49 resultados para Saúde ocupacional, Brasil
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This work provides great contribution to the documental study of the Work Safety courses offered by CEFETs in Brazil, under the perspective of safety management and occupational health, using as a referential the specification OHSAS 18001 (BSI, 1999), as well as directions provided by OIT (ILO, 2001). The theoretical research compares technical and managing competences of the projects of Work Safety courses at CEFETs with the international legislation mentioned above. For field research, questionnaires containing open and close questions were answered by teachers and students aiming at identifying the importance of technical and managing competences for the formation of Work Safety technicians, besides trying to identify which level of minimal formal knowledge should be required to perform managing activities in the area of Work Safety Management Systems and Occupational Health (SGSSO, in Portuguese). The results of the theoretical research point out differences between the projects of the Work Safety technical courses at CEFETs under the perspective of SGSSO. The field research shows that students and teachers opinions converge about most technical and managing competences. In relation to academic formation, the research suggests divergences to the criterion stated by the norm ISO 19011(ABNT, 2002)
The commitment assumed by Brazil to ILO in order to pursue actions toward the ILO/OSH-2001 adoption in the country poses the issue of modeling the institutional arrangement the set roles and relationship between government, standards organizations, health and safety organizations, professionals and other institutions to deploy the ILO/OSH-2001. This Thesis develop institutional arrangement models based on the current model and also in the ISO 9000 scheme and others. It is studied the US case with OSHA and VPP, the OHSAS 18001 and ANSI/AIHA Z-10, in addition to actual context of the regulating norms NR s. The scenarios developed are put to evaluation on feasibility, potential changes and effects on current MTE auditors work scheme. The main results are five scenarios developed and that the MTE auditors tend to be reactive to the change toward the ILO/OSH-2001.
Validade científica de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003
NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.
This issue analises the unevenness in the brazilian system of public health care as an extension of socials inequities. It is a theoretical study based in a historical method, using empirical camp from academic, corporation and institution researchs, along the period 2002-2006. Equality and effectiveness in health systems are analitical basic cathegories grap in the root of the doctrine, principles and organization of the Unique Health System, in which sectorial actions are inserted. Discuss the estructural prodution and determined those inequalities through some social determiners of health system: income, land, food securitiy, nutritional situation, basic sanitation, epidemiological inequities and public management policy. Carry out a thematic review over health social production, it formlation and the goals of social policies, as well as the insertion of the equality principle in the assistance system, in the frame of the running public health regulations. It uses reflections that enlighted the correlation between the process of political-institutional actions and equity on health assistance. Analized the pertinency of sectorial reorganizational strategies on basic attendance, confronting the hipothesis that those strategies reinforce social inequities in health system, because it organize diferential assistance levels over not equal baselines. The results show up that social inequalities, even remaining, have had a small decrease; that the selectiviness of actual public policies and the duplication of the health system, increases the differences within and between the social classes and configures the assistance as inequal. The basic care system has great shortages that also appeares in middle and complex assistance levels. As conclusion, it remarks that the health assintance system, even with it integrality has limits; structural problems on material conditions of living and health system could not be reversed only with institutional legal arragements; by the contrary, in border conditions, these strategies produce policies that reinforce inequities, neglecting the equity principle of the system in which frame, they work. One patina of this tim
Trata-se de uma investigação que busca revelar convergências e divergências no processo de planificação da Política Pública de Saúde, com foco primordial na participação dos organismos de representação social na consolidação do Sistema Único (SUS), destacando a Conferência Nacional de Saúde CNS, instância que deve ter participação obrigatória na formulação de recomendações para essa política estatal. Considera que a planificação reúne elementos de concepção jurídica, técnica e política para a elaboração dos documentos intitulados Planos Nacionais de Saúde PNS. A partir de pesquisa qualitativa de base documental e argumentação com apoio de Cartografia Simbólica, põe em exame o processo de elaboração e o teor presente nos relatórios da 12ª (2003), 13ª (2007) e 14ª CNS (2011), alinhando seus eixos, diretrizes e prioridades nos correspondentes PNS nos quadriênios 2004-2007, 2008-2011 e 2012-2015. A escolha desses instrumentos, na temporalidade sugerida, tem por esteio o período em que a implantação do sistema de Planejamento do SUS PlanejaSUS, orienta normativa e tecnicamente a elaboração do PNS, tendo como uma de suas referências o que foi emanado das conferências. Propõe-se verificar as tensões existentes entre momentos distintos da definição das prioridades elencadas nas políticas públicas de saúde à luz das contribuições teóricas sobre a concepção do Estado, numa visão contemporânea associada à sua dinâmica de atuação vinculada ao modo de produção e acumulação capitalista; sobre a metodologia do Planejamento Estratégico com base na participação de atores diversos; e ainda, na análise sobre a expressão desse participacionismo na ótica dos processos democráticos representativos no SUS. Na confecção dos mapas cartográficos foi proposta a correlação entre os conteúdos dos Relatórios das 12ª a 14ª conferências de saúde com o que está expresso nas prioridades constantes nos Planos Nacionais de Saúde (2004 a 2007, 2008 a 2011 e 2012 a 2015), verificando-se aproximações e distanciamentos existentes entre o que expressa a sociedade e a política governamental. Conclui-se que, do exame crítico entre as diretrizes e prioridades contidas no acervo documental existente e sua metodologia de construção, com fundamento na argumentação do aporte teórico trabalhado, são verificadas tensões e harmonizações que revelam pontos convergentes e dissonantes das pactuações e consensos entre os atores sociais representantes dos segmentos, no qual critério da representatividade condiciona a defesa de opiniões, interesses e prioridades, de modo diverso para os que estão implicados nesse processo de planificação
The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire
This dissertation presents a discussion on the level of risk awareness of students who have welding practice in the laboratories at CEFET/PI, both in Teresina and Floriano. Its main goal is to investigate risk factors involving students, teachers and employees that work in these laboratories. It s an empirical survey, held among a certain amount of students from the course in Mechanic Technology. For data analysis, the concept of risk was compared to the students direct measure of perception. The main results suggest the students must be better informed, more risk aware and more competent, in order to avoid accidents. They also point to a strong need for a more formal and effective performance to assure full consciousness about the risks involving the welding practice.
This Master s Thesis deals with an analysis of the Regulatory Standards NR-9 e NR-13 on the perspective of occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) such as ILO deployed ILO/OSH-2001. Since the revamped OHSAS 18001:2007 complies with the ILO/OSH-2001 model it is used as benchmark to compare against the NR-9 and NR-13. The analysis suggests that the NR-9 has some important features present on the OHSAS 18001:2007 but lacks important others. The NR-13 turns out to be far from a modern model of OHSMS such as OHSAS 18001:2007 and a deep reformulation should be done in order to achieve the Brazil commitment with ILO to adopt OHSMS. Also, a small survey with companies with ISO 9000 certificates suggests that a NR-13 revised toward OHSMS would be welcome, but also that some more advanced issues present in ILO/OSH-2001 should be imposed by law in order to be achieved
The relevance of rising healthcare costs is a main topic in complementary health companies in Brazil. In 2011, these expenses consumed more than 80% of the monthly health insurance in Brazil. Considering the administrative costs, it is observed that the companies operating in this market work, on average, at the threshold between profit and loss. This paper presents results after an investigation of the welfare costs of a health plan company in Brazil. It was based on the KDD process and explorative Data Mining. A diversity of results is presented, such as data summarization, providing compact descriptions of the data, revealing common features and intrinsic observations. Among the key findings was observed that a small portion of the population is responsible for the most demanding of resources devoted to health care
Validade científica de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003
Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.
Validade científica de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003
Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.
O papel do enfermeiro como prescritor vem se ampliando em muitos países nos últimos anos, em diferentes situações e amplitudes de ação, se configurando como prática avançada na enfermagem. No Brasil, a prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros está prevista na Lei do Exercício Profissional desde 1986, e permite a esse profissional, a prescrição de medicamentos estabelecidos em programas de saúde pública. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as determinações e perspectivas da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos protocolos da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Os objetivos específicos são: apreender a atual situação internacional da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros em comparação a essa prática no Brasil identificando semelhanças e diferenças; identificar os contornos legais e normativos da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros no Brasil apontando sua história, tendências e desafios; caracterizar o modelo de prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos protocolos de Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil; investigar possíveis lacunas entre formação, capacitação, autoavaliação e prática da prescrição de medicamentos na Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva do enfermeiro. Trata-se de Estudo de Caso Exemplar com abordagem qualitativa através de Revisão Bibliográfica, Análise Documental e Grupo Focal com enfermeiros. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio da Análise de Conteúdo e Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo. Os resultados revelam que a categoria da enfermagem contribuiu para a legalização da prescrição, porém não para a sua legitimação; na Atenção Primária à Saúde, essa atribuição está consolidada por meio de protocolos e legislação, embora sem estratégia clara de acompanhamento pelo Ministério da Saúde; observa-se resistência em algumas normatizações dentro do setor saúde. Quanto aos protocolos, observou-se não há exigência de pré-requisitos na maioria deles; há possibilidade de diagnóstico pelo enfermeiro na gravidez, nutrição infantil e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis; observou-se variados graus de autonomia; amplo grupo de medicamentos prescritos por enfermeiros. Dos 37 participantes do Grupo Focal, 97,3% eram do sexo feminino; 54% formados há menos de 10 anos, 27% entre 10 e 20 anos, 16,2% há mais de 20 anos; 83,8% com especialização em Saúde Pública. Todos os enfermeiros relataram insuficiência da disciplina de farmacologia para instrumentalizar a prática prescritiva. Destacou-se a necessidade de pós-graduação; a importância da experiência clínica; falta de discussões e capacitação. Apenas alguns se autoavaliaram como competentes para prescrever, outros revelam medo de reação adversa a medicamentos. Conclui-se que há tendência da prescrição de medicamento por enfermeiros permanecer apenas na legalidade e o principal desafio é alcançar a legitimidade. Confirma-se uma prática prescritiva sem requisitos, diversidade de orientações induzindo a multiplicidade de ações que pode afetar a qualidade da prescrição. Há lacunas entre formação, capacitações e exigências cotidianas da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros na Atenção Primária à Saúde. No Brasil se faz premente pesquisa para avaliar o impacto, a qualidade e a segurança da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros. A experiência internacional sugere também que essa prescrição deve ser apoiada pelo coletivo de enfermeiros, com robusto plano de capacitação nacional, além de governança e apoio local.
O Brasil é um dos países que concentram 80% da carga de tuberculose no mundo. No contexto da atenção primária brasileira, fatores interferem para que as equipes de saúde da família possam incorporar as atividades de controle da doença no processo de trabalho. O controle da doença depende da forma como os serviços de saúde estão organizados para garantir o acesso ao diagnóstico precoce e ao tratamento. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar o controle da tuberculose no contexto da atenção primária à saúde no Brasil. Os objetivos específicos são comparar o tratamento diretamente observado com o regime autoadministrado em pessoas com tuberculose; Verificar se o Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose é avaliável e elaborar um modelo teórico e lógico para avaliação deste programa; avaliar a relação entre porte populacional dos municípios e as características de estrutura e processo de cuidado a pacientes de tuberculose na atenção primária no Brasil. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática, seguida de um estudo de avaliabilidade e de um estudo transversal. Os achados da revisão sistemática revelam que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos de tratamento (observado e não observado) para cura (OR 1,06. IC95% 0,75 - 1,50) e para conclusão do tratamento (OR 1,64, IC 95% 0,79 - 3,42). Menor abandono no grupo com tratamento supervisionado e não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos (OR 0,73, CI 95% 0,58-0,92). O risco de morte foi maior no regime de tratamento autoadministrado (OR 1,49 IC 95% 1,03 - 2,45). A hetorogeinadade entre os estudos analisados não permite afirmar que nao há diferença estatisticamente significativa para cura e tratamento concluído. A pré-avaliação do Programa de Controle de Tuberculose possibilitou a descrição do Programa, elaboração e pactuação do modelo lógico e a matriz de relevância dos indicadores. Caracterizou-se os seus elementos estruturantes, definição de indicadores de estrutura e processo, além das perguntas avaliativas. Uma avaliação somativa com enfoque na análise dos efeitos da intervenção de controle da tuberculose é recomendada. A avaliação das características de estrutura e processo de cuidado à pessoa com tuberculose revelou melhor desempenho para as equipes de atenção básica de municípios classificados como metrópole no acesso, coordenação do cuidado e qualidade técnica da atenção. Em relação ao acesso: 98,5% acolhimento a demanda espontânea; 95,8% programação de consultas. Na coordenação do cuidado, 93,2% existência de protocolo para tuberculose. Quanto a qualidade técnica da atenção à tuberculose verifica-se que 93,4% acompanhamento de tratamento diretamente observado, 95,8% com busca ativa de faltosos ao tratamento, 64,0% oferta de ações educativas, 91,3% busca ativa de sintomáticos respiratórios. Cabe destacar que metrópoles apresentaram maior tempo médio de espera para escuta/acolhimento (24,41 minutos); para consulta previamente agendada (23,52 dias); para consulta em pneumologia (87,12 dias). Percebem-se fragilidades na estrutura e processo da atenção à tuberculose, principalmente no controle especializado da doença e na qualidade técnica entre os municípios. Recomenda-se reforço, particularmente na qualidade técnica para aumentar a cobertura de acompanhamento do tratamento, busca de sintomáticos respiratórios e das ações educativas.
Validade científica de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003
NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.
It is noticeable that pressure, tension and overwork are frequent in health professionals routine. The work related to the ward area demands deep attention and surveillance. Because of that, it is essential to have a specific look at the humanization directed at health professionals, considering that taking care of other human beings is the essence of their job. This study has analyzed the psychic health levels, as well as the stress health professionals are submitted to, providing a debate about the humanization in 06 public hospitals (03 of them awarded by actions of humanization, and 03 not awarded) in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. A study with 126 active health professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists and social workers) in ward areas in their respective institutions was carried out. The thesis presented, with multi-disciplinary characteristic, counted on the support of statisticians (to calculate samples and data analysis), psychologists, social workers and administrators (linked to the human resources sector in each hospital). A cross-sectional study was performed, taking into consideration both quantitative and qualitative factors. The tools used for that were a semistructured questionnaire with socio-demographic characteristics, work and humanization; Lipp's Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (ISSL), and the Goldberg s General Health Questionnaire (QSG). The workers are predominantly women (84,9%), married (54,8%), between 46 and 55 years old (40,5%), working in the same institution for more than 20 years (22,2%), and between 16 and 20 years (20,6%), respectively. They work 40 hours a week (71,4%) and have multiple jobs (61,9%). Although most of these individuals global psychic health is in a good level, there are a significant number of people that is gradually getting worse concerning psychic stress (F1) showed by QSG (54,7%), and stress showed by ISSL(42,1%). Observing the categories, nurses (41,5%). Nutritionists (20,8%), doctors and social workers (18,9%), were among the most affected. About general health (F6), 63% of the awarded hospitals and 70% of the not awarded ones, presented good health levels (ranging from 5 to 50%). It was also noticed that, in the groups mentioned above, 25 and 20% respectively, were inserted in scores between 55 to 90%, what means that they are in worsening phase. The fact that the hospital is awarded or well recognized doesn t interfere in health professionals stress level and in their psychic health. Through what was heard from these individuals, it was possible to verify that they know little about humanization, once few of them identify or know that the service they offer is in an adoption process by Ministerial Policies. It was also detected the necessity of developing actions aimed at worker s health. Such results showed the importance of have more investments in programs that are directed to workers well-being, because they deal with other people s health and it is known that it is difficult for them to offer high-quality assistance if there are not suitable physical, psychological and material conditions to help them develop their jobs. As a warning, it is fair to say that investments in actions that provide humanized care to health professionals, mainly concerning preventive care for their health and life quality in their work