13 resultados para Software orientado : Objetos

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Nowadays, there are many aspect-oriented middleware implementations that take advantage of the modularity provided by the aspect oriented paradigm. Although the works always present an assessment of the middleware according to some quality attribute, there is not a specific set of metrics to assess them in a comprehensive way, following various quality attributes. This work aims to propose a suite of metrics for the assessment of aspect-oriented middleware systems at different development stages: design, refactoring, implementation and runtime. The work presents the metrics and how they are applied at each development stage. The suite is composed of metrics associated to static properties (modularity, maintainability, reusability, exibility, complexity, stability, and size) and dynamic properties (performance and memory consumption). Such metrics are based on existing assessment approaches of object-oriented and aspect-oriented systems. The proposed metrics are used in the context of OiL (Orb in Lua), a middleware based on CORBA and implemented in Lua, and AO-OiL, the refactoring of OIL that follows a reference architecture for aspect-oriented middleware systems. The case study performed in OiL and AO-OiL is a system for monitoring of oil wells. This work also presents the CoMeTA-Lua tool to automate the collection of coupling and size metrics in Lua source code


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Currently there are several aspect-oriented approaches that are related to different stages of software development process. These approaches often lack integration with each other and their models and artifacts are not aligned in a coherent process. The integration of Aspect-Oriented Software development (AOSD) and Model-Driven Development (MDD) enables automatic propagation of models from one phase to another, avoiding loss of important information and decisions established in each. This paper presents a model driven approach, called Marisa-AOCode, which supports the processing of detailed design artifacts to code in different Aspect-Oriented Programming languages. The approach proposed by Maris- AOCode defines transformation rules between aSideML, a modeling language for aspectoriented detailed design, and Metaspin, a generic metamodel for aspect-oriented programming languages. The instantiation of the generic metamodel (Metaspin) provided by the approach of Maris-AOCode is illustrated by the transformation of Metaspin for two languages: AspectLua and CaesarJ. We illustrate the approach with a case study based on the Health Watcher System


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Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a technique that complements the Object- Oriented Software Development (OOSD) modularizing several concepts that OOSD approaches do not modularize appropriately. However, the current state-of-the art on AOSD suffers with software evolution, mainly because aspect definition can stop to work correctly when base elements evolve. A promising approach to deal with that problem is the definition of model-based pointcuts, where pointcuts are defined based on a conceptual model. That strategy makes pointcut less prone to software evolution than model-base elements. Based on that strategy, this work defines a conceptual model at high abstraction level where we can specify software patterns and architectures that through Model Driven Development techniques they can be instantiated and composed in architecture description language that allows aspect modeling at architecture level. Our MDD approach allows propagate concepts in architecture level to another abstraction levels (design level, for example) through MDA transformation rules. Also, this work shows a plug-in implemented to Eclipse platform called AOADLwithCM. That plug-in was created to support our development process. The AOADLwithCM plug-in was used to describe a case study based on MobileMedia System. MobileMedia case study shows step-by-step how the Conceptual Model approach could minimize Pointcut Fragile Problems, due to software evolution. MobileMedia case study was used as input to analyses evolutions on software according to software metrics proposed by KHATCHADOURIAN, GREENWOOD and RASHID. Also, we analyze how evolution in base model could affect maintenance on aspectual model with and without Conceptual Model approaches


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Aspect Oriented approaches associated to different activities of the software development process are, in general, independent and their models and artifacts are not aligned and inserted in a coherent process. In the model driven development, the various models and the correspondence between them are rigorously specified. With the integration of aspect oriented software development (DSOA) and model driven development (MDD) it is possible to automatically propagate models from one activity to another, avoiding the loss of information and important decisions established in each activity. This work presents MARISA-MDD, a strategy based on models that integrate aspect-oriented requirements, architecture and detailed design, using the languages AOV-graph, AspectualACME and aSideML, respectively. MARISA-MDD defines, for each activity, representative models (and corresponding metamodels) and a number of transformations between the models of each language. These transformations have been specified and implemented in ATL (Atlas Definition Language), in the Eclipse environment. MARISA-MDD allows the automatic propagation between AOV-graph, AspectualACME, and aSideML models. To validate the proposed approach two case studies, the Health Watcher and the Mobile Media have been used in the MARISA-MDD environment for the automatic generation of AspectualACME and aSideML models, from the AOV-graph model


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This paper proposes a systematic approach to management of variability modelsdriven and aspects using the mechanisms of approaches Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and Model-Driven Development (MDD). The main goal of the approach, named CrossMDA-SPL, is to improve the management(gerência), modularization and isolation ou separation of the variability of the LPSs of architecture in a high level of abstraction (model) at the design and implementing phases of development Software Product Lines (SPLs), exploiting the synergy between AOSD and MDD. The CrossMDA-SPL approach defines some artifacts basis for advance the separation clear in between the mandatory (bounden) and optional features in the architecture of SPL. The artifacts are represented by two models named: (i) core model (base domain) - responsible for specify the common features the all members of the SPL, and (ii) variability model - responsible for represent the variables features of SPL. In addition, the CrossMDA-SPL approach is composed of: (i) guidelines for modeling and representation of variability, (ii) CrossMDA-SPL services and process, and (iii) models of the architecture of SPL or product instance of SPL. The guidelines use the advantages of AOSD and MDD to promote a better modularization of the variable features of the architecture of SPL during the creation of core and variability models of the approach. The services and sub-processes are responsible for combination automatically, through of process of transformation between the core and variability models, and the generation of new models that represent the implementation of the architecture of SPL or a instance model of SPL. Mechanisms for effective modularization of variability for architectures of SPL at model level. The concepts are described and measured with the execution of a case study of an SPL for management systems of transport electronic tickets


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The way to deal with information assets means nowadays the main factor not only for the success but also for keeping the companies in the global world. The number of information security incidents has grown for the last years. The establishment of information security policies that search to keep the security requirements of assets in the desired degrees is the major priority for the companies. This dissertation suggests a unified process for elaboration, maintenance and development of information security policies, the Processo Unificado para Políticas de Segurança da Informação - PUPSI. The elaboration of this proposal started with the construction of a structure of knowledge based on documents and official rules, published in the last two decades, about security policies and information security. It's a model based on the examined documents which defines the needed security policies to be established in the organization, its work flow and identifies the sequence of hierarchy among them. It's also made a model of the entities participating in the process. Being the problem treated by the model so complex, which involves all security policies that the company must have. PUPSI has an interative and developing approach. This approach was obtained from the instantiation of the RUP - Rational Unified Process model. RUP is a platform for software development object oriented, of Rational Software (IBM group). Which uses the best practice known by the market. PUPSI got from RUP a structure of process that offers functionality, diffusion capacity and comprehension, performance and agility for the process adjustment, offering yet capacity of adjustment to technological and structural charges of the market and the company


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The spread of wireless networks and growing proliferation of mobile devices require the development of mobility control mechanisms to support the different demands of traffic in different network conditions. A major obstacle to developing this kind of technology is the complexity involved in handling all the information about the large number of Moving Objects (MO), as well as the entire signaling overhead required to manage these procedures in the network. Despite several initiatives have been proposed by the scientific community to address this issue they have not proved to be effective since they depend on the particular request of the MO that is responsible for triggering the mobility process. Moreover, they are often only guided by wireless medium statistics, such as Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the candidate Point of Attachment (PoA). Thus, this work seeks to develop, evaluate and validate a sophisticated communication infrastructure for Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO) systems by making use of the flexibility provided by the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm, where network functions are easily and efficiently deployed by integrating OpenFlow and IEEE 802.21 standards. For purposes of benchmarking, the analysis was conducted in the control and data planes aspects, which demonstrate that the proposal significantly outperforms typical IPbased SDN and QoS-enabled capabilities, by allowing the network to handle the multimedia traffic with optimal Quality of Service (QoS) transport and acceptable Quality of Experience (QoE) over time.


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Model-oriented strategies have been used to facilitate products customization in the software products lines (SPL) context and to generate the source code of these derived products through variability management. Most of these strategies use an UML (Unified Modeling Language)-based model specification. Despite its wide application, the UML-based model specification has some limitations such as the fact that it is essentially graphic, presents deficiencies regarding the precise description of the system architecture semantic representation, and generates a large model, thus hampering the visualization and comprehension of the system elements. In contrast, architecture description languages (ADLs) provide graphic and textual support for the structural representation of architectural elements, their constraints and interactions. This thesis introduces ArchSPL-MDD, a model-driven strategy in which models are specified and configured by using the LightPL-ACME ADL. Such strategy is associated to a generic process with systematic activities that enable to automatically generate customized source code from the product model. ArchSPLMDD strategy integrates aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), modeldriven development (MDD) and SPL, thus enabling the explicit modeling as well as the modularization of variabilities and crosscutting concerns. The process is instantiated by the ArchSPL-MDD tool, which supports the specification of domain models (the focus of the development) in LightPL-ACME. The ArchSPL-MDD uses the Ginga Digital TV middleware as case study. In order to evaluate the efficiency, applicability, expressiveness, and complexity of the ArchSPL-MDD strategy, a controlled experiment was carried out in order to evaluate and compare the ArchSPL-MDD tool with the GingaForAll tool, which instantiates the process that is part of the GingaForAll UML-based strategy. Both tools were used for configuring the products of Ginga SPL and generating the product source code


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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On the last years, several middleware platforms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) were proposed. Most of these platforms does not consider issues of how integrate components from generic middleware architectures. Many requirements need to be considered in a middleware design for WSN and the design, in this case, it is possibility to modify the source code of the middleware without changing the external behavior of the middleware. Thus, it is desired that there is a middleware generic architecture that is able to offer an optimal configuration according to the requirements of the application. The adoption of middleware based in component model consists of a promising approach because it allows a better abstraction, low coupling, modularization and management features built-in middleware. Another problem present in current middleware consists of treatment of interoperability with external networks to sensor networks, such as Web. Most current middleware lacks the functionality to access the data provided by the WSN via the World Wide Web in order to treat these data as Web resources, and they can be accessed through protocols already adopted the World Wide Web. Thus, this work presents the Midgard, a component-based middleware specifically designed for WSNs, which adopts the architectural patterns microkernel and REST. The microkernel architectural complements the component model, since microkernel can be understood as a component that encapsulates the core system and it is responsible for initializing the core services only when needed, as well as remove them when are no more needed. Already REST defines a standardized way of communication between different applications based on standards adopted by the Web and enables him to treat WSN data as web resources, allowing them to be accessed through protocol already adopted in the World Wide Web. The main goals of Midgard are: (i) to provide easy Web access to data generated by WSN, exposing such data as Web resources, following the principles of Web of Things paradigm and (ii) to provide WSN application developer with capabilities to instantiate only specific services required by the application, thus generating a customized middleware and saving node resources. The Midgard allows use the WSN as Web resources and still provide a cohesive and weakly coupled software architecture, addressing interoperability and customization. In addition, Midgard provides two services needed for most WSN applications: (i) configuration and (ii) inspection and adaptation services. New services can be implemented by others and easily incorporated into the middleware, because of its flexible and extensible architecture. According to the assessment, the Midgard provides interoperability between the WSN and external networks, such as web, as well as between different applications within a single WSN. In addition, we assessed the memory consumption, the application image size, the size of messages exchanged in the network, and response time, overhead and scalability on Midgard. During the evaluation, the Midgard proved satisfies their goals and shown to be scalable without consuming resources prohibitively


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The World Wide Web has been consolidated over the last years as a standard platform to provide software systems in the Internet. Nowadays, a great variety of user applications are available on the Web, varying from corporate applications to the banking domain, or from electronic commerce to the governmental domain. Given the quantity of information available and the quantity of users dealing with their services, many Web systems have sought to present recommendations of use as part of their functionalities, in order to let the users to have a better usage of the services available, based on their profile, history navigation and system use. In this context, this dissertation proposes the development of an agent-based framework that offers recommendations for users of Web systems. It involves the conception, design and implementation of an object-oriented framework. The framework agents can be plugged or unplugged in a non-invasive way in existing Web applications using aspect-oriented techniques. The framework is evaluated through its instantiation to three different Web systems


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The tracking between models of the requirements and architecture activities is a strategy that aims to prevent loss of information, reducing the gap between these two initial activities of the software life cycle. In the context of Software Product Lines (SPL), it is important to have this support, which allows the correspondence between this two activities, with management of variability. In order to address this issue, this paper presents a process of bidirectional mapping, defining transformation rules between elements of a goaloriented requirements model (described in PL-AOVgraph) and elements of an architectural description (defined in PL-AspectualACME). These mapping rules are evaluated using a case study: the GingaForAll LPS. To automate this transformation, we developed the MaRiPLA tool (Mapping Requirements to Product Line Architecture), through MDD techniques (Modeldriven Development), including Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) with specification of Ecore metamodels jointly with Xtext , a DSL definition framework, and Acceleo, a code generation tool, in Eclipse environment. Finally, the generated models are evaluated based on quality attributes such as variability, derivability, reusability, correctness, traceability, completeness, evolvability and maintainability, extracted from the CAFÉ Quality Model


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The approach Software Product Line (SPL) has become very promising these days, since it allows the production of customized systems on large scale through product families. For the modeling of these families the Features Model is being widely used, however, it is a model that has low level of detail and not may be sufficient to guide the development team of LPS. Thus, it is recommended add the Features Model to other models representing the system from other perspectives. The goals model PL-AOVgraph can assume this role complementary to the Features Model, since it has a to context oriented language of LPS's, which allows the requirements modeling in detail and identification of crosscutting concerns that may arise as result of variability. In order to insert PL-AOVgraph in development of LPS's, this paper proposes a bi-directional mapping between PL-AOVgraph and Features Model, which will be automated by tool ReqSys-MDD. This tool uses the approach of Model-Driven Development (MDD), which allows the construction of systems from high level models through successive transformations. This enables the integration of ReqSys-MDD with other tools MDD that use their output models as input to other transformations. So it is possible keep consistency among the models involved, avoiding loss of informations on transitions between stages of development