7 resultados para Raul Seixas - Reconhecimento nacional
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre as representações e práticas sociais relativas à construção da conjugalidade homoafetiva e o direito de reconhecimento. Nesse contexto, são analisados os embates ideológicos decorrentes das tentativas de redefinição das representações e práticas sociais relativas à família e a conjugalidade, em sua feição heterocêntrica, a partir das disputas em torno do reconhecimento social e jurídico das uniões homoafetivas, desencadeadas no contexto da sociedade brasileira, a partir da apresentação, no Congresso Nacional, do Projeto de Lei n° 1.151/95, da Deputada Marta Suplicy, que disciplina a união civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo
It is at the work environment where value of the health professional is realized, according to the National Humanization Policy (PNH) from a Pediatric Hospital connected to an institution of higher education. Among the guiding principles of PNH it is highlighted the commitment to the democratization of labor relations and enhancement of health professionals, stimulating the continuing education process. For this research, a qualitative approach was chosen, using a semistructured interview as a tool to collect data. In a perspective of identifying the appreciation and humanization into interpersonal relations between workers, information from the theory of communicative action of Habermas was analyzed, considering cultural values goes beyond the practice in action, where the prospects of moral arguments in the universal truisms of life pervade original cultural moral, cognitive and expressive, imbued on ethics. This reasearch had the collaboration 29 employees with a regular contract labor to a teaching hospital in Natal, Brazil. The data was obtained through interviews which all participants signed a consent term. After data analysis the results shows the existance of a satisfaction of all workers on performing duties. The workers perceive its role valorization through kudos received as a consequence of a work done, others believe that it occurs when the institution or the group itself is concerned to enhance the work. Thus, in general, they feel valued. Regarding the interpersonal relationship, the most highlighted point was the fact that in the employees versus general directors item, respondents indicated the existence of a distance between these two categories, which can affect a participatory management. Therefore, the results of this study showed the necessity to develop actions that provide a healthy work environment. The joint guidelines of the PNH and the Employee Health Care Policy, represent some directions with some similarities in their purpose to the theory of communicative action, where there is a mutual respect, tolerance and coexistence of differences, considering the constructive conflict among health workers within the perspective of communication and interaction among individuals
The automatic speech recognition by machine has been the target of researchers in the past five decades. In this period have been numerous advances, such as in the field of recognition of isolated words (commands), which has very high rates of recognition, currently. However, we are still far from developing a system that could have a performance similar to the human being (automatic continuous speech recognition). One of the great challenges of searches for continuous speech recognition is the large amount of pattern. The modern languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 500,000 words or patterns to be identified. The purpose of this study is to use smaller units than the word such as phonemes, syllables and difones units as the basis for the speech recognition, aiming to recognize any words without necessarily using them. The main goal is to reduce the restriction imposed by the excessive amount of patterns. In order to validate this proposal, the system was tested in the isolated word recognition in dependent-case. The phonemes characteristics of the Brazil s Portuguese language were used to developed the hierarchy decision system. These decisions are made through the use of neural networks SVM (Support Vector Machines). The main speech features used were obtained from the Wavelet Packet Transform. The descriptors MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) are also used in this work. It was concluded that the method proposed in this work, showed good results in the steps of recognition of vowels, consonants (syllables) and words when compared with other existing methods in literature
As we grow old, there are many cognitive processes which decline in the human brain. One of them is the memory, a function that allows retention and posterior use of knowledge learned during the life, understood as a result of multiple systems highly organized and spread in several neural regions. This work aimed to evaluate the recognition memory in adults over 45 years old through words and pictures recognition tasks and the use of two codification or learning conditions (same distracters and different distracters). Twelve individuals were studied (6 men and 6 women) aged between 45 and 88 years old and with similar demographic characteristics. They presented better performance on picture tasks rather than word tasks. Better results were also verified when the codification context had different distracters, which significantly reflected in a long term principally in elderly individuals. The results reached suggest that the codification context influenced the lists of pictures and words learning, mainly for the elderly ones, when compared to adults, and that these results can be related to the phenomena involved with the recognition memory, the recollection and familiarity
Several studies have shown that there is a circadian modulation of explicit memory. This modulation can occur independently in each one of the mnemonic processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time of training on short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), using a recognition task. Moreover, a possible circadian modulation in retrieving was investigated when this process matched the acquisition hour (time stamp). The chronotype variable was also considered. Fifty-seven undergraduate students aging between 18 and 25 years (21,72 ± 2,14; 28 ♂) participated in this study. In the training phase (acquisition) the subjects heard a ten word list. Following this, they answered a recognition test to evaluate STM and one week later they answered a recognition test to evaluate LTM. In each chronotype, the subjects were divided in groups according to the training hour, part of them in the morning and the other in the afternoon. One week later some of the subjects in each group underwent LTM testing in the morning and others in the afternoon. When the subjects performances were analyzed together, independently of the chronotypes, a training hour effect was found in the LTM. The subjects trained in the afternoon had better performance. No time of day effect was found in the STM and in retrieving from the LTM. However, the morning types who were trained and tested in the same hour had a better performance in the LTM when compared to morning types trained and tested in different hours. This effect did not occur when the other chronotypes were analyzed. The circadian modulation seems to occur at least in two different ways. First, there is a circadian modulation in the acquisition/consolidation processes, with a better performance occuring in the afternoon. Secondly, there is a modulation in the retrieval mnemonic process, called time stamp phenomenon. This phenomenon, that occurred in the morning types, is showed for the first time in humans
Este trabajo analizó el protagonismo de los Movimientos Sociales en el proceso de construcción y de aprobación del Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE 2014 - 2014) con énfasis en las metas para da Educación Universitaria. Las cuestiones que problematizan la investigación son: ¿En qué contexto histórico los Movimientos Sociales asumieron el acceso a la educación universitaria com o un derecho social? ¿Qué protagonistas se involucraron en el debate sobre la política de educación universitaria en el PNE (2014 - 2024)? ¿Qué confrontaciones y antagonismos están presentes allí? ¿Cuál es el papel de los Movimientos Sociales en la Conferenc ia Nacional de Educación (CONAE) y en el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE)? Para contestarlas, articulamos la política educacional propuesta por el PNE con las reivindicaciones históricas de los Movimientos Sociales por el acceso a la educación como un dere cho social, evidenciando el proceso de construcción de las directrices, las metas y las estrategias en los contextos políticos de articulación, proposición y reivindicación en los que se produjo la actuación de los protagonistas para la elaboración y la ap robación de esta política, tanto cuanto los antagonismos identificados. Como aporte teórico/metodológico adoptamos como objeto de estudio empírico los procesos de construcción y aprobación del mencionado PNE dentro de los espacios de participación colectiv a, en la construcción de acuerdos y proposiciones como la Conferencia Nacional de Educación realizada en 2010 en Brasilia/DF, las conferencias municipales, intermunicipales y de los Estados, el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE) y la Comisión Especial de la Cámara Federal que lo antecedieron. Para el análisis de los documentos y de los testimonios de los protagonistas de los Movimientos Sociales seleccionados como sujetos de la investigación, los guías teóricos y los fundamentos conceptuales fueron la sociolo gía de las ausencias, la sociologías de las emergencias y el procedimiento de traducción propuesto por Boaventura Santos ( 2005; 2006; 2007; 2010), en diálogo con otros guías teóricos, como las nociones de confrontación política y oportunidad política organ izadas por Sidney Tarrow (2009). Partiendo de esa base conceptual, privilegiamos la relación de los Movimientos Sociales con la agenda de la educación brasileña cuando direccionados al PNE, analizada en base a las contribuciones de Germano (2013; 2011; 200 8; 2007; 1982), Dourado (2011; 2010; 2006); Saviani (2014; 2010; 2009; 2007; 2004,), Gohn (2012; 2010; 1997; 1995), Dagnino (1994) y Scherer - Warren (1993), entre los autores que contribuyen con el carácter transdisciplinario de esta investigación. Las cont ribuciones de estos autores propician el entendimiento de la diversidad epistemológica encontrada en las experiencias llevadas adelante en los Movimientos Sociales mediante sus actuaciones en los diversos espacios sociales e institucionales, observando las conquistas obtenidas en la política educacional contenida en el PNE 2014 - 2024, así como la comprensión de la lucha por el reconocimiento social y sus conexiones con los temas emergentes presentes en el debate de la educación nacional. De este modo, el est udio indica elementos que posibilitaron la confirmación de la tesis de que la Política de Educación Universitaria aprobada en el PNE 2014 - 2024 (Ley nº 13.005/2014) representa las resonancias de las movilizaciones y reivindicaciones de los Movimientos Socia les por el acceso a la educación como un derecho social inalienable.
Public institutions, as well as other entities, if use of various assets for development of its activities. These assets are tools that help with the generation of benefit present and future. For the assets that compound the Property, Plant and Equipament, this loss of generation of future benefits is called Depreciation and must be recognized as an expense in the period in which it occurs. This way, be considered as an expense, the depreciation has negative influence on the composition of the entity’s income, as this is the result of the confrontation between revenue and expenditure incurred in the same period. The Brazilian legislation regulates it is necessary to recognize and disclosure in the financial statements, all of the situations that interfere with the composition of economic and financial income of the public institution. The main objective of this work was to verify if the states and cities recognize and disclosure the depreciation on their Statements of Financial Position. The data were extracted from datas of the Brazilian public administration’s entities.. The sample analyzed is 100% of the States (including the Federal District) and 91% of the Brazilian cities. The research found the historical evolution of the expenditure with depreciation, evidenced in the balance sheets of the Brazilian cities, in the last 10 years, in the period 1999 to 2008. The results indicate that 10 Brazilian states (37 %) did not show the depreciation of fixed assets in the Statements of Financial Position of the year 2008. The situation is even more worrying in relation to cities, because 4,971 (98.4 %) of 5,050 municipalities not evidenced the depreciation. The evidence found in this study indicate that public entities do not recognize the expense with depreciation, which may indicate that the economic income and financial position presented in the financial statements of these public entities does not accurately reflect the actual situation of institutional performance.