129 resultados para Hierarchy of beings
The restricted class of Natanzon potentials with two free parameters is studied within the context of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. The hierarchy of Hamiltonians and a general form for the superpotential is presented. The first members of the superfamily are explicitly evaluated.
The general structure of the Hamiltonian hierarchy of the pseudo-Coulomb and pseudo-Harmonic potentials is constructed by the factorization method within the supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SQMS) formalism. The excited states and spectra of eigenfunctions of the potentials are obtained through the generation of the members of the hierarchy. It is shown that the extra centrifugal term added to the Coulomb and Harmonic potentials maintain their exact solvability.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Dominant species are those which delimit and defend territories from other individuals of the same or different species. Subordinate species are those which, furtive and sneakily, use sources of nectar from other individuals. This study aimed to describe the aggressive interactions between species of hummingbirds, define which species are dominant and which are subordinate, investigate if the sharing of resources occurs during the visits, and compare the behaviour of the dominant species in different strata (tree, arbustive and herbaceous). The species observed interacting with Anthracothorax nigricollis Vieillot 1817 were Phaethornis pretrei Lesson and Delattrer 1839, Thalurania furcata Gmelin 1788, and Polytmus guainumbi Pallas 1764. Nine behavioural acts grouped into four categories were identified and described. The dominant species is A. nigricollis (with 0.9 of the attacks), followed by T. furcata (with 0.07) and P. pretrei (with 0.03). The resource sharing was seen only in the shrub layer, in C. surinamensis, in which there was intraspecific and interspecific sharing. A. nigricollis showed higher interspecific toleration, T. furcata (0.27) and P. pretrei (0.55) than intraspecific A. nigricollis (0.18). The frequency of occurrence of behaviours expressed by A. nigricollis in the three vegetation strata differed significantly.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Seven colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga were studied under field conditions at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, in southeastern Brazil: in pre-emergence, post-emergence and decline stages, during 145.8 hours. Dominance interactions among the females were quantified to verify the dynamics of succession in the social hierarchy of the colonies. Early pre-emergence colonies present more intense aggressive interactions than late pre-emergence ones, because the females are engaged in securing the role of main egg layer in the nest. In post-emergence (pre-male) colonies the dominance hierarchy is more defined and the frequency of dominance and subordination behaviors were lower than in pre-emergence stages: most of the agonistic behaviors are restricted to the first ranked females (potentially queens) and the subordinate individuals play the role of workers in the nests. In the post-emergence, post-male, and decline stages the hierarchy is still maintained by the aggressive behaviors of the 1st-ranked female but because the presence of males and future nest foundresses these interactions are not well defined in a linear way.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The negative symmetry flows are incorporated into the Riemann-Hilbert problem for the homogeneous A(m)-hierarchy and its (gl) over cap (m + 1, C) extension.A loop group automorphism of order two is used to define a sub-hierarchy of (gl) over cap (m + 1, C) hierarchy containing only the odd symmetry flows. The positive and negative flows of the +/-1 grade coincide with equations of the multidimensional Toda model and of topological-anti-topological fusion. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the coadjoint orbit method we derive a geometric WZWN action based on the extended two-loop Kac-Moody algebra. We show that under a hamiltonian reduction procedure, which respects conformal invariance, we obtain a hierarchy of Toda type field theories, which contain as submodels the Toda molecule and periodic Toda lattice theories. We also discuss the classical r-matrix and integrability properties.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A new mechanism for understanding small neutrino masses using only simple new physics at the TeV scale is proposed. As an application, it is shown how it can naturally lead to the mass hierarchy of the so-called bimaximal mixing in the case of three active neutrinos, or to the 3 + 1 scenario with a sterile neutrino, using only the SU(2)(L) quantum numbers of the particles. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. BN. All rights reserved.
Robotic vehicle navigation in unstructured and uncertain environments is still a challenge. This paper presents the implementation of a multivalued neurofuzzy controller for autonomous ground vehicle (AGVs) in indoor environments. The control system consists of a hierarchy of mobile robot using multivalued adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system behaviors.