10 resultados para Postura Dialógica
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Considerando o papel do ensino superior em saúde para a sociedade brasileira, em que os egressos dos cursos ofertados na área serão os profissionais prestadores de serviços à população, este estudo objetivou analisar o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família - Natal-RN na formação de estudantes dos cursos de graduação em saúde da UFRN. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com análise de documentos das disciplinas SACI e POTI datados entre 2009 e 2011 (portfólios, avaliações de desempenho e oficina de avaliação), mediante o auxílio do software Alceste© e análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Na análise foi encontrado como potencialidades: o alunato trabalhando em grupo tutorial multidisciplinar, cuja interação e contato com a Unidade de Saúde da Família, incluídos os profissionais, bem como a comunidade, instiga nos aprendizes o diálogo consigo mesmo e com o outro, numa construção dos ser/agir no mundo. Os textos trabalhados durante as aulas permitem refletir e teorizar a respeito da realidade observada, auxiliando-os na identificação dos problemas e no traçar estratégias de intervenção. Já a observação da realidade reveste o aluno de humanização. Este passa a captar as necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pela comunidade observada. Nas fragilidades ficaram evidenciados: problemas de relações interpessoais entre os estudantes da SACI; a maioria dos projetos de intervenção ocorrendo numa perspectiva paternalista, reproduzindo o modelo de prestação de serviços na saúde mais praticado nas sociedades brasileiras; dificuldades em aprofundar no aprendiz, a importância da teorização dos assuntos; problemas de financiamento de projetos de intervenção; descumprimento do plano de ensino em alguns grupos tutoriais; e, por fim, dificuldades dos alunos e monitores em acompanhar as atividade de pesquisa e extensão do PET-Saúde, pela falta de integração dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos. Conclui-se que o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família adota metodologias ativas de ensino na inserção de alunos na Atenção Primária em Saúde, proporcionando uma formação dentro de princípios éticos e humanísticos a partir do trabalho em equipe e da inclusão reflexiva dos alunos na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Apesar da existência de fragilidades concernentes às relações interpessoais, descompasso entre as proposições multiprofissionais e interdisciplinares da SACI e POTI e as dificuldades de pô-las em prática em currículos fragmentados e organizados por disciplinas pouco flexíveis, potencialmente, ao fim dessas experiências conectadas a Atenção Primária, os discentes apresentam uma nova visão do cuidado com a saúde, próxima às necessidades da população, iniciando uma tomada de postura crítica e reflexiva, entendendo-se com sujeitos ativos no construir a saúde coletivamente
CRUZ, Ângela M. P.; Lycurgo, Tassos. Da atividade dialógica: aspectos lógicos. Revista Vivência, Natal, v. 26, p. 51-58, 2004.
The dissertation, which is based on the deductive method, by using general concepts of the theory of the administrative participation in the administrative process, addresses the importance of strengthening administrative and procedural activities of citizen involvement in public administration for the administrative consolidation of democracy in Brazil. The emergence of Administrative Law has particular importance for the understanding of its institutions and, of course, for the different fields of public administration. The authoritarian profile of this area of law still exists as a clear recollection of their origin, mainly based on a relationship of superiority of the state over the individuals. Indeed, does not even modern constitutionalism could print a true democracy administrative, since the constitutions were not properly observed by the Government. Furthermore, only the process of constitutionalization of administrative law legal relations took a more democratic profile. That is, the creation of an environment of dialogue with civil society is a recent achievement of the Brazilian government. As the administrative process involves dilemmas and solutions of state action, because it is revealed the expression government, the strengthening of institutions and principles related to the administrative procedure is important for role in making a more participatory relationship between state and citizen. Thus, administrative participation can be considered not only a mechanism of control and legitimacy of state action, but also for improvement and reduction of administrative costs, as a requirement of the principle of efficiency. The objective of this investigation is to assert as the administrative legal relation, the administrative legality, the administrative jurisdiction, the processuality administrative, the consensuality administrative and administrative justice, together with administrative participation, can contribute to a more democratic role of the Public Administration and, therefore, more dialogic and consolidator of the fundamental rights of citizens. Therefore, we highlight the importance of the administrative process and administrative participation as mechanisms for improving public policy and thus as a means of reducing administrative costs mediate the state
Cette étude a été faite à partir d une expérience d alphabétisation chez des jeunes et des adultes dans deux groupes du "Projet Réduction de l analphabétisme" realisé par l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte, le bureau du Ministere de l Éducation et la Préfecture Municipale de Natal-RN. Nous avons choisi la méthode qualitative de recherche, en utilisant l observation de la dynamique en salle de classe, considérant les acteurs sociaux comme étant le sujet actif du processus historique, culturel et politique. Nous avons voulu colaborer dans ce theme en proposant un référenciel théorique et pratique, en visant le dynamisme de la salle de classe, à travers la vision de I alphabétisation centrée sur les utilisations sociales de la lecture et de l écrit; la conception dialogique de Paulo Freire, basée sur la propre culture de l élève et sur sa valorisation en tant que sujet actif de l apprentissage ; la proposition pédagogique de Célestin Freinet dans son aspect de la dynamisation de la salle de classe renforçant le principe de la libre expression, de la colaboration, de l activité et le respect du rytme individuel, pour le succes scolaire. Nous avons rappelé que Célestin Freinet e Paulo Freire ont contribué dans la conscientisation individuelle, sociale, culturelle, politique, de l éleve par le processus scolaire. Nous avons séparé l intérêt et la participation de celles qui alphabétisent et des élêves dans ce processus éducatif. Nous avons constaté tout au long du travail des changements dans la posture de celles qui alphabétisent, surpassant les pratiques centrées dans le formalisme, et le verbalisme fruits de l Éducation traditionnelle. A vançant dans le sens de l Abordage Constructiviste de la connaissance, garantissant un climat de sécurité, de dynamisme et de respect en salle de classe
The present study investigates Internet as technological interaction in the school environment as a resource of the teaching-learning process. It aims to discuss the lack of synchronicity between proposals of educational access for Internet use and types of access and interaction applied by youngsters. For the development of this research, I resorted to a qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research focused on a group whose subjects are youngsters from eleven to fifteen years of age in a catholic school which belongs to a group of private teaching schools in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. As methodological option it focus on a group and the observation of its participation, discourse analysis and ethnography, considering facts and data of the pedagogical practice concerning the focused theme, besides the attempt to know the youngsters everyday at school and the relationship between them and juvenile cultures. It recognizes the existence of two moments of the focused group: the first related to internet use like technological interaction; the second concerns to the way Internet is problematic as technological interaction in classroom learning. While contacting with youngsters, the study discusses the concepts of Media Environments, Culture, Identity, Network, Consumption and Citizenship. It recognizes that it is relevant for the school to consider Internet a pedagogical tool, directed not just at research, but mostly as learning environment and as learning construction in a collaborative way. It points out the need of approach between school and media environment, reevaluating the pedagogical practice, offering a new evaluation proposal (self-evaluation). It suggests a renewal in the teacher's pedagogical practice in the classroom and using Internet, valuing the connection between technological interaction and communication as motivation elements of student s learning construction and their effective participation in decisions involving citizenship. It gives priority to educational work directed at the establishment of dialogic relationship between codes, learning and contents, leading to the new findings domain in the media environment, enabling the development of abilities and performances directed at the recognition and consumption of information from a critical reading of the media
Posture is one of the most worrying problems dentists face. That is because of the high incidence of low back pathologies regarding the professional activity, despite the development on the field of Dental Ergonomics. This work took place at the dental schoolclinic at a Federal University, and it was grounded on the Ergonomic Principles in the workplace. Its main objective was to analyze the determinants of inadequate posture adopted by students inasmuch as the adoption of non ergonomic methods at the school-clinic may influence them to develop inadequate postures in their working environment. The analysis of the activity showed us that it requires some complex procedures in the patient s mouth. Thus, when the students carry out the activity, they start to adopt, although unconsciously, inadequate postures which will make easier the visual accuracy and the access to the operation focus. In case there is no internal (body awareness) or external warning mechanisms (the professor s or the partner s counseling) regarding posture or possible risks which lead them to self-correction, the students become vulnerable to osteomuscle disorders. The time pressure, because the students are expected to perform their task in a predetermined clinical time. The facts related to each patient s variability as well as the stress caused by the expectations to get their work done in time make the students to advance it believing they will waste time if they help their partners or using an indirect view. We could also notice that there was no assistant to perform the job of minor ones, as well as there was no professor who could actually connect the knowledge on Ergonomics to its working practice. The conclusions of this work stand out the need of widen the discussion at the academic environment regarding health professionals in places such as universities. The ergonomic principles in the workplace aim a multidisciplinary analysis based on the experience of students, professors, staff members and janitors that can contribute to some reflection upon the issue and consequently actions which will bring positive changes at the working environment
Given the significant share of food costs of poultry production, it is necessary to use strategies and techniques to maximize the utilization and biological value of the components of the diets, keeping constant or improving animal performance. In this context, seeking partial substitution of corn and the best use of the constituents of the diet, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of inclusion of cashew pomace dehydrated (BCD) and enzyme complex (EC) in the diet on performance and quality eggs of Japanese quails. A total of 200 Japanese quail at 87 days of age, in 25 cages in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2 x 2 + 1 (two levels of cashew bagasse x two levels of enzymes) + control diet without cashew bagasse totaling five treatments with five replicates of eight birds each repetition. The experiment lasted 84 days, divided into four periods of 21 days. The treatments consisted of T1-Ration Control, T2-ration with 7.5% without EC BCD, T3-ration with 7.5% BCD with CE, T4-Ration with 15% BCD without EC and T5-Feed with 15% of BCD with EC. The enzyme complex (EC) is used fermentation product of Aspergillus niger, and cashew bagasse was obtained from the juice industry, passed through drying and crushing process for producing the bran. The performance and egg quality of quails, and performance variables: feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs (CAKDZ) and egg mass (CAMO), egg production (OP% bird / day), average egg weight (PMO) and egg mass (MO), and variables were egg quality, specific gravity (SG), Haugh unit (HU), yolk index, and the relationships between components eggs (%albumen,% yolk and %shell). Data were analyzed with the Statistical SAEG (2007). The 7.5 and 15% of cashew bagasse, independent of the enzyme complex decreased feed intake and improved the average egg weight. The two levels with the addition of EC showed significant differences for feed conversion by egg mass. The 7.5 with the addition of enzyme complex obtained the lowest average feed conversion per dozen eggs. The inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with or without addition of enzyme complex in the diet of Japanese quails not interfere in the internal and external quality of eggs. The 7.5 and 15% BCD without added enzyme complex gave better means for specific gravity. Under conditions in which the experiment was conducted, it can be stated that the inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with added enzyme complex feeding quail is economically viable, with the level of 7.5% with the addition of complex enzyme presented the best economic indices
The belief of using experimental activities in the teaching of Physics as a strategy to produce a more efficient teaching-learning process is great among teachers and the school community. However, there are many difficulties for their implementation and when it happens they do not contribute for an improvement in class efficiency due to the method used. In this work, we developed a proposal for using these activities in Physics classes in high school, from a critical-reflexive approach in which the constant dialogue between the participants in the teaching-learning process is fundamental. The work was developed in two ways. The first, where the author/writer created an educational material and applied it in classroom and a second one, where he presented the idea to other teachers and undergraduate students from the Physics course at UFRN and IFRN (former CEFET-RN) through an extended workshop entitled "The role of experimental activities in the Physics teaching". This workshop had the duration of 60 hours and was implemented in 4 steps: i) sensitization and formation, ii) material development, iii) material implementation and iv) evaluation by teachers and students from the classes where the material was applied. The goal of this workshop was to present the approach, evaluate how the participants received the idea and how they would apply it in real situations. The results of the application in classroom allowed us to reach some conclusions. This approach was well received by the students as well as by the workshop participants. Despite some difficulties in relation to the handling of the implementation results by the workshop participants, they indicated changes in these professionals teaching practice and the introduction of experimental activities has been an important subsidy to assist them in Physics class in high school
In this study, we intend to focus on the printed advertisement genre which reveals its discursive genre condition circulating in printed media sphere, specifically in four magazines: Playboy, Score, GQ and Men's Health. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the identity in advertisement gender directed at male audience in printing, by considering how commercials work in the consumer society by seeking to satisfy a particular group, the reader/male consumer with modern customs and behaviors. For this, advertisements from four magazines of January, April, July and October were gathered, totaling sixteen magazines and twenty-seven types of genre pieces over a period of one year: from January to December 2012. We have selected about 27 pieces that advertisers tried to expose the body on the space of advertisements, resulting in a heightened appreciation of physical appearance. So we divide our corpus in a category, adiáforo body, and three sub-categories: the body building; the tattooed body and the consumption body. This work is part of a qualitative-interpretative approach, in order to investigate the social reality, paradigm advocated by applied linguists. Thus, our study is turned to a related activity with language issues present in the printed media sphere. Advertisement is understood as real unity of discursive and inter-subjective communication, maintaining relationships with others statements already said and prefigured and calling others to settle. Based on these assumptions, we have presented an analysis of the printed advertisement gender in men's magazines basing ourselves in contemporary research on Discourse Dialogic Analysis in Circle studies by Mikhail Bakhtin, revisiting his theoretical and methodological aspects and the identity concepts and culture as well as authors of the advertising sphere. This research has been presented relevant as it has contributed to an analysis of the verbal-visual dimension of advertising directed at male audience, considered as a discursive genre that circulates in the printed media and advertising, steeped in dialogical relations and have also contributed to the construction and development of theoretical and methodological frameworks, and applied to teachers and professionals interested in the theme. Results have shown data demonstrating that the search for a completeness never come, the man have built himself the search of the perfect body, the pursuit of exquisite stereotype, the search for products that contribute to this his self-assertion always transient and in construction. It is concluded that the body is a recurring theme in the four magazines. The body tailored is always presented as the ideal to which every man must achieve.
CRUZ, Ângela M. P.; Lycurgo, Tassos. Da atividade dialógica: aspectos lógicos. Revista Vivência, Natal, v. 26, p. 51-58, 2004.