em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
O estudo da variabilidade da precipitação é importante para o planejamento das atividades econômicas, possibilitando o uso mais eficiente e racional dos recursos hídricos. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o estado do Rio Grande do Norte com relação à variabilidade temporal da precipitação, agrupá-lo em regiões homogêneas e comparar diferentes técnicas de agrupamento. Para o estudo da variabilidade pluvial foram utilizados os índices: Grau de Concentração de Precipitação (PCD), que representa o grau em que a precipitação é distribuída ao longo do ano; e o Período de Concentração de Precipitação (PCP), que reflete o período no qual a precipitação está mais concentrada. Para a realização dos agrupamentos foram escolhidas as variáveis: PCD, PCP, médias da precipitações anuais e médias das precipitações mensais. Posteriormente, foi aplicada a análise de agrupamento para obter grupos com características similares. Os resultados mostraram que as precipitações são melhor distribuídas na região leste do estado, neste caso, os meses mais chuvosos são de maio a agosto. Os municípios localizados nessa área possuem dois picos de chuvas, devido à atuação de dois sistemas: Perturbações Ondulatórias dos Alísios (POA s) e Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT). Nas regiões localizadas a oeste os meses que possuem maior concentração de chuvas são março e abril, neste caso temos apenas um pico de precipitação, devido a atuação da ZCIT. A identificação de áreas homogêneas favorece o planejamento adequado de acordo com as características de cada grupo formado e o RN pode foi dividido em 4 (quatro) regiões homogêneas. As técnicas de agrupamento utilizadas apresentaram resultados semelhantes, porém, sugere-se o uso de mais de uma técnica para que se possa analisar qual delas reflete melhor a realidade local. O estudo da variabilidade de precipitação, através dos índices estudados e do agrupamento realizado, são ferramentas adequadas ao planejamento ambiental e econômico
This study aimed to establish patterns of dynamics of litter and redistribution of rainfall of Caatinga vegetation. Sampling was done monthly for twenty three months in four areas: degraded, successional primary stage, secondary stage and late stage. We installed 72 collectors of 1.0 mx 1.0 m, with nylon fabric background in three areas. Litter deposited was fractionated into leaves, twigs, reproductive structures and miscellaneous, dried and weighed. To assess the stock of accumulated litter we used metal frame with dimensions of 0.5 mx 0.5 m, thrown randomly and collected monthly, taken to the laboratory for oven drying and weighed. To evaluate the decomposition, 40g of litter were placed in nylon bags (litterbags) mesh 1 mm ², dimensions 20.0 x 20.0 cm, being distributed on the soil surface and removed monthly, cleaned, dried and weighed. To evaluate the contribution of rainfall we used interceptometers installed 1.0 m above the ground surface, distributed under the canopy of six species of the caatinga, which evaluated the stemflow through collecting system installed around the stems of these species. The deposition of litter in the primary stage was 2.631,26 kg ha-1; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the secondary stage; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the late stage. The fraction of leaves was the largest contributor to the formation of litter in three stages. The degraded area showed greater accumulation of litter and decomposition has been sluggish during the dry period. We conclude that occurred greater litterfall in later stages. The late successional stage showed faster decomposition of litter, the evidence that is a better use of litter in nutrient cycling processes and incorporation of organic matter to the soil. The time required to decompose 50 % of the litter in the later stages of succession was lower indicating greater speed of release and reuse of nutrients by the vegetation. The specie jurema preta with less leaf area and consists of leaflets, showed greater internal precipitation in rain events of greater magnitude. The stemflow was not influenced by DAP and basal area. The water lost by trapping represented the largest proportion of total rainfall in all species studied
One of the most evident and actual concern, not only in the scientific means, but also of the public knowledge in general, is the lack problem of the potable water, that come increasing more each time, motivated mainly for the po llution of the sources, the bad use of the water and the increase of the population. In such a way, the necessity of looking for new water sources and the development of techniques to use sources minus explored is becoming even more important and urgent. T he rainwater comes being used since a long time like a supplying source, but, due the few knowledge of its characteristics, the generated preconception and the discrimination around its consumption and to the bad use of the technique of collection and stor age, it comes being little used, wasting consequently a significant parcel of this source. Trying to develop the knowing of some characteristics of the rainwater, the present work looks for to define the curve of variation of the quality of the rainwater i n three points with distinct characteristics of the city of Natal -RN, in the course of the precipitation, in some situations of time and space. For describe the curve of variation of the water s quality, some variables must be analyzed, and to be identifie d when they modify themselves in the endurance of rain, showing in which moment the purification of the water is more or less quickly. The pH, the Turbidity and the Electric Conductivity can be related with a big part of the physicist -chemistries variables found in the water and, like its analyses don't spend any material, they have easy access and measurement. The present work analyzes the curves of decline of these three variables, in three points with distinct characteristics in the city of Natal -RN, being these points: one next to the sea, another one in region with great buildings concentration and the last point in a less polluted area. For the studied region, it was during the five first millimeters of rain that occurs the biggest reduction of the exi sting impurities in the atmosphere, mainly between the first and the second millimeter, and after the five first millimeters the values of the variables stabilize. With exception of the University Campus, where initially the rainwater already has very good quality, the values of Turbidity and Electric Conductivity suffer a brusque reduction after the first millimeter of rain
The accelerated pressure of use and occupation of Rio Grande do Norte coastline in the last two decades presented the tourism as its main vector, having as a consequence a strong, articulated and growing real estate speculation of this area. In the Natal County there is a Zona Especial de Interesse Turistico II (Special Zone of Tourism Interest II) (ZET-II), consisted of urban beaches with approximately 8.5 km that is an important seashore of the city. The purpose of this research was identification, characterization and assessment of the process of use and occupation of dunes fields emphasizing the role of ZET-II, whereas the specific goals was the analysis of weather, geology and geomorphology, characterization of use and occupation of soil, and elaboration of an environmental diagnosis with identification and description of its mains consequences. The result of this work was the delineation of geologic-geomorphological map of the area with identification of principals units, determining its use and occupation, the measurement of the area already occupied by equipments, besides the description of the environmental impacts on dune fields: devastation, coastline erosion, ocean pollution by sewer and pluvial waters, contamination of groundwater, distribution inadequate of solid residues, landscape degradation, and occupation of seashore through the privatization of public areas. Concluding that the degrading changes occurred in this areas are resulting from the nature of use and urban seashore regulations, which have been diminishing the natural aspect, altering the landscape definitely, compromising the quality of hydro resources and altering its use, privatizing the areas between tides, complicating the population access and obstructing the scenery visualization of dunes and ocean. There is an urgent necessity of improvement of public politics in order to improve the strategies and organization of use and occupation of space urban-coastline
The state of Rio Grande do Norte, possessor of an extremely irregular regime of rains, has the necessity of enlarge and specify the researches about its own hydro-climatic conditions, to achieve trustworthy results that are able to minimize the adversities imposed by these conditions and make possible the implementation of a better planning in the economic activities and of subsistence that somehow utilize of the multiple uses of hydro resources of the State. This way, the daily values observed from the pluviometric series of 166 posts, with 45 years uninterrupted of historic data, were adjusted to the incomplete gamma function to the determination of the probability of rain in the 36 period of ten days in which the year was divided. To the attainment of the α and β parameters of this function it was applied the method of the maximum verisimilitude allowing, in the end, to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of the rain in the level of 75% of probability. The values of potential evapo-transpiration were calculated by the Linacre method that, through the SURFER software, were confronted with the dependant rain, obtaining, in this way, the spatialization of the potential hydro availability, which the values can be known to any period of ten days of the year, city and/or region of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. With the identification of the main meteorological systems that act in the State, we sought to better comprehend how this systems interfere, in the irregular regime of rain, in the situations of several clime in the major part of Rio Grande do Norte and in the hydro regional balance. And, finally, with these data in hand and with the generated maps, we verified that space-temporal distribution of the rain and of the potential hydro availability were heterogeneous in the whole State, mainly in the West and Central regions, inserted in potiguar s semi-arid, which, after the period of the rains station, suffers with dry season and length drought during the rest of the year
Studies indicate that spinner dolphins use the Baía dos Golfinhos, in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, for resting, reproduction, parental care and protection against shark attacks. The present study had the purpose of verifying the seasonality of spinner dolphin newborns and calves in relation to the months of the year and the pluviometric seasons (dry and rainy), as well as their interaction with the number and gender of accompanying adults and their positioning in relation to the adults (vertical, horizontal, and depth) in the above mentioned bay. The analysis were made out of photo records of dolphins collected between 2000 and 2006 (seasonality) and between 1995 and 2006 (interaction) both using ad libitum sampling method during free dives. To determine the age category, the reason between the smaller dolphin s total body length and the bigger dolphin s total body length was calculated. The dolphins were then divided into three age groups: adults, newborns and calves. Those with total body length ≥ 170cm were considered adults, newborns up to 105cm, and calves from 106cm to 128cm. In addition, the secondary characters described in literature were used to identify newborns and calves. The adults had dimensions of total lenght ≥170cm , the newborns until 105cm and calves between 106cm and 128cm. I addition, secondary characteristics described in the literature were used to indentify newborns and calves. The number of spinner dolphin newborns was greater in the month of April and higher during the rainy season. Throughout the months and pluviometric seasons (pluviometer/pluvial metric), the number of calves did not have a significant difference. Concerning to the presence of newborns and calves age groups at Baía dos Golfinhos, there was not a significant difference. It was possible to identify the gender of the escorting adults as (42), 95.24% being females and 4.76% males. Newborns were more frequently seen in the company of two adults, whereas calves were more often accompanied by more than two adults However, there was not a significant difference for the newborns, whereas for the calves there was a significant difference for those classified as loners and those accompanied by more than two adults. When in vertical positioning, the newborns and calves were more frequently observed in inferior position with some difference demonstrated between some of that. While in horizontal positioning both age groups were more often seen in posterior position, also with differences between them. In the depth perspective newborns and calves were positioned anterior, however with significant difference for the calves. The occurrence of a peak of newborns in the months of April may indicate the existence of a birth seasonality pattern for the beginning of the rainy season, with births scattered throughout the year. The results for the positions and escorting of newborns and calves are related to protection and suckling. These conditions reinforce the importance of the area when it comes to the care for offspring, which calls for the creation of conservation rules to the area, especially during those months with greater occurrence of newborns
The Environmental Protection area sof Pitimbu river are important tools for planning and territorial land management. The Pitimbu river protection is aided in laws, so much of Federal stamp, as the Brazilian s Forest Code (Law No. 4771/1965), and in State s and City s Resolutions. So, this research begins in the State s Law No. 8426/2003interpretations, for being the most restrictive in the river's margin occupation and management. The objective is to analyze the applicability of the Environmental Protection areas of Pitimbu river, localized at the State of Rio Grande do Norte, considering environmental legislation and how to use this space by the man. Having specific goals for the discussion of the legislation s scope to this river; the identification of the types of soil s covering and evaluation the effectiveness of Law Nº.8426/2003, as protection instrument and land management. The river is characterized by its ecological importance and for feeding the Jiqui pond, an important reservoir that supplies 30% of drinking water to the east, west and south population sof the capital of the State. Pitimbu river is passing by a process of environmental degradation, originating from actions as deforestations of its ciliary forests by intensive agricultural practices; introduction of urban and industrial effluents leading to its contamination; increase of the pluvial drainage; erosion, sedimentation and discharge of urban waste , along with pressure for urban settlements along its banks. Under the methodological point of view is part of theoretical planning and land management research, and from a vision of social and environmental spaces. It was produced a survey map of the soil s covering, with 16 classes. Divided into coverage and disturbed natural covering. Using the 300 meters spatial limits of the Environmental Protection Strip, according to the State Law. The survey highlighted a higher percentage of classes disturbed, indicating man s interference in the balance of that system, as well as the lack of environmental actions. Leading to the degradation of riparian areas, and lack of conservation of water resources. Finally, it was considered that the strips of environmental protection are not effective as the preservation and territorial ordination
Intense precipitation events (IPE) have been causing great social and economic losses in the affected regions. In the Amazon, these events can have serious impacts, primarily for populations living on the margins of its countless rivers, because when water levels are elevated, floods and/or inundations are generally observed. Thus, the main objective of this research is to study IPE, through Extreme Value Theory (EVT), to estimate return periods of these events and identify regions of the Brazilian Amazon where IPE have the largest values. The study was performed using daily rainfall data of the hydrometeorological network managed by the National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Água) and the Meteorological Data Bank for Education and Research (Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa) of the National Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), covering the period 1983-2012. First, homogeneous rainfall regions were determined through cluster analysis, using the hierarchical agglomerative Ward method. Then synthetic series to represent the homogeneous regions were created. Next EVT, was applied in these series, through Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). The goodness of fit of these distributions were evaluated by the application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which compares the cumulated empirical distributions with the theoretical ones. Finally, the composition technique was used to characterize the prevailing atmospheric patterns for the occurrence of IPE. The results suggest that the Brazilian Amazon has six pluvial homogeneous regions. It is expected more severe IPE to occur in the south and in the Amazon coast. More intense rainfall events are expected during the rainy or transitions seasons of each sub-region, with total daily precipitation of 146.1, 143.1 and 109.4 mm (GEV) and 201.6, 209.5 and 152.4 mm (GPD), at least once year, in the south, in the coast and in the northwest of the Brazilian Amazon, respectively. For the south Amazonia, the composition analysis revealed that IPE are associated with the configuration and formation of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. Along the coast, intense precipitation events are associated with mesoscale systems, such Squall Lines. In Northwest Amazonia IPE are apparently associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone and/or local convection.