58 resultados para independència

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Notre travail propose de comprendre l`immigration africaine contemporaine du Brésil à travers l'univers des étudiants guinéens participant au Programme Étudiants « Convênio de Graduação » (PEC-G) dans les villes de Fortaleza dans l'Etat Ceará et Natal dans l'Etat de Rio Grande do Norte, en étudiant leurs stratégies de convivialité et d'adaptation. Les étudiants étrangers sélectionnés dans ce programme font leur licence gratuitement dans les Instituts d'Enseignement Supérieur (IES). Pour accéder à ce programme ils doivent répondre à certains critères : montrer qu'ils sont en mesure de payer leurs frais au Brésil, avoir le bac ou un diplôme équivalent et maîtriser la langue portugaise lorsqu'ils sont originaires d'un pays n'appartenant pas à la Communauté de Pays de Langue Portugaise (CPLP). Les étudiants qui participent à des programmes de développement socio-économique contractés entre le Brésil et leurs pays d'origine sont prioritaires. Ces accords les contraignent à rentrer dans leurs pays d'origine et de travailler dans le domaine dans lequel ils ont été diplômés une fois les études terminées. Les étudiants, qui arrivent au Brésil porteurs de leurs identités ethniques guinéennes, entrent en contact avec la société brésilienne et acquièrent ainsi une « identité hybride ». C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail analyse le quotidien des étudiants africaines au Brésil avec un regard porté sur les étudiants de Guinée-Bissau à Fortaleza et à Natal comprendre l'expérience des étudiants qui vivent en terre étrangère. Ainsi, le lieu (Brésil) prend toute sa valeur par rapport au distant (Guinée) autrefois lié par l'histoire coloniale et aujourd'hui lié par des relations internationales ou diplomatiques. Finalement, la construction d'une « nouvelle » identité ethnique, d'une culture guinéenne au Brésil s'opère dans une célébration mobile c'est-à-dire successivement formée et transformée en relation avec les formes à travers lesquelles l'individu est représenté ou interpelé dans les systèmes culturels dans lesquels il est impliqué.


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Conventional methods to solve the problem of blind source separation nonlinear, in general, using series of restrictions to obtain the solution, often leading to an imperfect separation of the original sources and high computational cost. In this paper, we propose an alternative measure of independence based on information theory and uses the tools of artificial intelligence to solve problems of blind source separation linear and nonlinear later. In the linear model applies genetic algorithms and Rényi of negentropy as a measure of independence to find a separation matrix from linear mixtures of signals using linear form of waves, audio and images. A comparison with two types of algorithms for Independent Component Analysis widespread in the literature. Subsequently, we use the same measure of independence, as the cost function in the genetic algorithm to recover source signals were mixed by nonlinear functions from an artificial neural network of radial base type. Genetic algorithms are powerful tools for global search, and therefore well suited for use in problems of blind source separation. Tests and analysis are through computer simulations


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Notre travail propose de comprendre l`immigration africaine contemporaine du Brésil à travers l'univers des étudiants guinéens participant au Programme Étudiants « Convênio de Graduação » (PEC-G) dans les villes de Fortaleza dans l'Etat Ceará et Natal dans l'Etat de Rio Grande do Norte, en étudiant leurs stratégies de convivialité et d'adaptation. Les étudiants étrangers sélectionnés dans ce programme font leur licence gratuitement dans les Instituts d'Enseignement Supérieur (IES). Pour accéder à ce programme ils doivent répondre à certains critères : montrer qu'ils sont en mesure de payer leurs frais au Brésil, avoir le bac ou un diplôme équivalent et maîtriser la langue portugaise lorsqu'ils sont originaires d'un pays n'appartenant pas à la Communauté de Pays de Langue Portugaise (CPLP). Les étudiants qui participent à des programmes de développement socio-économique contractés entre le Brésil et leurs pays d'origine sont prioritaires. Ces accords les contraignent à rentrer dans leurs pays d'origine et de travailler dans le domaine dans lequel ils ont été diplômés une fois les études terminées. Les étudiants, qui arrivent au Brésil porteurs de leurs identités ethniques guinéennes, entrent en contact avec la société brésilienne et acquièrent ainsi une « identité hybride ». C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail analyse le quotidien des étudiants africaines au Brésil avec un regard porté sur les étudiants de Guinée-Bissau à Fortaleza et à Natal comprendre l'expérience des étudiants qui vivent en terre étrangère. Ainsi, le lieu (Brésil) prend toute sa valeur par rapport au distant (Guinée) autrefois lié par l'histoire coloniale et aujourd'hui lié par des relations internationales ou diplomatiques. Finalement, la construction d'une « nouvelle » identité ethnique, d'une culture guinéenne au Brésil s'opère dans une célébration mobile c'est-à-dire successivement formée et transformée en relation avec les formes à travers lesquelles l'individu est représenté ou interpelé dans les systèmes culturels dans lesquels il est impliqué.


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CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; ESTEBAN NAVARRO, Miguel Ángel. . Auditoria de Inteligência: um método para o diagnóstico de sistemas de inteligência competitiva e organizacional. In: XI ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, 2010, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do XI ENANCIB. Rio de Janeiro: ANCIB, 2010.


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This work aims to understand the phenomenon of corruption in the Brazilian public sphere and its implications for society. It has brought concepts of corruption, and has referred to its highest incidence in the public sphere in the three levels of government (despite its infiltration also in the privative sector) and has called attention to two subjects which intertwine public administration (as a means of ordering social life) and corruption (as a form of denial to the collective welfare). Through literature search whose analysis shows that the phenomenon contains the entire country history, from discovery to present day it was found to be common several dictatorial and democratic political regimes. Finally, it has emphasized the importance and necessity of citizen participation in process, as well as the organization of civil society and media, in addition to highlighting the relevance of autonomy and independence of Powers set for its effective confrontation and fighting


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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PURPOSE: Stroke is a high-incidence cerebrovascular disease with elevated morbidity that results in impairments such as functional disabilities. This study aimed to investigate the functional evolution of individuals in the first six months post-stroke. METHOD: Longitudinal study with 42 stroke patients. The functional independence measure (FIM) and The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were used by multidisciplinary staff 3 times in each participant; the first application was at admission to rehabilitation and the others three and six months later. RESULTS: Sample predominantly female (57%), married (52%), mean age 65.26 ±10.72 years, elementary schooling level (43%), ischemic stroke (91%), and right cerebral hemisphere (74%). Motor FIM scores and NIHSS scale showed improvement in the 3 evaluations, with significant p-value (<0.001). There was a strong relation between motor FIM evolution and NIHSS evolution (r = - 0.69 p-value< 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that functional evolution at 6 months post-stroke was significant and the smaller the evolution of clinical impairment in these patients, the larger the evolution of their functional independence. The study is important because it allows a more appropriate therapeutic planning according with functional evolution in stroke rehabilitation


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Ações promotoras de saúde e independência para pessoas idosas são indispensáveis. Compreender essa construção no cotidiano da provisão dos cuidados talvez estimule o desenvolvimento de capacitações ao bem estar nesta população. O objetivo deste estudo foi Identificar a repercussão da provisão do cuidado formal em saúde bucal na percepção de senescentes. Desenvolvemos uma pesquisa de base qualitativa com abordagem fenomenológica, onde realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas e individuais com 30 pessoas de idade superior a 50 anos (22 mulheres e 08 homens), em um Centro de Convivência na cidade de Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, no nordeste do Brasil. Os relatos obtidos foram analisados em cinco estágios: transcrição dos discursos sem preocupação interpretativa; limpeza de erros linguísticos e repetições; leitura repetitiva e exaustiva para apreensão do sentido das informações coletadas; seleção das unidades significativas dos discursos, correspondendo aos trechos relevantes no horizonte do fenômeno em estudo; e compreensão da ideografia elaborada pelos participantes por grupos temáticos simbólicos. Assim, identificamos as essências temáticas de: determinante social e iniquidade em saúde bucal; e provisão de cuidados de saúde bucal e mal-estar físico, mental e social. Concluímos que a prestação de cuidados agregando abordagem humanístico-ética pode levar a vivências dignificantes no processo de envelhecimento, destacadamente quando estimula a promoção da segurança pessoal. O âmago desse trabalho descortina uma vertente multidisciplinar que perpassa a saúde, a educação e a ética


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A prática regular de exercício físico possibilita redução dos efeitos das disfunções hormonais e envelhecimento biológico natural que promovem desajustes hemodinâmicos, vasculares e músculo-esqueléticos, principalmente na população feminina no período pós-menopausa. Nesta fase da vida, o exercício aquático representa mais do que uma forma de ajuste funcional, é uma forma de manutenção de independência para as atividades da vida diária (AVD s) e melhoria na qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações adquiridas pela prática regular de um programa de exercício aquático concorrente de intensidade moderada no nível de óxido nítrico (ON), no índice de resistividade arterial (IR), no perfil lipídico, na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosas. A amostra foi formada por idosas (60 a 80 anos) selecionadas por randomização, por sorteio simples divididas em grupo controle e grupo de intervenção as quais foram submetidas a um programa de exercícios aquáticos proposto inicialmente em projeto piloto, por 12 semanas (n=34) e o ensaio clínico teve duração de 16 semanas (n=40). Foi coletada amostra sanguínea das idosas e avaliado o perfil lipídico pelo método enzimático com kit Labtest e o ON por medida indireta a partir da concentração de nitrito no sobrenadante das células em cultura em leitor de ELISA. A avaliação das artérias carótidas e vertebrais foi feita utilizando o método de ultra-som Doopler. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por quatro testes que simulam atividades da vida diária que são: caminhar 10 metros (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC) e o de levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV). No estudo piloto foi avaliado o índice geral de autonomia funcional (IG) e a qualidade de vida através do questionário WHOQOL-100. Empregou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas nos fatores grupo (GH e GC) e tempo (pré e pós-teste) para as comparações intra e intergrupos nas variáveis seguida do post hoc de Scheffé. Utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson e adotado o valor de p<0,05 para a significância estatística. Houve aumento do ON circulante, redução nos índices de resistividade arterial, melhoria significativa nos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides e ganho na capacidade funcional das idosas após a intervenção. Existiu correlação inversa entre a resistividade da artéria vertebral direita (VERTD) e níveis de ON e entre a VERTD e os níveis plasmáticos de HDL, assim como entre estes e o teste C10m nas idosas em estudo. Não houve modificações significativas na qualidade de vida das idosas. Em conclusão, o programa de exercício proposto foi capaz de oferecer melhorias funcionais, aumentar o nível de óxido nítrico circulante, diminuindo a resistência arterial promovendo modificações no perfil lipídico de idosas


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Demographic and epidemiological transformations have led to an increase in elderly populations in the world, and chronic diseases become the main health problem in this population, with consequences for the independence and autonomy, and interfering in the lifestyle and daily activities, and may decrease the welfare and quality of life. So, there is an urgent need for multidisciplinary research on the quality of life, understood as a multidimensional and subjective concept, as well as the associated factors, such as health habits, presence of chronic conditions and functional capacity. Thus, In qualitative terms, the Article 1 provides an assessment and perception of the elderly about their quality of life. Article 2, in turn, presents the results of more extensive quantitative research, which can be seen that age, presence of chronic diseases and depression were associated with the quality of life. Thus, we discuss the need for action was planning and health strategies, with interdisciplinary approach, considering the environmental context and reality of family elders, promoting quality in the process of aging


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This present study aims to identify and evaluate the impacts caused by the state Programa do Leite in the familiar life of the ones that get this benefit in Natal, from 2003 to 2008. The interviews were done in the four areas of the city and show the high level of poverty of the ones registered in the benefit. The introduction of the families in the program changed their habits. The study also shows the fragility of the poor population inside social welfare works like this one. Some of these programs become permanent by the politicians and by the lack of economic independence of the ones that get the benefit, causing much more dependence of these people on the social program


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Las experiencias colectivas como canales de acceso a mejores condiciones de vida, engendradas por los sectores populares y, especialmente, por las populaciones rurales, nos motivaron a la realización de esta investigación. Teniendo como unidad de análisis una cooperativa constituida por agricultores y agricultoras familiares, investigada por medio de un estudio de caso y como base teórica las concepciones de economía solidaria y popular, nuestra cuestión central fue comprender ¿cuales las prácticas adoptadas que han posibilitado su éxito? Para ello, partimos de la hipótesis de que el éxito de esas organizaciones depende de la aplicación de los principios cooperativistas, cuales sean: adhesión libre y voluntaria, democracia, participación, intercooperación, educación e información, preocupación con el entorno, autonomía e independencia; y de sus relaciones externas con el Estado y otras instituciones de apoyo. Para cumplir nuestro propósito, fueron seleccionados también algunos indicadores, una amuestra aleatoria de la población elegida y los representantes de las instituciones involucradas con la cooperativa. Siendo una investigación de carácter más cualitativa, pero usando dados cuantitativos, fueron utilizados para la coleta de los datos encuestas semi-estructuradas, cuestionarios con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, observaciones directas, registros fotográficos y análisis documentales. Los principales resultados encontrados indican que la hipótesis fue confirmada, o sea, el éxito de la cooperativa estudiada tuvo vinculación directa con la aplicación de los principios cooperativistas, con el acceso a los recursos públicos disponibles y con los apoyos de otras instituciones, generando beneficios socioeconómicos para los cooperados y externalidades positivas para el desenvolvimiento del entorno


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This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior