170 resultados para Violência Étnica


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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The article aims to outline the situations of violence and vulnerability faced by young people in schools. To understand the scenario transposition of everyday violence for school spaces has become critical analysis of the phenomenon by a new perception in the voice of the students. Thus, from the application of semi-structured questionnaires for young people between 15 and 17 years was possible closer to the diagnosis. The notes, in the end, gave birth to a path of joint efforts between the school and the community providing refl ections on the subject.


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The aim of this study is to conduct a reflective analysis of violence symbolic in the light of the specific case of ideology. For its realization as we starting point the participant observation in classrooms of elementary school. In this process selected two cases (from many observed) that have become emblematic in the production of this work, which brought elements of evident symbolic violence experienced by students. The schoolis part of a social system and ideological and historically constructed in its place there are many cases of students victims of this violence, which reveals the need for this issue to receive the appropriate attention. Remember that you need to understand the deeper aspects of violence practiced on a symbolic way which creates a culture that camouflages violent ideology behind.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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The violence is a phenomenon to be faced by several public actions and requires a formal notification system that preserves the victim of suffering from public exposure. This article discusses, in the specificity of Psychology action at the Court of the State of Sao Paulo, the importance of public policy in confronting sexual violence and the assistance of the victims. The main objective of this article is to provide a review of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Public Policy, focusing on networking and the unnecessary judicialization of actions that should be developed in another environment. The way the fact is treated in the family and the society will determine the victims' reactions and their readiness to talk about it, both in the police investigation, as in the judicial lawsuit, or yet, in specific assistance programs.


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A violência, fenômeno multifacetado e socialmente recorrente, há muito invadiu os muros das escolas. Diversos são os relatos sobre manifestações de violência na escola que vão desde a violência simbólica, verbal até a física. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as atuais concepções sobre a violência e articular estas com as teorias do desenvolvimento da moralidade humana, com o intuito de estudar as formas de como essa violência, segundo a teoria do desenvolvimento moral, aparece nas escolas na contemporaneidade. Concluímos que as teorias do desenvolvimento moral, tanto na sua parte teórica quanto metodológica, andam se tornando fundamentais na busca de diálogos que promovam mais amadurecimento de conceitos como: a dignidade, a justiça, a bondade, a solidariedade e ao respeito a outros seres humanos, com o intuito de promover uma educação pacificadora e, desta forma, anular significativamente a violência e a sua banalização, principalmente nas escolas.


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The notification of the occurrence or suspicion of violence is mandatory for health professionals and is a key tool for epidemiological surveillance and the definition of public policies for prevention and intervention. However, professionals feel unprepared for this assignment, which renders underreporting prevalent. To address this issue, the objective is to identify the means available to the professional to submit notification as well as ensure due process follow-up. For this purpose, research and document analysis was conducted in Brazilian legislation, ordinances, and government programs, codes of ethics and consultation of the literature in databases on the subject over a period of five years to establish a brief comparative analysis with other countries. The conclusion drawn is that while some measures are inapplicable, knowledge about the appropriate process for the notification and routing to specific organs will enable healthcare professionals to make the appropriate decisions for the protection and safety of the victim, besides the measures in order to change this situation of violence in the country.


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The objective of this study was to analyze intergenerational patterns of alcohol related violence (ARV). An intentional sample comprising 42 family members was selected according to a set of criteria, including history of ARV. A genogram based on anonymous semi-structured taped interviews was created. The Content Analysis pointed to different patterns of repetition of intergenerational ARV. The most recurrent ones were those of lineal consanguinity (father/son) and through marriage. We observed similarities over the generations of each family as regards the pattern of alcohol consumption; the type of violence; the family reaction and the family life cycle in which ARV was intensified. Our results confirm the intergenerational reproduction of ARV. In conclusion, it is important to create intervention strategies to prevent intergenerational repetition of this association of behaviors.


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Modern society lives daily with groups of human beings who have high rates of aggression and violence. Scholars in the field point to the influence of certain environmental condition for the development of aggressive behavior. Among such circumstances, we can quote various aspects including the influence of media, and more specifically, the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The MMA is now one of the world's most popular sport, having international visibility through your largest organization, the UFC® (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The sport's global coverage is surely source of influence for our children and adolescents, who without the correct direction, can take the scenes seen in the sport as common facts of everyday life, making aggression and violence acceptable behaviors in their lives. Many studies show behavioral changes related to violent practices in virtue of exposure of individuals to aggression scenes by media. Works provide some interesting theoretical models to explain the observational learning. Under such aspects, the determined reality brings a need for in-depth studies on the subject addressed, looking for a better understanding of relations between the sport's violence and your influences on social behavior of individuals in this context, and then, look for possible solutions to deal with the problem pre supposed


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O trabalho de curso aqui presente foi resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfica feita pela autora sobre o tema violência escolar e suas 3 vertentes que são dividas da seguinte forma segundo Charlot (2002): violência na escola, violência da escola e violência à escola. Foi usado o acervo online do Jornal do Estado de São Paulo utilizando a palavra chave escola e a partir das notícias colhidas foram feitas análises dividas em categorias sendo elas: Políticas Públicas ou a falta dela, Violência na escola, Violência da escola e Violência à escola


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O problema da violência doméstica, infelizmente, se naturalizou em nossa sociedade, o que significa que culturalmente sofrer violência em casa é de certa forma, considerado comum. Todavia, a violência doméstica não deve ser encarada desta maneira, já que constitui uma violação das Normas Internacionais e da Legislação Brasileira que a protege. Esta idéia torna-se premissa básica para que sejam desenvolvidas estratégias de planejamentos de ações e serviços, pois a violência contra a mulher é um problema social e de saúde pública, consistindo num fenômeno mundial que não respeita fronteiras de classe social, raça/etnia, religião, idade e grau de escolaridade. Diante desta realidade, o Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia do Campus de Araçatuba se preocupa em diagnosticar as lesões faciais de mulheres vítimas da violência doméstica, levar ao seu conhecimento seus direitos e proporcionar um atendimento integral e humanizado.