28 resultados para Pureza radioquímica
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
In this work, the reference drugs, generic and similar to the active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, captopril, hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole were purchased from local pharmacies and studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Thermal decomposition was assessed to obtain from the Ozawa method the activation energy in inert atmosphere (nitrogen), using three different heating ratios (5, 10 and 20 o C min-1). The pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference was the one who presented different from the others (generic and similar) Thermogravimetric profile indicating likely interaction between the active ingredient and excipients. Was observed at the heating rate of the inverse temperature that no linearity of the data, ie, there was no correlation between the percentage of mass loss and the activation energy involved in the thermal decomposition of the pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference log graph. The analysis by differential scanning calorimetry was performed in nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 ° C min-1. In the analysis of these same drugs, the data curves found on the melting point were, except for hydrochlorothiazide, are consistent with the literature. Hydrochlorothiazide presented a melting point well below that found in the literature, which may be justified due to the interaction of the active ingredient with the excipient lactose. In the study of purity, using the Van't Hoff equation, the reference drugs hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole reference generic and showed similar impurity content below the limit established that this equation must be greater than 2.5 mol%
This employment has the function the utilization of mango seeds Tommy Atkins, like starch source to obtain biopolymers and fibers source and nanowhiskers cellulose also, that will be use like reinforcing fillers in micro and nanobiocomposites polymeric. The fibers in natura removed from tegument mango seed were characterized, as weel as the treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose extracted from them. The starch extracted from seed s almond showed a good performance (32%) and a high purity. The chemicals analyzes, of crystallinity and morphological of the fibers in natura, treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose confirmed the efficacy of the chemical treatement performed to remove amorphous constituents (hemicellulose and lignina). The thermoplastic starch (TPS) obtained from two sources, corn starch and starchy material mango, was produced in a twin screw extruder with compositon mass of 62,5% of starch, 9,4% of water and 28,1% of glycerol. The starch material mango was the main objective of this work for the production of biodegradable materials, and the starch corn was utilized during the production stage to evaluate the processability of the starch and use as parameter for comparison, according of being a conventional source for obtaining conventional comercial starch. The incorporation of fibers (6% in mass) and nanowhiskers cellulose (1% in mass) in matrix of TPS to obtain composite and nanocomposite, respectively, it was performed in single screw extruder. The biocomposites and bionanocomposites polymeric were obtained and the TPS from starchy material mango presented better results of thermal and mechanicals properties when compared to TPS corn starch. Concludes that the sediment generated of the agroindustrial processing mango used presents potencial to producing of biodegradables materials
Bioidentical hormones are defined as compounds that have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body. It is believed that the use of hormones may be safer and more effective than the non-bioidentical hormones, because binding to receptors in the organism would be similar to the endogenous hormone. Bioidentical estrogens have been used in menopausal women, as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy. Thermal data of these hormones are scarce in literature. Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques that allows evaluating the physical-chemistry properties of a drug, while the drug is subjected to a controlled temperature programming. The thermal techniques are used in pharmaceutical studies for characterization of drugs, purity determination, polymorphism identification, compatibility and evaluation of stability. This study aims to characterize the bioidentical hormones estradiol and estriol through thermal techniques TG/DTG, DTA, DSC, DSC-photovisual. By the TG curves analysis was possible to calculated kinetic parameters for the samples. The kinetic data showed that there is good correlation in the different models used. For both estradiol and estriol, was found zero order reaction, which enabled the construction of the vapor pressure curves. Data from DTA and DSC curves of melting point and purity are the same of literature, showed relation with DSC-photovisual results. The analysis DTA curves showed the fusion event had the best linearity for both hormones. In the evaluation of possible degradation products, the analysis of the infrared shows no degradation products in the solid state
Retinoic acid (RA) and hydroquinone (HQ) assets are widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, for having depigmenting properties and are largely produced in drugstores. To assist in the development of formulations containing the active RA and HQ National Forms of Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (2005 and 2012 ) proposes formulations with different excipients such as cetyl alcohol (AC), cetostearyl alcohol (ACT), methylparaben (MTP), propyl paraben ( PPB), glycerin (GLY), dipropylene glycol (DPG), imidazolidinil urea ( IMD ), cyclomethicone (CCM ), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), octyl stearate (ETO), EDTA, decil oleate (ODC) and hydroxipropymethyl celullose (HPMC). One of the difficulties found in most cosmetic formulations is the large number of incompatibilities between the components of the formulations, so the aim this study was to evaluate thermal stability and interactions between these active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients. The depigmenting agents were analyzed by DSC and TG and excipients were analyzed by TG. The dynamic thermogravimetric curves were obtained on a SHIMADZU thermobalance, model DTG-60, using an alumina crucible, at the heating rate of 10ºC min-1, in the temperature range of 25-900 ºC, under an atmosphere of nitrogen at 50 mL min-1. The DSC curves were obtained using Shimadzu calorimeter, model DSC-60, using aluminum crucible, at the heating rate of 10ºC min-1, in the temperature range of 25-400ºC. The thermogravimetric and calorimetric curves were analyzed using TASYS software SHIMADZU. In this study no were found interactions between AR and the following excipients: MTP, PPB, IMD, ODC, EDTA, CCM, ETO, HPMC. However, were found interactions with the following excipients: AC, ACT, BHT, GLI and DPG. For HQ were found interactions with IMD and DPG. Interactions remained even changing proportions of the mixtures and the ternary. Thus, the studies conducted with excipients of National Formulary from 2005 and 2012 showed that these new excipients do not interact by thermogravimetry with the active pharmaceutical ingredients of this study
Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances
Considering the constant evolution of technology in growth and the need for production techniques in the ceramics area to move forward together, we sought in this study, the research and development of polymeric precursor method to obtain inorganic ceramic pigments. Method that provides quality to obtain the precursor powders of oxides and pigments at the same time, offers time and cost advantages, such as reproducibility, purity and low temperature heat treatment, control of stoichiometry. This work used chromium nitrate and iron nitrate as precursors. The synthesis is based on the dissolution of citric acid as a complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as ion chromophores; polymerization with ethylene glycol and doping with titanium oxide. Passing through precalcination, breakdown, thermal treatments at different temperatures of calcination (700 to 1100 oC), resulting in pigments: green for chromium oxide deposited on TiO2 (CrTiO3) and orange for iron oxide deposited on TiO2 ( FeTiO3). Noticing an increase of opacity with increasing temperature. Were performed thermal analysis (TG and ATD) in order to evaluate its thermodecomposition. The powders were also characterized by techniques such as XRD, revealing the formation of crystalline phases such as iron titanate (FeTiO3) and chrome titanate (CrTiO3), SEM, demonstrating formation of rounded particles for both oxides and Spectroscopy in the UV-Visible Region, verifying the potential variation and chromaticity os pigments. Thus, the synthesized oxides were within the requirements to be applied as pigments and shown to be possible to propose its use in ceramic materials
The main goal of this work was to produce nanosized ceramic materials of the family of the tungstates (tungstates of cerium and strontium), and test them for their catalytic activity in processes involving the transformation of methane (CH4). The methodology used for the synthesis of the ceramic powders involved the complexation combining EDTA-citrate. The materials characterization was performed using simple and differential thermogravimetry, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructure analysis was performed using the refinement by the Rietveld method, and the crystallite size and distribution of the materials was elucidate by the Scherrer and Williamson-Hall methods. The conditions of the synthesis process for the three envisaged materials (SrWO4, SrWO4 using tungsten oxide concentrate as raw material, and Ce2(WO4)3) were adjusted to obtain a single phase crystalline material. The catalytic tests were carried out in the presence of methane and synthetic air, which is composed of 21% O2 and 79% N2. The analysis of the conversion of the reaction was done with the aid of an fourier transform infrared device (FTIR). The analysis showed that, structurally, the SrWO4 produced using raw materials of high and poor purity (99% and 92%, respectively) are similar. The ideal parameters of calcination, in the tested range, are temperature of 1000 °C and time of calcination 5 hours. For the Ce2(WO4)3, the ideal calcination time and are temperature 15 hours and 1000°C, respectively. The Williamson-Hall method provided two different distributions for the crystallite size of each material, whose values ranged between the nanometer and micrometer scales. According to method of Scherrer, all materials produced were composed of nanometric crystallites. The analyses of transmission electron microscopy confirmed the results obtained from the Williamson- Hall method for the crystallite size. The EDS showed an atomic composition for the metals in the SrWO4 that was different of the theoretical composition. With respect to the catalytic tests, all materials were found to be catalytically active, but the reaction process should be further studied and optimized.
A chemical process optimization and control is strongly correlated with the quantity of information can be obtained from the system. In biotechnological processes, where the transforming agent is a cell, many variables can interfere in the process, leading to changes in the microorganism metabolism and affecting the quantity and quality of final product. Therefore, the continuously monitoring of the variables that interfere in the bioprocess, is crucial to be able to act on certain variables of the system, keeping it under desirable operational conditions and control. In general, during a fermentation process, the analysis of important parameters such as substrate, product and cells concentration, is done off-line, requiring sampling, pretreatment and analytical procedures. Therefore, this steps require a significant run time and the use of high purity chemical reagents to be done. In order to implement a real time monitoring system for a benchtop bioreactor, these study was conducted in two steps: (i) The development of a software that presents a communication interface between bioreactor and computer based on data acquisition and process variables data recording, that are pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, level, foam level, agitation frequency and the input setpoints of the operational parameters of the bioreactor control unit; (ii) The development of an analytical method using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to enable substrate, products and cells concentration monitoring during a fermentation process for ethanol production using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three fermentation runs were conducted (F1, F2 and F3) that were monitored by NIRS and subsequent sampling for analytical characterization. The data obtained were used for calibration and validation, where pre-treatments combined or not with smoothing filters were applied to spectrum data. The most satisfactory results were obtained when the calibration models were constructed from real samples of culture medium removed from the fermentation assays F1, F2 and F3, showing that the analytical method based on NIRS can be used as a fast and effective method to quantify cells, substrate and products concentration what enables the implementation of insitu real time monitoring of fermentation processes
In this work it was synthesized and characterized the cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) by two methods: complexation combining EDTA/Citrate and hydrothermal investigating the influence of the synthesis conditions on phase formation and on the crystallite size. The powders were mainly characterized by x-ray diffraction. In specific cases, it was also used scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and isotherms of adsorption and desorption of nitrogen (BET method). The study of the crystallite size was based on the interpretation of x-ray diffractograms obtained and estimated by the method of Halder-Wagner-Scherrer and Langford. An experimental design was made in order to assist in quantifying the influence of synthesis conditions on the response variables. The synthesis parameters evaluated in this study were: pH of the reaction medium (8, 9 and 10), the calcination temperature (combined complexation method EDTA/Citrate 600°C, 800°C and 1000°C), synthesis temperature (hydrothermal method 120°C, 140°C and 160°C), calcination time (combined complexation method EDTA/Citrate - 2, 4 and 6 hours) and time of synthesis (hydrothermal method 6, 15 and 24 hours). By the hydrothermal method was possible to produce mesoporous powders with high purity, with an average crystallite size up to 7 nm, with a surface area of 113.44 m²/g in the form of pellets with irregular morphology. By using the method of combined complexation EDTA/Citrate, mesoporous powders were produced with greater purity, crystallite size up to 22nm and 27.95 m²/g of surface area in the form of pellets with a regular morphology of plaques. In the experimental design was found that the hydrothermal method to all the studied parameters (pH, temperature and time) have significant effect on the crystallite size, while to the combined complexation method EDTA/Citrate, only temperature and time were significant
Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) is an integrative process that combines concepts of chromatography and fluidization of solids. The many parameters involved and their synergistic effects complicate the optimization of the process. Fortunately, some mathematical tools have been developed in order to guide the investigation of the EBA system. In this work the application of experimental design, phenomenological modeling and artificial neural networks (ANN) in understanding chitosanases adsorption on ion exchange resin Streamline® DEAE have been investigated. The strain Paenibacillus ehimensis NRRL B-23118 was used for chitosanase production. EBA experiments were carried out using a column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30.0 cm in height that was coupled to a peristaltic pump. At the bottom of the column there was a distributor of glass beads having a height of 3.0 cm. Assays for residence time distribution (RTD) revelead a high degree of mixing, however, the Richardson-Zaki coefficients showed that the column was on the threshold of stability. Isotherm models fitted the adsorption equilibrium data in the presence of lyotropic salts. The results of experiment design indicated that the ionic strength and superficial velocity are important to the recovery and purity of chitosanases. The molecular mass of the two chitosanases were approximately 23 kDa and 52 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The phenomenological modeling was aimed to describe the operations in batch and column chromatography. The simulations were performed in Microsoft Visual Studio. The kinetic rate constant model set to kinetic curves efficiently under conditions of initial enzyme activity 0.232, 0.142 e 0.079 UA/mL. The simulated breakthrough curves showed some differences with experimental data, especially regarding the slope. Sensitivity tests of the model on the surface velocity, axial dispersion and initial concentration showed agreement with the literature. The neural network was constructed in MATLAB and Neural Network Toolbox. The cross-validation was used to improve the ability of generalization. The parameters of ANN were improved to obtain the settings 6-6 (enzyme activity) and 9-6 (total protein), as well as tansig transfer function and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm. The neural Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Padilha dezembro/2013 9 networks simulations, including all the steps of cycle, showed good agreement with experimental data, with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.974. The effects of input variables on profiles of the stages of loading, washing and elution were consistent with the literature
The wet oxidation of organic compounds with CO2 and H2O has been demonstrated to be an efficient technique for effluent treatment. This work focuses on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of Fe-MnO2/CeO2, K-MnO2/CeO2/ palygorskite and Fe/ palygorskite toward the wet oxidative degradation of phenol. The experiments were conducted in a sludge bed reactor with controlled temperature, pressure and stirring speed and sampling of the liquid phase. Experiments were performed on the following operating conditions: temperature 130 ° C, pressure 20.4 atm, catalyst mass concentration of 5 g / L initial concentration of phenol and 0.5 g / L. The catalytic tests were performed in a slurry agitated reactor provided with temperature, pressure and agitation control and reactor liquid sampling. The influences of iron loaded on the support (0.3; 7 and 10%, m/m) and the initial pH of the reactant medium (3.1; 6.8; 8.7) were studied. The iron dispersion on the palygorskite, the phase purity and the elemental composition of the catalyst were evaluated by X-Ray Difraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Flourescence (XRF). The use of palygorskite as support to increase the surface area was confirmed by the B.E.T. surface results. The phenol degradation curves showed that the Fe3+ over palygorskite when compared with the other materials tested has the best performance toward the (Total Organic carbonic) TOC conversion. The decrease in alkalinity of the reaction medium also favors the conversion of TOC. The maximum conversion obtained from the TOC with the catalyst 3% Fe / palygorskite was around 95% for a reaction time of 60 minutes, while reducing the formation of acids, especially acetic acid. With products obtained from wet oxidation of phenol, hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, catechol and oxalic acid, identified and quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography was possible to propose a reaction mechanism of the process where the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous and heterogeneous phase in the other by applying a kinetic model, Langmuir-Hinshelwood type, with evaluation of kinetic constants of different reactions involved.
Biosurfactants are molecules produced by microorganisms mainly bacteria as Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Among the biosurfactants, rhamnolipids play an important role due to their tensoactive as well as emulsifying properties. Besides can be produced in a well consolidated way the production costs of biosurfactants are quite expansive mainly if downstream processing is goning to be considered. Actually, attention has been given to identification of biosurfactants as well as optimization of its fermentative processes including downstream ones. This work deals with the development of strategies to recovery and purification of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa P029-GVIIA using sugar-cane molasses as substrate. Broth free of cells was used in order to investigate the best strategies to recovery and purification produced by this system. Between the studied acids (HCl and H2SO4) for the acid precipitation step, HCl was the best one as has been showed by the experimental design 24. Extraction has been carried out using petroleum ether and quantification has been done using the thioglycolic acid method. Adsorption studies were carried out with activated carbon in a batch mode using a 24 experimental design as well as combined with an hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl aiming to separate the produced biosurfactant. Biosurfactant partial identification was carried out using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Experiments in batch mode showed that adsorption has been controlled mainly by pH and temperature. It was observed a reduction of 41.4% for the liquid phase and the solid phase it was possible to adsorb up to 15 mg of rhamnolipd/g of activated carbon. The kinetics of adsorption has been well fitted to a pseudo-first order reaction with velocity constant (k1) of 1.93 x 10-2 min-1. Experiments in packed bed ranging concentration on eluent (acetone) has been shown the highest recovery factor of 98% when pure acetone has been used. The combined effect if using activated carbon with an hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl has been shown successful for the rhamnolipids purification. It has been possible to purify a fraction of the crude broth with 98% of purity when the eluted of activated carbon packed bed was used with pure acetone
The petroleum production is associated to the produced water, which has dispersed and dissolved materials that damage not only the environment, but also the petroleum processing units. This study aims at the treatment of produced water focusing mainly on the removal of metals and oil and using this treated water as raw material for the production of sodium carbonate. Initially, it was addressed the removal of the following divalent metals: calcium, magnesium, barium, zinc, copper, iron, and cadmium. For this purpose, surfactants derived from vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil, were used. The investigation showed that there is a stoichiometric relationship between the metals removed from the produced water and the surfactants used in the process of metals removal. It was also developed a model that correlates the hydrolysis constant of saponified coconut oil with the metal distribution between the resulting stages of the proposed process, flocs and aqueous phases, and relating the results with the pH of the medium. The correlation coefficient obtained was 0.963. Next, the process of producing washing soda (prefiro soda ahs ou sodium carbonate) started. The resulting water from the various treatment approaches from petroleum production water was used. During this stage of the research, it was observed that the surfactant assisted in the produced water treatment, by removing some metals and the dispersed oil entirety. The yield of sodium carbonate production was approximately 80%, and its purity was around 95%. It was also assessed, in the production of sodium carbonate, the influence of the type of reactor, using a continuous reactor and a batch reactor. These tests showed that the process with continuous reactor was not as efficient as the batch process. In general, it can be concluded that the production of sodium carbonate from water of oil production is a feasible process, rendering an effluent that causes a great environmental impact a raw material with large scale industrial use
The growing utilization of surfactants in several different areas of industry has led to an increase on the studies involving solutions containing this type of molecules. Due to its amphiphilic nature, its molecule presents one polar part and one nonpolar end, which easily interacts with other molecules, being able to modify the media properties. When the concentration in which its monomers are saturated, the airliquid system interface is reached, causing a decrease in interfacial tension. The surfactants from pure fatty acids containing C8, C12 and C16 carbonic chains were synthesized in an alcoholic media using sodium hydroxide. They were characterized via thermal analysis (DTA and DTG) and via infrared spectroscopy, with the intention of observing their purity. Physical and chemical properties such as superficial tension, critical micelle concentration (c.m.c), surfactant excess on surface and Gibbs free energy of micellization were determined in order to understand the behaviour of these molecules with an aqueous media. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were obtained aiming to limit the Windsor equilibria conditions so it could be possible to understand how the surfactants carbonic chain size contributes to the microemulsion region. Solutions with known concentrations were prepared to study how the surfactants can influence the dynamic light scattering spectroscopy (DLS) and how the diffusion coefficient is influenced when the media concentration is altered. The results showed the variation on the chain size of the studied surfactant lipophilic part allows the conception of surfactants with similar interfacial properties, but dependent on the size of the lipophilic part of the surfactant. This variation causes the surfactant to have less tendency of microemulsionate oil in water. Another observed result is that the n-alcanes molecule size promoted a decrease on the microemulsion region on the obtained phase diagrams
Provide data and information on watershed becomes important since the knowledge of their physical characteristics, land use, etcetera, allows for better planning and sustainable use of economically, socially and environmentally in this area. The investigation of the physical environment has been commonly given with the use of geoprocessing, which has proved a very efficient tool. Within this context, this research aims at analyzing the river basin Punaú (located in the cities of Touros, Rio do Fogo and Pureza, state of Rio Grande do Norte) in several aspects, using geoprocessing as a tool of work, to provide information about the entire watershed. Specifically, this study aimed to update pre-existing maps, such as geological, geomorphological and land use, generating map of environmental vulnerability, under the aspect of erosion susceptibility of the area, generating map of legal incompatibility, identifying areas that are already being employed in breach of environmental legislation; propose solutions to the occupation of the river basin Punaú, focused on environmental planning. The methodology was based on the use of geoprocessing tools for data analysis and to make maps of legal incompatibility and environmental vulnerability. For the first map was taken into account the environmental legislation regarding the protection of watersheds. For the vulnerability analysis, the generated map was the result of crossing the maps of geology, geomorphology, soils and land use, having been assigned weights to different attributes of thematic maps, generating a map of environmental vulnerability in relation to susceptibility to erosion. The analysis results indicate that agriculture is the most significant activity in the basin, in total occupied area, which confers a high degree of environmental vulnerability in most of the basin, and some agricultural areas eventually develop in a manner inconsistent with Brazilian environmental legislation. It is proposed to consider deploying a measure of revitalization of the watershed in more critical areas and conservation through mitigation measures on the causes of environmental degradation, such as protection of water sources, protection and restoration of riparian vegetation, protection of permanent preservation areas, containment of erosion processes in general, and others listed or not in specific laws, and even the establishment of a committee of basins in the area