158 resultados para acidente ofídico


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the treatment of extrusive luxation cases, it is important that the repositioning of extruded tooth in the socket is done as soon as possible. If this does not occur, periapical clot becomes organized and makes replantation difficult reposition. In this article the patient referred to the Clinics for dental trauma sustaining extrusive luxation of the maxillary right central incisor. The patient reported having suffered a bicycle accident 12 days before, which caused traumatic tooth injuries. The repositioning was attempted without success and an alternative form of treatment was necessary to solve the case. Intentional tooth replantation, which is the deliberate extraction of the tooth and its replantation, was indicated. This technique allows clot removal and correct repositioning of the extruded tooth. Care should be taken as endodontic treatment is required for the prevention of subsequent infection-related resorption. Intracanal dressing with calcium hydroxide was used for 30 days before final root filling. Splint, systemic antibiotics and avoidance of further damage to the root surface is also important. After 49 months, showed clinical and radiographic characteristics of normality and demonstrates the availability of this technique to adversity in trauma.


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Objective: To investigate the correlation between the Alberta Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) and the Scandinavian Stroke Scale (SSS) for the evaluation of neurological impairment in patients with acute stroke. Method: 59 patients with a first acute ischemic stroke were evaluated. The ASPECTS were evaluated by 2 neurologists at admission and by another neurologist after 48 hours. The NIHSS and SSS was applied to determinate stroke severity. Correlations and agreements were analysed statistically by Spearman and Kappa tests. Results: ASPECTS was correlated with National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission (r = -0.52; p < 0.001) and SSS (r = 0.50; p < 0.001). The ASPECTS and SSS items were most correlated with arm (r = 0.52; p < 0.001) and hand (r = 0.49; p < 0.001) motor power, and speech (r = 0.51; p < 0.001). The SSS of 25.5 shows sensitivity (68%) and specificity (72%) when associated with ASPECTS <= 7. Conclusion: The SSS can predict worst neurological impairment when associated with lower values of ASPECTS.


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The contamination of the physical environment occurs as a result of the lack of planning and inadequate management of hazardous products. Due to the difficulty of the characterization and study of soil and groundwater, the contamination has been long neglected. The characterization of these areas by research techniques through direct methods such as physical and chemical analysis, are widely used in the diagnosis and monitoring. However, despite presenting quantitative results, this method is not representative in spatial terms. The purpose of this work is to bring geophysical complementation with the diagnosis, bringing the spatial element for the detection of the contamination plume. In the study area, there was a railway accident in 1999 in which three wagons fell and spilled 240,000 L of diesel onto the soil. The main objective is to assess the presence of contaminants in the residual phase and dissolved in the subsurface, using the technique of Electrical Tomography (ETR), understand the effects of natural attenuation process in the degradation of hydrocarbons and changes in electrical properties in soil and groundwater. The results allowed the definition of three distinct patterns of resistivity region with presence of dissolved phase, set in a historical chemical analyzes: low values (> 60Ω.m) associated with the presence of hydrocarbons in an advanced stage of degradation, intermediate values (260Ω.me 511Ω .m) indicative of coexistence of residual hydrocarbons and dissolved phase, and high values (> 1000Ω.m), which reveal the prevalence of residual phase with incipient degradation, possibly in high toxicity concentrations for effective action of biodegradation processes. The diagnostic of areas with potential accumulation of residual phase can subsidize the planning of remediation techniques and promote the complete decontamination of the area


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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O tratamento de escolha para a avulsão dentária é o reimplante dentário, no entanto diversos fatores interferem no prognóstico e a reabsorção radicular é a principal seqüela podendo levar a perda dentária. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso clínico de reimplante dentário com perda dentária por extensa reabsorção radicular e os planos de tratamento instituídos para reposição do dente perdido. Paciente após acidente motociclístico apresentou avulsão dentária e fratura coronária do elemento 21 e subluxação e fratura coronária do 11. Após quatro anos do reimplante o dente foi perdido por reabsorção radicular externa. Um novo plano de tratamento foi instituído e como a paciente apresentava uma maloclusão foi realizado um tratamento ortodôntico e uma cirurgia ortognática seguido da colocação de um implante para reposição do 21. Como não ocorreu a osseointegração do implante após três tentativas foi realizada uma prótese fixa adesiva associada à laminado de porcelana para o restabelecimento da função e a estética. Desta forma a interdisciplinaridade permitiu a elaboração de planos de tratamento, capaz de eliminar os imprevistos e conduzir o caso a um sucesso.


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Dental avulsion is the most severe type of traumatic tooth injuries because it causes damageto several structures and results in the complete displacement of the tooth from its socketin the alveolar bone. The ideal situation is to replant an exarticulated tooth immediatelyafter avulsion because the extraoral time is a determinant factor for treatment successand for a good prognosis. However, it is not always possible. The success of replantationdepends on a number of factors that may contribute to accelerate or minimize theoccurrence of root resorption or ankylosis, among which is the type and characteristicsof the medium used for temporary storage during the time elapsed between avulsionand replantation. Maintaining the tooth in an adequate wet medium that can preserve,as longer as possible, the vitality of the periodontal ligament cells that remain on rootsurface is the key to success of replantation. Recent research has led to the developmentof storage media that produce conditions that closely resemble the original socketenvironment, with adequate osmolality (cell pressure), pH, nutritional metabolites andglucose, and thus create the best possible conditions for storage. Although these storagemedia can now be purchased in the form of retail products, the most common scenariois that such a product will not be readily available at the moment of the accident Thispaper reviews the literature on the different storage media that have been investigatedfor avulsed teeth based on full-length papers retrieved from PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, BBOand SciELO electronic databases using the key words storage medium , transportationmedium , avulsion , tooth avulsion , replantation , tooth replantation , milk and propolis .After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 papers were selected and criticallyreviewed with respect to the characteristics, efficacy and ease of access of the storagemedium. The review of the lite


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Facial injuries vary in their clinical characteristics and complexity, deserves an appropriate approach for each case, considering that the failures may result in aesthetic and functional changes that can be harmful both functionally and psychologically. Aspects such as exposure time of the injury, anesthesia, suture materials and tetanus prophylaxis are important factors. The objective is to present a case of extensive facial injuries in an automobile accident patient.


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Each year individuals have sought a better quality of life and work, in this case, the science of Bio-insurance needs to keep up with technological advances and the needs of society to minimize or eliminate the risks of accidents. This study evaluated the most common accidents involving health staff from 2007 to 2011 in Araçatuba-SP. 478 accidents were recorded, and 78.7% with percutaneous involvement, 9% with intact skin, 4% with no skin intact, with 7.3 mucous and 1.05% other types of exposures. Most accidents were caused by needles with lumen (68.0%), followed by other agents (14.1%), accidents with blades (8.5%) or needles without lumen (5.5%); 3.7% did not answer and 0.2% were accidents with glasses. When checking the condition in which the accident occurred, 26.0% did not specify, 25.1% occurred in the disposal and / or handling sharp objects, 12.0% at the time of drug administration, 6.9% puncture, 3.7% occurred during recapping the needle. These data show that the most common accidents are those involving needles with lumen and / or sharp objects and due to these factors, the industry of health materials have sought alternatives to minimize such accidents as needles with protective, vacuum collection . Thus, it appears that reporting accidents is important for the development of technical and / or safer materials for patients and health workers.


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The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of reports of accidents involving biological material which affected health professionals, especially dental health ones, in a city in the north­western region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Data collection was con­ducted through the notification of accidents with biological material from 2007 to 2011. There were 377 notifications, in which 353 (93.6%) had female professionals involved. The most reported type of exposure was the percutaneous in 359 cases (95.2%) followed by blood in 334 cases (88.6%) which is the most mentioned biological material in the reports. Only 21 (5.6%) notifications were from den­tal staff and occurred mostly with the dentist, 14 times (66.7%) and 16 times (76.2%) during clinical procedures. The prevalence of bio­logical accidents among dental teams was little in this time, which suggests the possibility of underreporting, in addition to being sub­ject to the partial fulfillment of the same.


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In this paper we present results of research conducted on the constitution of the identity of CEM (Centre for Mathematics Education), a group of mathematics teacher educators from the city of São Paulo, Brazil (1984-1997). We emphasize the processes of constitution of CEM’s identities, on the perspective of Oral History in Mathematics Education, of the Model of Semantic Fields and of theories of identities. As part of the broader endeavor of examining possibilities for constituting identities for the group, from several theoretical standpoints, here we report an exercise on constituting the identity of CEM from a Cartesian standpoint; the overall assumption is that we are not properly interested in what CEM is or was, but on the possibilities themselves. We argue that such analysis leads to an understanding of the group as being an accident involving the individual identities of its members but not to an understanding of CEM’s group identity as such.


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Contexto: O manuscrito descreve a reparação cirúrgica de uma úlcera crônica resultante da picada de uma aranhamarrom, um problema de difícil resolução, o qual habitualmente demora meses até a cicatrização. Descrição do caso: A vítima foi picada na coxa direita e desenvolveu fases de envenenamento típicas da picada de Loxosceles, incluindo a placa mármore, a escara e a úlcera profunda e de bordos emoldurados, características do acidente. Devido ao processo cicatricial lento, cuidados intensivos com curativos, dificuldade na deambulação, além do fator estético, optou-se por cirurgia excisional da lesão e sutura direta das bordas. O tratamento cirúrgico proporcionou cicatrização total da lesão dentro de 15 dias. Conclusões: A úlcera loxoscélica apresenta difícil cicatrização, evoluindo para a cronicidade. A cirurgia com excisão completa e síntese primária constitui técnica adequada para a cura da doença.