6 resultados para Wide-angle seismic
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Chitosan membranes have been modified by plasma, utilizing the following gases: nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen. The modified membranes by plasma were compared to the unmodified ones. The membranes were characterized by absorption assay, contact angle, atomic force microscopy (AFM). Also, permeability assay of sodium sulfamerazine from such membranes were carried out. Through the absorption assay and contact angle it was possible to obtain information of the wettability of the membranes and what changes the plasma treatment can promote in relation to it. The plasma treatment using oxygen promoted increase of the wetability and swelling while the samples treated with methane decrease of the wetability and swelling. Through the Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) it was possible to identify which species were present in the plasma during the treatment. And through the AFM analysis it was possible to observe the changes nanotopography occurred on the surface of the samples. Permeability assay were archived for all treated membranes and compared to no treated ones. Due to that assay it was possible verify which the plasma treatment increased the permeability spectrum of the membranes which has varied from 1,4548 *10-5cm2.min-1 to 2,7713*10-5cm2.min-1. Chitosan membranes with permeability varied are importance in systems drug delivery, to liberate a wide variety of drugs
Chitosan is a biopolymer derived from the shells of crustaceans, biodegradable, inexpensive and renewable with important physical and chemical properties. Moreover, the different modifications possible in its chemical structure generate new properties, making it an attractive polysaccharide owing to its range of potential applications. Polymers have been used in oil production operations. However, growing concern over environmental constraints has prompted oil industry to search for environmentally sustainable materials. As such, this study sought to obtain chitosan derivatives grafted with hydrophilic (poly(ethylene glycol), mPEG) and/or hydrophobic groups (n-dodecyl) via a simple (one-pot) method and evaluate their physicochemical properties as a function of varying pH using rheology, small-angle Xray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential. The chitosan derivatives were prepared using reductive alkylation under mild reaction conditions and the chemical structure of the polymers was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and CHN elemental analysis. Considering a constant mPEG/Chitosan molar ratio on modification of chitosan, the solubility of the polymer across a wide pH range (acidic, neutral and basic) could only be improved when some of the amino groups were submitted to reacetylation using the one-pot method. Under these conditions, solubility is maintained even with the simultaneous insertion of n-dodecyl. On the other hand, the solubility of derivatives obtained only through mPEG incorporation using the traditional methodology, or with the ndodecyl group, was similar to that of its precursor. The hydrophilic group promoted decreased viscosity of the polymer solutions at 10 g/L in acid medium. However, at basic pH, both viscosity and thermal stability increased, as well as exhibited a pronounced pseudoplastic behavior, suggesting strong intermolecular associations in the alkaline medium. The SAXS results showed a polyelectrolyte behavior with the decrease in pH for the polymer systems. DLS analyses revealed that although the dilute polymer solutions at 1 g/L and pH 3 exhibited a high density of protonated amino groups along the polymer chain, the high degree of charge contributed significantly to aggregation, promoting increased particle size with the decrease in pH. Furthermore, the hydrophobic group also contributed to increasing the size of aggregates in solution at pH 3, whereas the hydrophilic group helped reduce their size across the entire pH range. Nevertheless, the nature of aggregation was dependent on the pH of the medium. Zeta potential results indicated that its values do not depend solely on the surface charge of the particle, but are also dependent on the net charge of the medium. In this study, water soluble associative polymers exhibit properties that can be of great interest in the petroleum industry
This thesis deals with the sedimentological/stratigraphic and structural evolution of the sedimentary rocks that occur in the NW continental border of the Potiguar Basin. These rocks are well exposed along coastal cliffs between the localities of Lagoa do Mato and Icapuí, Ceará State (NE Brazil). The sedimentological/stratigraphic study involved, at the outcrop scale, detailed facies descriptions, profile mapping of the vertical succession of different beds, and columnar sections displaying inferred lateral relationships. The approach was complemented by granulometric and petrographic analyses, including the characterization of heavy mineral assemblages. The data set allowed to recognize two kinds of lithological units, a carbonate one of very restricted occurrence at the base of the cliffs, and three younger, distinct siliciclastic units, that predominate along the cliffs, in vertical and lateral extent. The carbonate rocks were correlated to the late Cretaceous Jandaíra Formation, which is covered by the siliciclastic Barreiras Formation. The Barreiras Formation occurs in two distinct structural settings, the usual one with nondeformed, subhorizontal strata, or as tilted beds, affected by strong deformation. Two lithofacies were recognized, vertically arranged or in fault contacts. The lower facies is characterized by silty-argillaceous sandstones with low-angle cross bedding; the upper facies comprises medium to coarse grained sandstones, with conglomeratic layers. The Tibau Formation (medium to coarse-grained sandstones with argillite intercalations) occurs at the NW side of the studied area, laterally interlayered with the Barreiras Formation. Eolic sediments correlated to the Potengi Formation overly the former units, either displaying an angular unconformity, or simply an erosional contact (stratigraphic unconformity). Outstanding structural features, identified in the Barreiras Formation, led to characterize a neocenozoic stress field, which generated faults and folds and/or reactivated older structures in the subjacent late cretaceous (to paleogene, in the offshore basin) section. The structures recognized in the Barreiras Formation comprise two distinct assemblages, namely a main extensional deformation between the localities of Ponta Grossa and Redonda, and a contractional style (succeeded by oblique extensional structures) at Vila Nova. In the first case, the structural assemblage is dominated by N-S (N±20°Az) steep to gently-dipping extensional faults, displaying a domino-style or listric geometry with associated roll-over structures. This deformation pattern is explained by an E-W/WNW extension, contemporaneous with deposition of the upper facies of the Barreiras Formation, during the time interval Miocene to Pleistocene. Strong rotation of blocks and faults generated low-angle distensional faults and, locally, subvertical bedding, allowing to estimate very high strain states, with extension estimates varying between 40% up to 200%. Numerous detachment zones, parallel to bedding, help to acommodate this intense deformation. The detachment surfaces and a large number of faults display mesoscopic features analoguous to the ones of ductile shear zones, with development of S-C fabrics, shear bands, sigmoidal clasts and others, pointing to a hydroplastic deformation regime in these cases. Local occurrences of the Jandaíra limestone are controled by extensional faults that exhume the pre-Barreiras section, including an earlier event with N-S extension. Finally, WNWtrending extensional shear zones and faults are compatible with the Holocene stress field along the present continental margin. In the Vila Nova region, close to Icapuí, gentle normal folds with fold hinges shallowly pluging to SSW affect the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, displaying an incipient dissolution cleavage associated with an extension lineation at high rake (a S>L fabric). Deposition of the upper facies siliciclastics is controlled by pull-apart graben structures, bordered by N-NE-trending sinistral-normal shear zones and faults, characterizing an structural inversion. Microstructures are compatible with tectonic deformation of the sedimentary pile, burried at shallow depths. The observed features point to high pore fluid pressures during deformation of the sediments, producing hydroplastic structures through mechanisms of granular flow. Such structures are overprinted by microfractures and microfaults (an essentially brittle regime), tracking the change to microfracturing and frictional shear mechanisms accompanying progressive dewatering and sediment lithification. Correlation of the structures observed at the surface with those present at depth was tested through geophysical data (Ground Penetrating Radar, seismics and a magnetic map). EW and NE-trending lineaments are observed in the magnetic map. The seismic sections display several examples of positive flower structures which affect the base of the cretaceous sediments; at higher stratigraphic levels, normal components/slips are compatible with the negative structural inversion characterized at the surface. Such correlations assisted in proposing a structural model compatible with the regional tectonic framework. The strong neogenepleistocene deformation is necessarily propagated in the subsurface, affecting the late cretaceous section (Açu and Jandaíra formations), wich host the hydrocarbon reservoirs in this portion of the Potiguar Basin. The proposed structural model is related to the dextral transcurrent/transform deformation along the Equatorial Margin, associated with transpressive terminations of E-W fault zones, or at their intersections with NE-trending lineaments, such as the Ponta Grossa-Fazenda Belém one (the LPGFB, itself controlled by a Brasiliano-age strike-slip shear zone). In a first step (and possibly during the late Cretaceous to Paleogene), this lineament was activated under a sinistral transpressional regime (antithetic to the main dextral deformation in the E-W zones), giving way to the folds in the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, as well as the positive flower structures mapped through the seismic sections, at depth. This stage was succeeded (or was penecontemporaneous) by the extensional structures related to a (also sinistral) transtensional movement stage, associated to volcanism (Macau, Messejana) and thermal doming processes during the Neogene-Pleistocene time interval. This structural model has direct implications to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities at this sector of the Potiguar Basin and its offshore continuation. The structure of the reservoirs at depth (Açu Formation sandstones of the post-rift section) may be controlled (or at least, strongly influenced) by the deformation geometry and kinematics characterized at the surface. In addition, the deformation event recognized in the Barreiras Formation has an age close to the one postulated for the oil maturation and migration in the basin, between the Oligocene to the Miocene. In this way, the described structural cenario represents a valid model to understand the conditions of hydrocarbon transport and acummulation through space openings, trap formation and destruction. This model is potentially applicable to the NW region of the Potiguar Basin and other sectors with a similar structural setting, along the brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Margin
Panoramic rendering is the visualization of three-dimensional objects in a virtual environment through a wide viewing angle. This work investigated if the use of panoramas is able to promote faster searches in a virtual environment. Panoramas allow the presentation of space through less need to change the orientation of the camera, especially for the case of projections spanning 360º surrounding the user, which can benefit searching. However, the larger the angle, more distorted is the visualization of the environment, causing confusion in navigation. The distortion is even bigger when the user changes the pitch of the camera, by looking up or down. In this work we developed a technique to eliminate specifically the distortions caused by changes in pitch, which was called hemispheric projection. Experiments were done to evaluate the performance of search navigation through perspective, cylindrical and hemispherical projections. The results indicate that navigating with perspective projection is superior than navigating with panoramic projections, possibly due to factors such as (i) lack of experience of the participants in understanding the scenes displayed as panoramas, (ii) the inherent presence of distortion in panoramic projections and (iii) a lower display resolution because the objects are presented in smaller sizes in panoramic projections, making the perception of details more difficult. However, the hemispherical projection was better than the cylindrical, indicating that the developed technique provides benefits for navigation compared to current techniques of panoramic projection. The hemispheric projection also provided the least amount of changes of camera orientation, which is an indication that the hemispheric projections may be particularly useful in situations where there are restrictions on the ease to change the orientation. Future research will investigate the performance of cameras interactions on slower devices, such as using only keyboard, or brain-machine interfaces
Created on 3 december 1997, the REMPLAC (Program for Assessment of Mineral Potencial of the Continental Shelf), this porgram aimed to make the basic survey, systematic geological and geophysical continental shelf, detail, at an appropriate scale, sites geo-economic, and perform the analysis and evaluation of mineral deposits. The REMPLAC should continue the efforts of Global Recognition Program of the Brazilian Continental Margin REMAC closed in 1978, the operations Geophysical Sea (GEOMAR) developed by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation and the various initiatives of the Program of Marine Geology and Geophysics (PGGM). Despite the high interest on the Amazon platform, there is little information o their morphology and sediment characterization, and in order to fill this gap, the present work samples sedimentological point followed by seismic acquisition. And the studies were to characterize the possible area of interest as being directly influence by tides, which sediments are reworked throughout the platform featuring grain angle with sharp corners, and the carbonate content increases as it approaches the breakdown the platform, and the bodies found outside the foraminifera and mollusks. However, diverging with organic matter that reduces its concentration as it moves away from the coast. The seismic profiles do not get satisfactory results because of low visibility, however, to correlate with the spot samples, of sediment were possible morphological characterization of the area.
The Baixa grande fault is located on the edge of the S-SW Potiguar Rift. It limits the south part of Umbuzeiro Graben and the Apodi Graben. Although a number of studies have associated the complex deformation styles in the hanging wall of the Baixa Grande Fault with geometry and displacement variations, none have applied the modern computational techniques such as geometrical and kinematic validations to address this problem. This work proposes a geometric analysis of the Baixa Fault using seismic interpretation. The interpretation was made on 3D seismic data of the Baixa Grande fault using the software OpendTect (dGB Earth Sciences). It was also used direct structural modeling, such as Analog Direct Modeling know as Folding Vectors and, 2D and 3D Direct Computational Modeling. The Folding Vectors Modeling presented great similarity with the conventional structural seismic interpretations of the Baixa Grande Fault, thus, the conventional interpretation was validated geometrically. The 2D direct computational modeling was made on some sections of the 3D data of the Baixa Grande Fault on software Move (Midland Valley Ltd) using the horizon modeling tool. The modeling confirms the influence of fault geometry on the hanging wall. The Baixa Grande Fault ramp-flat-ramp geometry generates synform on the concave segments of the fault and antiform in the convex segments. On the fault region that does not have segments angle change, the beds are dislocated without deformation, and on the listric faults occur rollover. On the direct 3D computational modeling, structural attributes were obtained as horizons on the hanging wall of the main fault, after the simulation of several levels of deformation along the fault. The occurrence of structures that indicates shortening in this modeling, also indicates that the antiforms on the Baixa Grande Fault were influenced by fault geometry