13 resultados para Valor simbólico

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study - Biologist s formative speech about death. Nuances and metaphors from knowing that the subject of do not want to know - shows a marginal cognitive construction in scientific education from biologist - death. It considered as obvious that death is a theme that covers both the scientific education from biologist and the division of the subject, and concerns the splitting of the double life-death and the principles of inclusion and exclusion of the subject. Part of sensitive question: What is the epistemological weave who supports biologist's speech about death? It is constituted an object of study of the biologist s speech on death. It is advocated the thesis that: Death is an epistemological obstacle announcing for something always aims to escape from the perspective of knowledge, especially of scientific knowledge because, since it is understood as cognitive learning about the disruption of biological phenomenon life which is involved on weave of imaginary and symbolic constructions about the finiteness of life; it has constituted a metaphorical knowing - encouraged by the noisy silence - which does not allow to know in full, mobilizing hence subject in searching for transitional truths that reduce the ontological being-mortal anguish centered in subjective dimension involved in the act of knowing. From this movement of search that the object mental life after death wins a symbolic value that requires a real-looking multi-referential for the study of biology - life - and its implications: the finiteness of life, especially by moving the omnipotence of scientific objectivity expressed by signs and symbols that seek say the completeness of scientific knowledge-, signaling thus the existence of the dynamics of incompleteness implicit in subjectivity that supports knowledge relating to the double, life and death, and to the temporality of the existence of Homo sapiens sapiens, with the axis guiding the desire of the subject, do not want to know about death, implicit in the mechanisms objective-subjective founded by non-said of death is the epistemology of the existence of objective-subjective subject, whose core is the negation of death. The theoretical methodological knowing web is anchored in the multi-reference which favors a transit by theoretical current, as the Psychoanalysis, bachelardian philosophy, the epistemology of complexity, the Thanatology, the Social Psychology, and Etnocenology, and Understanding Interview. The unveiling of the study object from the analysis of oral speech of eleven biologists who serve in high school, from three main guiding: Death in the history of life,Death in biologist s academic education and, Conceptions about concepts


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This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life


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This study deals with the discussions of contemporary interventions in public spaces in areas of heritage value. The product of this dissertation is an Intervention Project to Marechal Deodoro Square located in Teresina/PI center. The starting point for understanding the theme of this study is to investigate the accessibility and vitality of a public space - through relationship between form and uses. The spatial properties of accessibility and visibility as well as the distribution of land use - factors were associated with distinct patterns of vitality - and compared to usage patterns observed in situ and statements from users obtained through the results of the questionnaires. In attention to questions about the building constructed, particularly in historical centers, considers the guidelines to define intervention strategies in the square, consisted in the development of simulations that after evaluation of results of redesign, was chosen the best option to meet the necessary requirements to the performance, considering the spatial properties of integration and visibility that meet these requirements. Therefore, the "Intervention Project" carried out for the Marechal Deodoro Square characterization proposed items are discussed: spatial structure, vegetation, road network, pavements, street furniture and lighting


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This work is an attempt to show that the ideological conflict that has been developed by the hegemony of the 1930 Revolution historical events in Paraíba, conceptually turned into an insoluble social contradiction. It ocurred due to imaginary or formal resolutions of the literature that ended up by altering the epistemological rules of the relation between fiction and reality. The present work is based on The unconscious politics: a narrative as a socially symbolic act , book in which all the literary or cultural texts can and should be read as symbolic resolutions to insoluble social contradictions. From string to contemporary literature this phenomenon has been registered by the several ways of textual production turning the 1930 Revolution into one of the main elements which guides the political scene of Paraíba. The ideological groups still centered on the political resentment and committed to a political conflict forged the existence of two historical truths: one which suits the liberais , the winners, and another is of the 1930 conflict. This work argues in favour of the unconscious politics of the 1930 Revolution. This thesis considers necessarily the relation that the Paraibana society maintains with its past and how this past reaches in the present the liberation of a hidden and repressed truth through its narrativization. Beyond that, how the ideological partiality generated the political resentment through the way of thinking of the rivals under the perspective of the good and evil reveals its insoluble social contradiction. Process which comprehends varied narrative forms of the mass culture products and literary production, as in the methodological perspective pointed by Fredric Jameson that all literary or cultural texts can and shall be read as symbolic resolutions of true political and social contradictions. In the case of Paraiba we will have resolutions that search for the reasons which caused the death of João Pessoa: forgery and publicity of love letters, dispute over the official version of suicide commited by João Dantas, the man who assassinated João Pessoa


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This research looks at the collective imagination in which it keeps alive the issue of heroin wise. Two wise women appear in the narratives of popular history and the History of Donzela Theodora and History Imperatriz Porcina, collated by Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his Five Books of the People. The universality, mobility and circularity of these narratives are discussed by authors such as Bakhtin and Guinzburg. The research is developed from three key categories: Knowledge Magic as the knowledge of tradition (Almeida), sensitive knowledge (Levi-Strauss), thought mythical / magical / symbolic (Morin); Wise Women as carriers of this knowledge, which merge and overlap with the imagery of witches and healers; and Mythical Elements which corresponds to the archetypal images (Jung and Silveira), symbols and other images that relate to the magic universe, the magical beliefs and practices considered, ie belonging to the imaginary magic (Bethencourt). Porcina and Theodora are understood as bearers of knowledge of Métis (Detienne and Vernant), or the cunning intelligence, the manipulation of phármakon (Derrida), the healing potion, which may be the word or ointment of the herb. The route takes us to meet the great archetype of the Wise Woman as psychic power of the feminine, the anima. Narratives are medicinal balms (Estes) and is the clash between the anima and its embodiments by wise women, and animus, his opponents, which gives the transmutation of the psyche, a work comparable to that of alchemyThe Knowledge Magic, operating through the female, myth and nature can recover from its essential value to the emerging paradigm that suggests a more complete human science and a more plural


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The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community


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Nowadays, technology has a direct influence on the relationship student and teacher have with language. The internet is a powerful tool in helping work with the language and, through it, the knowledge comes to the student easily and intensely. Furthermore, this facility has enhanced and made visible what has been called, within the University community, "plagiarism generation." This work assumes that this generation has, in their written texts, symbolic movements similar to those of "copy and paste" applied to research work carried out by high school students. Taking this as starting point, this dissertation aims to analyze how high school students of the 1st year from a school in Natal (RN) construct texts, under the movements known as "Ctrl + c" and "Ctrl + v", with reference to the text of the "other". More specific issues are behind the general objective, namely: 1. how the student appropriates the source-text when he copies and pastes? 2. What are the categories of analysis that allow us to look analytically and theoretically for the "ctrl + c / ctrl + v" practice made by the student? 2. how the studies developed in the fields of "Genetic Criticism" (Grésillon, 1987), the "school manuscripts" (Calil, 2004) and "paraphrase" (Fuchs, 1982) may help in working with writing in the classroom standing as a possible way to minimize the copy and paste effects in the students texts? Thus, we observe the categories of analysis that allow us to look, theoretically and analytically, for the symbolic ritual of the "ctrl + c" (copy) and "ctrl + v" (paste) in high school. Our study shows that the student text is a "hybrid body" whose writing is a drawing entanglement because of the presence of the foreign text, verbatim, and the presence of linguistic elements to paraphrase the original text.This textual embodiment has, behind it, certain operations, namely: replacing, moving, adding and deleting statements. Given the specificity of the data and the research objectives, this study aligns with qualitative research methods (SILVERMAN, 2009) and falls within the knowledge field of Applied Linguistics, which is characterized especially by investigating problems, phenomena in which language in a real situation is taken as central (BRUMFIT, 1995).Theoretically, our work follows the approach of studies on the paraphrase (Fuchs, 1982, 1994a, 1994b; DAUNAY, 1997, 1999, 2002a, 2002b), the studies developed in the field of Genetic Criticism (Grésillon, 1987, 1994, 1992, 2008 ) and those developed by Eduardo Calil (2004) on "school manuscripts"


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La valeur évocative, magique ou my(s)thique attribuée à la relation homme/animal peut être observée dans la culture depuis les époques lointaines. Dans la symbologie animale on trouve une immense charge sémantique justifiant les croyances les plus anciennes que les êtres humains ont déjà eues. Les animaux sont à la base du symbolisme mythique et ils se constituent en tant qu une source pour la riche production artistique englobant une grande variété iconographique et des textes de nature diverse. Ayant comme référence de la symbologie animal l image my(s)thique du chat, on observe la façon par laquelle le langage poétique contemple les profils mythiquesymboliques qui ont un rapport avec ce langage, tout en mettant en relief ceux qui ont des rapports aux relations entre le monde humain et le félin. À partir de l antologie tématique Assinar a pele ; des concepts théoriques ; et des abordages mitocritiques, nous cherchons à analyser les façons par lesquelles les différentes images mythiques associées au chat ont été explorées par la poésie. La définition d une typologie englobant des catégories telles : chat domestique, chat de rue, chat femme, chat nocturne, chat démoniaque et chat divin, parmi d autres, soutient la reconnaissance d identités possibles entre ces poèmes et signale la répétition d un répertoire symbolique divers en soi, mais, cohérent avec la présence du chat dans la société humaine à travers les temps


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The most common malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity and oropharynx are squamous cell carcinoma. Injuries to the same stage and subjected to the same treatment protocol have sometimes different evolutionary courses. The scope of this study was to investigate, through a retrospective cohort, associations between the number of CD8 + T cells and natural killer, identified immunohistochemically in the inflammatory infiltrate in a series of cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma and orofaringeano, and the level of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. We identified 54 patients with unresectable disease were treated exclusively with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The median follow-up was 22 months. The sample was characterized by the predominance of male subjects, median age 60 years, all were smokers. The most frequent site was the tongue and 81.5% were in stage IV. Patients with disease in the oral cavity had a worse response to treatment (p = 0.006), worse relapse-free survival (p = 0.007), worse overall survival (p = 0.007). The advanced T stage was shown a negative prognostic factor (p= 0.006) for the clinical treatment response made. Immunohistochemistry was performed to select CD8 + cells (anti-CD8) and NK cells (anti-CD57). Lymphocytes positive and negative markings were counted using the program ImageJ ®. Two groups were created for each marking evaluated: Group I patients with more than 50% cells positive, Group II: less than 50% of labeled cells. For CD8 + cells detected in 38 (70.3%) of Group I were CD8 + and 16 (29.7%) Group II CD8 +. For NK cells, 26 (48.15%) Group I NK and 28 (51.85%) Group II NK. Regarding the clinical response to treatment, we observed that 39% of patients achieved a complete response and 25.9% remained without recurrence at the end of follow-up. These results were better in Group I CD8 + (p = 0.2). Identified that 72.2% of patients progressed to death, this finding had no association with the immunohistochemical data. There was no statistically significant differences between the number of CD8 + and NK cells and the ability of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or with overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. However, especially in relation to a learned response, we found that this group of patients with advanced disease have a low count of CD8 + T cells active. Believing in the role that the immune response plays in the local fight against neoplastic cells, however, our results do not support the use of quantitative analysis of CD8 + T cells and NK cells as a prognostic factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma and oropharynx


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This study was conducted to evaluate the consumption and digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (TC), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in sheep fed hay moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) obtained with four cutting ages (28, 35, 42 and 49 days). We used 20 females Morada Nova breed, with 20kg of live weight, distributed in a completely randomized design and maintained in metabolism cages. There was a negative linear effect of age of cutting on DM intake, with an estimated maximum consumption of 0.67 kg / day for the hay produced at 28 days of cutting. It was also observed linear behavior, with an estimated maximum consumption 172g/dia, 0.36 kg / day; 18g/dia, at 35, 42 and 49 days old, for CP, OM and EE, respectively. For NDF, quadratic effect was found with advancing maturity of the plant. The apparent digestibility of DM, CP, OM and TC linearly decreased with advancing age of cutting hay Moringa oleifera. It was concluded that the hay Moringa oleifera showed better nutritional value after 28 days of cutting


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This paper has two objectives: (i) conducting a literature search on the criteria of uniqueness of solution for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. (ii) a modification of the method of Euler that seems to be able to converge to a solution of the problem, if the solution is not unique


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior