46 resultados para Otite média com derrame : Cirurgia

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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A identificação de fatores que interferem na dor pós-operatória é útil para minimizar o sofrimento desnecessário e favorecer a uma intervenção analgésica adequada, evitando generalizações nas condutas terapêuticas. O propósito dessa investigação foi identificar os fatores preditivos da dor em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca e a relação existente entre dor, analgesia e personalidade. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo e analítico, aprovado pelo comitê de ética da UFRN (175/06), o qual proporcionou uma abordagem multidisciplinar ao envolver áreas distintas como: fisioterapia, psicologia, médica e enfermagem (interdisciplinaridade) na elucidação do objeto de estudo relacionado a fatores preditivos da dor. Para caracterização geral dos pacientes foi utilizada uma ficha de avaliação fisioterapêutica; a dor pós-operatória foi avaliada pela escala numérica de dor e questionário para dor McGill e o Inventário Millon de Estilos de Personalidade (MIPS) foi utilizado para identificar e avaliar as manifestações das características comportamentais e de personalidade. Foram acompanhados, do 1º ao 5º dia de pós-operatório (DPO), 160 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, 57,5% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 56,8±14,4 anos, sendo incluídos no estudo aqueles que se queixaram de dor no pós-operatório em pelo menos um dos dias de avaliação e assinaram termo de concentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE). Os dados foram submetidos ao teste Qui-quadrado, regressão logística multivariada, teste de correlação de Spearman, teste t e ANOVA. Ao serem submetidos à análise de regressão foram encontrados seis fatores preditivos da dor: tempo cirúrgico > 3 horas, dreno mediastinal e lateral, tosse, vômitos, tempo de dreno > 24 horas e sexo feminino. Estes fatores apresentaram uma correlação positiva e significava com a intensidade dolorosa referida pelos pacientes na escala numérica de dor e os pacientes que apresentaram mais fatores preditivos da dor referiram mais dor. 23 Já em relação ao McGill não se obteve diferença significativa entre os pacientes com mais e menos fatores preditivos. Observou-se que foram administrados diferentes tipos de analgésicos, isolados ou associados, sendo estes: paracetamol, paracetamol associado à codeína, dipirona, tramadol, toradol e tilatil. A percepção dolorosa apresentou magnitudes variando de leve a moderada do 1º ao 5º DPO e ao ser relacionada com as características de personalidade, nos pacientes com menos dor, observou-se os fatores: preservação, individualismo, introversão e os com mais dor foram: proteção, extroversão, retraimento, discrepância, afetividade, acomodação, comunicabilidade e firmeza. Evidenciou-se que o comportamento doloroso pós-cirurgia cardíaca é multifatorial e que a determinação da existência de fatores preditivos da dor permite ao profissional da área de saúde fazer o uso adequado dos analgésicos, haja vista que o alívio da dor é responsabilidade de todos os profissionais da saúde. Os aspectos psicológicos enquanto características de personalidade podem influenciar padrões de comportamento como os observados.


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Background: Obesity leads to alteration of lung volumes and capacities due to accumulation of fat in the chest wall and abdomen. Few studies have shown that weight loss induced by surgery improves lung function. Our objective was to evaluate the anthropometric development, pulmonary function, respiratory muscle, strength and endurance after weight loss induced by bariatric surgery. Methods: We evaluated in pre and post operative period variables of weight, BMI, NC, WHR and spirometric and respiratory pressure. Results: 39 subjects were evaluated, with age mean 35.9 ± 10.9 years, predominantly by women (76.3%). The weight mean decreased from 124.8 ± 17.5 kg to 88.8 ± 14.28 kg in post operative. The mean BMI ranged from 47,9 ± 5,6 Kg/m² to 34,3 ± 4,75 Kg/m². There was a significant increase in FVC from 3,63 ± 0,94 to 4,01±1,03, FEV1 from 3,03 ± 0,72 to 3,39 ± 0,85, FEF 25-75% from 3,41 ± 0,72 to 3,82 ± 0,94, PEF from 6,56 ± 1,47 to 7,81 ± 1,69, ERV from 0,35 ± 0,39 to 0,66 ± 0,38, MVV ranged from 103,43 ± 22,21 to 137,27 ± 29,84, all of them to p<0,01. The MIP and MEP showed no significant difference in pre and post operative. It was noted that for every centimeter reduced in neck circumference, an increase of 0.06 in FVC and 5.98 in MVV is observed. This is also observed in weight and BMI. Conclusion: We conclude that weight loss induced by bariatric surgery in obese provides a significant improvement in lung function and reduction of fat around the neck is more important in the generation of lung volume than the reduction of BMI


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The Specialized Dental Care Centers (CEO) were developed to provide specialized dental care to the population, given the accumulated needs of health since the past. They must operate as units of reference for the Oral Health Team of the Primary Care, complementing the dental procedures performed at this level of attention. This study aims to assess the performance of CEOs of the Grande Natal Health Region as a strategy of Secondary Care consolidation in oral health through users, dentists and managers. For this to try to identify factors about access, hosting and satisfaction with the service, the actions developed in these centers, integration between the CEOs and the Basic Health Units (UBS), considering the reference and counter reference. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, conducted in four CEOs, among 253 users, 31 dentists and 4 managers. It was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to content analysis by software ALCESTE 4.5. The results revealed that the specialties of prosthesis, endodontics and surgery were the most sought by 38.2%, 23.7% and 21.7% of respondents, respectively. It was noticed that among users aged 18 to 30 years-old the greatest demand is for the specialty of endodontics (44.4%) and over 50 years for prosthesis (76.4%). There is a weakness in the reference and counter reference between UBS and CEO, because part of users goes directly to the centers without going before to the Primary Care and the majority does not want to return to the dentist of Health Unit. Satisfaction with care was reported by 90.9% of users, because they resolved the problems needed and were welcomed by the team. But the delay in care was the main factor for not satisfaction. For most dentists, some users could solve their problems completely in Primary Care, which shows the existence of unnecessary referrals to the CEOs, however they consider the existence of limiting factors in UBS that compromise the service. Most dentists revealed that some users do not get to CEOs with the basic dental treatment done, and some of them do not counter reference users. It can be concluded that the studied CEOs are being resolutive for those who access them, offering necessary care for the population, and if they don t account with this service, will encounter obstacles to resolution of problems, ranging seek care service in particular, in another public sector, or even giving up treatment. However, it is perceived the need of professionals training to understand the importance of the reference and counter reference, to that they can better serve and guide users. It is also important that cities offer better conditions to UBS and CEOs, so they can work together, with complementary actions of oral health, seeking full care, aiming for better resolution to the users' health problems


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Introduction: Obesity shows changes in pulmonary function and respiratory mechanics, however, little is known regarding the prevalence of worsening respiratory function when considering the increase in central or peripheral adiposity or general obesity. Objectives: To analyze the association between anthropometric adiposity and decreased lung function in obese. Materials and Methods: Patients eligible for this study obese individuals (IMC≥30kg/m2) in pre-bariatric surgery and referred for Treatment Clinic of Obesity and Related Diseases, located at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), from October 2005 and July 2014. The evaluation included clinical information and measurement of anthropometric measures (body mass index (BMI), body fat index (BFI) and waist circumference (WC) and neck (NC)) and spirometric. The prevalence and analysis by Poisson regression was performed considering the following outcome variables: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) and as predictor variables were considered: BMI, IAC, WC and NC and as control variables: age, gender, smoking history and comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and hypertension). Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS - version 20.0). Results: We analyzed 384 individuals, 75% women, mean BMI: 46.6 (± 8.7) kg/m2, IAC: 49.26 (± 9.48)%, WC: 130.84 (± 16.23) cm and NC: 42.3 (± 4.6) cm. The higher prevalence of FVC and FEV1 <80% was observed in individuals with NC above 42 cm, followed those with a BMI above 45 kg/m2. Multivariate analysis using Poisson regression showed as risk factors associated with FVC <80%, the variables: NC above 42 cm (odds ratio (OR) 2.41) and BMI over 45Kg/m2 (OR 1.71 ). As for FEV1 <80% predicted, all predictor variables were associated, with the largest odds presented by the NC (3.40). MVVV was not associated with any studied varaible. Conclusion: Individuals with NC above 42 cm had higher prevalence of reduced lung function and the NC was the measure with the highest association with reduced lung function in obese.


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RAMOS, A. S. M.; OLIVEIRA, M. A. Fatores de sucesso na implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial (ERP): estudo de caso em uma média empresa. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÂO, 22., 2002, Curitiba-PR. Anais... Porto Alegre-RS: ABEPRO, 2002. v. 1.


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The State of Paraíba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Paraíba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images


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O desvio gástrico em Y de Roux é a técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada no tratamento da obesidade mórbida. Esta operação reduz o volume do estômago e o comprimento do intestino delgado, gerando alterações estruturais e metabólicas que podem influenciar no resultado de exames cintilográficos de pacientes operados. Com o objetivo de avaliar a biodistribuição pós-operatória do pertecnetato de sódio (Na99mTc) em órgãos de ratos Wistar submetidos à técnica do bypass (desvio) gástrico em Y de Roux (BGYR), foram utilizados 12 ratos distribuídos aleatoriamente em grupo tratado (n=6), submetido à cirurgia do BGYR e o grupo controle (C; n=6). No 15º dia de pós-operatório foi administrado 0,1 mL via plexo orbital de Na99mTc aos animais dos dois grupos, com atividade radioativa média de 0,66MBq. Após 30 minutos, os ratos foram mortos e retirados fragmentos de tireóide, coração, pulmão, fígado, estômago, rim e fêmur. As amostras foram lavadas com solução salina 0,9%, pesadas e submetidas ao Contador Gama 1470, WizardTM Perkin-Elmer-Finlândia para determinação do percentual de atividade radioativa total por grama (%ATI/g) de cada órgão. Empregou-se o teste t de Student para análise estatística, considerando-se significantes as diferenças das médias quando p<0,05. Redução significante na média de %ATI/g foi observada no fígado, estômago e fêmur dos animais submetidos à cirurgia de BGYR comparada ao grupo controle (p<0,05). Nos demais órgãos não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Em conclusão, a cirurgia BGYR em ratos modificou a biodistribuição do Na99mTc em alguns órgãos, podendo ter implicações clínicas na interpretação de exames cintilográficos. Este estudo xi teve um caráter multidisciplinar com a participação de pesquisadores das áreas de Cirurgia Experimental, Farmácia, Radiobiologia, Medicina Nuclear e Estatística


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A analgesia pós-operatória eficaz é especialmente importante após cirurgias torácicas, pois, além de aliviar a dor, facilita a retomada de atividades normais, incluindo a deambulação, a respiração e a tosse. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo são: avaliar a eficácia analgésica da associação entre anestesia geral e raquianestesia com morfina e ropivacaína mais esquema multimodal em relação à anestesia geral e esquema multimodal em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio; analisar a eficácia analgésica da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína e analgesia multimodal na remoção de tubos torácicos em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. A metodologia consiste em ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, envolvendo 58 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 59,8  8,9 anos, estado físico ASA II e III. Os participantes foram alocados em dois grupos, sendo o GI composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina 400μg e 6 ml (30mg) a 8 ml (40mg) de ropivacaína a 0,5% e analgesia multimodal; já o GII foi composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral associada à analgesia multimodal. Foi avaliada a dor, ao despertar, nas primeiras 24 horas, e ao realizar exercício respiratório, ao retirar drenos de torácicos e o tempo para extubação. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos testes do Qui-quadrado e Teste t de Student e o teste de Fisher. O resultado obtido foi o seguinte: o GI apresentou menor intensidade de dor ao despertar (p= 0,001), nas primeiras 24 horas (p= 0,001) e durante a realização dos exercícios respiratórios (p= 0,004). Houve maior necessidade de analgesia complementar no grupo GII, com maior consumo de morfina (p= 0,05), e os efeitos colaterais leves, como náuseas (p= 0,001), vômito (p= 0,002), prurido (p= 0,030), predominaram no GI. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (P= 0,47), em relação à intensidade de dor na remoção dos drenos. Após as observações feitas, o estudo sugere que a anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina associada à ropivacaína oferece melhor efeito analgésico no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Adicionalmente, o estudo sugere que o efeito analgésico da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína 1% associado à analgesia multimodal não é eficaz


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The biliopancretic diversion with duodenal switch is one of the mixing techniques used in the treatment of morbid obesity. The duodenal switch reduces the stomach capacity and leaves only 50-100 cm of small intestine for nutrition and absorption. The surgery produces hormonal, structural and biochemical changes, which can influence on the result of scintigraphic examinations in operated patients. With the objective of evaluate the postoperative biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) in brain, thyroid, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, small intestine, bladder, muscle and bone of Wistar rats. The rats were randomly allocated into 3 groups of 7 rats each: the duodenal switch group (DS), the control group (C) and the sham group (S). They were operated under anesthesia and aseptic technique. In the tenth postoperative day, 0.1mL of sodium pertechnetate was injected via orbital plexus. After 30 min the animals were killed with overdose of anesthetic and samples of liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, bone and brain were harvested, washed with saline and weighed. The detention of radioactivity was made using the automatic Gamma Counter Wizard, PerkinElmer and the percentage of activity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g) was calculated. There was no early or late mortality in either rats groups. The values of percent radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g), showed no significant difference in liver, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, kidney, heart, bladder, bone and brain, when compared the DS rats with sham and controls rats. A postoperative significant increase in mean %ATI/g levels was observed in spleen, pancreas and muscle in group DS rats, as compared to group S and C rats (p<0.05). In the lung there was an increase and in thyroid a decrease in mean %ATI/g of DS rats, when compared to sham rats (p>0.05). In conclusion, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch in rats modified the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in thyroid, lung, pancreas, spleen and muscle. The study had the participation of the departments and laboratories researches, as Nucleus of Experimental Surgery, Department of Surgery, Laboratory of Radiobiology, Department of Pathology and Service of Nuclear Medicine, certifying the character of a multidisciplinary research


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Introdução: A obesidade e suas formas extremas como a forma mórbida, vem assumindo preocupação nos sistemas de saúde pública e é atualmente considerado um dos mais importantes agravos de saúde no mundo desenvolvido. Acarreta repercussões em várias partes do corpo, com potencial para interferir negativamente também na função reprodutiva, recentemente sendo mais estudado na população masculina. Objetivo: avaliar parâmetros hormonais e seminais da função reprodutiva em um grupo de homens obesos mórbidos, antes e após 6 meses da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos: Inicialmente, de uma amostra de 36 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 40 anos e índice de massa corporal (IMC) ≥40 Kg/m2, apenas 1 caso foi excluído por ser portador de hiperprolactinoma e outros 24 pacientes não completaram todo o protocolo de avaliação laboratorial solicitada. Um total de apenas 11 pacientes completou o protocolo. Todos foram previamente avaliados por uma equipe multidisciplinar. O grupo selecionado foi submetido a avaliação seminal e dosagens hormonais de testosterona total(TT), FSH e LH. Os parâmetros foram reavaliados após 6 meses de realização da cirurgia pela técnica de Y-em-Roux, para análise dos efeitos da perda de peso sobre os parâmetros da função reprodutiva. Resultados: No grupo selecionado ao estudo, os exames pré-operatórios mostraram um grupo heterogêneo de resultados. Após seis meses do tratamento cirúrgico, a perda ponderal foi significativa no grupo analisado, com redução do IMC de mediana 46 Kg/m2para mediana de 36 Kg/m2(p=0,03). Em relação ao perfil hormonal, houve elevação significativa do nível sérico de TT com mediana de 187ng/ml no período pré-operatório para 457 ng/ml (p=0,02) no período pós-operatório. Entre os períodos pré e pós-operatório, não foram observadas alterações significantes do FSH (2,70 mIU/ml para 3,31 mIU/ml, p=0,79), LH (4,82 mIU/ml para 3,00mIU/ml, p=0,39), concentração espermática (38milhões/ml para 31milhões/ml, p=0,88) e motilidade A+B (50% para 50%, p=0,89).Conclusão: A redução ponderal decorrente da cirurgia em obesos mórbidos parece levar a uma elevação dos níveis de testosterona total, sem alterações nas demais provas de avaliação reprodutiva. Estudos adicionais com casuística maior e múltiplos parâmetros são necessários para esclarecimento definitivo do impacto da obesidade e da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia sobre a função reprodutiva masculina


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The work that follows has as its main objective the analysis of the discourse of media, with emphasis on newspapers printed on acts and events involving young offenders. The speech adopted by columnists of newspapers, based on formulas and journalistic practices exist, allows the reader a view of what happened in detail. But this wealth of information, contradictorily, it seems not permit, much less to encourage reflection on the what is being read. All information contained in narrative journalism seem to point to the establishment of maintenance of speech reinante of violence and repression against young offenders, from, and generally in the vast majority of cases, from poor neighborhoods and suburbs of large cities. The whole range of such important issues directly related to violence committed by these young people does not appear, does not appear in the text journalism. Words such as "marginal", "square" reinforce prejudices, stigmas against the youth, putting the company on constant alert against such "criminals", "malandros." The result of the survey was partial, but can conclude about the importance of the media against those social phenomena that amedrontam the society at present


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The elections for governor in 2006 with its victory Marcelo Déda Workers Party (PT), were a landmark in the state of Sergipe, for the first time, called progressive fronts (an alliance of parties formed mostly by origin of the left) broke the hegemony of two political groups, Franco and the Alves, whose direction was in force for over 30 years. This study proceeds on the assumption that the print media has certain standards of conduct in covering the election period. Therefore, this study seeks to quantify, classify and compare data from three newspapers more representative of the State of Sergipe (Cinform, Cidade Journal and Correio de Sergipe) to analyze the behavior of these journals, such as private apparatus of hegemony in election coverage 2006. It also uses the concept of hegemony Gramsci and theories of journalism framing (Entman and Porto) and agenda setting (McCombs and Shaw) to identify these patterns


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Social violence is one of the phenomena of human life that produce effects on the social imaginary as it is in it that are designed conflicting values concerning what is most vital to humans, such as respect for the strength and the fear of death, pleasure trespass for injury and pain, the rejection of injustice and anger that is born of revolt. The variability of feelings and reasons that constitute violence has required academic knowledge increasingly sensitive reflections that encompass the complexity of its manifestations. The feeling of fear and insecurity which constitute the collective social imagination has caused large changes in the behavior of both individuals and the society as a whole. This study aims to reflect on media representations the social violence in Natal-RN. Through a thematic survey and documentary analysis of three newspapers of Rio Grande do Norte - Tribuna do Norte, Novo Jornal and Jornal Metropolitano - was possible to list events and trace different discursive strategies that lead to receptors ideological interests of class, constitute social and spatial segregations and maximize violations of rights and of the human dignity, with important implications in the construction of social representations concerning the reality of violence


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The criminal responsibility of the media is analyzed when the criteria for production of news and events involving public safety are produced without considering the technical, legal and ethical practice of journalism in the media factors. Freedom of speech, expression of thought, necessary for professional qualifications and constitutional limits, reaching criminal constitutional principles and the possibilities of criminal liability for offenses practiced in the media are present as key factors legal dialogue in this work. The judgment of the Supreme Court on the unconstitutionality of Law nº. 5.250/67 called Media Law caused a gap in the national legal system, forcing the use of the criminal code to address issues that involve crimes produced in media professional performance. The presumption of innocence is ignored by the professional media during a police investigation where the information published does not respect, including constitutional guarantees: the right to privacy, honor and image. The right to information and the duty to inform media are worked in its constitutional aspect, considering that the same information should be produced is guided by the quality and guiding principles of truth. The constitutional concept of media is presented as information with the appropriate language of the news media, produced and disseminated through the vehicles of mass media, whether in print or digital platform. The presented model of the legal right to information is outlined from a constitutional hermeneutics, increasing the production of news as a result of the occupation of journalist in different news platforms, guaranteeing the quality of this prolific law. Under the Freedom of professional activity of the journalist, the constitutional limits are addressed in line with the reality of (non) regulation of their profession, considering the constitutional abuses committed in the exercise of that activity linked to communication fences. Jusphilosophic field reaches the limits of the duty of truth in journalism as a tool for spreading news, respect the audience and compatibility with the constitutional state. Using the conceptual and doctrinal aspects, this criminal offense is parsed from the journalistic practice and the publication of news involving public safety, with the hypothetical field consummation of that crime through the eventual intention. As a form of judgment against these crimes produced in honor media presents the court of the jury as a legitimate form of democratic decision


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This thesis is a result of a research on Natal/RN as a tourist destination. We understand that cities are chosen as tourist destinations beyond its cartographic localization, from other dimensions of meanings that, in its set, constitute images. These images are, probably, very different of the images constructed by native and resident populations, who possess relations of identity with the place. The knowledge of the meanings that others attribute to this city as tourist destination, bring us near to the symbolic bonds established by individuals or social groups on the act of their choices, as well as bring us near to the interaction process city-tourists where the expectations are confirmed or not. The images divulgated by the media also participate of the complex formation of the tourist image that is being constructed and available for the different public, in different social contexts. The tourism constitutes a symbolic asset of the modern society, being considered by the studious, as one of the most expressive phenomena of the modernity, for involving each year displacement and the interaction of thousand of people of different cultures in the entire world. All this people s mobilization points to practical social related to personal motivations, to the entailed desired to the idea to travel and to exceed borders. It is already consensus that tourism is a phenomenon of economic growth, generating jobs, income, professional, qualification, bringing improvements for the host cities. Since 1995, in Brazil, the tourism as a sector of the economy, passed to be considered one of the national priorities, and in this perspective, the national politics of the tourism invested in infrastructure of Brazilian cities with high tourist potential, objecting to increase the flows of Brazilian and foreign tourists. Owing to this fact, the country still invests in programs of tourist marketing, mainly divulging the images of the natural beauties of Brazil abroad. And for Brazilians, the campaigns appeal to rescue the feeling to be Brazilian, associating the idea to travel and know its country. Natal city possesses an excellent positioning in the tourist marketing, being predominantly divulgated in national and international level, for its naturalistic singularity, where the images of its natural enchantments as warm water beaches, white dunes, warm weather, constant breeze and an always blue sky are shown as the favorite scene on this city. From what was viewed above that the choice of a tourist destination articulates from a determined imaginary of a place, already constructed or in process of construction, we consider the knowledge of this imaginary a basic learning for the population of the city and especially, for educators, in the formation of professionals in this area and for tourism managers, elaborators of public politics. Based on this estimative, we developed this research that had as a general objective to identify the images that illustrate Natal city as a tourist destination - our objective of study, particularly the meanings and senses attributed by the tourist marketing (hotel s folders) and by the tourists that visited the city during this study. The discussions and reflections that had guided this research had been given from the theoretical link between imaginary and social representation, also considering some interfaces between the fields of communication and symbol. From the studied authors, Baczko (1985) clarifies that the study of social imaginary is directed for the mechanisms and structures of the social life, especially for the intervention accomplishes and efficient of the representations and symbols in the practical collectives, as well as in its direction and orientation . Following this same thought, Moscovici (1978) says that the social representation are produced in communicational and symbolic contexts, and these representations once that already constituted circulate socially as almost tangible entities. Based on this fundament and on the analyze of Barthes (1990), particularly in the approach given to the reading of photographic image, we could observe on hotel s folders that each page evidences senses and meanings of functionality of internal and external spaces, pointing to the way of leisure offered by the keepers of city which is the hotels. About, the leisure that they offer, it is directed to young public, giving meaning to the young myth of personalized leisure tourism on children, young and adults images. The image about security that hotels offer and the singular image of Natal city as a paradise place, provide an idealization of pleasure through the sun, dunes, and beaches and also due to the hospitability of the natives who are assigned as educated . For the tourist that participated on this research, Natal city is tied only by the imaginary of leisure and nature which constitute the emotional link of the relation media-city-tourist. And with such force and fullness of directions the city discloses without tensions and contradictions as a place protected by a mythical and sacred aura. The study also demonstrates us that the potiguar culture remains (almost) forgotten, due to the silenced in this imaginary. In this perspective, we highlight that this culture silence is very close related to the disvalue of education in its general meaning. We defend that the imaginary apprehended constitutes a new reading and a new looking and understanding the tourist reality that comes historically consolidating in this city. In this direction, we glimpse that this study and its future dismemberments can collaborate with the process of rescue the cultural values of the potiguar people, in the way that the meaning of tourist may be redefined, and the tourist image of the city can be also disclosed for its identities particularities of its culture