23 resultados para colonização micorrízica
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Post-menarche patients with clinical signs of vulvovaginitis were analyzed in this study, whose aims were the following: identify the frequency of C. albicans and non C. albicans species and negative results, correlate the vaginal culture for yeast with risk factors and symptomatology; compare positive and negative results for yeast in the vaginal and anal cultures; compare the positive results for C. albicans with other results found in the vaginal and anal cultures; and compare concomitant positivity for C. albicans and non C. albicans in the vaginal and anal cultures. Sample selection occurred between May, 2003 and May, 2005, and included 99 patients from Natal, Brazil. The laboratory methods used consisted of CHROMagar Candida culture medium, thermotolerance test at 42-45°C and hypertonic NaCL, in addition to the classic methods of carbohydrate assimilation and fermentation. We used absolute numbers, percentages, means of central tendency, chi-squared test (χ2) with Yates correction, Fisher s exact test and odds ratio for statistical analysis. The most frequent species was C. albicans in 69% of the cases. The positivity for Candida spp showed an association with the use of tight-fitting intimate clothing and/or synthetics, allergic diseases and the occurrence of itching, leukorrhea and erythema. Anal colonization increased the likelihood of vaginal contamination by 2.8 and 4.9 times, respectively, for Candida spp and C. albicans. When compared to the other species, C. albicans-positive anal colonization increased by 3.7 times the likelihood of vaginal positivity. These data suggest likely vaginal contamination originating in the anus
RESUMO: Objetivo: Tem sido demonstrado que a icterícia obstrutiva provoca depressão do sistema imunológico, mudança no padrão de colonização bacteriana dos intestinos e passagem de bactérias da luz intestinal para a circulação porta e sistêmica. Estudo experimental em ratos procurou observar a possibilidade de translocação bacteriana para os pulmões após a ligadura do colédoco. Método: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar pesando de 178 a 215g, separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos iguais. Nos ratos do grupo I foi feita a ligadura do colédoco e nos do grupo II apenas a manipulação do colédoco com pinça atraumática (sham operation). No sétimo dia de observação os animais foram mortos com superdose de anestésico, sangue foi colhido para dosagem de bilirrubinas e os pulmões ressecados sob condições assépticas. Metade de cada pulmão foi homogeneizada e semeada em meios de cultura ágar McConkey e ágar sangue. A outra metade serviu para exame histopatológico –coloração hematoxilina e eosina. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste t, com significância 0,05. Resultados: revelaram bilirrubina total em média 18,7±3,6 no grupo I e 0,7±0,2 no grupo II. No grupo I foram isoladas colônias de Klebsiela sp nos pulmões de 30% dos animais e E. coli em 20%, e os escores histopatológicos atingiram a média 6,2±2,08. No grupo II não foram detectadas bactérias nos pulmões e os escores do exame histopatológico atingiram 1,8±1,16. A diferença dos dados analisados mostrou-se significativa (p<0,05). Conclusões: Concluiu-se que a icterícia obstrutiva por ligadura do colédoco em ratos provocou translocação de germes Gram-negativos para os pulmões e resultou em alterações histopatológicas significativas.
The towns presently named Pombal and Sousa, located in the hinterland of the State of Paraíba, Brazil, still keep vestiges of the colonization process they went through along the 18th and 19th centuries, when they both emerged as settlement nuclei in the extreme West of the then captaincy of Paraíba and attained the status of freguesia and vila in a later period. This research aims to comprehend the process of urban formation and development of the colonial urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa as they became povoados (hamlets), freguesias (parishes) and vilas (small urban communities with a local government), according to territorial expansion policies implemented by the Portuguese government from 1697 to 1800. The choice of the two urban settlements for this survey lies in the fact that they were part of the great conquest and colonization program undertaken by the Portuguese Crown. Another aspect that was considered was the fact that those towns are the oldest urban nuclei of Paraíba s hinterland. They came into being as early as in the times of the colony, thus producing a favorable environment to the study of the changes that occurred in the captaincy s hinterland scenery resulting from the process of formation and development of the colonial urban space. Three fundamental categories of analysis were defined since they have a direct bearing upon the urban configuration of the two colonization nuclei: povoado, freguesia and vila. The three of them are related to civil and ecclesiastic jurisdictions. Field, documentation and bibliography surveys were undertaken in order to develop the study. They allowed for the finding of vestiges of the old, colonial urban structures and for the development of theoretical analysis based on present-day studies of issues relating to the colonial urban history. The study purposes were, therefore, to try to understand how the old urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa fit in the territorial expansion policies undertaken by the Portuguese government; to relate the process of urban formation and development of such nuclei with the categories of analysis povoação-freguesia-vila by discussing the relations and influences they exert over one another and their territory, as well as to unveil, as much as possible, the configuration the urban spaces that were shaped along the 18th century
Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed
The issues surrounding the religious have been given greater importance in scientific discussions and the media. Discussions on religion and religiosity have become widespread as a means for construction of social representations, both as individual levels, in addition, in the collectivity. This work deals with the construction of the order of Jesus, missionaries and settlers of the projects that marked the presence of the Jesuit missionaries, from colonization to the religious restructuring imposed after the expulsion of the Jesuit Order in Sergipe. Expulsion is what happened in the midst of political and administrative changes made by the Portuguese government in the mid-eighteenth century, which had representation at the Marquis of Pombal its creator. Understanding the religious and social restructuring, designed here in the practices and representations of popular and official. This restructuring has had on the religious brotherhoods, religious orders and other representations, an important symbolic presence in the spaces sociorreligiosos linked to Catholic practices in Sergipe. Representation such that officially came into the vicars pasted their legal representatives, in the maintenance of religious practices in the boroughs and cities Sergipe
The main objective of the present research is to reflect on the affinities between post-colonial theories - analytical perspectives directed toward the discussion of colonialism and its effects on the contemporary social fabric - and Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire‟s (1921-1997) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written at the end of the 1960‟s. The study aims to make the argument that the present reflections on the featured work is an example of a post-colonial theoretical framework, delineating a critical modus operandi of colonialism, particularly in its cultural and epistemic dimensions, delineating a problematization of the processes of cognitive domination set, above all, by the European colonization of the Latin American continent, with the formation of the modern-world-system (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), dated from the 16TH Century forward. From this stand point, and especially supported by the contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos on the sociology of absence, the present work accentuates Pedagogy of the Oppressed as a set of reflections that bring the possibility of a pedagogy of absence (SANTOS, 1996), having in mind that, this book deals with, the presuppositions of an educational action, which considers the plurality of knowledge and social practices by way of the establishment of a pedagogical practice of collective construction, emancipator and dialogic that arises from the encounter to the indolent reason (SANTOS, 2009) in which the silencing of the voices of the oppressed, construct their conditions of invisibility, promoting also the absence of the social questions inherent to the processes of teaching and learning. It is with this perspective, however, that post colonialism is considered a theoretical site for the affirmation and the reinvention of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an obligatory reference in the construction of a prudent knowledge for a decent life (SANTOS, 2006)
The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions
O presente estudo traz uma reflexão sobre os discursos culturais afro-brasileiros e o lugar ocupado pela poesia em meio a uma sociedade racista. A pesquisa tem como propósito fazer um estudo da poesia de Oliveira Silveira (1968, 1970, 1977, 1981, 1987). Leva-se em consideração a relação da produção poética de Oliveira com as propostas do movimento da Negritude e o diálogo lúcido que o mesmo estabelece com poetas vinculados ao referido movimento e como Silveira sugere dentro da literatura a negritude como uma forma de intersecção na poesia brasileira. A proposta aqui apresentada observa também o hibridismo na poética de Oliveira Silveira ao se enfatizar um olhar sobre uma escrita comovida pelo traço do entre-lugar do discurso. Analisa-se a caracterização de uma literatura gerada pelo tom de denúncia ao desconstruir historicamente o que há muito tempo se estabelece como democracia racial . Em cumplicidade com a poesia regional do Rio Grande do Sul, a poesia de Oliveira vem permeada pela diversidade de ritmos que traduzem o legado da cultura negra mundo afora. Essa pesquisa sustenta-se nos estudos de Eduardo de Assis Duarte (2005, 2011) e Kabengelê Munanga (2008, 2009) sobre Negritude e Identidade na literatura afro-brasileira, que se caracteriza como um movimento de consciência pela reconstrução ou mesmo revisão histórica do que foi apagado no calabouço dos navios negreiros. As leituras de Eduardo de Assis Duarte fomentam novos questionamentos, põem em dúvida a existência de uma identidade essencialista. Aponta-se nessa travessia para uma pluralidade de identidades, construídas por inúmeros grupos culturais na encruzilhada dos diversos momentos históricos. Analisam-se, portanto, a partir da crítica que Stuart Hall (2011) faz ao considerar as ideias de diásporas, as fronteiras das margens no universo da pós-colonização. Por fim, há uma encruzilhada ao se pensar a partir de Kabengelê Munanga, o discurso da negritude e da identidade negra nas relações sociais e culturais afrodescendentes
A abordagem da visão da literatura nacional dentro do contexto cultural brasileiro da segunda metade do século XIX e do posicionamento crítico de José de Alencar fez, de sua produção romanesca, especialmente a indianista, representada aqui por sua obra Iracema, um símbolo do conjunto de intenções nacionalistas que invadiu a alma e o coração de todo o povo, no que diz respeito ao sentimento de brasilidade , condizente com a estética romântica da qual faz parte seu autor. Seu posicionamento, quer seja crítico ou artístico, faz de Alencar o maior polemista em defesa da liberdade cultural e literária do Brasil, enquanto alguém bem consciente de sua função social, e por que não dizer, crítica, identificando a metalinguagem como um diferencial fomentador de uma teorização de poética na defesa de sua ficção, abrindo caminho, assim, para a pesquisa da poética explícita na sua produção artística. A referida análise buscará, a partir de uma análise estrutural das partes formais que o compõem esteticamente, como também de uma compreensão temática dos ditos e interditos utilizados pelo narrador alencariano na composição de seu discurso, identificar Iracema enquanto um romance que disputa o título de obra fundacional do Brasil. Para isso se faz necessário empreender uma abordagem do como e do quanto os elementos da Natureza, num romance romântico que tem a Natureza enquanto uma de suas temáticas mais significativas, podem constituir e interferir na percepção e construção de um personagem, que é todo Natureza, e no meio natural em que ele vive; até mesmo ser, por causa disso, o elemento mais representativo dessa nação que se deseja criar, trazendo para o cenário cultural brasileiro do século XIX uma versão de instituição baseada no revigoramento da memória da cultura selvagem. Faz-se lícito também animar forças da natureza e da terra-paisagem que poderiam ser tidas, apenas, como exóticas, mas que na obra em questão funcionam como protagonistas, mesmo fantasmas, de um pacto social e político que, mesmo quando rompe, recusa-se em deixar romper, mergulhando no espaço romanesco da magnitude das águas ou na frieza tumular da terra. Tomar-se-á, também, como ponto de estudo, a análise da fusão da experiência histórica com a experiência ficcional, observando o imbricamento de um discurso no outro, como também as fronteiras que se estabelecem a partir dessa tentativa; tomando o erotismo e a alegoria como pontos de convergência na obra em questão. Por meio da verificação de uma relação que se constrói a partir da solidão, da memória e do esquecimento em que acabam por mergulhar todos os seus personagens, que são, por vezes, tragados em algum dilúvio bíblico da purificação, dentro de um projeto audacioso de invenção de uma nação, que se quer de identidade cultural, e também política, mas que termina condenado ao silêncio, não gozando de liberdade em relação ao espaço a que pertence e, no entanto representa, só cabendo a eles regressarem para dentro da terra-mãe, ou se submeterem a um ritual de profunda aculturação, verificar-se-á, através desse discurso historicamente construído, o ideário de uma nação que se almejava projetar. O conflito de Iracema, personagem protagonista de sua obra homônima, a negação e a perda de si mesma, de tudo aquilo que poderia representar a sua identidade social e cultural, e, conseqüentemente, a morte e a vida dessa mãe genti(o)l, simbolizam a vida e a arte de um povo que, passando pelos embates da colonização, através de seus artistas rebeldes e românticos da Independência, que ilustraram, em grande síntese, a visão através da qual o homem do Novo Mundo foi vislumbrado, rabiscou a imagem da americanidade pelo discurso da História
The fundamental question developed in this research is to consider the possible meanings of biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault. In the first chapter of this study seeks to examine the rationality of biopower. It is able to show the rationality of acting as a social machinery for the manufacture of the subjectivity of individuals, biopolitics as a producer of bodies and subjectivity. The theme of biopolitics appears as inspiration of Nietzsche's metaphor of war. The idea that history is the war for dominance of the bodies. In the second chapter, the (bio) political will and political thought of resistance, fighting criticism as an attitude of revolt of the subject before his condition subjugated. The biopolitical here is intended as a conceptual tool for reading the thought / Foucault's work. A resistance that can be thought of as a biopolitical as a "refractoriness reflected". The third chapter will seek to show how the Foucault argues that power was already present the ethics of self-care. If the subject is a product, is captured by the discourse of biopower that manufactures its subjectivity, self care, it's time to think about the inner contents. Self care is something that offers resistance, as a possibility to think that these contents are constructed historically, and that therefore it is possible to reestablish the self-care is a policy of fighting these sedimented content that promotes colonization of the subjects. You can move from ruler to ruled itself, although this pursuit of liberty is always unfinished, always be a tension, a desire for freedom that can be undertaken not as a state, but at least the minimum and temporarily in other forms of existence, and other ways of relating, other ways of sociability, friendship, sexuality
This dissertation presents a study on the slave population of Vila do Príncipe, from 1850 to 1888, based on the judicial and notarial collection of hand written documents as well as on the Reports of Presidents of the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. The issue that drives the research relates to the reproduction of slavery in a region of cattle breeding colonization. Therefore, the research aims to understand how in a peripheral socio-economic place (in Vila do Príncipe, cattle breeding Seridó) after the prohibition of the African slave trade, the slave relationships subsisted and structured themselves. In the sense, the research analyzed the dynamics of socio-economic slave units and their relationship with space, ownership structure and the slave family.
Las últimas décadas del siglo XVI estuvieron marcadas por una serie de guerras en la región al norte de la capitanía de Itamaracá, que en ese momento representaba el límite septentrional de la colonización portuguesa en las Capitanías del Norte de Brasil. Las fuerzas políticas y militares de la capitanía de Pernambuco y de la própria Itamaracá, misioneros jesuitas, indios, negros y mestizos participaron en varias expediciones militares a la región del rio Paraíba, ganándolo a finales de 1585 y dando la configuración de una nueva capitanía: la capitanía de río Paraíba. Esta era una historia que los sacerdotes de la Compañía de Jesús han escrito con las marcas de heroísmo, de fe y también de fuerza contra los indios y los franceses que se oponían al delantero portugués en esa región, que desde el punto de vista de la historiografía, representa un paso importante en el proceso de conquista y ocupación colonial de la costa noreste de Brasil. Esta tesis es sobre este acontecimiento histórico: sobre los hombres que lucharon en uno y otro lado del río Paraíba, sobre las formas discursivas empleadas en la representación escrita de este evento y sobre la trayectoria histórica del discurso de la conquista, cuando tomado en las modernas prácticas historiográficas
To build an Portuguese America, after discovering at the beginning of XVI century, the Europeans used the physic, politic colonization and also a space ideological domain using write texts, chronicles, and started making a conceive America that was more European than American. One of those chronicles was the Society of Jesus Chronicle written by father Simão de Vasconcelos, a Jesuit. So our object is recognizing in this chronicle the ways that this father had imagined the America. We are looking to answer how the Jesuit use some references to Classic Antiquity (meanly Aristotle and Samuel) because how this action until happen in the Renascence (XVII century) the intellectual production certainly involve renascent topoi. To get this we used some authors that study Intellectual/ Cultural History like Burckhardt e Ginzburg and some authors from Speech Analyses like Certeau and Foucault, to, in the end, can understand how Simão de Vasconcelos created his Brazil
Understanding the historical and ecological relationships which are influent in current biological diversity is one of the most challenging tasks of evolutionary biology. Recent systematics emphasizes the need of integrative approaches to delimit different lineages and species. The northeastern Brazil, mostly placed in Caatinga biome, is characterized by a semi-arid weather, low precipitation and seasonal behavior of rivers. This region is regarded lacking as ichthyological knowledge and one of the most threatened by anthropic activities. Further, will be affected by a massive water diverpsion work that will transfer waters from São Francisco basin, to other major four basins: Jaguaribe, Apodi-Mossoró, Piranhas-Açu and Paraiba do Norte. Loss of diversity and richness, hibridizitation, community interactions changes, population homogenization, changes in water quality and flow regime, are examples of environmental impacts already related with similar works. The present study aims to investigate morphological and molecular variation of Cichlasoma orientale Kullander 1983 and Crenicichla menezesi Ploeg 1991, two cichlid species present in northeastern Brazil basins. Further, the study aims to evaluate the influence of geomorphological and climatic processes in this variation, and point some possible impacts of the artificial connectivity which can be brought by São Francisco interbasin water transfer to their population dynamics. Geometric morphometrics and phylogeographical analysis were used to investigate the populations from three different hydrological regions. Our results showed a significant morphological variation of populations from basins that are involved in the São Franscisco s diversion project, not related to an ancient separation between populations, emphasizing morphological variation which could represent a set of plastic responses to the variable hydrological regime in Northeastern Brazil. The role of plastical responses in naturally variable habitats as well as the potential disturbs that could be brought by the interbasin water transfer works are discussed here. Further, our molecular data allowed us to make inferences about species distribution and their taxonomy, and identification of a potential new species of Crenicichla for São Francisco river basin. Our data also allowed to identify some shared haplotypes for both species, which could be related to lineage sorting scenarios or recent gene flow between populations. However a strong structure in most of the pairwise comparisons between populations for both species was revealed. Climatic events such as Atlantic forest regression during the Pleistocene, sea level fluctuations and dispersion by paleorivers in the mouth of Apodi-Mossoró river, and neotectonic events regulating the connection between drainages are likely to have had a contribution for the actual lineages distribution in northeastern Brazil. Further, analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA and SAMOVA) showed that the actual basin s isolation is an important factor to molecular variation, in spite of the signal of recent contact between some basins. Different genetic diversity patterns between species could be related to multiple historic events of colonization, basins landscapes or biological differences. The present study represents the first effort of integrative systematics involving fish species of northeastern Brazil, and showed important morphological and molecular patterns which could be irrecoverably affected by the artificial connection that might be caused by the São Francisco interbasin water transfer