122 resultados para Rain precipitation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we focus on providing coordinated visual strategies to assist users in performing tasks driven by the presence of temporal and spatial attributes. We introduce temporal visualization techniques targeted at such tasks, and illustrate their use with an application involving a climate classification process. The climate classification requires extensive Processing of a database containing daily rain precipitation values collected along over fifty years at several spatial locations in the São Paulo state, Brazil. We identify user exploration tasks typically conducted as part of the data preparation required in this process, and then describe how such tasks may be assisted by the multiple visual techniques provided. Issues related to the use of the multiple techniques by an end-user are also discussed.


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The instability of cassava culinary quality is a problem in the market. This work had the purpose of evaluating the interference of the productivity, rain precipitation and physical-chemical characteristics on the cooking time of the IAC 576-70 cultivar, from the 6(th) to the 12(th) month after the planting. The physical parameters evaluated were: difficulty in peeling (easy, medium, and hard), difficulty in cutting in long, thin sticks with a manual machine, being those cut in a subjective way. In the analysis of the cooked root, the percentage of water absorbed into the cassava pieces, the color, white points formed inside the pieces of cassava, gel formation around the pieces of cassava, and cooking time were evaluated. The pH, acidity, moisture, ashes, fibers, ether extract, protein, reducing sugars, and starch of the roots were also monthly evaluated. From the results obtained in the present work, it may be concluded that the cassava IAC 576-70, when planted in July, in Botucatu-SP area, must be harvested at the age of nine months, without damage to the productivity, starch level and root cooking, and the harvest could be extended up to ten months. The producers should follow the sum of precipitation index ten days before the harvest, and this value should be the smallest as it may be and the producers should not harvest when this value is more than 100 mm, in order not to hinder the cooking of the root.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work of research was developed in rubber tree plantation, clone RRIM 600, with 15 years of age, in the region of Jose Bonifácio - SP, situated 21°03′ latitude (s), 49°41′ of longitude (w) and 490 altitude of m, to the sum of the micro watershed of the river Barra Grande. The research had the purpose to evaluate the redistribution of precipitations in hidric year 1995/96, esteem the rain precipitation, effective, throughfall, stemflow and the interception by canopies of the rubber tree. They had been installed the open sky and under the canopy of the trees rain gauges and interception of trunk to quantify (mm) the redistribution of rains. The annual average rain precipitation was of 1053,6 mm, the throughfall of 699,4 mm and stemflow for the 92,3 mm. the interception by canopies and the precipitation effective had resulted in 261,9 and 791,7 mm; being these respectively 24.9% and 75.1% of the rain precipitation in the rubber tree.


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Experimental data on the precipitation chemistry in the semi-arid savanna of South Africa is presented in this paper. A total of 901 rainwater samples were collected with automatic wet-only samplers at a rural site, Louis Trichardt, and at an industrial site, Amersfoort, from July 1986 to June 1999. The chemical composition of precipitation was analysed for seven inorganic and two organic ions, using ion chromatography. The most abundant ion was SO(4)(2-) and a large proportion of the precipitation is acidic, with 98% of samples at Amersfoort and 94% at Louis Trichardt having a pH below 5.6 ( average pH of 4.4 and 4.9, respectively). This acidity results from a mixture of mineral and organic acids, with mineral acids being the primary contributors to the precipitation acidity in Amersfoort, while at Louis Trichardt, organic and mineral acids contribute equal amounts of acidity. It was found that the composition of rainwater is controlled by five sources: marine, terrigenous, nitrogenous, biomass burning and anthropogenic sources. The relative contributions of these sources at the two sites were calculated. Anthropogenic sources dominate at Amersfoort and biomass burning at Louis Trichardt. Most ions exhibit a seasonal pattern at Louis Trichardt, with the highest concentrations occurring during the austral spring as a result of agricultural activities and biomass combustion, while at Amersfoort it is less pronounced due to the dominance of relatively constant industrial emissions. The results are compared to observations from other African regions.


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The chemical composition, as well as the sources contributing to rainwater chemistry have been determined at Skukuza, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Major inorganic and organic ions were determined in 93 rainwater samples collected using an automated wet-only sampler from July 1999 to June 2002. The results indicate that the rain is acidic and the averaged precipitation pH was 4.72. This acidity results from a mixture of mineral acids (82%, of which 50% is H2SO4) and organic acids (18%). Most of the H2SO4 component can be attributed to the emissions of sulphur dioxide from the industrial region on the Highveld. The wet deposition of S and N is 5.9 kgS.ha(-1).yr(-1) and 2.8 kgN.ha(-1).yr(-1), respectively. The N deposition was mainly in the form of NH4+. Terrigenous, sea salt component, nitrogenous and anthropogenic pollutants have been identified as potential sources of chemical components in rainwater. The results are compared to observations from other African regions.


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Rain acidity may be ascribed to emissions from power station stacks, as well as emissions from other industry, biomass burning, maritime influences, agricultural influences, etc. Rain quality data are available for 30 sites in the South African interior, some from as early as 1985 for up to 14 rainfall seasons, while others only have relatively short records. The article examines trends over time in the raw and volume weighted concentrations of the parameters measured, separately for each of the sites for which sufficient data are available. The main thrust, however, is to examine the inter-relationship structure between the concentrations within each rain event (unweighted data), separately for each site, and to examine whether these inter-relationships have changed over time. The rain events at individual sites can be characterized by approximately eight combinations of rainfall parameters (or rain composition signatures), and these are common to all sites. Some sites will have more events from one signature than another, but there appear to be no signatures unique to a single site. Analysis via factor and cluster analysis, with a correspondence analysis of the results, also aid interpretation of the patterns. This spatio-temporal analysis, performed by pooling all rain event data, irrespective of site or time period, results in nine combinations of rainfall parameters being sufficient to characterize the rain events. The sites and rainfall seasons show patterns in these combinations of parameters, with some combinations appearing more frequently during certain rainfall seasons. In particular, the presence of the combination of low acetate and formate with high magnesium appears to be increasing in the later rainfall seasons, as does this combination together with calcium, sodium, chloride, potassium and fluoride. As expected, sites close together exhibit similar signatures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Climate change and its consequences seem to be increasingly evident in our daily lives. However, is it possible for students to identify a relationship between these large-scale events and the chemistry taught in the classroom? The aim of the present work is to demonstrate that chemistry can assist in elucidating important environmental issues. Simple experiments are used to demonstrate the mechanism of cloud formation, as well as the influence of anthropogenic and natural emissions on the precipitation process. The experiments presented show the way in which particles of soluble salts commonly found in the environment can absorb water in the atmosphere and influence cloud formation.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o controle em pré-emergência de Brachiaria decumbens e Panicum maximum pelo herbicida S-metolachlor em função do intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação e a ocorrência de chuva e da quantidade de palha de cana-de-açúcar na superfície do solo, dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos em vasos mantidos em casa de vegetação. No primeiro, foram estudadas cinco quantidades de palha sobre o solo (0, 3, 6, 10 e 15 t ha-1) e cinco dosagens de S-metolachlor (0; 0,96; 1,44; 1,92 e 2,40 kg ha-1). No outro, foram avaliadas duas quantidades de palha sobre o solo (0 e 10 t ha-1) e sete intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação de S-metolachlor e a simulação de chuva (1 dia antes; logo após; 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20 dias após a aplicação). As dosagens de S-metolachlor não foram afetadas pelos níveis de palha na superfície do solo. Além disso, sem a manutenção de palha sobre o solo, o controle das plantas daninhas pelo herbicida S-metolachlor não foi influenciado pelos intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação e a simulação de chuva, até 20 dias. Com 10 t ha-1 de palha, o controle de B. decumbens e P. maximum pelo S-metolachlor não foi prejudicado quando choveu até 12 dias da sua aplicação ou um dia antes, mas, nesse caso apenas para P. maximum.


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O tebuthiuron é um herbicida residual amplamente utilizado em cana-de-açúcar cultivada no sistema tradicional. em áreas de cana-crua, o comportamento desse herbicida na palha deixada sobre o solo não é muito conhecido. Para melhor entender esse comportamento, avaliou-se neste trabalho a dinâmica do tebuthiuron aplicado sobre a palha de cana-de-açúcar em diferentes períodos e intensidades de chuvas após a aplicação. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos instalados em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. No primeiro, avaliou-se a interceptação do herbicida tebuthiuron no momento da aplicação sobre 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1 de palha de cana-de-açúcar. No segundo, foi avaliada a passagem do herbicida em 5, 10 e 15 t ha-1 de palha, simulando-se o equivalente a 2,5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50 e 65 mm de chuva, um dia após a aplicação (DAA). No terceiro, estudou-se o efeito de diferentes períodos de permanência (0, 1, 7, 14 e 28 DAA) do tebuthiuron na palha (10 t ha-1) antes da aplicação das mesmas precipitações simuladas no segundo estudo, acrescentando-se ainda mais uma simulação de 20 mm aos 7 e aos 14 dias após a aplicação do herbicida e das lâminas acumuladas de 65 mm. No quarto, avaliou-se a transposição do herbicida aplicado a 10 t ha-1 de palha, recebendo posteriormente uma lâmina de chuva de água de 20 mm e, no outro tratamento, uma irrigação de vinhaça de 20 mm, um dia após a aplicação. A quantificação do tebuthiuron foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Nos estudos de dinâmica observou-se que, quanto maior a quantidade de palha, menor é a quantidade de produto que a transpõe no momento da aplicação. No segundo ensaio, pôde-se observar que, quanto maior a quantidade de palha, menor é a quantidade total extraída na simulação da precipitação. Para o terceiro estudo, os resultados indicaram que, quanto maior o tempo que o produto permanece na palha antes da ocorrência de chuva, menor é a extração total do produto com 65 mm de precipitação. Para as chuvas de 20 mm aos 7 e 14 dias após aplicação do herbicida e da lâmina de 65 mm para cada período, no terceiro ensaio, observou-se extração de quantidades mínimas do herbicida. A utilização de vinhaça como chuva simulada proporcionou aumento de 17% do tebuthiuron lixiviado, quando comparado com a mesma quantidade de chuva simulada com água.


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Nas maiores regiões algodoeiras no Brasil, chove mais de 1.500mm anuais, existindo risco de ocorrer lavagem de reguladores de crescimento aplicados às folhas do algodoeiro, antes que sejam absorvidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a lavagem dos reguladores de crescimento cloreto de mepiquat e cloreto de chlormequat de folhas de algodoeiro por chuva, ocorrendo em diferentes momentos após a aplicação. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação. Ambos os reguladores foram aplicados no aparecimento do primeiro botão floral, na dose de 15g ha-1 de i.a. com e sem adjuvante siliconado, e chuva simulada foi aplicada aos 0, 0,75; 1,5; 3,0; 6,0; 12,0 e 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores, mais um tratamento sem chuva. A adição de adjuvante siliconado melhorou a absorção dos produtos. A ocorrência de chuva até mesmo 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores pode lavar parte dos produtos das plantas de algodoeiro, com maior intensidade para o tratamento sem adjuvante. A redução da absorção do produto leva à necessidade de reaplicá-lo para que possa haver a sua ação, sem comprometer sua função.