically significant association, for none of the analyzed variables (gender, age and education), whereas there has been a statistically significant association with gender in story 2 (p-value 0.027). It is considered that the use of the pictographic support in developing stories have been confirmed as a facilitating strategy for its construction, for it has enabled the production of coherent narratives.


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Introduction: Since their first month of life, babies already show alternation in their communication, in which adults have an important role, assuming interaction turns with the child through questions known as eliciting questions. Verifying this alternation incited us to analyze children’s responsive attitudes toward the questions of the adult interlocutor. Objetives: (1) describe and characterize the kinds of responsive attitudes children have to open questions; (2) verify if there are any differences between the developed and non-developed kinds in the answers. Material and method: data were extracted from 28 interviews (recorded both in audio and in video) with four male children (5-6 years-old) who attended a public Kindergarten. Results: regarding the first objective, 88.7% of the attitudes were answers to the questions, 4.7% were non-responses and 6.6% were confirmation requests. Regarding the second objective, 48.2% of the answers were developed and 51.3%, non-developed. Conclusion: Although the high percentage of answers indicates that the children showed themselves sensitive to the demands of the adult interlocutor, the small percentage difference between developed and non-developed answers also indicates that children mostly depend on their assistance to develop their utterance since they oscillate between restricting themselves to the demand of the interlocutor and expanding it.