40 resultados para Projeto básico de engenharia
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
In the oil industry the mixture oil/water occurs in the operations of production, transportation and refining, as well as during the use of its derivatives. The amount of water produced associated with the oil varies and can reach values of 90% in volume in the case of mature phase of the production fields. The present work deals with the development of new design of the Mixer Settler based on Phase Inversion (MDIF) in a laboratory scale. We envisage this application in industrial scale so the phases of project, construction and operation are considered. The modifications most significant, in comparison with the original prototype, include the materials of construction and the substitution of the equipment used in the mixing stage of the process. It was tested the viability of substitution of the original system of mechanical mixing by a static mixer. A statistical treatment by means of an experimental design of composed central type was used in order to evaluate the behavior of the main variables of the separation process as function of the efficiency of separation for the new device. This procedure is useful to delimit an optimal region of operation with the equipment. The variables of process considered on the experimental design were: oil concentration in the feeding water (mg/L); Total volumetric flow rate (L/h); Ratio organic/water on volumetric basis (O/A). The separation efficiency is calculated by comparison of the content of oil and greases in the inlet and outlet of the equipment. For determination of TOG (Total Oil and Grease), the method used was based in the absorption of radiation in the infra-red region. The equipment used for these determinations was InfraCal® TOG/TPH Model HATR-T2 of the Wilks Enterprise, Incorporation. It´s important to stand out that this method of measure has being used by PETROBRAS S.A. Results of global efficiency of separation oil/water varied from 75.3 to 97.7% for contaminated waters containing up to 1664,1 mg/L of oil. By means of tests carried out with a real sample of contaminated water supplied by PETROBRAS we have got an effluent specified in terms of the legal standards required for discharging. Thus, the new design of equipment constitutes a real alternative for the conventional systems of treatment of produced water in the oil industry
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
O seguinte trabalho apresenta como tema a segurança contra incêndio aplicada a uma edificação de interesse histórico, sendo proposto o anteprojeto arquitetônico de reuso do antigo Grupo Escolar Augusto Severo, localizado na cidade de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, como pano de fundo para esta discussão. A proposta arquitetônica contempla a instalação do Centro de Extensão, Cidadania e Cultura da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte na referida edificação e, partiu de uma demanda real da instituição que na data da pesquisa desenvolvia o mesmo projeto em seu âmbito técnico-administrativo. No desenvolvimento do trabalho é proposto a aplicação da legislação local de proteção e combate contra incêndio e também a análise de risco de incêndio proposta pela metodologia do Programa Monumenta, a qual é adotada pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) através dos seus Cadernos Técnicos. As duas questões apresentadas se diferem por se tratar a primeira de um modelo tradicional e prescritivo (aplicação estrita da lei), e a segunda de um modelo não prescritivo que procura critérios de desempenho da edificação para elencar as medidas de proteção a serem adotadas, portanto, o trabalho procura abranger na situação de projeto proposta tanto as questões legais, como também considerando o real risco que a edificação apresenta (de acordo com a metodologia escolhida). Estes riscos, no caso de prédios históricos, podem ser maiores que os normalmente associado as edificações contemporâneas devido a uma série de fatores, tais como a baixa compartimentação, falta de proteção passiva, uso de materiais com maior poder de combustão e adaptações diversas decorrente dos usos que a edificação apresentou ao longo de seu tempo. Após esta análise de risco será desenvolvido tanto o anteprojeto arquitetônico como o projeto básico de combate contra incêndio, em consonância com as interferências e demandas geradas pela questão da segurança contra incêndio e pânico na edificação de interesse patrimonial.
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
This work consists of the conception, developing and implementation of a Computational Routine CAE which has algorithms suitable for the tension and deformation analysis. The system was integrated to an academic software named as OrtoCAD. The expansion algorithms for the interface CAE genereated by this work were developed in FORTRAN with the objective of increase the applications of two former works of PPGEM-UFRN: project and fabrication of a Electromechanincal reader and Software OrtoCAD. The software OrtoCAD is an interface that, orinally, includes the visualization of prothetic cartridges from the data obtained from a electromechanical reader (LEM). The LEM is basically a tridimensional scanner based on reverse engineering. First, the geometry of a residual limb (i.e., the remaining part of an amputee leg wherein the prothesis is fixed) is obtained from the data generated by LEM by the use of Reverse Engineering concepts. The proposed core FEA uses the Shell's Theory where a 2D surface is generated from a 3D piece form OrtoCAD. The shell's analysis program uses the well-known Finite Elements Method to describe the geometry and the behavior of the material. The program is based square-based Lagragean elements of nine nodes and displacement field of higher order to a better description of the tension field in the thickness. As a result, the new FEA routine provide excellent advantages by providing new features to OrtoCAD: independency of high cost commercial softwares; new routines were added to the OrtoCAD library for more realistic problems by using criteria of fault engineering of composites materials; enhanced the performance of the FEA analysis by using a specific grid element for a higher number of nodes; and finally, it has the advantage of open-source project and offering customized intrinsic versatility and wide possibilities of editing and/or optimization that may be necessary in the future
The necessity of the insertion of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the world-wide commercial scene and its claim as the seat of political power, in ends of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, determined the direction of urban interventions undertaken by government to restructure the city. In that matter, there were several actions of improvements and embellishment in Natal, which had, as a starting point, the adequacy works of the port, located in the Ribeira quarter, with the aim of ending the physical isolation that reinforced its economic stagnation. Besides the problems faced in the opening bar of the Potengi River, and would complement the required improvements, other barriers demonstrate the tension established between the physic-geographic field and the man: the flooded and slope which connected Cidade Alta and Ribeira the first two quarters of the city.The execution of these works demanded knowledge whose domain and application it was for engineering. But, how the actions done for the engineers, in sense to transform natural areas into constructed spaces made possible the intentional conformation of the quarter of the Ribeira in a commercial and politician-administrative center, in the middle of the XIX century and beginning of the XX? Understand, therefore, the employment effects of technology on the physical-geographical Ribeira, is the objective of this work that uses theoretical and methodological procedures of Urban Environmental History, by analyzing the relationship between the environment and the man, mediated by knowledge and use of technologies. The documental research was used, as primary sources, the Messages of the Provincial Assembly Government that later became the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte reports and articles on specialized publications, in addition to local newspapers. The work is structured in five chapters. First, some comments about Urban Environmental History (Chapter 1) supplemented with analysis of the conceptual construction of nature in the Contemporary Era and its application in the city (chapter 02), the following chapters (03 and 04) deal with the rise of engineers as a active group in the Brazilian government frameworks and their vision about the nature inside the urban environment and it is studied how the professional technicians dealt with the improvement work of the harbor and in the shock with the natural forces. Other works that would complement this "project" of modernization and had had natural obstacles to be removed the Ribeira flood and slope constitute the subject of the fifth chapter. Finally, some final considerations retake the initial discussions aiming an association between the technique and the nature as junction elements inside the process of constitution of a Modern Natal
Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates
With the high oil price variability, the petroleum and the reservoir engineers are usually face to face on how they can evaluate the well performance and productivity. They can improve high productivity from the well construction to the secondary recoveries, but they have never tried a measurement in the drilling operations about the lower productivity index. As a rule, frequently the drilling operations hear from the reservoir engineering and geology that, if there is a formation damage, probably some drilling operations practices were not done properly or the good practice in petroleum engineering or mud engineering were not observed. The study in this working search is an attempt of how to measure a formation damage just from the project drilling to the drilling operations, with datum from the fields in Brazilian northeast and putting into practice a Simulator developed from the modeling on the theory offered by different experts and sources in formation damage
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity
Through this research is detailed the Brazilian seismic code focused on concrete projects design related to seismic engineering. At the beginning of the research is debated the fundaments of the seismic effects, the influence factors to the development of seismic effects and also relates the main data registration happened in Brazil. The second step is study the Brazilian seismic code explaining all the concepts related to it and does a compilation to the most important international seismic code. At this research is developed the designing of a building submitted to horizontal equivalent seismic forces and the modal process based on the answer spectrum based on the brazilin seismic code. It was also developed the design of a commercial building submitted to seismic loads based on the Brazilian code answer spectrum and compared to the same building submitted to wind loads.The research also focus on projects conception and detailing of seismic engineering Project design. At the study of seismic engineering it was concluded that seismic effects require special focus on concrete structures design, proving that is the essential consider the seismic effects
The jangadas (brazilian fishing rafts) are rudimentary artisanal vessels intrinsic to the Northeast of Brazil. The fishery with jangadas is highly representative in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, and source of income for many families in addition to being a strong cultural icon. Is still alive despite the difficulties, bringing the history and customs of the fishermen and their people. However, is in process of extinction due to factors such as the low profitability of the activity, tourism and urbanization. From the understanding of activity involving their context and circumstances, based on identified problems regarding the conditions of use of jangadas as the unpredictability, the risk of accidents, poor working conditions, hygiene and housing, this dissertation aims to: analyzing the design of the jangada on the beach of Ponta Negra and its relationship with the activity in relation to health, safety, productivity and environment, and from such assessments, together with the results achieved during the workshops of the project, proposing a cart to move the raft, adapted to the local fisherman activity studied. To perform analysis of jangadeira activity, we used a methodology based on ergonomic work analysis - AET (WISNER, 1987; GUÈRIN, 2001; VIDAL, 2008, SALDANHA, 2004 and Carvalho, 2005). For data collection were used observational and interaction methods as a conversational action, verbalizations, photographs and video. It is emphasized that the search for solutions appropriate to the jangadeira activity was possible through the collaboration of several people, not just an informational level and understanding during the work activity, but effectively contributing to the making decisions
Public investments in the development of innovation in the country, either through the rigging of public universities, either through public announcements of the promotion, increased dramatically in recent years. To analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public resources is especially in times of austerity, essential for the development of a country. In this context, this research aims to identify the influence of public investments to promote innovation in the degree of maturity of innovative companies in the state of the RN. Another goal is to identify the regional influence from the installation site - capital or countryside, in the performance of the companies studied in the degree of innovation. The theoretical basis of the understanding of the scope of the concept of innovation and its determination for the purposes of this study. Typology, degree of innovation, evaluation methodologies and mechanisms to support innovation : Still on the theme of innovation additional concepts that help the reader to a greater understanding, such as are presented. Following is approached conceptualization of the triple helix, highlighting the concepts advocated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, Salomon and Silva and Ipiranga, Freitas and Paiva, among others. With regard to methodological aspects, we propose a descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research quantitative and qualitative approach with the target audience group of companies served by INOVA PRO- NAGI design - multi-institutional action from a public resource called FINEP promotes the development of innovative companies in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - in 2013. The research should provide reflection and understanding of the influence of public investment in innovation, which by means of qualitative predictive variables associated with quantitative method to explain which variables are significant variations in the degree of maturity of enterprises studied
The Oil Measurement Evaluation Laboratory (LAMP), located in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), has as main goal to evaluate flow and BS&W meters, where the simulation of a bigger number of operation variable in field, guarantees a less uncertain evaluation. The objective of this work is to purpose a heating system design and implementation, which will control the temperature safely and efficiently in order to evaluate and measure it. Temperature is one of the variables which influence the flow and BS&W accurate measurement, directly affecting the fluid viscosity and density in the experiment. To project the heating system it is of great importance to take the laboratory requirements, conditions and current restrictions into consideration. Three alternatives were evaluated: heat exchanger, internal resistance and external resistance. After the analyses are made in order to choose the best alternative for the heating system in the laboratory, control strategies were determined for it, PID control methods in combination with fuzzy logic were used. Results showed a better performance with fuzzy logic than with classic PID
In this thesis, a frequency selective surface (FSS) consists of a two-dimensional periodic structure mounted on a dielectric substrate, which is capable of selecting signals in one or more frequency bands of interest. In search of better performance, more compact dimensions, low cost manufacturing, among other characteristics, these periodic structures have been continually optimized over time. Due to its spectral characteristics, which are similar to band-stop or band-pass filters, the FSSs have been studied and used in several applications for more than four decades. The design of an FSS with a periodic structure composed by pre-fractal elements facilitates the tuning of these spatial filters and the adjustment of its electromagnetic parameters, enabling a compact design which generally has a stable frequency response and superior performance relative to its euclidean counterpart. The unique properties of geometric fractals have shown to be useful, mainly in the production of antennas and frequency selective surfaces, enabling innovative solutions and commercial applications in microwave range. In recent applications, the FSSs modify the indoor propagation environments (emerging concept called wireless building ). In this context, the use of pre-fractal elements has also shown promising results, allowing a more effective filtering of more than one frequency band with a single-layer structure. This thesis approaches the design of FSSs using pre-fractal elements based on Vicsek, Peano and teragons geometries, which act as band-stop spatial filters. The transmission properties of the periodic surfaces are analyzed to design compact and efficient devices with stable frequency responses, applicable to microwave frequency range and suitable for use in indoor communications. The results are discussed in terms of the electromagnetic effect resulting from the variation of parameters such as: fractal iteration number (or fractal level), scale factor, fractal dimension and periodicity of FSS, according the pre-fractal element applied on the surface. The analysis of the fractal dimension s influence on the resonant properties of a FSS is a new contribution in relation to researches about microwave devices that use fractal geometry. Due to its own characteristics and the geometric shape of the Peano pre-fractal elements, the reconfiguration possibility of these structures is also investigated and discussed. This thesis also approaches, the construction of efficient selective filters with new configurations of teragons pre-fractal patches, proposed to control the WLAN coverage in indoor environments by rejecting the signals in the bands of 2.4~2.5 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b) and 5.0~6.0 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). The FSSs are initially analyzed through simulations performed by commercial software s: Ansoft DesignerTM and HFSSTM. The fractal design methodology is validated by experimental characterization of the built prototypes, using alternatively, different measurement setups, with commercial horn antennas and microstrip monopoles fabricated for low cost measurements
Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento dos problemas associados à influência da observabilidade e da visualização radial no projeto de sistemas de monitoramento para redes de grande magnitude e complexidade. Além disso, se propõe a apresentar soluções para parte desses problemas. Através da utilização da Teoria de Redes Complexas, são abordadas duas questões: (i) a localização e a quantidade de nós necessários para garantir uma aquisição de dados capaz de representar o estado da rede de forma efetiva e (ii) a elaboração de um modelo de visualização das informações da rede capaz de ampliar a capacidade de inferência e de entendimento de suas propriedades. A tese estabelece limites teóricos a estas questões e apresenta um estudo sobre a complexidade do monitoramento eficaz, eficiente e escalável de redes