183 resultados para dialética


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What is truth? Is there a single truth or many? Is it absolute or relative? Hegel and Marx give some answers through their works. he hegelian and marxist outstanding guide themselves by the dialectical approach according to the singular understanding of each one. Yet, in Hegel as much as in Marx truth has to be seen in the relation between the subject and the object. Both of them make the efort to solve the dichotomy established by other tendencies about the subject and the object. he concept of process is central in their thought and this points at the historical essence of reality. However, it is plain that such a solution can only come out by the passage of the subject to the object (Hegel) and the other way around (Marx). In this way truth in Hegel and Marx has to be understood as an ongoing making process granting the exercise of freedom (Hegel) and an essentially social activity (Marx).


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In this article, we discuss the contributions of Didactics for intentional pedagogical action of teachers devoted to children education. In this sense, we initially say to be essential the reflections which aim to search for foundations focused on the mobilization of future teachers for the action-reflection-action about the educational phenomena, aiming at the unveiling, with rigor and objectivity, of its multiple determinations within the capitalist relations . We believe that such unveiling is only possible in the light of a world view, a method and a praxis constituted in unison with historical materialism and its dialectic. Afterwards, we reflect on some of the principles of the Historical-Cultural Theory to understand of the active and mediator role teachers have in the process of humanization of young children and contributions of dialectical materialism to this reflection. Finally are detailed some aspects of a Didactics focused on training teachers for Children and early elementary school years’ education, which have guided our actions as teachers of the Pedagogy Course and reiterated by teachers’ narratives about their experience both in life and teaching, in search of new systematization modes, targeting an educational praxis due to the redefinition (theorization) and on the teaching practice by its very subjects.


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The objective of this essay is to make a connection between E. P. Thompson and Georg Lukács seeking rescue the ontological foundations of the concept of “experience”, as used by Thompson. At first, we present the category of experience in Thompson and then, category of work and the ontology of social being, according to Lukács. Approximate the concrete historical analysis developed by E. P. Thompson of reason dialectical-materialist presupposed in the ontology of social being of Georg Lukács is a contribution to overcoming the poverty of reason, just so you can achieve the necessary dialectical understanding of the category of experience that while social praxis is modeled the work category.


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Cannot the education reach the universality? Is the universality the annihilation of the individual? Can the individual have his identity preserved as such in the State? Those questions are answered with the attention returned and led to the education. To Hegel the education universalizes the individual insofar as it introduces him into the life of the State in which the subjectivity and individuality are known in fact, preserved and promoted. In the Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel deals with the realization of freedom in the institution of State and identifies it with the realization of freedom. The aim here is to reflect upon the Hegelian comprehension of State towards education, its meaning, signification to the life of the State and its possible repercussions regarding the figures of the subject and individual also nowadays. To Hegel the education supports the State as such because it is the process of the Sate’s awareness along its formation as a living organism. A State that knows itself is a State that is known by its members who do not reach neither the State’s awareness nor themselves’ without the relation that gathers them together as the substantial universality. The education is the means that brings the individuals to the life of the State. Bringing the individual to the life in the State, the education reveals the individual to himself as well as to his true nature, that is, a being in relation to others who are not but himself. The knowledge of oneself in the education happens also through its formalization regarding the specific contents developed and accumulated throughout the history. Here comes the figure of the formal educator through whom the State aims its process of formation. This way Hegel confirms that nobody learns alone and that the universal is precisely this relation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ciência é desenvolvida na relação entre pesquisador e objeto de estudo. Tal relação pode se dar de três formas, sendo elas objetiva, subjetiva e dialética. Ao se destacar num trabalho científico qual a relação que o autor desenvolve com seu objeto de estudo, é possível evidenciar indícios de seu conceito de ciência já que, muitas vezes, é a forma com que o pesquisador se relaciona com o objeto que irá guiar suas práticas e o conduzir pelo caminho a ser seguido. Para isso realizou-se uma breve revisão das relações entre o sujeito conhecedor e objeto conhecido presentes historicamente na atividade científica. Foram coletados e analisados trabalhos de diversos pesquisadores de um centro de investigação científica e classificados numa das formas de relação entre sujeito e objeto sendo os de atitude realista de maior número, seguidos pelos idealistas e por fim pelos que privilegiam a relação. Os trabalhos realistas apresentam, de forma geral, uma pequena preocupação com a reflexão sobre o significado de sua própria prática. Acredita-se que a ciência realizada nestes trabalhos seja da maior qualidade e sugere-se, para uma realização ainda mais totalizante, que ocorra a prática de incorporação de cada vez mais da ciência da ciência em seu cotidiano. Serão suas reflexões que nos possibilitarão um desenvolver de uma ciência mais significativa e transformadora, cabendo aos pesquisadores, utilizarem da ciência da ciência para pensarem as práticas e a tornarem cada vez mais dialógicas e complexas, assim como a natureza o é


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This work aims at the debate about the role of professional public relations practices in the Public Sector Governance, building concepts through policies to encourage public communication. The democratic regime in place in most national states gave up the struggle of social actors in the quest for greater participation and representation in public policy decisions. The communication processes established in the state-society relationship is not limited to the dissemination of information but should lead the public involvement in changing social reality. And public relations are responsible for the mediation in the dialectic of communication between governments and governed


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The present work discuss the reproduction of the social relations from the point of view of the new urban production relations - having as empirical universe for analysis-, the Itaquera district in the Sao Paulo metropolis, with the advent of the World Cup in Brazil. Starting with the reading of a reality in movement, in which the analysis walks covering the dialectic relationship between space and society, where the first is translated into product and life reproduction condition, aiming to unveil the metamorphoses that will take place in the urban space with its consequent contradiction, what it may be the expanded capital reproduction concomitantly with the process that denounces a spoliation movement of the social space. With the society approval before these big architectural projects enabled by ideology, it’s determined the (re) production of artificial spaces of consumption, funded for the capital extension. The current stage that the capitalism reveals a space turned into mass consumption merchandise, consequence of the victory of the exchange value over the usage value, amalgamated in positive measures of expulsion/sweeping of low income socio-economic layers


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Este texto tem por objetivo apresentar as representações do mundo do trabalho dos alunos do Ensino Médio, da Escola Estadual Prof. Dr. João Deoclécio da Silva Ramos, Distrito de Talhado, São José do Rio Preto (SP), através do uso de mídias virtuais, especificamente o Blog de Aula - Mutirão de Sociologia (www.mutiraodesociologia.com.br). Compreender as representações de mundo trabalho possibilita aos alunos pensar em uma profissão a qual se identifiquem, além de estimular a reflexão enquanto futuros profissionais. As mídias virtuais, especialmente os blogs, possibilitam aos alunos expressar seus modos de viver e pensar o mundo do trabalho. No contexto da cidade de Rio Preto, é especialmente relevante aquelas representações do mundo do trabalho rural, de modo que este projeto vem a colaborar na elaboração de pesquisas interessadas na descrição e compreensão de processos que envolvem relações entre trabalho, educação e mundo rural.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS