25 resultados para interativo

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Many prey organisms change their phenotype to reduce the predation risk. However, such changes are associated with trade-offs, and can have negative effects on prey growth or reproduction. Understand how preys assess the predation risk is essential to evaluate the adaptive value of predator-induced phenotypic and its ecological consequences. In this study, we performed a mesocosm experiment to test: i) if growth and stoichiometry of Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles is altered in response to giant water bug presence (Belostoma spp.); ii) if these responses depend on tadpoles density in environment. Here, we show that tadpoles growth and stoichiometry are not changed by predator presence, neither in low nor in high densities. Our results suggest that tadpoles exposed to predation risk regulate their physiology to preserve the elemental stoichiometric homeostase of their body and excretion. Further, point out to need for future studies that elucidate under what conditions growth and stoichiometry are changed in response to predation risk


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Logic courses represent a pedagogical challenge and the recorded number of cases of failures and of discontinuity in them is often high. Amont other difficulties, students face a cognitive overload to understand logical concepts in a relevant way. On that track, computational tools for learning are resources that help both in alleviating the cognitive overload scenarios and in allowing for the practical experimenting with theoretical concepts. The present study proposes an interactive tutorial, namely the TryLogic, aimed at teaching to solve logical conjectures either by proofs or refutations. The tool was developed from the architecture of the tool TryOcaml, through support of the communication of the web interface ProofWeb in accessing the proof assistant Coq. The goals of TryLogic are: (1) presenting a set of lessons for applying heuristic strategies in solving problems set in Propositional Logic; (2) stepwise organizing the exposition of concepts related to Natural Deduction and to Propositional Semantics in sequential steps; (3) providing interactive tasks to the students. The present study also aims at: presenting our implementation of a formal system for refutation; describing the integration of our infrastructure with the Virtual Learning Environment Moodle through the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability specification; presenting the Conjecture Generator that works for the tasks involving proving and refuting; and, finally to evaluate the learning experience of Logic students through the application of the conjecture solving task associated to the use of the TryLogic


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COSTA, Roberta Kaliny de Souza ; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de . Trabalho em equipe em saúde: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, v. 7, p. 530-536, 2008.


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Este trabalho objetivou uma reflexão sobre a ação mediadora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da leitura, por mim vivenciada no Núcleo de Educação Infantil (NEI/UFRN) junto a crianças de 6/7 anos, tendo como proposta explicitar os elementos orientadores necessários a esse processo, que se traduzam como referência a outras práticas educativas. Sua realização pressupôs as seguintes questões: que conteúdos estão envolvidos no ensinoaprendizado da leitura? Como os alunos aprendem a ler? Que tarefas são instrumentais no ensino e aprendizado da leitura? Nele foi adotada a concepção de leitura enquanto atribuição de significados a um texto escrito através do processo interativo entre leitor e texto, guiado pelos objetivos/finalidades deste leitor. Adotou os princípios metodológicos da abordagem qualitativa, entre cujas características salienta-se a primazia do interesse pelo processo do que simplesmente pelos resultados ou produto. Seus resultados evidenciaram que a leitura, enquanto prática cultural, pode ser aprendida na escola infantil, espaço de apropriação de saberes mediados pela cultura. Constatou-se que, a exemplo das demais aprendizagens, o aprendizado da leitura implica numa atividade mediada em que o professor, administrando e organizando o meio social educativo, cria espaços de diálogo para as muitas vozes presentes nesse meio. Gera, desse modo, um contexto polifônico, dialógico e de alteridade pela ação de planejar/avaliar/replanejar a sua atuação e a de seus alunos. A relevância deste estudo concerne à intenção de socializar uma vivência, cuja tônica é a reflexão sobre a leitura enquanto prática cultural e as estratégias de ensinar e aprender a ser leitor.


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Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game


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This work has as objective approaches the relationship among journalism, literature and society in Lima Barreto, especially in fiction book Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha and in several of their chronicles, detecting the superficiality notion that author sees in the journalistic activity and to point that the literature brings the particularity of presenting as an alive laboratory for the social sciences. The used theoretical-methodological elements draw a corpus through an interactive process in which additional layers of the author's texts are submitted to the analysis. As theoretical support is worked the notion of magmas of social significances, idealized by Cornelius Castoriadis


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This work aims give evidence of that The hope principle, the philosophical system devised by the German philosopher Ernst Bloch, in which hope assumes an ontological character, offers cognitive support that allows overcoming the void imposed by nihilism today, especially in the field of education. But while it offers cognitive support, it also presents a need that is fulfilled by an educational proposal based on a not-yet-conscious being. An education based on hope has four essential pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together and, most of all, immerging into in the seas of uncertainty. In times when school is a promoter of certainties at the expense of uncertainties, education must not forsake the notion of the unpredictable and immeasurable, nor the need to find ways to enable better understanding of aspect related to the not-yet-be. The employed theoretical and methodological elements in this work paint a corpus through an interactive process in which layers of additional texts are subjected to analysis


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This investigative tissue is about the formation of identification processes of teachers and pedagogical practice of Art, in Teresina city. This search comprised the sum of the needs presented, agreed upon with the teachers engaged in the process, it was developed through the establishment of interactive environment Loom Team where collaboration and critical reflection were steering actions to promote the understanding of existing connections or relations within the processes of identifications and the pedagogical practice of Art. The tissue is formed by the polyphonic plot of the critical reflection of nine teachers of Art who engaged voluntarily and this investigation of formative nature and a production of knowledge. All these teachers have degree and the course of artistic education and especial qualification in Fine Arts and/or Drawing. The texture, which we denominated Identification Loom: The pedagogical practice of Art as share knowledge is (de) (re) construction of knowledge resulting from the critical reflection, in an environment of collaboration, which may have implications and ethical political attitudes in the pedagogical practice of the group. Within this context, we pose the following question: - How does the pedagogical practice in Art influence and/or be influenced by the identification processes of the teachers, and how do they interfere with the search and manifestation of the knowledge involved and the investment in professionalization? In view of this query, we make use of the cooperative investigation, having social history as theoretical reference and as analytic perspective of interactive and dialogical-reflexive processes. Thus, social historic theory, cooperative approach and pedagogical practice were the major components of the plot. The methodological texture counted on the threads of dialogical reflexion, of mediation and of collaboration. The conceptual formulation, the recording in videos of classes and the narratives of formations were the main threads of the analytic substrate of the investigation. With this articulation, theses threads appear as developers of processes leading to a major approximation of the thought on the identity/alterity dialectical pair of the participants involved. The language within this plot had a decisive importance in all the moments of the search of signification, embracing and connecting the identification/alterative processes, the pedagogical practice of Art and the knowledge shared. In such processes involving (de) (re) construction, one can notice a close correlation of the triad social identity, pedagogical practice and knowledge shared. For this reason, the vigotskian, guetmanovian and kopnian theoretizations were the major framework for the analysis of conceptual formulations; and, as for discourse analysis, Baktin and Orlandi were our masters. For these teachers, the experience shared throughout the process of this typology of tri-axial investigation focused the experience of many theoretical and practical assumptions. Such an experience enabled them to state that this, with collaboration, can make reflection on the practice a starting and promoting element, within the individual level of self-management, in addition to being a space of (de)(re)construction of meanings, of knowledge and of reinvention per se


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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This research is an interpretative analysis of the type participatory research, developed in a qualitative and quantitative use of the blog as a support to a specific discipline, in order to identify the potential evident from its use. The report discusses the changes that have occurred in contemporary society, relating to the development of information technologies and communication (ITC s), presents a brief review of the historical background of the Internet and its use as an aid to education, emphasizing some environments inserted media the Internet, focusing on the main blog - its concept, origin and categorization, and analyzes the concepts of using the blog from the dialogues with teachers and students of pedagogy course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Started from the assumption that the use of technological resources, such as blogging, with strictly educational purposes, can extend the knowledge beyond the walls of the classroom, thus creating a dialogic and interactive environment. Using data collected through interviews, questionnaires and observation, we seek to understand the object of study as a supportive environment for the teaching of a subject, raising some theoretical and methodological questions about its application to educational practice, and possible contributions to the construction of knowledge. The results indicate that there are several capabilities that make the blog a space conducive to teaching and learning process, and relates the concepts of the study participants about their use, highlighting the most important places to be solved, so that teachers and students to take ownership of knowledge necessary for capacity building required by the contemporary social context, due to the advancement of science and technology.


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Les connaissances de la tradition et position de la Science dehors pour un non-hiérarchique dialoguez qui frappe pour les distinguer mais ils sont undésavouer inséparable étant donné les compléments ils composent. Cet essai assume la possibilité de ce roi de dialogue dans un place spéciale: la classe. Sur ce qui vient au connaissance de la tradition, le centre remarquable est pour la construction de bateaux du travail manuel, una pratique culturellement déployé dans la ville d'Abaetetuba, dans le État de Pará, Brésil. En revanche, la Science est concentrée par le le contenu d'école a adopté dans l'Ensino Fundamental (École primaire). La construction du dialogue est faite en utilisant des activités de l'enseignement qui accentuez des aspects géométriques (solide, géométrique, angles et symétries) aussi bien que par information qui implique le tableau, poésie, histoire, géographie et physique - les deux inspiré dans le chiffre de bateau résumé dans un CD-ROM interactif. Les activités ont eu lieu dans D'Escola Ensino Pedro Teixeira Fondamental (Abaetetuba-Pa), avec étudiants du 6e niveau (plus spécifiquement avec un groupe de 13 étudiants) d'août à octobre2004. Ethnomathématiques et transdisciplinarité sont le support théorique sous-jacent du projet. Dans résumé, c'est possible pour dire que l'interaction entre Science et Tradition, à travers activités au-delà lesquelles vont le le contenu a restreint à mathématiques d'école, contribuées à,: identifiez le contenu a appris pas sur dans série antérieure; renouveler le rôle joué par école dans ses fonctions didactique pédagogiques; réduire le isolement entre information passée historique et les étudiants présent culturel; indiquer des obstacles à l'érudition des mathématiques intéresser aux aspects cognitifs et behavioristes; et provoquer un participation affective qui rôle principal à la qualité d'apprendre l'école contenu aussi bien que les connaissances de la tradition


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The focus of this thesis is children's reception to literary texts starting from literary livelihood in an inclusive literary context, looking for the possible evidences that are present in the construction as reader/hearing of literature. Based on a study case, we search the ways of participation of a child (girl) with intellectual deficiency in situations of offering and reception of literary texts, looking for the understanding and explication of some aspects of her processing and the building up of an initial reader. The data were taken starting from observations in moments of reading and story-telling in the period from November to December/2008 and May to June/2009 in a public school of children education, in Natal- Brazil, in which there was a registered student showing intellectual deficiency associated to Down syndrome. As research tools we used: field diary, interview scripts and video recordings. The analyses were based on research from Amarilha (2001, 2006a, 2006b), Bettelheim (2007), Coelho (2008), Iser (1996), Jauss (1979, 1994), Luria (1990a, 1990b), Vygotsky (1991, 1993), Wallon (2007, 2008) amongst others. The research showed that although expressing little verbalization and limited levels of attention, body attitudes, movements and talks of the child under investigation, denounced engagement and rendition to the sonority of the texts shared. These data gives us traces that, under a mediating action, the child with intellectual limitation can turn into a reader/hearing subject of literature, developing a sensitive and a selective attitude towards the literary text. Amongst other aspects, we identified that (1) a conception of deficiency present through the school that recognizes his/her potential of developing and learning (2) the situation of sharing, that favours a relation with the texts through the other, and (3) the relevance of orality providing the semantic paths that help the child in the building up of meaning, presenting themselves as fundamental to her/his viewing of the literary text, and, therefore, the formation of the reader. Thus, recognizing her/his capacity and possibilities, we think it is important to guarantee to the child with intellectual deficiency, a space towards interaction with the fictional text in which the child can learn and live its ludic and interactive character, to enjoy its hearing abilities, benefiting, then, from the aesthetic experience lived, mainly, in collective situations mediated through the more experient reader and shared with her/his different pairs. The research shows yet that, looking after conditions that guarantee a comfortable environment to the story hearings in the classrooms that focus on children education, being aware of a selection and the prosody of stories, the didactic contract, the attention to individual reactions, enlarge the possibility of any child deficient or not to enjoy her/himself as reader/ hearing subject of literature, engaged in its richness and magic


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Nowadays, telecommunications is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Organizations are always seeking to find new management practices within an ever increasing competitive environment where resources are getting scarce. In this scenario, data obtained from business and corporate processes have even greater importance, although this data is not yet adequately explored. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) appears then, as an option to allow the study of complex problems in different areas of management. This work proposes both a systematization of KDD activities using concepts from different methodologies, such as CRISP-DM, SEMMA and FAYYAD approaches and a study concerning the viability of multivariate regression analysis models to explain corporative telecommunications sales using performance indicators. Thus, statistical methods were outlined to analyze the effects of such indicators on the behavior of business productivity. According to business and standard statistical analysis, equations were defined and fit to their respective determination coefficients. Tests of hypotheses were also conducted on parameters with the purpose of validating the regression models. The results show that there is a relationship between these development indicators and the amount of sales


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Techniques of optimization known as metaheuristics have achieved success in the resolution of many problems classified as NP-Hard. These methods use non deterministic approaches that reach very good solutions which, however, don t guarantee the determination of the global optimum. Beyond the inherent difficulties related to the complexity that characterizes the optimization problems, the metaheuristics still face the dilemma of xploration/exploitation, which consists of choosing between a greedy search and a wider exploration of the solution space. A way to guide such algorithms during the searching of better solutions is supplying them with more knowledge of the problem through the use of a intelligent agent, able to recognize promising regions and also identify when they should diversify the direction of the search. This way, this work proposes the use of Reinforcement Learning technique - Q-learning Algorithm - as exploration/exploitation strategy for the metaheuristics GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) and Genetic Algorithm. The GRASP metaheuristic uses Q-learning instead of the traditional greedy-random algorithm in the construction phase. This replacement has the purpose of improving the quality of the initial solutions that are used in the local search phase of the GRASP, and also provides for the metaheuristic an adaptive memory mechanism that allows the reuse of good previous decisions and also avoids the repetition of bad decisions. In the Genetic Algorithm, the Q-learning algorithm was used to generate an initial population of high fitness, and after a determined number of generations, where the rate of diversity of the population is less than a certain limit L, it also was applied to supply one of the parents to be used in the genetic crossover operator. Another significant change in the hybrid genetic algorithm is the proposal of a mutually interactive cooperation process between the genetic operators and the Q-learning algorithm. In this interactive/cooperative process, the Q-learning algorithm receives an additional update in the matrix of Q-values based on the current best solution of the Genetic Algorithm. The computational experiments presented in this thesis compares the results obtained with the implementation of traditional versions of GRASP metaheuristic and Genetic Algorithm, with those obtained using the proposed hybrid methods. Both algorithms had been applied successfully to the symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problem, which was modeled as a Markov decision process


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La enseñanza desarrolló, así como los métodos y las técnicas de enseñar. Aquí el he/she piensa un método instrucción, en que el estudiante está más de un oyente simple: además la parte íntegra, él se llama para intervenir continuamente, mientras tocando una parte ancho, interactivo e involucrando, del contextualização del tema para ser trabajado -inclusivo, asocie día a día al his/her y contextual al programa de la disciplina de Química, hasta la manera como ese tema debe explorarse. La leche, el tema pone en correlación al origen del grupo de los estudiantes seleccionados, fue explorado, dentro de una visión sistémica, bajo el punto de vista de la composición de las propiedades de la industrialización y de la comercialización. Buscando prever los caminos de la construcción y organización del conocimiento de los estudiantes, se usó el modelo de administración mental de Antoine de La Garranderie y la teoría de aprender de Ausubel. El conocimiento de los estudiantes se supervisó antes, durante y al final de las actividades desarrolladas, práctica que permitió verificar la evolución y el nivel de asimilación conceptual de éstos con respecto al tema en el estudio. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos, después de la aplicación de una encuesta que contempla veinte asuntos, todo pertinentes al tema, demostró un nivel del uso sobre el promedio, lo que merecido la pena el método de enseñanza propuesta