33 resultados para fracture and deformation concepts

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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In the literature there are several proposals of fuzzi cation of lattices and ideals concepts. Chon in (Korean J. Math 17 (2009), No. 4, 361-374), using the notion of fuzzy order relation de ned by Zadeh, introduced a new notion of fuzzy lattice and studied the level sets of fuzzy lattices, but did not de ne a notion of fuzzy ideals for this type of fuzzy lattice. In this thesis, using the fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon, we de ne fuzzy homomorphism between fuzzy lattices, the operations of product, collapsed sum, lifting, opposite, interval and intuitionistic on bounded fuzzy lattices. They are conceived as extensions of their analogous operations on the classical theory by using this de nition of fuzzy lattices and introduce new results from these operators. In addition, we de ne ideals and lters of fuzzy lattices and concepts in the same way as in their characterization in terms of level and support sets. One of the results found here is the connection among ideals, supports and level sets. The reader will also nd the de nition of some kinds of ideals and lters as well as some results with respect to the intersection among their families. Moreover, we introduce a new notion of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters for fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon. We de ne types of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters that generalize usual types of ideals and lters of lattices, such as principal ideals, proper ideals, prime ideals and maximal ideals. The main idea is verifying that analogous properties in the classical theory on lattices are maintained in this new theory of fuzzy ideals. We also de ne, a fuzzy homomorphism h from fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results involving fuzzy homomorphism and fuzzy ideals as if h is a fuzzy monomorphism and the fuzzy image of a fuzzy set ~h(I) is a fuzzy ideal, then I is a fuzzy ideal. Similarly, we prove for proper, prime and maximal fuzzy ideals. Finally, we prove that h is a fuzzy homomorphism from fuzzy lattices L into M if the inverse image of all principal fuzzy ideals of M is a fuzzy ideal of L. Lastly, we introduce the notion of -ideals and - lters of fuzzy lattices and characterize it by using its support and its level set. Moreover, we prove some similar properties in the classical theory of - ideals and - lters, such as, the class of -ideals and - lters are closed under intersection. We also de ne fuzzy -ideals of fuzzy lattices, some properties analogous to the classical theory are also proved and characterize a fuzzy -ideal on operation of product between bounded fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results.


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This work consists of the conception, developing and implementation of a Computational Routine CAE which has algorithms suitable for the tension and deformation analysis. The system was integrated to an academic software named as OrtoCAD. The expansion algorithms for the interface CAE genereated by this work were developed in FORTRAN with the objective of increase the applications of two former works of PPGEM-UFRN: project and fabrication of a Electromechanincal reader and Software OrtoCAD. The software OrtoCAD is an interface that, orinally, includes the visualization of prothetic cartridges from the data obtained from a electromechanical reader (LEM). The LEM is basically a tridimensional scanner based on reverse engineering. First, the geometry of a residual limb (i.e., the remaining part of an amputee leg wherein the prothesis is fixed) is obtained from the data generated by LEM by the use of Reverse Engineering concepts. The proposed core FEA uses the Shell's Theory where a 2D surface is generated from a 3D piece form OrtoCAD. The shell's analysis program uses the well-known Finite Elements Method to describe the geometry and the behavior of the material. The program is based square-based Lagragean elements of nine nodes and displacement field of higher order to a better description of the tension field in the thickness. As a result, the new FEA routine provide excellent advantages by providing new features to OrtoCAD: independency of high cost commercial softwares; new routines were added to the OrtoCAD library for more realistic problems by using criteria of fault engineering of composites materials; enhanced the performance of the FEA analysis by using a specific grid element for a higher number of nodes; and finally, it has the advantage of open-source project and offering customized intrinsic versatility and wide possibilities of editing and/or optimization that may be necessary in the future


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The theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides discussion and analysis and relatively recent, particularly in the last twenty years, has grown into the world as well as in Brazil, the interest on the involvement of the business sector in social activities or projects facing combating poverty. However, a lack of socialization of successful experiences in the practice of CSR and clarity and consensus concepts generate deviations of understanding on the subject and the structuring of interventions. This research aimed to reveal how corporate social responsibility of the IMA Food was developed from Project Nursery Saci. The research took place under a qualitative approach of descriptive-explanatory, conducted through semi-structured interviews and non-participatory observation and interviewed 35 people in total. The interpretation and analysis of data occurred through a categorical content analysis, having as theoretical approach to socioeconomic CSR. The results showed that the major form of social responsibility of the Food IMA is based on a classical approach of CSR, focusing on philanthropy. The absence of a more systematic management of the project and reflect the fragility, instability and lack of commitment towards the community. The contributions generated by the project are substantial and important, but do not reach the development occasioned by the company. However, none of this invalidates the initiative of the organization's commitment to the community, however, requires a reassessment and restructuring of the proposal in a way that leverages the performance of the project and the company itself and it can more effectively contribute to society


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The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities


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This thesis aims to describe and demonstrate the developed concept to facilitate the use of thermal simulation tools during the building design process. Despite the impact of architectural elements on the performance of buildings, some influential decisions are frequently based solely on qualitative information. Even though such design support is adequate for most decisions, the designer will eventually have doubts concerning the performance of some design decisions. These situations will require some kind of additional knowledge to be properly approached. The concept of designerly ways of simulating focuses on the formulation and solution of design dilemmas, which are doubts about the design that cannot be fully understood nor solved without using quantitative information. The concept intends to combine the power of analysis from computer simulation tools with the capacity of synthesis from architects. Three types of simulation tools are considered: solar analysis, thermal/energy simulation and CFD. Design dilemmas are formulated and framed according to the architect s reflection process about performance aspects. Throughout the thesis, the problem is investigated in three fields: professional, technical and theoretical fields. This approach on distinct parts of the problem aimed to i) characterize different professional categories with regards to their design practice and use of tools, ii) investigate preceding researchers on the use of simulation tools and iii) draw analogies between the proposed concept, and some concepts developed or described in previous works about design theory. The proposed concept was tested in eight design dilemmas extracted from three case studies in the Netherlands. The three investigated processes are houses designed by Dutch architectural firms. Relevant information and criteria from each case study were obtained through interviews and conversations with the involved architects. The practical application, despite its success in the research context, allowed the identification of some applicability limitations of the concept, concerning the architects need to have technical knowledge and the actual evolution stage of simulation tools


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This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites


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Primary cementing is one of the main operations in well drilling responsible for the mechanical stability and zonal isolation during the production of oil. However, the cement sheath is constantly under mechanical stresses and temperature variations caused by the recovery of heavy oil. In order to minimize fracture and wear of the cement sheath, new admixtures are developed to improve the properties of Portland cement slurries and avoid environmental contamination caused by leaking gas and oil. Polymers with the ability to form polymeric films are candidates to improve the properties of hardened cement slurries, especially their fracture energy. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of a chitosan suspension on cement slurries in order to improve the properties of the cement and increase its performance on heavy oil recovery. Chitosan was dissolved in acetic ac id (0.25 M and 2 M) and added to the formulation of the slurries in different concentrations. SEM analyses confirmed the formation of polymeric films in the cementitious matrix. Strength tests showed higher fracture energy compared to slurries without the addition of chitosan. The formation of the polymeric films also reduced the permeability of the slurry. Therefore, chitosan suspensions can be potentially used as cementing admixtures for heavy oil well applications


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)


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Increase hydrocarbons production is the main goal of the oilwell industry worldwide. Hydraulic fracturing is often applied to achieve this goal due to a combination of attractive aspects including easiness and low operational costs associated with fast and highly economical response. Conventional fracturing usually involves high-flowing high-pressure pumping of a viscous fluid responsible for opening the fracture in the hydrocarbon producing rock. The thickness of the fracture should be enough to assure the penetration of the particles of a solid proppant into the rock. The proppant is driven into the target formation by a carrier fluid. After pumping, all fluids are filtered through the faces of the fracture and penetrate the rock. The proppant remains in the fracture holding it open and assuring high hydraulic conductivity. The present study proposes a different approach for hydraulic fracturing. Fractures with infinity conductivity are formed and used to further improve the production of highly permeable formations as well as to produce long fractures in naturally fractured formations. Naturally open fractures with infinite conductivity are usually encountered. They can be observed in rock outcrops and core plugs, or noticed by the total loss of circulation during drilling (even with low density fluids), image profiles, pumping tests (Mini-Frac and Mini Fall Off), and injection tests below fracturing pressure, whose flow is higher than expected for radial Darcian ones. Naturally occurring fractures are kept open by randomly shaped and placed supporting points, able to hold the faces of the fracture separate even under typical closing pressures. The approach presented herein generates infinite conductivity canal held open by artificially created parallel supporting areas positioned both horizontally and vertically. The size of these areas is designed to hold the permeable zones open supported by the impermeable areas. The England & Green equation was used to theoretically prove that the fracture can be held open by such artificially created set of horizontal parallel supporting areas. To assess the benefits of fractures characterized by infinite conductivity, an overall comparison with finite conductivity fractures was carried out using a series of parameters including fracture pressure loss and dimensionless conductivity as a function of flow production, FOI folds of increase, flow production and cumulative production as a function of time, and finally plots of net present value and productivity index


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Obesity is currently considered a public health problem and there has been growing interest in the study of various aspects related to this infirmity such as: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and others. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of weight excess and overweight in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil and relate them to variables such as gender, age, type of school (public or private) and zones of the city (east/south and north/west). This is a transversal study, carried out in Natal, Brazil between August and September 2004, in 20 public and 20 private schools/day care centers selected by the systematic sampling method. We measured the weight and height of 3721 students between the ages of 2 and 6 years. The children were stratified, according to age, into age group 1 (2 to 4 years) and age group 2 (5 and 6 years) and according to the region of the school, into north/west and east/south zones, the regions with the smallest and highest quality of life indices in the city, respectively. Children were considered to have weight excess when BMI ≥ 85th percentile, including those with BMI ≥ 95th percentile and overweight when BMI ≥ 95th percentile. The prevalence of weight excess was 26.5%, and of overweight 12.4%. There was greater prevalence of weight excess in the private schools and in the east/south zones. Overweight displayed the same epidemiologic profile, with a greater prevalence in private schools and in the east/south zones. The prevalence of weight excess in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil is high and is related, above all, to private schools and to those located in the highest quality of life areas. Therefore, prevention programs should be implanted in elementary schools in order to decrease weight excess and possible associated co-morbidities. This research project met the norms established by PPGCSa/UFRN and aimed at promoting the interrelation between different researchers and between different fields of knowledge, using multi and interdisciplinary concepts. This study was enriched by the interaction between the following professionals: pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist and physician nutrition specialist, pediatric endocrinologist, epidemiologist and biostatistician


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The study of social practices aims to overcome the theoretical dichotomies that insist on separating the individual from the social structures and vice versa. In this sense, the debate between objectivism and subjectivism in the construction of social reality still has occupied much time and reflection of various scholars of the humanities. Pierre Bourdieu has extensive work that seeks to advance in relation to the theoretical framework of traditional sociological explanations. Bourdieu`s approach regarding social practices is considered by some researchers as a synthesis of classical theories and by others as an attempt of complexify contemporary studies on the significance of social life. This thesis sharesthis effort to understand the social practices of agents, aiming to analyze the strategies of social and political leaders of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi in Rio Grande do Norte, and it has as reference the theoretical and methodological concepts of habitus, field and capital, in Bourdieu. Therefore, we studied the trajectories of social leaders, here called agents as family farming in the two locations in Rio Grande do Norte. As techniques and procedures of the study, we resortedto semi-structured interviews, observations, participation in events and other researches. In conclusion, this thesis gives an account of the construction of two different relational fields for the activities of agents of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi. Although the relational fields in the territories have been structured under the same prevailing institutions, which are: church, union and political party, the social practice of agents shows itself from social position and political variety. Even with the similarities and differences identified and analyzed in different fields of construction, the social relations of the agents in the territories result in the construction of gated communities, the social capital that is the substrate which the agents called empowered .


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This thesis proposes that the idea expressed in Juvenal s quotation Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, produced in the Ancient Greek-Roman civilization includes undestandings of body, heath and education that were reapropriated and reorganized by scientific and pedagogical theories in the XIX and XX centuries. These theories, especially the ones that received contributions from the biomedical sciences, have influenced Physical Education in the search of becoming a science. In order to realize this reapropriation, we have analyzed the transformations in the concepts of body, health and education produced in the area discourse, aiming at pointing out elements to the configuration of a theory that is being called Corpore Sano. The theory constitutes in possible systematization of scientific, philosophical and pedagogical concepts, and as such, an understanding of the scientific fundaments of Physical Education. The corpus of this analysis was composed by 148 articles that were published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte digitalized in the period between 1979 and 2003 and selected according to theme: body, biology, physical activity, effort physiology and health. The analysis of the content and the referential interpretation allowed the combination of philosophical reflection with attention to the empiric field as a comprehensive dimension. Based on the corpus of the analysis it is possible to configure meta-arguments about the concepts of body, health and education in the scientific production of Physical Education. As a metaresearch. Our study did not intend to judge the analyzed production, but look for theoretical elements that may generate a reflection about the scientific rationality in Physical Education and developments in the pedagogical field and in body practices. Such a reflection might be recognized as a theory of the living body, susceptible to modifications and interrogations that are proper of knowledge and practices of Physical Education. It is a theory rejects the idea of the complete truth and holds the comprehension that the truth is built historically through relations among different kinds of knowledge and Physical Education practices


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Metaphorically, research is presented as a journey by sea, having as object of study the social representations of Continuing Education for teachers of elementary school and as aim, to analyze them in comparison of participants from state and municipal systems, located in Natal-RN, Brazil .They have contributed to the achievement of this objective the voices of 158 teachers, the vast literature on training in professional development and the theoretical formulations proposed by Moscovici and colleagues, with relevance to the Central Nucleus Theory advocated by Abric. The corpus resulting from evocations about continuing education, as well as teachers' justifications were submitted to different computer methods/techniques, through the EVOC ALCESTE Programs, respectively, providing the opportunity to highlight a network of interconnections between the likely core and the production of discourse. Although the educational ideologies that underlie social perception of the state teachers are anchored in New School and technicist concepts and the teachers in the city tend to an ideology of social interaction, the choice of working with the symbolic field identified the political-social commitment of groups with the impacts of training on learning of their students


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This research aims to study the participation of mothers in the School Council of the Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Amor de Mãe. The goal is to understand the relationship among concepts that mothers have and their practices as advisors. The historical-philosophical approach taken along the research permitted working with real people and not those derived or idealized ones. It searched an approximation of the mode of being and living of the councilor mothers in their homes, and the concepts and practices in the School Council. It was inspired by ethnographic researches to describe data, habits, cultural practices, meanings and values of people involved. As sources of research, we used: interviews with mothers and school staff; documentary and photographic collection of CMEI Amor de Mãe; local and national legislation; notebooks of the National Program for the Strengthening of School Council (2004); data bank of dissertations and theses of the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the UFRN dealing with democratic management and the relationship school and family. The study indicates the existence of a narrative of the school community that shows mothers as "missing" or "passive" and a practice that point out to how people participate actively in the school routine. This contradiction reveals the existence of a historically constructed school mindset that is rooted in a model of family and school that differs from the reality found in CMEI Amor de Mãe and how families served by CMEI Amor de Mãe organize themselves. It is recommended that the school community and families reorganize the conceptions that guide their practices in educating and caring for children with whom they live and work to make progress together in managing this process


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with the customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a private higher education institution in Belém city, Brazil. The literature review focuses on costumer satisfaction and loyalty concepts and theory, models of quality managing systems and methodologies of costumer satisfaction measurement. The research was a survey with a random stratified sample of 329 undergraduate students of Business Administration at the Faculdade do Pará , in the morning and the night periods. The data analysis was made through the descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The main findings are that the model was satisfactory and the main factors affecting Satisfaction to the School were Best Professor Didatics (beta=0.297), Courses Contents (beta=0.280), Clerks Sympathy (beta=0.201), and Number of Students in Classroom (beta=0,187) with a adjusted R2 = 0,47. The main factors affecting School Loyalty with an adjusted R2 = 0,43 were School Image (beta=0.383), Affective Commitment (beta=0.255), and Satisfaction with Professors (beta=0,218). The findings suggest also that may be differences between the set of students and those that complain for something