80 resultados para propagação assexuada

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This graduate thesis proposes a model to asynchronously replicate heterogeneous databases. This model singularly combines -in a systematic way and in a single project -different concepts, techniques and paradigms related to the areas of database replication and management of heterogeneous databases. One of the main advantages of the replication is to allow applications to continue to process information, during time intervals when they are off the network and to trigger the database synchronization, as soon as the network connection is reestablished. Therefore, the model introduces a communication and update protocol that takes in consideration the environment of asynchronous characteristics used. As part of the work, a tool was developed in Java language, based on the model s premises in order to process, test, simulate and validate the proposed model


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In this dissertation new models of propagation path loss predictions are proposed by from techniques of optimization recent and measures of power levels for the urban and suburban areas of Natal, city of Brazilian northeast. These new proposed models are: (i) a statistical model that was implemented based in the addition of second-order statistics for the power and the altimetry of the relief in model of linear losses; (ii) a artificial neural networks model used the training of the algorithm backpropagation, in order to get the equation of propagation losses; (iii) a model based on the technique of the random walker, that considers the random of the absorption and the chaos of the environment and than its unknown parameters for the equation of propagation losses are determined through of a neural network. The digitalization of the relief for the urban and suburban areas of Natal were carried through of the development of specific computational programs and had been used available maps in the Statistics and Geography Brazilian Institute. The validations of the proposed propagation models had been carried through comparisons with measures and propagation classic models, and numerical good agreements were observed. These new considered models could be applied to any urban and suburban scenes with characteristic similar architectural to the city of Natal


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A 2.5D ray-tracing propagation model is proposed to predict radio loss in indoor environment. Specifically, we opted for the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, together with the Geometrieal Theory of Diffrartion (GTD). Besides the line-of-sight propagation (LOS), we consider that the radio waves may experience reflection, refraction, and diffraction (NLOS). In the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, the transmitter antenna launches a bundle of rays that may or may not reach the receiver. Considering the transmitting antenna as a point, the rays will start to launch from this position and can reach the receiver either directly or after reflections, refractions, diffractions, or even after any combination of the previous effects. To model the environment, a database is built to record geometrical characteristics and information on the constituent materials of the scenario. The database works independently of the simulation program, allowing robustness and flexibility to model other seenarios. Each propagation mechanism is treated separately. In line-of-sight propagation, the main contribution to the received signal comes from the direct ray, while reflected, refracted, and diffracted signal dominate when the line-of-sight is blocked. For this case, the transmitted signal reaches the receiver through more than one path, resulting in a multipath fading. The transmitting channel of a mobile system is simulated by moving either the transmitter or the receiver around the environment. The validity of the method is verified through simulations and measurements. The computed path losses are compared with the measured values at 1.8 GHz ftequency. The results were obtained for the main corridor and room classes adjacent to it. A reasonable agreement is observed. The numerical predictions are also compared with published data at 900 MHz and 2.44 GHz frequencies showing good convergence


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The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication


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The development of wireless telecommunication in the last years has been great. It has been taking academics to conceive new ideas and techniques. Their aims are to increase the capacity and the quality of the system s services. Cells that are smaller every time, frequencies that are every time higher and environments that get more and more complex, all those facts deserve more accurate models the propagation prediction techniques are inserted in this context and results with a merger of error that is compatible with the next generations of communication systems. The objective of this Work is to present results of a propagation measurement campaign, aiming at pointing the characteristics of the mobile systems covering in the city of Natal (state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). A mobile laboratory was set up, using the infra-structure available and frequently used by ANATEL. The measures were taken in three different areas: one characterized by high buildings, high relief, presence of trees and towers of different highs. These areas covered the city s central zone, a suburban / rural zone and a section of coast surrounded by sand dunes. It is important to highlight that the analysis was made taking into consideration the actual reality of cellular systems with covering ranges by reduced cells, with the intent of causing greater re-use of frequencies and greater capacity of telephone traffic. The predominance of telephone traffic by cell in the city of Natal occurs within a range inferior to 3 (three) km from the Radio-Base Station. The frequency band used was 800 MHz, corresponding to the control channels of the respective sites, which adopt the FSK modulation technique. This Dissertation starts by presenting a general vision of the models used for predicting propagation. Then, there is a description of the methodology used in the measuring, which were done using the same channels of control of the cellular system. The results obtained were compared with many existing prediction models, and some adaptations were developed by using regression techniques trying to obtain the most optimized solutions. Furthermore, according to regulations from the old Brazilian Holding Telebrás, a minimum covering of 90% of a determined previously area, in 90% of the time, must be obeyed when implanting cellular systems. For such value to be reached, considerations and studies involving the specific environment that is being covered are important. The objective of this work is contribute to this aspect


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High-precision calculations of the correlation functions and order parameters were performed in order to investigate the critical properties of several two-dimensional ferro- magnetic systems: (i) the q-state Potts model; (ii) the Ashkin-Teller isotropic model; (iii) the spin-1 Ising model. We deduced exact relations connecting specific damages (the difference between two microscopic configurations of a model) and the above mentioned thermodynamic quanti- ties which permit its numerical calculation, by computer simulation and using any ergodic dynamics. The results obtained (critical temperature and exponents) reproduced all the known values, with an agreement up to several significant figures; of particular relevance were the estimates along the Baxter critical line (Ashkin-Teller model) where the exponents have a continuous variation. We also showed that this approach is less sensitive to the finite-size effects than the standard Monte-Carlo method. This analysis shows that the present approach produces equal or more accurate results, as compared to the usual Monte Carlo simulation, and can be useful to investigate these models in circumstances for which their behavior is not yet fully understood


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In this work we have studied, by Monte Carlo computer simulation, several properties that characterize the damage spreading in the Ising model, defined in Bravais lattices (the square and the triangular lattices) and in the Sierpinski Gasket. First, we investigated the antiferromagnetic model in the triangular lattice with uniform magnetic field, by Glauber dynamics; The chaotic-frozen critical frontier that we obtained coincides , within error bars, with the paramegnetic-ferromagnetic frontier of the static transition. Using heat-bath dynamics, we have studied the ferromagnetic model in the Sierpinski Gasket: We have shown that there are two times that characterize the relaxation of the damage: One of them satisfy the generalized scaling theory proposed by Henley (critical exponent z~A/T for low temperatures). On the other hand, the other time does not obey any of the known scaling theories. Finally, we have used methods of time series analysis to study in Glauber dynamics, the damage in the ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice. We have obtained a Hurst exponent with value 0.5 in high temperatures and that grows to 1, close to the temperature TD, that separates the chaotic and the frozen phases


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Neste trabalho investigamos aspectos da propagação de danos em sistemas cooperativos, descritos por modelos de variáveis discretas (spins), mutuamente interagentes, distribuídas nos sítios de uma rede regular. Os seguintes casos foram examinados: (i) A influência do tipo de atualização (paralela ou sequencial) das configurações microscópicas, durante o processo de simulação computacional de Monte Carlo, no modelo de Ising em uma rede triangular. Observamos que a atualização sequencial produz uma transição de fase dinâmica (Caótica- Congelada) a uma temperatura TD ≈TC (Temperatura de Curie), para acoplamentos ferromagnéticos (TC=3.6409J/Kb) e antiferromagnéticos (TC=0). A atualização paralela, que neste caso é incapaz de diferenciar os dois tipos de acoplamentos, leva a uma transição em TD ≠TC; (ii) Um estudo do modelo de Ising na rede quadrada, com diluição temperada de sítios, mostrou que a técnica de propagação de danos é um eficiente método para o cálculo da fronteira crítica e da dimensão fractal do aglomerado percolante, já que os resultados obtidos (apesar de um esforço computacional relativamente modesto), são comparáveis àqueles resultantes da aplicação de outros métodos analíticos e/ou computacionais de alto empenho; (iii) Finalmente, apresentamos resultados analíticos que mostram como certas combinações especiais de danos podem ser utilizadas para o cálculo de grandezas termodinâmicas (parâmetros de ordem, funções de correlação e susceptibilidades) do modelo Nα x Nβ, o qual contém como casos particulares alguns dos modelos mais estudados em Mecânica Estatística (Ising, Potts, Ashkin Teller e Cúbico)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) is a fruit native to the northeast of Brazil with great economic, social and ecological importance for the northeastern semi-arid region. Despite its role, the umbu tree has suffered negative pressure thanks to cluttered extractivism and to negative selection of its fruits, which as the deforestation and the dormancy of seeds contribute to the decrease of its production year after year, making necessary studies that contribute to the improvement of this specie and its conservation. Given the risks to the conservation of the specie and its usefulness to the population, the association between plant biotechnology, for being a tool that can be used to increase its production. and the perception of gathering communities, by valuing the point of view and the knowledge of the population, can facilitate its conservation. This work aimed to develop methods of propagation for umbu tree as well as contribute to its conservation by using biotechnology, with specific objectives to contribute to the conservation of this species; determine concentrations of BAP and ANA in the formation of buds; testing the efficiency of different substrates and concentrations of gibberellic acid on germination in vitro and ex vitro, as well as capture the perception of families in communities that engage in the gathering of umbu. To study the germination, the seeds were inoculated in different substrates (vermiculite, vermiculite + clay, clay, clay + manure and manure + vermiculite) and in different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0 mg, 250 g and 500 mg). For the formation of buds BAP to 0.1 mg-1 was associated with different concentrations of ANA (0.2; 0.4; 0.8mg.L-1). The study of perception was conducted by applying semi-structured questionnaire with Malhada Vermelha community. The experiments resulted in vermiculite and concentration of 500 mg gibberellic acid as the best for germination. The association of 0.1 mg.L-1 of BAP to 0.2 mg.L-1 of ANA provided better formation of buds. As to the application of questionnaires, they revealed that the population understands the decreased amount of umbu plants and umbu fruit in the region, as well as shows concern for its conservation.


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Compared to conventional composites, polymer matrix nanocomposites typically exhibit enhanced properties at a significantly lower filler volume fraction. Studies published in the literature indicate t hat the addition of nanosilicate s can increase the resistance to flame propagation in polymers. In this work, a treatment of montmorillonite (MMT) nano clay and the effect of its ad dition o n flame propagation characteristics of vinyl ester were studied. The resea rch was conducted in two stages. The first stage focused on the purification and activation of the MMT clay collected from a natural deposit to improve compatibility with the polymer matrix . Clay modification with sodium acetate was also studied to improve particle dispersion in the polymer. The second step was focused on the effect of the addition of the treated clay on nanocomposites ’ properties. Nanocomposites with clay con tents of 1, 2, 4 wt. % were processed. T he techniques for the characterization of the clay included X - ray fluorescence (XRF), X - r ay d iffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA), d ifferential scanning c alorimetry (DSC) , s urface area (BET) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For t he characterization of the nanocomposites , the techniques used were thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA) , differential scanning c alorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) , scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM), transmission electron m icroscopy (TEM), and the determination of tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance to flame propagation. According to the results, the purification and activation treatment with freeze - drying used in thi s work for the montmorillonite clay was efficient to promote compatibility and dispersion in the polymer matrix as evidenced by the characterization of the nanocomposite s . It was also observed that the clay modifica tion using sodium acetate did not produce any significant effect to improve compatibilization of the clay with the polymer. The addition of the treated MMT resulted in a reduction of up to 53% in the polymer flame propagation speed and did not affect the mechanical tensile strength and modulus o f elas ticity of the polymer, indicating compatibility between the clay and polymer. The effectiveness in reducing flame propagation speed peaked for nanocomposites with 2 wt. % clay, indicating that this is the optimum clay concentration for this property. T he clay treatment used in this work enables the production of vinylester matrix nanocomposites with flame - retardancy properties .


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Agriculture is an essential activity to the human development, the tendency is that their need to increase according to the increase in world population. It is very important to take the maximum performance that is possible of each land without degrading it, a frequently monitoring is essential for the best performance. The purpose of this work is, nondestructively, to monitor the surface electrical conductivity of the soil in a demarcated area, as on a plantation, using low frequency radio waves. The conductivity is directly linked to the amount of water in the area and nutrients, therefore a periodic or even permanent monitoring increases significantly the efficient of the use of the soil. They will be used long-wave radio transmission or medium whose main characteristic to spread over the surface of the earth. It is possible to choose an AM radio with location, frequency and power of the transmission known or generate the signal. The studied method computes the conductivity of the ground in a straight line between two measured points, so it can be used in smaller or larger size fields. Measurements were carried out using an electromagnetic field strength analyzer. The data obtained in the measurements are processed by a numerical calculation program, in our case Matlab. It is concluded that the recommendations of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) on the conductivity of soil in Brazil is far from reality, on some routes the recommendations indicate the use of the electrical conductivity of the soil 1 mS/m, while the measurements was found 19 mS/m. With the method described a precision farmer, once initial research for about a year, can monitor the humidity and salinity of the land, with the ability to predict the area and the most suitable time for irrigation and fertilization, making management more efficient and less expensive, while optimizing water use, natural resource increasingly precious.


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Composite laminates with plies in different directions finely dispersed are classified as homogenized. The expected benefits of homogenization include increased mechanical strength, toughness and resistance to delamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of stacking sequence on the tensile strength of laminates. Composite plates were fabricated using unidirectional layers of carbon/epoxy prepreg with configurations [903/303/-303]S and [90/30/-30]3S. Specimens were subjected to tensile and open hole tension (OHT) tests. According to the experimental results, the mean values of strength for the homogenized laminates [90/30/-30]3S were 140% and 120% greater for tensile and OHT tests, respectively, as compared to laminates with configuration [903/303/-303]S. The increase in tensile strength for more homogenized laminates was associated with the increment in interlaminar interfaces, which requires more energy to produce delamination, and the more complicated crack propagation through plies with different orientations. OHT strength was not affected by the presence of the hole due to the predominance of the interlaminar shear stress in relation to the stress concentration produced by the hole


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The use of gypsum, one of the oldest building materials for the construction industry in the country has been experiencing a significant and steady growth, due to its low cost and some of its properties that confer comparative advantage over other binder materials. Its use comprises various applications including the coating of walls and the production of internal seals and linings. Moreover, the fibers are being increasingly incorporated into arrays fragile in an attempt to improve the properties of the composite by reducing the number of cracks, the opening of the same and its propagation velocity. Other properties, depending on the function of the component material or construction, among these thermal and acoustic performances, are of great importance in the context of buildings and could be improved, that is, having better performance with this embodiment. Conduct a comparative study of physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustic composite gypsum incorporating dry coconut fiber, in the form of blanket, constituted the main objective of this work. Improving the thermal and acoustic performances of precast gypsum, used for lining and internal vertical fences of buildings, was the purpose of development of these composites. To evaluate the effect of fiber content on the properties of the composites were used to manufacture the composite layer with different thicknesses. The composites were fabricated in the form of plates with dimensions of 500x500x24mm. To facilitate the comparative study of the properties were also made with material gypsum boards only. We then determined the physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustical plaster and composites. The results indicated that the composites were significant gains in relation to thermal performance and also acoustic, in certain frequency range, increasing the thickness of the blanket. Concerning other physical-mechanical properties, the results showed that although the compressive strength was lower than for the composite did not occur after a fracture catastrophic failure. The same trend was observed with regard to resistance to bending, since the composites have not suffered sudden rupture and still continued after the load supporting point of maximum load


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A pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estrutura de controle preditivo neural, com o intuito de controlar um processo de pH, caracterizado por ser um sistema SISO (Single Input - Single Output). O controle de pH é um processo de grande importância na indústria petroquímica, onde se deseja manter constante o nível de acidez de um produto ou neutralizar o afluente de uma planta de tratamento de fluidos. O processo de controle de pH exige robustez do sistema de controle, pois este processo pode ter ganho estático e dinâmica nãolineares. O controlador preditivo neural envolve duas outras teorias para o seu desenvolvimento, a primeira referente ao controle preditivo e a outra a redes neurais artificiais (RNA s). Este controlador pode ser dividido em dois blocos, um responsável pela identificação e outro pelo o cálculo do sinal de controle. Para realizar a identificação neural é utilizada uma RNA com arquitetura feedforward multicamadas com aprendizagem baseada na metodologia da Propagação Retroativa do Erro (Error Back Propagation). A partir de dados de entrada e saída da planta é iniciado o treinamento offline da rede. Dessa forma, os pesos sinápticos são ajustados e a rede está apta para representar o sistema com a máxima precisão possível. O modelo neural gerado é usado para predizer as saídas futuras do sistema, com isso o otimizador calcula uma série de ações de controle, através da minimização de uma função objetivo quadrática, fazendo com que a saída do processo siga um sinal de referência desejado. Foram desenvolvidos dois aplicativos, ambos na plataforma Builder C++, o primeiro realiza a identificação, via redes neurais e o segundo é responsável pelo controle do processo. As ferramentas aqui implementadas e aplicadas são genéricas, ambas permitem a aplicação da estrutura de controle a qualquer novo processo