13 resultados para feeling of professional competence

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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To investigate the relationship that exists among the educational participation of the school board and the teacher's professional development, starting from the analysis teachers of a public institution who teaches daily in the city of Natal. We focused the possible relationships between the teacher's action and their professional development, which includes the participation of the School board, considered by us as a collective space. To accomplish this research we used Interviews (KAUFMANN, 1996; SILVA, 2002) to analyze the nine participants, who are teachers' of the school board, and their oral speeches, considered as main references of our study. While trying to understand the reasons that led the teachers to choose her/his educational profession, we noticed the difficulty of recognition of the job of lecturing as a profession. This fact comes as an obstacle to the perspective of the teachers' professional development. In what he/she refers to the forms of the teachers' participation in the board and their meanings, we noticed in first place that the feeling of it belongs one of the decisive factors it can be considered actively for the teacher to announce of the actions colegiadas. This for them to want and they believe that that is the best road for if they develop better while professionals and consequently to improve the situation of the school. In second place we noticed that the school board represents, a place of articulation of the equality among all the ones that form the school community. So, we tried to understand how they happened to the collective actions in the school, how the teachers presented them in spite of what they know, how a collective action should be presented in the elements of fragility of that process that inhibit the development of the overall action. Finally, we questioned the elements that would contribute to the educational professional development; we noticed that the teachers present the competence, the ethics and professional valorization, as factors that contributed at the present time to their educational professional development


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SILVA, Flávio César Bezerra da ; COSTA, Francisca Marta de Lima; ANDRADE, Hamilton Leandro Pinto de; FREIRE, Lúcia de Fátima; MACIEL, Patrícia Suerda de Oliveira; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de. Paradigms that guide the models of attention to the health in Brazil: an analytic essay. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE On Line., Recife, v.3,n.4, p.460-65. out/dez. 2009. Disponível em < http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista/search/results >.


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The paper investigates the legal mechanisms used by the Legislature and the Executive to implement the constitutional principle of the teacher s minimum wage, which is proclaimed in the Constitution as a strategy of professional appreciation for this category. The text demonstrates that the legal mechanisms used to value the teacher were: the 1988 Constitution, the constitutional amendments to this Charter updated and modified the original text in relation to the matter, and finally, the Minimum Wage Law . Article nº 206 of 1988 s Federal Constitution established that basic education teachers, who work in public schools, would be entitled to a national minimum wage. Law nº 11.738/2008 ( Minimum Wage Law ) regulated the matter and made other determinations on the relationship between the State and the teachers such as the establishment of parameters for the distribution of the workload of teachers. Based on this law, since 2009 the minimum wage has been set annually by the Federal Government. However, state governments and municipalities throughout Brazil protested prescriptions contained in the Minimum Wage Law . In this context, some governors and mayors led the Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of this law. The complainants considered that there was unconstitutional by the following: definition of the teacher s workday, which in the complainants point of view was competence of local governments; ensuring that teachers receive salaries tied to the minimum wage with retroactive effect; transformation of the minimum wage in basic salary, lack of sufficient budget in the states and municipalities to honor with the new values to be paid to teachers and, finally, determining workload for the teacher to perform other activities besides classroom activities. At the trial held at the STF the majority of Ministers rejected the claim and considered that the Minimum Wage Law , taken together, was constitutional. However, this decision did not alter the position of the managers or the interpretation of the ministers who agreed with the unconstitutionality of some aspects of the law. This means that one law can present differences in interpretation between ordinary people and among members of the Judiciary. The search showed the following conclusions: the law is not a definitive parameter of justice, because it is deeply linked to various interests; the development, implementation, and judgment of laws dealing with minimum wage of teaching are linked to historical and cultural aspects of society; the demand for enhancement of teacher and setting a minimum wage has only emerged in the late twentieth century, a fact explained in this work based on data that indicate the recent concern of Brazilian State with schooling a phenomenon typically Republican and with the professionalization of teaching emerging concern from the knowledge society; the Legislative and Executive search mechanism to implement the minimum wage of the teachers because of the contemporary need for professionalization of teaching


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It has been remarkable among the Science Teaching debates the necessity that students do not learn only theories, laws and concepts, but also develop skills which allows them to act towards a critical citizenship. Therefore, some of the skills for the natural sciences learning must be taught consciously, intentionally and in a planned way, as component of a basic competence. Studies of the last twenty years have shown that students and teachers have plenty of difficulties about skills development and, among several, the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics, essential for the comprehension of Natural Science. In that sense, the development of that type of professional knowledge during the initial education of future Chemistry teachers has become strategic, not only because they need to know how to use it, but also because they need to know how to teach it. This research has as its general objective the organization, development and study of a process of formation of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics as part of the teachers professional knowledge. It has been accomplished through a formative experience with six undergraduate students of the Teaching Degree Course of Chemistry of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), in Brazil. In order to develop that skill, we have used as reference P. Ya. Galperin s Theory of the Stepwise Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts and its following qualitative indicators: action form, degree of generalization, degree of consciousness, degree of independence and degree of solidness. The research, in a qualitative approach, has prioritized as instruments of data collecting the registering of the activities of the undergraduate students, the observation, the questionnaire and the diagnosis tests. At the first moment, a teaching framework has been planned for the development of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics based on the presupposed conceptions and steps of Galperin s Theory. At the second moment, the referred framework has been applied and the process of the skill formation has been studied. The results have shown the possibility of develop the skill conscious about the invariant operation system, with a high degree of generalization and internalized the operational invariant in the mental plane. The students have attested the contributions at that type of formative experience. The research reveals the importance of going deeper about the teaching comprehension of the individualities tied to the process of internalization, according to Galperin s Theory, when the update of abilities as part of the teaching professional knowledge is the issue


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Study about the national politics on the professional education, under responsibility of the brazilian Work Department in 1990 years. Purposes to apprehend the results of the actions of the professional education in a basic level, offered by the National Plan of the worker qualification ( PLANFOR ), as well as the effects on the assisted exits, starting from the experience appreciated on the Plan of Qualification developed in the state of Maranhão between 1996 to 2000. It adopts a theoretical-methodological conception by an ontological nature, if being worth of categories as the one of totality and of mediation that together, makes possible the apprehension of a dialectical movement that happens among the analysis object, the professional education politics in a basic level, performed by PLANFOR and your context, the underdevelop and heterogeneous Brazilian capitalism and the consequent job market generalized precarious and informal, making possible that the reality investigated become to understood rationally. This paper uses the indirect documentation technique, instruments of the bibliographical research and documental research. This study is based on those that aren´t part of PLANFOR, qualified by professional education courses in basic level,they didn't get to be inserts at the formal job market, just occupying precarious occupations in the informal job market. Aims to presents and discusses the productive process and your restructuring globally in progress. It focuses at the impacts on the workers, the precariousness of the work that appears like a new phenomenon calls new informality. Talks about the particularity process of productive restructuring assumed in Brazil highlights, showing that the informality, was always a structural phenomenon in the country. Discusses about the professional qualification in the contemporary capitalism, specifying some of your theses. Shows in a historical view the process of appearance of the employment notions and competence, and the influence that it exercised on the reforms of the basic and professional education, as well as the implications of both in the politics of professional education in the country. Rescues the process of creation of PLANFOR, your official formulations and your organized bases, starting from the second half of the 1990 decade. Shows yet the continuos changes in the job market of Maranhão state, for after, starting from the reports expresses at the Plans of Qualification from the state, elaborated by the Group of Evaluation and Studies of the Poverty and the Politics addressed to the poverty from the Master degree Program in Public Politics, from the Federal University of Maranhão, analyzing the acting of PLANFOR in the State, your probable deficiencies, as results the changes verified in the conditions of occupation and the gains of the exits from the professional education courses in basic level


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This is an analytic research of a qualitative nature whose purpose is to examine the learning process involving students of the Nursing Program of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN who are attending the Supervised Clerkship in Nursing (SCN) in Family Health Strategy (FHS), based on learning through daily living. In order to do this, a historical overview of this academic activity in the teaching of nursing was presented, and the importance of FHS as the scene where professional health education takes place was discussed. For the empirical investigation, ten eighth-semester students involved in clerkship activities at family health units in the Western Sanitary District of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. The theoretical approach relied, as epistemological presupposition, on the ideas of educator Humberto Maturana who showed that learning, both in nature and among human beings, takes place within dialogic living relationships wherein acceptance of the other, affectivity (love) and dialoguing are essential stimuli to learning. Students discourses gradually became part of the analytic categories that had been established beforehand. There has been verified that the students went through meaningful learning encouraged by all who shared the living environment, that is: nurse/instructor, teacher/supervisor, family health staff, and the community. Several feelings were involved in the process, such as joy, satisfaction, self-reliance, affectivity and, in the opposite direction, sadness, indignation, a feeling of impotence, and fear. The learning of interpersonal relationship was describe as the most relevant of the academic experiences and, therefore, thus emphasizing the relevance of affectivity to the learning process as Maturana points out. It is suggested that the teaching of nursing keep on giving priority to family health units as the Basic Care educational scene, with attention to the importance of placing the students in welcoming environments, in such a way as to encourage learning


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Exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study with prospective data, performed in the Mobile Emergency Care Service in the metropolitan region of Natal/RN, in order to identify the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about the rules of standard precautions and worker safety, to identify occupational hazards peculiar to the activities of this service; characterize work-related accidents (WRA) and know the procedures adopted after each WRA. The population consisted of 162 professionals and data were collected between the months of November and December 2010. As for personal and professional characteristics, of the 162 professional, 12,96% were physicians; 6,79%, nurses; 33,95%, nursing technicians, 46,29%, conductors; 74,70% were male; 43,21% were between 31 and 40 years old; 69,33% lived in Natal/RN, 50,00% had completed high school; 58,64% were married; 69,75% had children, 46,91% were between 1 and 4 years of training; 61,73% had improvement courses; 59,25% had 3 to 4 years of service; 54,32%, with 1-4 years experience in emergency; 44,44% received 1-2 minimum wages; 78,40% received insalubrity premium; 67,28% worked in Basic Support Unit (BSU); 83,95% had journey on SAMU Metropolitano of 31-40 hours per week; 52,47% had other employments. As for knowledge of rules of standard precautions, safety and occupational hazards, 99,38% knew what it was WRA; 62,96% gave incomplete answers; 74,07% knew the rules of prevent WRA; 46,67% acquired this knowledge in lectures; 53,09% knew Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 71,60% gave incorrect answers about the importance of standard precautions; 45,06% never received an educational intervention on this issue; 89,51% said that educational interventions in the prevention of WRA are very important; 90,12% pointed out this as a very important issue in the workplace; 27,00% suggested guidance on the topic in the workplace; regarding the physical hazards, 34,57% considered noise as the most important; about chemical hazards, 78,40% chose the gases and smoke; for biological hazards, 48,77% reported contact with the blood; for mechanical hazards, 80,86% said that were transport accidents; about ergonomic risks, 40,12% say it is the tension/stress in the care of critically ill, psychiatric and aggressive patients; and there was an average of 4,5 to the feeling of safety in the workplace. Regarding the data on the WRAs occurred, 31,48% experienced at least one accident event; 72,55% did not notify it; 60,98% answered that there was no routine for notification; 56,86% were performing patient transportation; 49,02% were hurt in the Basic Support Unit/Rescue Unit (BSU/RH); 60,78% occurred during the day; 96,08% of professionals were in normal work schedule (24 hours on duty); 31,37% had contusion; 58.82% had damage to members/pelvic girdle; 43,14% had traffic accidents. About the evolution of the WRA, 62,75% did not have to take time away from work; 76,47% had no sequelae; 88,24% did not require rehabilitation; no professional had a change of occupation. And by means of univariate logistic regression, showed that the nurses and male sex were risk factors for the occurrence of WRA. We conclude that there were gaps in the knowledge of staff regarding WRA, emphasizing the need for continuing education in biosafety in the service.


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This study aims to understand the feelings of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that experienced a change of shift at the bedside. The change of shift is one of the routines used by nursing in their work process and of great significance for the patient; therefore, deserves careful analysis in seeking to perfect themselves for the improvement of nursing care. It is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. The collection of information was performed using semi-structured interview, in August and September of 2011, after authorization from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as opinion 290/2011. The analysis, based on interviews of patients, took the humanization as the thread of investigation backed by authors who deal on the subject and the theory of the gift of Marcel Mauss that sits on drug give-receive-return. The results indicate that the change of shift at the bedside but has not configured, the content of the speech of patients interviewed, as a moment that has generated fear and anxiety, could be deduced by the expression of silence, tears and other signs during interviews, how hard it is to live this experience. Nevertheless, despite this apparent tranquility, revealed uncertainty and apprehension face the speech of professional, during the visit at the bedside, particularly when referring to their health and their neighbors. On the other hand, the indifference to the participation of the patient at the time of the visit, expressing an attitude of merely technical nature, dehumanizes the act of taking care, the essence of nursing. And, for all the patients that we understand, about the visit to the bedside, as well as the ICU, we can infer that there is suffering for them. However, we understand your feelings and revelations seeking support in the theory of Mauss's gift: the patient receives the gift (care), and imbued with a feeling of gratitude, the rewards in the form of compliments and courtesies. Precisely for this reason, we need to sharpen our sensitivity to deal about the human condition in all its vulnerability.


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This study aimed to analyze stress on nursing staff of intensive care at the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes. The study sample consisted of thirty-eight (38) nursing professionals, including technicians and nurses working in the ICU of the hospital Data were collected between September to November 2011 in two stages.The first was the application of the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI), which allowed us to measure the stress phase in which each team member was. After that, data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed according to the 2010 inventory guidelines proposed by the author. After this analysis it was possible to complete the second phase of the research, which consisted of a semi-structured interview designed for those workers who were in the second phase of stress, resistance. Data analysis was based on Bardin 2004 content analysis, enabling the creation of categories based on grouping the ideas present in the interviewees' statements. It was found that the study population was mostly female (78.9%) aged from 30 to 39 years (50%), married (52.3%) and with dual-employment (65.7%). The most predominant phase, according to the Lipp inventory, was the stress resistance, present in 44.7% of the team and having as most predominant physical symptoms the constant feeling of physical exhaustion, verified in 16.8% of the participants, and psychological, the excessive irritability and emotional sensitivity in 26.3%. Regarding the qualitative data it was possible to establish three categories and four subcategories, with the following categories: the stressors of the workplace, overwork and the interpersonal relationships of the nursing staff in the ICU. And as subcategories: Routine care in the ICU; Pressures and Individual Charges; double journey: professional reflections on daily life, the night shift nursing staff and the body suffers, the manifestations of stress; deficient communication between team members. Thus, this study allowed the visualization of the stress phenomenon on nursing staff of the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes as a kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and experiences perceived by these professionals in different areas of their lives. It was also verified that the strengthening of the stress theme among nursing professionals need to be exploited and stimulated in several nursing areas of discussion so these workers are encouraged to take better care of themselves so they can take care of others health


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The current study strives to address the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team from the perspective of the communicative action, by contributing to the health work process. It aims to analyze the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team in its work environment. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection wal held from interviews, guided by a script with open questions. The study was conducted at a state hospital in the city of Natal/RN/Brazil. The research subjects were the workers of the nursing team, including nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants, totaling 16 subjects. The capture of information was performed in April 2012. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee, under CEP/UFRN protocol n. º 262/11 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration n. º 0289.0.051.000-11. The analysis was performed from the categories that emerged from the research through a dialogue with the authors studied in the theoretical framework of the Theory of communicative action , by Jürgen Habermas, as well as The changing in the world of work, by Ricardo Antunes, and Characterization of the team , by Marina Peduzzi. The outocomes point out that the interpersonal relationship of the nursing team is very troubled, with no interaction among the individuals involved in this process, among themselves and with other health professionals. We have developed a particular concept about team, which is comprised of three essential elements: multiplicity of individuals, common objective and heterogeneity. In the studied environment, it was realized the existence of grouping teams. The interpersonal relationship of the nursing can be a facilitator or an obstacle in the workplace in such a way that causes positive or negative consequences, both to the health workers, and to the sicks. In this context, the interviewees have intensified their viewpoints with regard to the weaknesses that permeate the nursing relationship, by pointing them more frequently than the strengths. The work conditions have signaled a failing situation, which is evidenced by the constant improvisation process before the lack of human and material resources, low wages, deficit in recognizing the nursing worker, and physical and emotional wear, by creating a professional exhaustion. The devaluation of the worker also became a strong factor for this study, because it was characterized a reason of job dissatisfaction, due to the lack of valuation policies, which should be prepared by the institution or, even, they are unknown by the worker itself. The worker participation in the design of these policies has emerged as a relevant factor. The poor work conditions lead the worker to a process of professional demotivation and dissatisfaction, by causing the feeling of devaluation within its work environment. Hence, it was found in this research that the lack of communication leads to situations of inadequate interpersonal relationships, which are creators of an unsuitable environment for the performance of the nursing team


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Popular practices correspond to the resources used by households, lay people and popular therapists, whose perception of knowledge is constructed in the everyday. In this context, the sick child can become vulnerable to be dependent on a family caregiver, who often decide to employ popular practices. Thus, the child care should be shared between carer and health professional. However, they know little about the resources that the family uses to detect a grievance in infant. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyse the use of popular practices by caregivers of children with zero to five years old. We conducted an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, together with 15 caregivers of children who were treated at the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. To select the participants, they should be age and above 18 years; be caregivers of children up to five years of age; and reside in the area ascribed the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp. The data collection took place between September and October 2013, through in depth interview. This step was preceded by the approval of the Health Department of the city of Natal; the direction of the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp; as well as, the Committee on Ethics in Research from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with Certificate of Presentation and Consideration Ethics, No 15467013.8.0000.5537. Furthermore, the interviewees formally authorized their participation in the research by signing the consent form. The data were treated according to the technique of content analysis in the form of thematic analysis according to Bardin. This process, four categories emerged: "Types of popular practices used in the care of the child"; "Source of information of popular practices"; "Results obtained with popular practices"; "Factors that hinder the adoption of common practices." The results showed the use of popular practices by caregivers in the case of illness to children such as the homemade preparations with medicinal plants and folk healers. The family environment was referenced as the main learning space and spread of popular practices, which are influenced by cultural relations present in this context. As to the results obtained with popular features, the caregivers said to be satisfactory, and this triggers a feeling of confidence and acceptability of such measures. It is concluded that the use of popular practices in child care persists in everyday most of the participants, despite the hegemony of allopathic therapy. The caregivers stated that such practices are effective and easy to obtain, being secured in context by popular culture. In addition, health professionals, especially nurses, were seldom mentioned by the caregivers as to the information concerning popular resources used by them, which suggests the weakness in dialogic process of negotiating practices between both of them


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Proposals that aim a redirection of current health attention models in Brazil are indispensible due to the need of health issues and its challenges imposed by society. These issues come forth in Higher Education Institutions in an attempt to devise ways to face these demands. The research aims to analyze the Pedagogical Project (PP) present in the Dentistry Graduation Course in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil-(UFRN). This is done in coherence the Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines considering main competences established in the PP. This research was approved by the Ethics Committee at UFRN under document number 285/201. The work is of descriptive nature and was realized with 30 students in the Dentistry Graduation Course. Interviews were realized with the use of problem situation approach. The research was also supported by documental studies that dealt with syllabus present in the disciplines taught at UFRN. Data were processed with the use of the ALCESTE 4.9 software. It is possible to acknowledge that some conservative conceptions arise, even though there is use of active methodologies and innovation that aim to promote reflection and articulation for general competence development such as proposed in the Pedagogical Project in Dentistry Graduation Course at UFRN. These conceptions are mainly present in the teaching-learning process where students do not have full participation. Thus it is possible to conclude that even though there are advances and breakthroughs. This is seen with that fact that there was inclusion of multidisciplinary clinical work as well optional courses in the curriculum. It was also seen that there was occasional use of active teaching methodologies in Dentistry at UFRN. But there is still a need for a didactical and methodological resizing. These actions require the need for progressive development of competences and abilities during the formative process according to what was established in the Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines


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This paper presents the survey results: PROCEDURE FOR WORK IN HEALTH: an analysis of working conditions of social workers in hospitals. Analyzes the inclusion of social workers in work processes in healthcare, specifically in the public hospital, from the objective conditions of work, according to which materializes professional action. The aim is to understand them from the point of view of its relationship with users and other health professionals through the privatization of health, which prevents the Unified Health System (SUS), limiting the operation of the services and the guarantee of rights. The approach to the reality studied was through theoretical and methodological procedures based on the qualitative and quantitative research, focusing on documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and the theoretical foundation. It is observed that the inclusion of social workers in this context arises from the demands derived from expressions of social issues, "raw material" of professional work, and the gaps resulting from contradictions in the process of rationalization / reorganization of the SUS, meaning that the needs the population are confronted with the content and form of organization of services. At the hospital, the professional actions are developed through the shift, space contradictory clash between the collective and individual, in which individual activities are prioritized and ad hoc unplanned and reduced to the solution of "problems" of users, through actions assistance in an emergency and bureaucratic. These findings emphasize the inadequacy of space and lack of minimum conditions of service to users, which undertakes the professional with regard to ethical and political principles of the profession, since it is the responsibility and duty of the social guarantee the secrecy and privacy of users what is revealed during the process of professional intervention. The professional social workers is permeated by the diversity of skills and competence; lack of planning activities, by incorporating the institutional discourse at the expense of professional goals, by knowing the Code of Professional Ethics, for small number of professionals, the increasing number informality; by poor working conditions and wages; by discouraging research and participation in social policy councils, as well as professional training