5 resultados para Reuschlen, C. G

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The decoction of Brazilian pepper tree barks (Schinus terebinthifolius, Raddi), is used in medicine as wound healing and antiinflamatory. Once extracts from this plant are used for acceleration of scar s process, it is important to study their mutagenic and genotoxic potential. In previous works in our laboratory, it was observed mutagenicity caused by the decoction when in high concentrations. Among the chemical compounds of this plant that could be able to induce mutation, the flavonoids were the only group that was referred to have either an oxidant or antioxidant potential. The flavonoids were isolated, purified and quantified by adsorptive column chromatography under silica gel, bacterial and in vitro genotoxic tests were realized to determine if the flavonoids were the responsible agents for this mutagenicity found. The tests realized with plasmidial DNA were indicative that the flavonoids are probably genotoxic, due to the presence of correlation between increase of the flavonoid concentration and in plasmidial DNA double strand breakage visualized in agarose gel, as well as they were capable to generated abasic sites shown by the in vitro treatment with exonuclease III. The same tests with plasmidial DNA in the presence of copper [10 µM] and of a Tris-HCl pH 7.5 [10 µM] buffer were realized with the isolated flavonoids to determine if there would be or not participation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The transformation of plasmidial DNA in different bacterial strains proficient and deficient in DNA repair enzymes in the presence or not of a Tris-HCl buffer, suggests that the enzymes that repair oxidative lesions are necessary to repair the lesions generated by the flavonoids and that ROS are generated and are necessary to promote the lesions. Bacterial tests with Escherichia coli strains of the CC collection (deficient or not for DNA repair enzymes), showed that the flavonoids are able to increase the frequency of mutations, mainly in strains mutated in repair enzymes (MutM, MutY-glicosylases and double mutant), suggesting that these agents are responsible for the enhancement in the mutation rate. In order to determine the mutation spectrum caused by the flavonoids of the Brazilian pepper tree stem bark, plasmidial DNA previously treated with the flavonoids were transformed in bacterial strains deficient and proficient in the DNA repair enzymes, followed by a blue-white selection with X-gal, DNA amplification by PCR and sequencing the positive mutant clones. Analysis of the mutants obtained from strains CC104, CC104mutM, CC104mutY, CC104mutMmutY, BW9101, BW9109 indicated a predominance of some mutations like G:C to C:G that can be correlated with the origin of 8-oxoG, due to oxidative lesions caused by the flavonoids. So it can concluded that the flavonoid isolated or in fractions enriched on them are genotoxic and mutagenic, and their mutations are predominantly oxidative, mediated by ROS, and the lesions are recognized by the BER system. In this way it is proposed that the flavonoids can act in two different ways to generate the DNA lesion: 1. in a Fenton-like reaction, when the flavonoid are in the presence of metal ions and that together with the water generate ROS that promotes the DNA lesions; 2. in another way the lesions can be generated by the formation of ROS due to the internal chemical structure of the flavonoid molecule due to the quantity and location of hydroxyl groups, and so producing the DNA lesions, those lesions can be directly (suggested by the in vitro experiments) or indirectly done (supported by the experiments using the CC bacterial strains)


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This dissertation is a proposal for dialogue between Brazilian Social Thought, History of Portuguese America and the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung, highlighting the following archetypes: Anima, Animus, Shadow and Persona. Directing the study to the image of Indian women in this Brazilian interpretation of Casa-Grande & senzala by Gilberto Freyre, have largely centered on denial of the feminine image as a creative and positive in the minds of Brazilian culture, where a more specific analysis. We assume that your work has inspired several bridges over imaginary things in Brazil, including aspects relating to miscegenation, the study of foreign travelers, Jesuits and settlers / invaders of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Portuguese disembarked in America and in this sense, the influence of his work as wasteful image through time and space of the Portuguese slave order. Above all, we intend to do a reading of Native women thought in his book


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Les symboles et les signes de Noites do Sertão, de João Guimarães Rosa, contient l étude d une édition de cette ouvrage, publié par Livraria José Olímpio Editora, en 1975. Un éditeur arrêtée. Notre priorité c est montrer au lecteur les dégradations résultants d altérations ou d omissions qu on vérifie dans les publications postérieurs; d une manière spécifique, les éditions mais récents. Dans le primiere chapitre, notre recherche privilégie l analyse et l explication de las inscirtions qui sons enregistré dans la partie exterior, ou dans la couverture de ce livre. Le deuxième chapitre traite des réflexions sur ce qui se réfère au revers de la couverture, dans le ´té gauche: les énigmes dont l auteur utilise avec l intention de bien idiquer au lecteur orientations pour envisager les aspects des narratives. Combien, nous méditerons ici sur la signification des épigraphes de cette ouvrage; sur les noms des personnages les plus importants et sur la connexion de ce livre avec autres textes littéraires. Dans le troisième chapitre nous explicitons la rélation de contiguïté avec cette ouvrage et le platonisme. O Chapitre quatre s occupe d étudier toutes cettes symboles vérifier ici sur la pérspective de la vision Junguienne (C.G.Jung); et dans le cinq, analysons les relations possibles de cette ouvrage avec autres livres du même écriteur. Finalement, nous présentons un vocabulaire qui est très importants pour la compréhention des mots mais compliqué dans ce texte écrit pour João Guimarães Rosa


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This work has the purpose to analyze the female images unrolled at the Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930) poetry of her three books published, Livro de Mágoas (1919), Livro de Sóror Saudade (1923) e Charneca em Flor (1931, posthumous), showing how the female mythic constituents Eve and Lilith advance among the books, delineating the female image which culminates to the female poet image, free of moral conventions and social principles in the beginning of 20th century. For this exam, we will apply the Imaginary criticism, and realize a short explanation about mythic archetypes theories from C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, E. Meletínki and Gilbert Durand, theories that will lead us to make the connection between the mythic constituents and Nietzsche tragic constituents, from which we will explain how these female mythic images associated to reason and unreason mythic constituents, unrolled at the Florbela poetry, also reveal the tragic esthetic at her work


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Esse artigo analisa a perícia e o laudo antropológico realizados entre os índios Tapeba do muni­pio de Caucaia, área metropolitana de Fortaleza (Ceará). Discuto as diversas circunstâncias e as condições sociais de possibilidade que levaram a esse trabalho. Enfoco as várias questões sociais e culturais, além de políticas, que trataram dos usos e efeitos da história, da performatividade das tradições e das lutas da identidade, envolvendo diretamente esse grupo étnico numa ação judicial recente