10 resultados para scholarly historians
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
VANTI, Nadia. Links hipertextuais na comunicação científica: análise webométrica dos sítios acadêmicos latino-americanos em Ciências Sociais. Porto Alegre, 2007. 292 f. Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação e Informação) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 2007.
This study deals with the rural social security Universalist established by the Constitution of 1988 and its importance in the economy of the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. In this context, the study seeks to satisfy two important criteria that guide the selection of objects of social science research: a consideration of issues that have relevance to the real world and the intention to make the contribution to the scholarly literature on theoretical and empirical aspects. The research seeks to reveal what is the economic importance of the subsystem of social security for rural municipalities in RN. The hypothesis is that the transfer of income received by beneficiaries from the rural social security tax exceeds the explicit mechanisms for most municipalities in RN, in many cases significantly, proving the importance of this policy as a mechanism for combating poverty and reducing social inequality, especially before the fragility of the federal system on the national political entity hall. The study presents theoretical cores - chapters 1-3 - and empirical - Chapter 4. The first core is about the evolution of social protection as a state policy, addressing the influential theories and typologies of the State of Social Welfare and the characteristics of the Brazilian social security model, but mainly, its rural social security subsystem, its history until universalistic model inaugurated by the Federal Constitution of 1988. The second begins with an overview of studies that have emphasized the impact of Social Security on the local economy of small municipalities, then passing data and statistics in order to gauge the socioeconomic importance of pension income in the rural municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, the final chapter provides a comparison of the monetary value transferred by the payment of social security benefits - rural and urban - to each of the 167 municipalities in RN with the equally important sources of income in the budget of municipal entities. Apart from their own tax revenues, are objects of comparison with the value of pension benefits awarded in RN, transfer quota state relating to the municipality on the federal ICMS and the transfer on the FPM
This scholarly work aims to investigate the feasibility and constitutionality of access to justice through the provision of full and free legal assistance by the Brazilian municipalities. Investigates the historical aspects of federalism in a global context, emphasizing the contributions left by American federalism. In the Brazilian context, emphasizing the importance of municipalities as federal entities and their outstanding characteristics, while addressing regional issues of federalism. Leanings to the more detailed analysis of the Brazilian municipalities, contextualizing its legal status, its independence and its constitutional powers. It is emphasized in the same way, the relevant transformations of Brazilian municipalities over the last twenty years of this Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, especially the various constitutional amendments that affected the local autonomy and budgetary aspects, fiscal and skills, bringing significant changes to the municipalities. It is an approach to the concept of justice and deepening the studies on the fundamental right of access to justice in its various connotations. In this vein, it is a study on the legal advice provided in Brazil, especially the powers of the Public Defender of the States and Union, as well as the provision of such public service by Brazilian municipalities and its relevance to citizens in need. At this point, it deepens the relevance of the theme of this dissertation earning the implications of municipal performance in the provision of legal assistance provided to the needy, and the activity of the Municipal Attorney or legal counsel in conducting such a task and its implications for legal and procedural especially on the constitutionality or otherwise of the conduct of such public service, confronting the constitutional articles that are correlated with the subject. Within this context, evaluates the municipal legal assistance under the test of constitutionality, in particular the assistance given by the Executive, through the Municipal Attorney or specialized secretariats and that provided by the Legislature, although it only has the typical functions of legislating and control the municipal accounts, comes in a few municipalities in Brazil deploying sectors with the performance of legal services to the needy. At this point the thesis, one wonders if some important aspects of this activity such as political influence and patronage, very common in day-to-day municipal prosecutors and legal advisers, public employees or occupying commissioned positions within the municipal administrative structure in several municipalities throughout Brazil. Finally, there will be a conclusion as to the constitutionality of the service being done by presenting proposals and recommendations that may improve the municipal legal aid, allowing a constitutional backing to this important service is being provided in capital cities and municipalities throughout the length of Brazil
The aim of the present study is to investigate the way through which the relations between Mathematics and Religion emerge in the work of Blaise Pascal. This research is justified by the need to deepen these relations, so far little explored if compared to intersection points between Mathematics and other fields of knowledge. The choice for Pascal is given by the fact that he was one of the mathematicians who elaborated best one reflection in the religious field thus provoking contradictory reactions. As a methodology, it is a bibliographical and documental research with analytical-comparative reading of referential texts, among them the Oeuvres complètes de Pascal (1954), Le fonds pascalien à Clermont-Ferrand (2001), Mathematics in a postmodern age: a cristian perspective by Howell & Bradley (2001), Mathematics and the divine: a historical study by Koetsier & Bergmans (2005), the Anais dos Seminários Nacionais de História da Matemática and the Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática. The research involving Pascal's life as a mathematician and his religious experience was made. A wider background in which the subject matter emerges was also researched. Seven categories connected to the relation between mathematics and religion were identified from the reading of texts written by mathematicians and historians of mathematics. As a conclusion, the presence of four of these seven categories was verified in Pascal's work
For young people and adults that have not yet conquered reading and writing, being literate is the most important thing in life , a dream . Scholarly learning for them is like hegemonic knowledge in contemporary literate society. Thus, for them to get into school is to be able to have such knowledge and, through it, feel inserted into this society. However, along this process of learning, they start to drop out, little by little, statistically increasing the number of people who give up on young people and adult education Eja, as well as slowly reducing the contingent of illiteracy in the country. With this reality as a starting point, we question the concrete and symbolic reasons or motives that lead to a dropping out of the literacy classes at Eja. To do so, we have established, as the object of our study, the feelings of giving up among those involved in young people and adult literacy training. To understand such feelings is our purpose in this investigation. The theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 2004) was the theoretical-methodological option for subsidizing data search, analyses and interpretation, making us perceive the significance of the object of this study for these individuals. The gathering of such symbolic content involved the use of semi-structured interviews with eleven drop-outs and ten students who had repeated this modality of teaching in public schools in Natal, RN, during the 2006 school year. From the thematic and categorical analyses (BARDIN, 1977), we identified elements that gave support to some themes. Later, these themes led to three categories, suggesting that feelings associated with dropping out were based on the following: learning difficulties because they did not understand the contents; having their lack of knowledge exposed, thus bringing forth feelings of shame, humiliation, and embarrassment for not knowing how to read and write at a mature age; work, tiredness and sickness. The students who manage to remain in school are those who force themselves to live with the feelings of maladaptation and those who develop a sense of adaptation the other way round to the institution, that is, acceptance of institutional failures and omissions
This study focuses on the central Brazilian historiography of science, focusing specifically on the life and work of a contemporaneous mathematician-physicist, and becomes part of the set of research results that investigate, organize and describe personal, intellectual and professional itineraries of Brazilian scientists and educators. The theme chosen for the study ran from seminars on Mathematics in Pará and is up to organize and describe the life history, education, professional experience and scientific production of William Mauricio Souza Marcos de La Penha (Guilherme de La Penha), considering their academic, professional and intellectual life history, so that their academic and intellectual production be spread over the Brazilian scientific and academic community. We adopted the historical research as theoretical and methodological base for the development of this study, rising arguments about the profile of Guilherme de La Penha to characterize him as a multiskill intellectual and to reveal that his thoughts about science, technology, training scientists and educators were in accordance with their writings and their professional practice in order to build a first story about the life and work of William de La Penha. In this sense, we took the theoretical aspects related to historical research, biographies, intellectual itineraries, files and inventories as sources and historical construction vehicles in order to point out the essential elements to form a profile of the transdisciplinary intellectual historians, ie a profile scientist who carries out the research, management and administration, as well as a committed educator to the on-going training and forming process. The results pointed in different directions, among which we highlight the creation of Seção Guilherme de La Penha at Universidade da Amazonia, producing several articles about the life and work of William de La Penha presented at national and international conferences and the proposal for documentary displays which could contribute to understanding the implementation of a scientific area in Pará State, an area that would not only be restricted to the production of knowledge, but more than that, it would include the spreading, which provides various means, primarily through education. Thus it was possible to ensure that La Penha has an intellectual profile that can be considered a multi-and transdisciplinary intellectual who defends the possibility of forming a scientist one and multiple, non-linear attitudes and dialogues with all other areas in order to be understood under a model scientist for the twenty-first century based on the model clearly inspired by the scientist authors with which he identified throughout their training and professional activities, like the three that stood out in their relationship science: Archimedes, Leonhard Euler and Cliford Ambrose Truesdell
This work is a case study to investigate the dynamics of the historians thought as they produce a knowledge about the history of the area measurement systems as forms of historical expressions and representations. We refer to some of the ideas of David Bohm (1989, 1992, 1994, 1996) to support our theoretical understanding about the operation of thought. We chose a period that is recognized by the theorists as the origin of the geometrical thought -embracing the knowledge developed by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks and Romans- and is referred to as containing a cycle in the development of this knowledge, described as beginning, apogee and decline. We assume this history, as told by the theorists, as a version that we organize and tell with the help of three sets of categories. The first refers to the elements that take part in the measurement practices; the second refers to the historians understanding about the development of the scientific knowledge. This exercise allowed us to extract the theorists main beliefs, that we criticized in the light of the knowledge about Cubação (Dal Pian, 1990). We stress the importance of the methodological approach adopted in this study to the teaching of Geometry and its history
The exponential figure of Gregório de Matos e Guerra has been subject of many theoretical discussions through the years, since his apparition in a public place, in the 19th century, and even more, during the 20th century, when he was salvaged by the modernist vanguard. As a result, there are yet two antagonist points of view linked to Gregório de Matos, on one side, there some researchers who defend him, on the other, some of them attack him. The first ones say this poet from Bahia was the first literary voice in Brazil, from the Baroque basis, while the last ones say he is a merely plagiarist of the Spanish poets from the 17th century, without a real contribution to the development of Brazilian Literature. With this in mind, this thesis follows the perspective this poet is an anthropophagus-baroque, devouring cultures, with an active participation in the process of our cultural and literary identity. For that reason, it was made a literature review about the biography of this poet trying to break romantic descriptions, emphasizing some scientific facts that can contribute to present the baroque profile of this poet. In this sense, it was discussed the History of Literature focused on this creole poet, mainly based on the historians point of view about the Gregorian poetry in the formation of Brazilian Literature scenery. In the defense of the hypothesis that Gregório de Matos was our first anthropophagus, this work aims to analyze how his poetry reveals the intrinsic characteristics of Baroque and Anthropophagy, focusing its carnivalesque aspect, showing to the world, with a satiric tone, the idiosyncrasies of human life. In this way, analyzing this corpus in Spanish is the strength of this thesis because, besides it is previously unpublished, it contributes to the comprehension of the anthropophagy as a theoretical mechanism that explains the process of formation of our cultural literary identity. Then, we have Augusto de Campos (1968; 1978; 1984; 1986; 1988), Haroldo de Campos (1976; 2010a; 2010b; 2011), Severo Sarduy ([1988?]), Oswald de Andrade (1945; 1978; 2006), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Octavio Paz (1979), Segismundo Spina (1980; 1995; 2008), Afrânio Coutinho (1986a; 1986b; 1994), Affonso Ávila (1994; 1997; 2004; 2008), among others, to constitute this theoretical scenery. The Gregorian poetry, in this way, have contributed to the formation of baroque-anthropophagic scenery in Brazilian boundaries, with a special attention to the transition of time, because he is not only from the 17th century, established by the historiography, but his work is present nowadays due to the contemporaneously of his themes, centered to the eternal doubts of baroque man
The assent of the Truth: here's a formula that seems to have puzzled philosophers since antiquity. The possibility of apprehending truth was defended by some philosophers who have been called dogmatic, due to their haste to judge appearances as representations of reality, and refuted by those who chose to continue questioning rather than engage with his predicament. These thinkers were called skeptics. Among those who defended the consent of the truth, is highlighted by St. Augustine in this research, which aims to combat the widespread skepticism in the ancient doctrine of the Academy of Plato in his work Against Academicos. Thus, to conduct this research we ask: What are the main arguments made by St. Augustine against the scholarly skepticism? In order to address the problem identified, we propose to investigate the critical skepticism of St. Augustine, identifying and analyzing the main rebuttals he built. For this purpose, we conducted a survey of aspects of both the skepticism about the life and thought of St. Augustine about this doctrine
The prostitution is known as the world's oldest "profession", according to some historians, "the contemporary civilization itself." However, to refer it that way, we can systematically emptying it of expressions of violence that permeate. Furthermore, this statement tries to legitimize prostitution as a practical historically related to the natural condition of women. The main objective of the research is to examine how the activity prostitucional potentiates in different forms of violence in everyday development of prostitution in the city of Natal. Accordingly, the spot of the categories of gender relations and patriarchal violence against women, refute the thesis advocated by much of feminist studies on of prostitution as an expression of autonomy of women and overcoming the patriarchal order of gender. Procedures as set methodological quali-quantitative approach, guided by the method historicalmaterialist dialectic that allows us to apprehend the object of study beyond their immediate, unmasking its contradictions. We conducted nine interviews with prostitutes belonging to the classes of People who develop the activities in the streets and prostitutes Natals` cabarets. We hand with the systematic observation activities promoted by the Association of Prostitutes in Rio Grande do Norte ASPRORN, as the visits to cabarets, as well as participation in seminars held by this entity, at which establish contacts with informants-c which have facilitated access to interviewed. We note that the economic dimension is the factor determinant for their inclusion in prostitution, all to recognize as who found an alternative for survival, since most do not has no professional training and education. Another issue important to be emphasized concerns the areas where unhealthy develop programs which by itself is characterized as a denial of rights, expressed in the socioeconomic inequality that are subject. As the expressions of violence in their daily lives, the main forms identified were the physical and social, however, there is a trend in naturalizes them, the secondary-over other issues identified as most pressing, such as not service payment by the customers. The determinants of violence identified by respondents were assigned to the woman, or is its boldness. We also, the omission of the State in the issue of prostitution, mainly embodied in absence of public policies directed to sexual rights and reproductive and generation of employment and income. Regarding the regulation of prostitution, the majority of the interviewees is contrary, arguing that exacerbate the stigma in this practice