6 resultados para Superlattices (SLs)

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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In this work, we have studied the acoustic phonon wave propagation within the periodic and quasiperiodic superlattices of Fibonacci type. These structures are formed by phononic crystals, whose periodicity allows the raise of regions known as stop bands, which prevent the phonon propagation throughout the structure for specific frequency values. This phenomenon allows the construction of acoustic filters with great technological potential. Our theoretical model were based on the method of the transfer matrix, thery acoustics phonons which describes the propagation of the transverse and longitudinal modes within a unit cell, linking them with the precedent cell in the multilayer structure. The transfer matrix is built taking into account the elastic and electromagnetic boundary conditions in the superllatice interfaces, and it is related to the coupled differential equation solutions (elastic and electromagnetic) that describe each model under consideration. We investigated the piezoelectric properties of GaN and AlN the nitride semiconductors, whose properties are important to applications in the semiconductor device industry. The calculations that characterize the piezoelectric system, depend strongly on the cubic (zinc-bend) and hexagonal (wurtzite) crystal symmetries, that are described the elastic and piezoelectric tensors. The investigation of the liquid Hg (mercury), Ga (gallium) and Ar (argon) systems in static conditions also using the classical theory of elasticity. Together with the Euler s equation of fluid mechanics they one solved to the solid/liquid and the liquid/liquid interfaces to obtain and discuss several interesting physical results. In particular, the acoustical filters obtained from these structures are again presented and their features discussed


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We study the optical-phonon spectra in periodic and quasiperiodic (Fibonacci type) superlattices made up from III-V nitride materials (GaN and AlN) intercalated by a dielectric material (silica - SiO2). Due to the misalignments between the silica and the GaN, AlN layers that can lead to threading dislocation of densities as high as 1010 cm−1, and a significant lattice mismatch (_ 14%), the phonon dynamics is described by a coupled elastic and electromagnetic equations beyond the continuum dielectric model, stressing the importance of the piezoelectric polarization field in a strained condition. We use a transfer-matrix treatment to simplify the algebra, which would be otherwise quite complicated, allowing a neat analytical expressions for the phonon dispersion relation. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the localization and magnitude of the allowed band widths in the optical phonon s spectra, as well as their scale law are presented and discussed


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In this work we study the spectrum (bulk and surface modes) of exciton-polaritons in infinite and semi-infinite binary superlattices (such as, ···ABABA···), where the semiconductor medium (A), whose dielectric function depends on the frequency and the wavevector, alternating with a standard dielectric medium B. Here the medium A will be modeled by a nitride III-V semiconductor whose main characteristic is a wide-direct energy gap Eg. In particular, we consider the numerical values of gallium nitride (GaN) with a crystal structure wurtzite type. The transfer-matrix formalism is used to find the exciton-polariton dispersion relation. The results are obtained for both s (TE mode: transverse electric) and p (TM mode: transverse magnetic) polarizations, using three diferent kind of additional boundary conditions (ABC1, 2 e 3) besides the standard Maxwell's boundary conditions. Moreover, we investigate the behavior of the exciton-polariton modes for diferent ratios of the thickness of the two alternating materials forming the superlattice. The spectrums shows a confinement of the exciton-polariton modes due to the geometry of the superlattice. The method of Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and Raman scattering are the most adequate for probing this excitations


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The physical properties and the excitations spectrum in oxides and semiconductors materials are presented in this work, whose the first part presents a study on the confinement of optical phonons in artificial systems based on III-V nitrides, grown in periodic and quasiperiodic forms. The second part of this work describes the Ab initio calculations which were carried out to obtain the optoeletronic properties of Calcium Oxide (CaO) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. For periodic and quasi-periodic superlattices, we present some dynamical properties related to confined optical phonons (bulk and surface), obtained through simple theories, such as the dielectric continuous model, and using techniques such as the transfer-matrix method. The localization character of confined optical phonon modes, the magnitude of the bands in the spectrum and the power laws of these structures are presented as functions of the generation number of sequence. The ab initio calculations have been carried out using the CASTEP software (Cambridge Total Sequential Energy Package), and they were based on ultrasoft-like pseudopotentials and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Two di®erent geometry optimizations have been e®ectuated for CaO crystals and CaCO3 polymorphs, according to LDA (local density approximation) and GGA (generalized gradient approximation) approaches, determining several properties, e. g. lattice parameters, bond length, electrons density, energy band structures, electrons density of states, e®ective masses and optical properties, such as dielectric constant, absorption, re°ectivity, conductivity and refractive index. Those results were employed to investigate the confinement of excitons in spherical Si@CaCO3 and CaCO3@SiO2 quantum dots and in calcium carbonate nanoparticles, and were also employed in investigations of the photoluminescence spectra of CaCO3 crystal


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In this work we present a theoretical study about the properties of magnetic polaritons in superlattices arranged in a periodic and quasiperiodic fashíons. In the periodic superlattice, in order to describe the behavior of the bulk and surface modes an effective medium approach, was used that simplify enormously the algebra involved. The quasi-periodic superlattice was described by a suitable theoretical model based on a transfer-matrix treatment, to derive the polariton's dispersion relation, using Maxwell's equations (including effect of retardation). Here, we find a fractal spectra characterized by a power law for the distribution of the energy bandwidths. The localization and scaling behavior of the quasiperiodic structure were studied for a geometry where the wave vector and the external applied magnetic field are in the same plane (Voigt geometry). Numerical results are presented for the ferromagnet Fe and for the metamagnets FeBr2 and FeCl2


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Modified polyacrylamides with ≅ 0.2 mol % of N,N-dihexylacrylamide and hydrolysis degree from 0 to 25 % were synthesized by micellar copolymerization. The hydrophobic monomer was obtained by the reaction between acryloyl chloride and N,Ndihexylamine and characterized by infrared (IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. The polymer molecular structures were determined through 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and the polymers were studied in dilute and semi-dilute regimes by viscometry, rheometry, static light scattering and photon correlation spectroscopy, at the temperature range from 25 to 55 ºC. The data obtained by viscometry showed that the intrinsic viscosity from the hydrolyzed polymers is larger than the precursor polymers at the same ionic strength. The comparison between the charged polymers showed that the polymer with higher hydrolysis degree has a more compact structure in formation water (AFS). The increase of temperature led to an enhanced reduced viscosity to the polymers in Milli-Q water (AMQ), although, in brine, only the unhydrolyzed polymer had an increase in the reduced viscosity with the temperature, and the hydrolyzed derivatives had a decrease in the reduced viscosity. The static light scattering (SLS) analyses in salt solutions evidenced a decrease of weight-average molecular weight (⎯Mw) with the increase of the hydrolysis degree, due to the reduction of the thermodynamic interactions between polymer and solvent, which was evidenced by the decrease of the second virial coefficient (A2). The polymers showed more than one relaxation mode in solution, when analyzed by photon correlation spectroscopy, and these modes were attributed to isolated coils and aggregates of several sizes. The aggregation behavior depended strongly on the ionic strength, and also on the temperature, although in a lower extension. The polymers showed large aggregates in all studied conditions, however, their solutions did not displayed a good increase in water viscosity to be used in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes