22 resultados para study success
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram analisados os resultados da fenestração ventral dos discos toracolombares em 29 cães agrupados segundo a raça, sexo, peso, idade, graus de déficits neurológicos, duração dos sinais, discos intervertebrais envolvidos, tempo para recuperação e porcentagem de sucesso. A raça Dachshund representou 55,18% (n = 16), cães sem raça definida, 13,8% (n = 4), Poodle e Basset Hound e Cocker Spaniel Inglês 6,89% cada (n = 6), e Pastor Alemão, Beagle e Pinscher, 3,45% cada (n = 3), sendo 51,72%, machos e 48,28%, fêmeas, com idade média de 68,03 meses. O grau de déficits neurológicos correspondeu a: 13,8% dos cães pertencentes ao GI (dor), 41,8% ao GII (paresia), 27,6% ao GIII (paraplegia com dor profunda presente) e 17,2% ao GIV (paraplegia com dor profunda ausente). Os sinais clínicos variaram em duração entre 2 e 60 dias, correspondendo às médias de 18,5 (GI), 12,3 (GII), 8,28 (GIII) e 4,2 dias (GIV). A porcentagem de discos intervertebrais acometidos foi: T10/11 (10,81%), T11/12 (24,33%), T12/13 (40,55%), T13/L1 (16,21%) e L1/2, L2/3 e L3/4, 2,7% cada. O tempo médio de recuperação, em dias, foi: 16 (GI), 19,1 (GII), 20,6 (GIII) e 30,6 (GIV), onde 100% dos animais dos grupos I, II e III recuperaram ambas as funções neurológicas e motoras. O grupo IV apresentou 80% de sucesso. Conclui-se que a fenestração ventral produz excelentes resultados pós-operatórios desde que bem selecionados os casos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Two-stage procedure for dental implants presents corroborated clinical success over 40 years. The evolution of surgical techniques, development of diagnostic methods, knowledge about tissue biology, and quality of implants regarding design and surface supported studies with I surgical stage followed by immediate prosthesis placement. However, several factors influence the treatment success with immediate loading. SO, this Study aimed to evaluate some factors regarding the success and characteristics of implants and patients.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate of maxillary immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants used into fresh extraction sites (immediate placement condition) or healed ridge (delayed placement condition).Materials and Methods: Eighty-two dental implants were placed in the maxilla of 64 consecutive patients from Private practice office and from a specialization course in Implantology. Forty-six implants were inserted under immediate placement condition, and 36 were inserted under delayed placement condition. The criteria used to evaluate success rate were those previously described by Albrektsson and Zarb (Int J Prosthodont 1993;6: 95-105), and follow-up period ranged from 18.0 to 39.7 months.Results: Seventy-nine implants fulfilled the success rate criteria (96.3%). Moreover, differences concerning implantation condition were not significant (P = 0.33, Qui-square test): three of the failed implants were from immediate placement group (success rate of 93.5%), and none was from delayed placement group (success rate of 100.0%).Conclusion: In the present sample, no statistically significant differences were detected for immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants under immediate placement condition in comparison with those inserted under delayed placement condition; both protocols had high success rate in maxillary incisors, canines, and premolars areas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Therapeutic approaches to chronic actinic cheilitis focus on the removal or destruction of diseased epithelium. The CO(2) laser has become an important therapeutic alternative, achieving clinical resolution in around 90% of patients. Although many laser physical parameters have been reported, some are known for their low potential for scar induction without compromising the success of the results. The aim of this clinicohistological study was to compare the therapeutic responses to two low-morbidity protocols involving a single laser pass. A total of 40 patients with chronic multicentric and microscopically proven disease were randomly submitted to two conservative CO(2) laser protocols using a bilateral comparative model. The degree of histological atypia of the epithelium was determined in 26 patients both pre- and postoperatively for both protocols. Other histological phenomena were assessed in addition to this central analysis parameter. Clinical recurrence occurred in 12.5% of patients for each protocol, together with a significant reduction in the degree of epithelial atypia (p < 0.001), which was occasionally complete. However, no difference was found between the protocols (p > 0.05). Using these morphological parameters it was not possible to determine whether postoperative epithelial atypias in part of the sample were reactive or residual in nature. A few patients may show minor postoperative lesions. Due to their potential to achieve clinical and importantly microscopic resolution, the studied protocols may be used for mild through moderate dysplastic epithelium and clinically diffuse disease.
The success of endodontic treatment depends on the complete elimination of microorganisms from the root canal system, thus the search for new procedures to eliminate them is justified. The aim of this study was to assess bacterial reduction after intracanal irradiation with the Er:YAG laser. The canals of 70 extracted human maxillary canines were prepared up to file #40 using 1% NaOCl, irrigated with 17% EDTA, and then washed with physiological solution activated by ultrasound. The roots were sterilized by autoclaving, inoculated with 10 mu l of a suspension containing 1.5 x 10(8) CFU/ml of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 and incubated at 37A degrees C for 72 h. The canals were irradiated with the Er:YAG laser using two energy settings: 60 mJ and 15 Hz, and 100 mJ and 10 Hz. The remaining bacteria were counted immediately and 48 h after laser irradiation. The results showed a high bacterial reduction at both time points. With 60 mJ and 15 Hz there was an immediate reduction of 99.73% and the reduction was 77.02% after 48 h, and with 100 mJ and 10 Hz there was an immediate reduction of 99.95% and the reduction was 84.52% after 48 h. Although the best results were observed with 100 mJ of energy, the difference between the two settings was not statistically significant. The count performed 48 h after irradiation showed that E. faecalis were able to survive, and can grow even from small numbers.
Superconductor films of the BSCCO system have been grown by dip coating technique with good success. The chemical method allows us to grow high temperature superconductor thin films to get better control of stoichiometry, large areas and is cheaper than other methods. There is a great technological interest in growth oriented superconductor films due anisotropic characteristics of superconductor materials of high critical temperature, specifically the cuprates, as we know that the orientation may increase the electrical transport properties. Based on this, the polymeric precursor method has been used to obtain thin films of the BSCCO system. In this work we have applied that method together with the deposition technique known as dip coating to obtain Bi-based superconductor thin films, specifically, Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2.0C2.0Cu3.0Ox+8, also known as 2223 phase with a critical temperature around 110 K. The films with multilayers have been grown on crystalline substrates of LaAlO3 and orientated (100) after being heat treated around 790 degrees C - 820 degrees C in lapse time of 1 hour in a controlled atmosphere. XRD measurements have shown the presence of a crystalline phase 2212 with a critical temperature around 85 K with (001) orientation, as well as a small fraction of 2223 phase. SEM has shown a low uniformity and some cracks that maybe related to the applied heat treatment. WDS has also been used to study the films composition. Different heat treatments have been used with the aim to increase the percentage of 2223 phase. Measurements of resistivity confirmed the presence of at least two crystalline phases, 2212 and 2223, with T-c around 85 K and 110 K, respectively.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of type of cuttings (apical, intermediate and basal) and different concentrations of IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) on rooting of Red success rose (Rosa sp.) leafy cuttings, during two season of cuttings collection (summer and winter). The investigation was carried out in the farm Irmaos Van Schaik in Holambra-SP, Brazil, from February to April and August to October/1993. The experimental design was a randomized block in a factorial arrangement. It consisted of 12 treatments (3 types of cuttings combined with IBA powder in 4 different concentrations - 0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 ppm) with 3 replicates during 2 seasons. The investigation permitted the following conclusions: the apical and intermediate cuttings showed better results in general when compared to the basal ones in both seasons; the average rooting at the transplanting time were 76%, 70% and 47% (summer) and 80%, 69% and 33% (winter) for apical, intermediate and basal cuttings, respectively; the utilization of IBA did not stimulate rooting. The average rooting for the control cuttings reached 85% (summer) and 78% (winter), regardless the type of cuttings.
Implantation failure after IVF is one of the factors associated with a reduced chance of pregnancy for some patients. Assisted hatching methodologies are designed to facilitate the embryo's escape from the zona pellucida, and this strategy has been suggested as a means of improving pregnancy rates in patients with previous implantation failure. The aim of this prospective and randomized study was to evaluate the efficacy of quarter-laser zona thinning assisted hatching (qLZT-AH) in improving the implantation of embryos in patients with previous implantation failure. A total of 150 patients with a history of previous implantation failure were treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and allocated into two groups: group 1, only one previous implantation failure, and group 2, repeated implantation failures. The patients in each group were randomized at the time of embryo transfer into a control group (no qLZT-AH) or experimental group where qLZT-AH was performed. For patients with repeated implantation failures, the implantation rate in those who received laser-thinned embryos was significantly higher (P=0.02) than in those whose embryos were not laser-thinned (10.9 and 2.6% respectively). However, this difference was not observed in patients who presented with only one previous implantation failure. The data demonstrate that qLZT-AH is an effective strategy for improving the implantation of embryos in patients with repeated implantation failures.
The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success of these spaces depends on various aspects and the microclimatic condition has been recognized as one of the most influential. However, studies on thermal comfort in open space have shown that the user's thermal sensation does not depend only on microclimate parameters but also on other local qualitative aspects. Thus, environmental quality evaluation of successful public spaces can contribute to understand this issue. This paper focuses on a case study regarding Queen Square's environmental quality, a public space of historical importance in Bath-UK. The first stage of the research, a study on local characteristics and people observations, allowed a preliminary evaluation of the space performance, their social aspects, while it characterized and quantified the hourly variation of the space use in different days and seasons. In the second stage, short microclimatic surveys were carried out simultaneously with a perception survey through a questionnaire. The results show the strong vitality of the square and socioenvironmental significance, not only for its location in the urban context, but also for its historical value. The environmental quality of the square contributes to the users' sensation of comfort even in adverse climatic conditions. This research is part of a project that aims to investigate the impact of the environmental stimuli in the use of open spaces and intend to develop design strategies that aim to maximise the use of open spaces in different weather conditions.
The lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonnerat), of the family Sapindaceae, is a highly valued fruit throughout the world. It is native to southern China, but it is cultivated in many parts of the world. In Brazil, the cultivation of the lychee was initiated in the 1970s in the State of São Paulo and has been increasing in production even though the crop size still averages only 1.4 ha per producer. The low crop size is attributed to the high cost of seedlings and the amount of time required for the plant to bear fruit. These factors discourage planting in large areas. The purpose of this research is to study some aspects of what is vitally important for the production of lychee seedlings on a large scale, with low cost and good genetic quality. Tests were performed using rootstocks from seeds of lychee and longan (Euphoria longan Lam.). Scions for grafting were taken from plants of lychee 'Bengal' in the collection of fruit species from FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil. The experiments were started in September 2007 and the grafting process was performed in each month of the year finishing in August 2008. During this period the influence of these criteria were evaluated: 1) time of the year; 2) species of rootstock; 3) percentage of grafting success; 4) stem height at grafting point; 5) stem diameter at grafting point. Therefore, through statistical analysis we obtained significant differences in relation to the rootstock used, the months of the year in which the grafting was performed and the interaction between rootstock and the month in which the grafting was performed.
Tests on spatial aptitude, in particular Visualization, have been shown to be efficient predictors of the academic performance of Technical Drawing stu-dents. It has recently been found that Spatial Working Memory (a construct defined as the ability to perform tasks with a figurative content that require si-multaneous storage and transformation of information) is strongly associated with Visualization. In the present study we analyze the predictive efficiency of a bat-tery of tests that included tests on Visualization, SpatialWorking Memory, Spatial Short-term Memory and Executive Function on a sample of first year engineering students. The results show that Spatial Working Memory (SWM) is the most important predictor of academic success in Technical Drawing. In our view, SWM tests can be useful for detecting as early as possible those students who will require more attention and support in the teaching-learning process.
When late replantation is performed, the root surface and root canal should be treated. Notwithstanding failures still occur, because of the high rates of root resorption, evidencing the need to search for substances that may inhibit root resorption. The acetazolamide is a known anti-resorptive agent, and its use as root canal dressing may increase the success rates in the treatment of root resorption. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of an acetazolamide paste used as root canal dressing in late replanted teeth. The study was conducted on 24 maxillary right incisors of rats, which were avulsed and divided in two groups. In group I, the teeth were kept dry for 30min, had their root surfaces rubbed with a blade, and were treated with 2% sodium fluoride at pH 5.5 for 20min; the root canals were instrumented and filled with acetazolamide paste; and then the teeth were replanted. In group II, the treatment was similar to group I, except for the root canal dressing, with utilization of calcium hydroxide in group II. At 15 and 60days after replantation, the animals were killed and the specimens were processed in a histotechnical laboratory for microscopic and morphometric analysis. The results demonstrated the ability of both intracanal substances to limit root resorption, yet they were unable to completely inhibit the root resorption. Replacement resorption lacunae were present in greater proportion in group II, at 60days. It was concluded that the acetazolamide paste was effective to limit the root resorption, being more effective in limiting the replacement resorption compared with calcium hydroxide. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.