355 resultados para lymphocyte and humoral alterations


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Foram avaliados dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, dez com a forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis com a forma disseminada (Grupo G2), com os objetivos de correlacionar o quadro clínico e laboratorial desses pacientes com o perfil imunológico dos mesmos, e verificar a relação dos títulos dos anticorpos antiepiderme circulantes, identificados pela imunofluorescência indireta, com intensidade da lesão e com a evolução das lesões em tratamento. Foram realizados: hemograma completo, quantificação de subpopulação de células mononucleares por anticorpos monoclonais e estudo da transformação blástica de linfócitos e quantificação de anticorpos circulantes por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Observou-se leucocitose principalmente no grupo G2, diminuição dos valores relativos das subpopulações de linfócitos CD3+ e CD4+ e tendência à diminuição dos valores relativos da subpopulação CD8+ nos doentes (Grupos G1 e G2). Os índices de transformação blástica de linfócitos frente à fitohemaglutinina revelaram níveis mais elevados nos doentes (Grupos G1 + G2), que nos controles. A reação de imunofluorescência indireta foi positiva em 100% dos doentes do grupo G2 e em 80% do grupo G1 A mediana dos valores dos títulos foi maior no grupo G2, quando comparado com o grupo G1. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que a imunidade celular está preservada, e que existe uma relação entre os títulos de anticorpos obtidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta e extensão da lesão cutânea.


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The immunological status of five children with West syndrome consequent to previous cerebral lesions was investigated. Three children had West syndrome and two were in transition from West to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. All of them showed cellular immunological deficiencies in the following tests: sensitization to DNCB, intracutaneous reaction to PHA, inhibition of leukocyte migration, blastic transformation of lymphocytes, T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood and levels of serum immunoglobulins. These immunological deficiencies, of different degrees of severity, were associated with frequent infections in these children. A possible association between the immunological deficiencies and autoimmunity is discussed.


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The aim of this work was to assess the morphometry and chromatin integrity of bovine sperm head after a three layers discontinuous Percoll (TM) density gradient centrifugation. Frozen semen doses were obtained from six bulls of different breeds, including three taurine and three Zebu animals. Three ejaculates per bull were evaluated. The semen doses were thawed and two smears were made from each sample before (control) and after the Percoll (TM) centrifugation (Percoll (TM) group). The smears were stained with toluidine blue and grayscale digital images were captured and processed in Scilab environment software. It was observed that chromatin heterogeneity was reduced (P<0.05) and chromatin decondensation was increased (P<0.05) after the Percollm treatment utilized. In addition, it was observed that sperm head length was higher (P<0.05) and the side symmetry was lower (P<0.05) in centrifuged sperm cells. When analyzed separately by subspecies, it was observed that the decrease (P<0.05) in chromatin heterogeneity and the increase (P<0.05) in chromatin decondensation occurred in Zebu sperm heads. In addition, the length and the width:length ratio of sperm heads was affected by Percoll (TM) centrifugation in Zebu semen. In conclusion, the three layers discontinuous Percoll (TM) centrifugation increased the chromatin decondensation and the morphometric alterations of frozen-thawed bovine semen. However, the real implication of these findings in fertility rates of centrifuged sperm must be investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O lactofen é um herbicida difeniléter recomendado para controlar plantas daninhas de folhas largas em campos de soja (Glycine max) e seu mecanismo de ação é a inibição da protoporfirinogênio-IX oxidase (Protox), que atua na biossíntese de clorofilas. Essa inibição resulta em um acúmulo de protoporfirina-IX, o que leva à produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), causando estresse oxidativo. Conseqüentemente, podem ocorrer manchas, enrugamento e queima das folhas, o que leva à paralisação temporária do crescimento da cultura. Porém, o óxido nítrico (NO) atua como um antioxidante na eliminação direta das ROS. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, por meio de avaliações fitométricas e bioquímicas, o efeito protetor do NO em plantas de soja tratadas com o herbicida lactofen. Plantas de soja foram pré-tratadas com diferentes doses de Nitroprussiato de Sódio (SNP), substância doadora de NO, e então pulverizadas com 168 g a.i. ha-1 lactofen. O pré-tratamento com SNP foi benéfico, pois o NO reduziu os sintomas de injúria causados pelo lactofen nos folíolos jovens e manteve baixos teores de açúcares solúveis. Porém, o NO proporcionou crescimento mais lento das plantas. Desta forma, posteriores estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos de ação do NO na sinalização do estresse promovido pelo lactofen na cultura da soja.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, micronucleus and nuclear alterations tests were performed on erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes, Cichlidae) in order to evaluate the water quality of the Atibaia river, in an area that receives effluents discharge of a petroleum refinery and also to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments used by the refinery. Water samples were collected in five different sites related with a refinery from São Paulo State, Brazil. For the micronucleus and nuclear alterations tests, O. niloticus specimens were exposed for 72 h to the water samples and in pure ground water (negative control). The results herein obtained indicated that the treatments used by the refinery diminished the cytogenetic damage; however they were not fully effective, since the final mill has induced damages in the genetic material of the test organism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of oestradiol on the intact and castrated adult gerbil prostate was evaluated by focussing on stromal and epithelial disorders, and hormonal receptor immunoreactivity. The experimental animals were studied by histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Epithelial alterations in the oestradiol-treated animals were frequent, with an increase in epithelial cell height, areas of intense dysplasia and hyperplasia and formation of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Another aspect that did not depend on the presence of testosterone was the arrangement of the fibrillar and non-fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix among smooth muscle cells (SMC), suggesting a possible role of these cells in rearrangement and synthesis of these components, after oestrogenic treatment. In the castrated animals, an accumulation of extracellular matrix elements under the epithelium was evident, while in the intact animals the same compounds were dispersed and scarce. In the groups of intact and castrated animals, SMC and fibroblasts exhibited a secretory phenotype, which was accentuated after oestradiol administration. There was an increase of the immunoreactivity to alpha-oestrogen and androgen receptors in hyperplastic areas compared to normal epithelium, revealing the involvement of these steroid receptors in the hyperplasia and PIN development.


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A introdução do mesilato de imatinibe como tratamento da leucemia mielóide crônica tem salvado muitos pacientes, mas o sucesso da terapia tem sido prejudicado pela resistência e possível não destruição do clone maligno. Este artigo descreve a resposta citogenética e padrões citogenéticos anormais envolvendo os genes ABL e BCR detectados por FISH em pacientes em uso exclusivo de imatinibe. Os resultados mostraram que outras alterações envolvendo os genes BCR e ABL não parecem estar relacionadas à resistência à droga, elas ocorrem em baixas freqüências e podem não estar associadas à resposta citogenética ou ao tempo de tratamento. Contudo, a resposta ao imatinibe parece ser individual e imprevisível, independente do tempo e do início do tratamento após o diagnóstico.


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The present work aimed to evaluate the clinical and hematological aspects during experimental envenomation by Crotalus durissus terrificus in dogs treated with different antiophidic serum doses. Sixteen dogs were divided into two groups of eight animals each. Group I received 1mg/kg venom subcutaneously and 30mg antiophidic serum intravenously; Group II received 1mg/kg venom subcutaneously and 60mg antiophidic serum intravenously. In the clinical evaluation, we observed ataxia, moderate sedation, dilated pupils, sialorrhea, flaccid paralysis of mandibular muscles, and discreet edema at the site of venom inoculation. Evaluating red and white blood cells, we observed a decrease of hemoglobins, globular volume and erythrocytes, and an increase of plasmatic proteins, leukocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. Clotting time increased and there was blood incoagulability with return to normal clotting time six hours after antiophidic serum administration. Animals treated with six antiophidic serum flasks had a faster recovery than the animals that received three serum flasks.


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This work investigated the effects of increasing temperature from 30 degrees C to 47 degrees C on the physiological and genetic characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 63M after continuous fermentation with cell recycling in a system of five reactors in series. Steady state was attained at 30 degrees C, and then the temperature of the system was raised so it ranged from 35 degrees C in the last reactor to 43 degrees C in the first reactor or feeding reactor with a 2 degrees C difference between reactors. After 15 days at steady state, the temperature was raised from 37 degrees C to 45 degrees C for 25 days at steady state, then from 39 degrees C to 47 degrees C for 20 days at steady state. Starter strain 63M was a hybrid strain constructed to have a MAT a/alpha, LYS/lys, URA/ura genotype. This hybrid yeast showed vigorous growth on plates at 40 degrees C, weak growth at 41 degrees C, positive assimilation of melibiose, positive fermentation of galactose, raffinose and sucrose. of 156 isolates obtained from this system at the end of the fermentation process, only 17.3% showed the same characteristics as starter strain 63M. Alterations in mating type reaction and in utilization of raffinose, melibiose, and sucrose were identified. Only 1.9% of the isolates lost the ability to grow at 40 degrees C. Isolates showing requirements for lysine and uracil were also obtained. In addition, cell survival was observed at 39-47 degrees C, but no isolates showing growth above 41 degrees C were obtained.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary ochratoxin, in the presence or absence of aluminosilicate, on the histology of the bursa of Fabricius, liver and kidneys, and on the humoral immune response of broilers vaccinated against Newcastle disease virus. The exposure of birds to 2 p. p. m. ochratoxin, in the presence or absence of aluminosilicate, reduced their humoral immune response and the number of mitotic cells in the bursa. The relative weight of the livers of the birds exposed to this toxin was increased and, microscopically, there was hepatocyte vacuolation and megalocytosis with accompanying hyperplasia of the biliary epithelium. The kidneys showed hypertrophy of the renal proximal tubular epithelium, with thickening of the glomerular basement membrane. Aluminosilicate did not ameliorate the deleterious effects of the ochratoxin.


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The cell-mediated and humoral immune response of rabbits to antigens from larvae of Dermatobia hominis were analyzed by leucocyte migration inhibition factor assay (MIF), immunodiffusion (ID) and passive hemagglutination (PH) test in rabbits immunized with D. hominis extract, in rabbits immunized and infested with the parasite and rabbits infested with D. hominis. Twenty rabbits were divided into five groups: Group 1, rabbits immunized with a crude antigen extract, evaluated for 40 weeks at 4 week intervals; Group 2, rabbits immunized and infested with newly hatched larvae at 14 weeks post immunization (PI) and evaluated as Group 1; Group 3, rabbits immunized, evaluated for 28 weeks at 2 week intervals; Group 4, rabbits immunized and infested at 4 weeks PI and evaluated as Group 3; Group 5, rabbits infested and evaluated for 24 weeks at 2 week intervals. Different patterns of reactivity were observed in the infested and immunized animals: immunized rabbits developed antibodies and cellular immune responses earlier and at higher levels during immunization than the infested rabbits; the infestation at 14 weeks PI, when the cell-mediated and humoral immune response began to decrease, or at 4 weeks PI when these parameters were at higher levels, elicited an anamnestic response. After the spontaneous elimination of larvae by the host, from the 4th week PI onwards, high titers of antibodies and migration inhibition indices were maintained for a long period. These results suggest that the onset of cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization may be important as a biological control of myiasis and contribute to better understanding of the immune defense mechanism of the host against D. hominis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)