4 resultados para knowledge-based system

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here


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The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department


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The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department


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Atualmente, há diferentes definições de implicações fuzzy aceitas na literatura. Do ponto de vista teórico, esta falta de consenso demonstra que há discordâncias sobre o real significado de "implicação lógica" nos contextos Booleano e fuzzy. Do ponto de vista prático, isso gera dúvidas a respeito de quais "operadores de implicação" os engenheiros de software devem considerar para implementar um Sistema Baseado em Regras Fuzzy (SBRF). Uma escolha ruim destes operadores pode implicar em SBRF's com menor acurácia e menos apropriados aos seus domínios de aplicação. Uma forma de contornar esta situação e conhecer melhor os conectivos lógicos fuzzy. Para isso se faz necessário saber quais propriedades tais conectivos podem satisfazer. Portanto, a m de corroborar com o significado de implicação fuzzy e corroborar com a implementação de SBRF's mais apropriados, várias leis Booleanas têm sido generalizadas e estudadas como equações ou inequações nas lógicas fuzzy. Tais generalizações são chamadas de leis Boolean-like e elas não são comumente válidas em qualquer semântica fuzzy. Neste cenário, esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre as condições suficientes e necessárias nas quais três leis Booleanlike like — y ≤ I(x, y), I(x, I(y, x)) = 1 e I(x, I(y, z)) = I(I(x, y), I(x, z)) — se mantém válidas no contexto fuzzy, considerando seis classes de implicações fuzzy e implicações geradas por automorfismos. Além disso, ainda no intuito de implementar SBRF's mais apropriados, propomos uma extensão para os mesmos