35 resultados para Proteção da saúde
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health
The hospitalization is an event that can attack any person, independent of gender, race, social and economical condition. Last year, the prevalence of hospitalization was 8.1 for 100 inhabitants and the average time of hospitalization was 8.5 days for each patient one in Natal city. Therefore, an important point is whether the attention to the patients during the permanence in these health establishments incorporates the health integral model suggested by the principles proposed by the National Health System in Brazil (SUS), with actions of promotion and protection by different kinds of professionals, beside those called convalescence. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the patient s oral health conditions hosted in public hospitals of the Natal city, looking for to establish its relationship with several risk factors by two dimensions: the characteristics of the hospitalization and the patient s general and economical conditions. We accomplished a cross-sectional study with 205 patients distributed among the hospitals Onofre Lopes, Giselda Trigueiro and Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, looking for to know the socio-demographic characteristics, the food habits and of oral hygiene and the conditions of oral health, through the Visible Plaque Index and Gingival Bleeding Index. We observed that the conditions of the patient s oral health interned at public hospitals of reference of the municipal district of Natal is bad, existing accumulation of dental plaque and, consequently, a great number of patients with gingival bleeding. However, the time of hospitalization and its reason, the type of medicine used in this time and the toothbrush frequency were not configured as risk factors for this oral health condition
While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.
In Brazil school food is constitutionally guaranteed to public school students at the preschool and elementary level. This food must be nutritious, hygienic and sanitary. The aim of the present study was to assess the hygienic/sanitary conditions of food and table utensil handlers in municipal public schools in Natal, Brazil. In total, 27 public schools were assessed, using a checklist and microbiological analysis of the hands and table utensils. For the microbiological analyses of the hands, coliforms were analyzed at 45ºC and for the utensils aerobic mesophilic bacteria, using methods recognized by AOAC, 2002 and APHA, 1992, respectively. Most of the schools studied did not exhibit good food and utensil handling practice procedures in any of the variables analyzed. It was shown that 74.1% of the handlers received no periodic training, 51.9% did not undergo annual health examinations and 100% did not practice proper hand hygiene, which reflected significantly (p < 0.05) in hand contamination, where fecal coliforms were detected on 55.6% of the hands analyzed. With respect to the utensils, it was found that 100% of the schools studied did not follow correct hygiene practices and most were classified as very bad ; that is, aerobic mesophilic bacteria values above the limits established by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), with schools in the north and south districts recording the highest percentages. The results show that the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the food and utensil handlers in the schools studied were inadequate, demonstrating the need for implanting good handling practices aimed at protecting the health of children that take part in the program and offering safer foods. Researchers from the areas of food microbiology, nutrition, public health and statistics participated in this study, a decisive factor for characterizing it as multidisciplinary
The civil liability of the distribution and retail fuel stems from the fact business activity developed to be high risk and can be said as risk inherent or latent danger that has predictability and normality characterized by placing the consumer in a position of vulnerability, such as the environment, both public policies defined and constitutional protection. Consumer protection as a fundamental right and the environment as the primacy of social order aims the welfare and social justice, as inserted right to the third dimension, are guarded by the State when it creates operational standards through public policies and indirectly intervenes in the economic order. This intervention is due to consumer protection and the environment are economic order principles, founded on free initiative and free competition, ensuring everyone a dignified existence which underlies the irradiation of fundamental rights in private initiative, before the commercial evaluation, mass consumption, the emergence of new technologies that link consumers to the environment before the protection of life, health and safety and ensuring a better quality of life for present and future generations. To repair this damage and the right to information are provided as fundamental rights that put the person at the epicenter of the relations and collective interest stands out against individual interests that to be done need public-private partnership. In such a way that the used methodology was an analysis of documents correlating them with bibliographic sources whose goals are to recognize the civil responsibility as limit to subjective right, having to develop a social function where guilt and risk grow distant and the damage is configured as a consequence of inherent risk, requiring the State interventional postures in fulfilling its public policy; prevailing in these risky activities the solidarity of those involved in the chain of production and socialization of damage forward those are provided directly of products of hazardous nature that put in a position of vulnerability the environment and the consumer
The Brazilian Constitution maintains that care for elderly people is a responsibility shared by the state, the family and the society. The politics for the elderly corroborate this understanding and treats home as a privileged place for elderly care taking. This determines the participation of the familiar as a caregiver, but highlights the lack of strategic assistance for the needs of the relative caregiver who feels helplessly and unattended in their responsibility for elderly homecare. In recent years , despite the recently pursuit for health and life quality, there is an increasing incidence of elderly patients with dementia diseases that lead to disability, the most common among then is the Alzheimer´s disease. This disease affects seriously and irreversibly cognition, memory and independence of the elderly, making it dependent on others to perform basic activities of daily life, for all his life. The present study aims to evaluate the perceptions and feelings of family caregivers of elders with Alzheimer on the role of caregiver. This is a qualitative study conducted with family caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer´s, caregivers linked to the group of the Specialized Care Center of the Elderly´s Health, located in Natal / RN. Through semi-structured interview research sought to investigate the perceptions of family caregivers on the role of caregiver, the feelings and the changes in the caregiver´s life since they assumed this role. The data were organized into categories and units of semantic analysis and analyzed using thematic content analysis by Bardin. The reports originated three categories: the perception of the role of caregiver, feelings related to the caregving and consequences of the caregiver role. Perceptions of caregivers of elderly from the requirement of dedication to the care generates losses in personal and professional life for the familiar who assumes this responsibility. The lack of family and social support, aggravates the burden of care for the dependent elderly. Public health politics for the elderly recognize the importance and needs of family caregivers, but not enough to provide support and meet the needs and assist them in supporting their limitations. The research results show the urgent need to take measures to assist the caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer, recognizing them as an action of promotion quality of life and health of the elderly and protection the health of the caregiver
Estudo com abordagem qualititativa, teve como objetivo geral, analisar as representações sociais sobre o risco de contágio do HIV construídas por estudantes universitários portugueses da área de saúde, apontando-se aspectos psicossociais à adoção das medidas de biossegurança. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a junho de 2007, com a participação total de 486 estudantes da área de saúde de instituições de ensino superior, em Lisboa (Portugal), distribuídos em 248 de Medicina, 168 de Enfermagem e 70 de Medicina Dentária. Os estudantes concordaram em participar da primeira etapa da coleta de dados, constituída por um Teste de Associação Livre de Palavras com seis temas indutores de respostas e um questionário. Na segunda etapa, caracterizada por uma entrevista semi-estruturada , participaram 60 estudantes, sendo 20 de Medicina, 24 de Enfermagem e 16 de Medicina Dentária. Os dados coletados foram processados pelos sofwares SPAD-T e ALCESTE e discutidos com suporte teórico da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os resultados revelam representações sociais atribuídas ao HIV e aids através das palavras: vírus, incurável, medo, toxicodependencia, discriminação, sofrimento e morte. Ao pensar no cuidado para o paciente, os estudantes assinala para um fazer com dificuldade e inexperiência, que gera nervosismo e medo. Em relação ao risco de contágio do HIV, os participantes associam a proteção, medo e sangue, atribuíndo sentidos as medidas de biossegurança pela proteção com luvas e preservativo, influenciado principalmente por ser uma doença incurável e que causa sofrimento e discriminação. As conclusões revelam que as representações sociais atribuídas a aids e ao risco de contágio do HIV fortalece a proteção e o cuidado para uso de medidas de biossegurança. A compreensão desses significados no processo ensino-aprendizagem devem ser assumidos como instrumento norteador para a formação do profissional da saúde pelas instituições responsáveis
Desenvolvido no Parque das Dunas, segunda reserva ambiental urbana do Brasil, ocupando uma área de 1.172,80 hectares, com característica de mata atlântica de dunas, situada numa faixa litorânea na região urbana do município de Natal (05° 46 S, 35º 12 W), o presente estudo, realizado durante os anos de 2004 a 2006, teve como objetivo identificar as espécies de culicídeos existentes no Parque das Dunas, capazes de transmitir arbovírus, tendo em vista que em 2004 houve uma epizootia de saguis (Callitrix jacchus), que causou grande mortandade, sem definição do agente etiológico. No ano de 2004, foram pesquisados sete pontos no interior da mata, com instalação de 20 armadilhas de ovitrampas e 20 de bambu para coleta dos imaturos. Para os adultos, durante quatro vezes por semana, foram usadas as armadilhas de Sannhon. Foram coletados 5.691 imaturos, sendo 839 Ae. aegypti, 3.184 Ae. albopictus e 1.668 Hg. leucocelaenus. A coleta dos adultos foi realizada de 2004 a 2006, etapa em que se recolheu 17.506 culicídeos adultos, sendo 17.244 Wy. bourrouli, 255 Ae. aegypti, 593 Ae. albopictus, 1.275 Hg. leucocelaenus, 294 Oc. scapularis, 05 Oc. taeniorynchus, 02 Oc. serratus e 3 Li. durhami. Para os imaturos houve correlação significativa entre Ae. aegypti e umidade relativa do ar p = 0, 049 e pluviometria p = 0,00, Ae. albopictus apresentou correlação significativa positiva com a pluviometria, enquanto Hg. leucocelaenus não apresentou nenhuma das variáveis climáticas. Para os adultos, a análise de série temporal aponta flutuação sazonal significativa para Ae. aegypti (p = 0,003); Ae. albopictus (p = 0,04); Oc. scapularis (p = 0,008 ) e Hg. leucocelaenus (p = 0,003). Uma correlação significativa negativa foi observada entre o número de Ae. albopictus coletado e a temperatura (Corr= - 0,50, p = 0,01); isto é, para cada 1°C a mais há diminuição de 7 espécimes. Este estudo teve a participação de uma equipe multidisciplinar: biólogos, entomologistas, para confirmação das espécies; técnicos de laboratório, para acompanhamento diário das larvas eclodidas das armadilhas de ovitrampas. Teve a importante colaboração de profissionais da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz FIOCRUZ/Rio de Janeiro, da Universidade de São Paulo USP para identificação do grupo Wyeomyia.
The aim of the present study was to identify the representational elements of workrelated accidents in the health field, as well as investigate their most frequent occurrences at a university hospital, seeking to understand the cognitive, affective and social elements subjacent to the work process involved in health. The analysis focused on 470 middle and senior support staff of this hospital, based on the theoretical-methodological support of the Social Representations Theory. A combination of the following instruments was used for data collection: a free wordassociation test, a questionnaire, an interview and a field journal. Evoc 2000 software was used to identify representational structure. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests, at a significance level of 5%, were performed to verify the association between the independent variables and the occurrence of work accidents. In addition, thematic content analysis and lexicographic analysis by ALCESTE software program were used to understand textual content. It was observed that social representations of work-related accidents in the health area are centered in the contamination category, while the categories of prevention and professional unpreparedness are found peripherally. There was a significant association between the existence of multiple employment, the use of personal protective equipment (PPI) during work, job satisfaction and the occurrence of work accidents. The conclusions indicate that perforating-cutting occupational accidents predominated in the hospital and that the representations of the subjects intertwined, with a traditional discourse of work accidents strongly present in Occupational Health. It is therefore suggested that certain subjective aspects related to culture, in terms of controlling work accidents, such as: management, process, organization and the increasing precariousness
The work has objective to present actions of Physiotherapy, developed by SUS in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; discuss under the humanization point of view such actions of health; discuss the importance of physioterapy to the Norte-Riograndense, or maybe its role in the perpetuation of actions of health centered in the binomial cause/efect. The study was done in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data were obtained through public sources gathered in the health secretrary ship of this State. The collected data talks about physiotherapy sections developed by SUS in several areas of the State; such data was collected and analysed after the aproval of Ethic and Resarch Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Concerning the physiotherapy, along with the State Health Secretaryship of the State fo Rio Grande do Norte, there were only records of attending based on cure/rehabillitation, not being observed during the curse of study, any record or action of prevention, promotion and protection towards health. It s possible to notice that there is a highligth to the interventions focusing on the treatment of illness of rheumatic origin and general complaints related to the vertebral column. Such research evidenced that the Physiotherapy in the SUS in the State priorizes the individualized attending centered in the carteziano health/illness model, where the developde actions are turned to the curative and rehabilliting attention, with role fo some or no highligth in the primary attention
The 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil by presenting the catalog of fundamental rights and guarantees (Title II) provides expressly that such rights reach the social, economic and cultural rights (art. 6 of CF/88) as a means not only to ratify the civil and political rights, but also to make them effective and practical in the life of the Brazilian people, particularly in the prediction of immediate application of those rights and guarantees. In this sense, health goes through condition of universal right and duty of the State, which should be guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of disease and other hazards, in addition to ensuring universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery (Article 196 by CF/88). Achieving the purposes aimed by the constituent to the area of health is the great challenge that requires the Health System and its managers. To this end, several policies have been structured in an attempt to establish actions and services for the promotion, protection and rehabilitation of diseases and disorders to health. In the mid-90s, in order to meet the guidelines and principles established by the SUS, it was established the Política Nacional de Atenção Oncológica PNAO, in an attempt to sketch out a public policy that sought to achieve maximum efficiency and to be able to give answers integral to effective care for patients with cancer, with emphasis on prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. However, many lawsuits have been proposed with applications for anticancer drugs. These actions have become very complex, both in the procedural aspects and in all material ones, especially due to the highcost drugs more requested these demands, as well as need to be buoyed by the scientific evidence of these drugs in relation to proposed treatments. The jurisprudence in this area, although the orientations as outlined by the Parliament of Supreme Court is still in the process of construction, this study is thus placed in the perspective of contributing to the effective and efficient adjudication in these actions, with focus on achieving the fundamental social rights. Given this scenario and using research explanatory literature and documents were examined 108 lawsuits pending in the Federal Court in Rio Grande do Norte, trying to identify the organs of the Judiciary behave in the face of lawsuits that seeking oncology drugs (or antineoplastic), seeking to reconcile the principles and constitutional laws and infra constitutional involving the theme in an attempt to contribute to a rationalization of this judicial practice. Finally, considering the Rational Use of health demands and the idea of belonging to the Brazilian people SUS, it is concluded that the judicial power requires ballast parameters of their decisions on evidence-based medicine, aligning these decisions housing constitutional principles that the right to health and the scientific conclusions of efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency in oncology drugs, when compared to the treatments offered by SUS
In Brazil, social rights have always been considered secondary legal categories, whose implementation could wait for the pending of political decisions. At the end of the Second World War, International Law emphasizes the protection of human beings, raising his dignity as a legal pillar of the legal orders and one of the main foundations of Constitutions. At the post-positivism Constitutionalism, the realization of social rights receives special attention with the assumption of supremacy and normativity of the Constitutions, while the judiciary participates in the realization of democracy, not only as applicator of laws, but also as the guardian of constitutionality of the acts and administrative omissions, creatively contributing to the constitutional achievement, filling gaps and normative state omissions. In this aspect, the supply of medicines, whose costs can not be supported by the individual, keep a close connection with the right to life, health and dignity of the human being, as the subject of numerous lawsuits directed against the Public Administration. Such phenomenon has caused intense debate regarding judicial activism and legitimacy of these decisions, particularly on the need to define what are the limits and possibilities considering the principle of separation of powers and the principle of reserve of the possible; bieng this the problematic developed in this research. Thus, this research aims to verify the legitimacy of judicial decisions that determines to the Public Administration the compulsory providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of their treatment, as well as, contribute to the dogmatic constructions of parameters to be observed by judicial interference. Regarding the methodology, this research has an investigative and descriptive caracter and an theoretical approach based on bibliographical data collection (judicial and doutrine decisions) that received qualitative treatment and dialectical approach. As a result, it is known that the judicial decision that determines the supply of medicines to those individuals who can not afford them with their own resources is legitimate and complies with the democratic principle, not violating the principle of separation of powers and the reserve of the possible, since the judicial decison is not stripped with an uniform and reasonable criteria, failing to contain high burden of subjectivism and witch signifies a possible exacerbation of functions by the judiciary, suffering, in this case, of requirement of legal certainty. It is concluded that the Court decision that determines the government the providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of treatment should be based on parameters such as: the protection of human dignity and the minimum existencial principle, the inafastable jurisdiction principle; compliance critique of the possible reserve principle; subsidiarity of judicial intervention; proportionality (quantitative and qualitative) in the content of the decision; the questioning about the reasons for non-delivery of the drug through administrative via; and, finally, the attention not to turn the judiciary into a mere production factor of the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the cartelization of the right to health
Social security has constitutional protection and encompasses health policies, social security and welfare, which are explicitly recognized as a fundamental social right. When workers suffering from work disability are unable to earn income with your work force to support themselves and their families. The State, through the public welfare, contributory and compulsory, has a duty to protect workers in times of misfortune, replacing these income through the provision of social security benefits. Disability the employee has a higher degree of vulnerability, and the granting of disability claims a right sensitive, which can‟t suffer postponements, lest cause legal uncertainty and violating the dignity of the human person. There isn‟t legal definition of disability. The main purpose of the study is the constitutional protection of the worker carrying work disability, seeking to highlight the factors affecting work disability and proposing the use of objective criteria for the grant of social security benefits, because the criteria used are purely medical, based the subjectivity and agency of medical assessor, which hinders the judicial and administrative control of the State. At the time of preparing the expert report, the expert should not consider only tangible aspects, but also social and environmental issues, which contribute to the inability to work and therefore should be considered in granting social security benefits. The granting of social security benefits for incapacity for work is intended to prevent or lessen the impact of individual and social risks in relation to the worker incapacitated, ensuring that the constitutional protection to be effective. The presumed inability, the institute reversing the burden of proof and free conviction motivated are important tools for resolving conflicts between the insured and welfare, finding basis in the insured`s vulnerability, sensitivity and little reliance right at issue in relation to the employee social pension
It is about a study of an exploratory/descriptive type with a qualitative approach whose aim was to analyze the actuation of nursing technicians in Family Health Strategy (FHS), taking into consideration the defined attributions by the Ministry of Health (MH). Thus, it was sought to identify what activities they carry out, the difficulties encountered, what contributed to their professional performance, and what vision they have about FHS and about themselves in the context. Based on the assumption that the practice of Nursing Technician is not still geared to completeness and that the developed actions by this professional are predominantly individual and curative. We know that FHS proposes the work organization as a team, with territory definition, prioritization of promotion actions, protection and recovery of the individual/family/community health, choosing as a central point the establishment of entails between the professionals and the same ones. However, the team work pass through interdisciplinary, tying and competence, starting making the difference in the way of thinking and doing health. To the accomplishment of this study were interviewed twenty one Nursing Technicians of Family Health Units from Sanitário Oeste district in Natal-RN, using semistructured instrument. From the analysis, three empiric categories emerged: starting from the first, The reality of a dream: what FHS is for the Nursing Technician, we obtained two classifications: one inherent to the own conception they have about FHS, nominated The realization of a dream in the possible and another that corresponds to what they think about FHS, while project that doesn't take place fully, denominated of The beauty of a dream that doesn't take place. The second category was The FHS: a dream built in the daily of Nursing Technician treats of the day by day information of that professional; the activities they perform and how those are established. This created three other items, to know: The role of a Nursing Technician: a project that became routine; The pre-determined role of a Nursing Technician: the scale as factor of (non-)autonomy; and, Knowledge about the practice in FHS: challenges that are presented to the role of Nursing Technician. The third category, denominated of Charms and disenchantment in the beginning of a new practice, it is related to the facilities or difficulties in professional's actuation and how he sees himself in the context. From it emerged the "flowers" and the "thorns" found on the construction of a dream, which gave this study the title. The results indicate that, being considered the characteristics of researched professional category, it becomes fundamental the resizing of labor relations in FHS, being imperative that new glances is conducted, so that the way as those Nursing Technicians interacts with the families can become compatible, together with the team, as well as to return the attention for their possibilities and limits in face of the work process in FHS. Besides, it is necessary changes in the professional formation, so that it can guarantee the conceptual bases in the construction of new practices, seeking to answer to the model of current attention.
This study makes an analysis of the work of nurse of the, uncovering the meaning of work and of precarious work for the nurse. aims to analyze the forms of precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy the municipality of Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brazil. This is a qualitative study with analysis of the categories that emerged from search through dialog with the authors studied in theoretical framework of the sense of human work, the world of work actual and the precariousness of work in health. Used if the methodology of thematic oral history and semi-structured interview as an instrument for data collection and information. Participated 07 nurses of. There was predominance of females, with civil state married, with age between 29 and 47 years, inserted as nurses in Family Health Strategy 1 to 9 years. All referred satisfaction with work. Emerged 02 main meanings of work, whichever the design of work as a source of human and practical transforming of reality, with the sense of perform an action by the individual facilitator and suffers change. Include the precarious work not only as the absence of links labor and social protection, unlike the thought of the Ministry of Health, similar to the design of the study, the precariousness understood yet as the absence of participation of workers in the spaces work management and running of the work and the absence of structural conditions and infra-structural where the work process takes place. evidenced the totality of nurses inserted in Family Health Strategy by public tender. Refer have labor rights guaranteed. Don´t include under which legal arrangements are governed. The researched reality does not have a policy desprecarização nursing work of Family Health Strategy. Concluded the municipality presents progress and setbacks for the precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy. The collective work in health is a challenge in researched reality and the policy of desprecarização of the work of the management of education and work was not evidenced. Despite the implementation of the public tender these professionals have a degree of precariousness of work, with the accumulation gradient of responsibilities, some lack of working conditions in structural aspects, infra-structural and means and instruments