39 resultados para Músculo masséter

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of low laser power on the performance of anaerobic endurance of the quadriceps muscle in young subjects. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) appears to decrease some indices of muscle fatigue. Most of these effects may be due to the influence of the laser on the muscles predominantly aerobic. Animal studies and clinical trials have already shown that the laser can improve the efficiency of mitochondrial metabolism for the resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate and thus slow down - or minimize, the deleterious effects of muscle fatigue. This research was characterized as an experimental study of the controlled clinical trial, randomized, blinded, attended by 93 volunteers, military, with ages between 18 and 19 years. The subjects were randomly allocated into three groups: Control (G1), Placebo (G2) and Laser (G3). All volunteers underwent an anthropometric assessment and a protocol Fatigue. This protocol was applied to an initial assessment (AV-1) for the collection of baseline data, and a final evaluation (AV-2). As the study variables, we used the blood lactate concentrations and indices of muscle power, as average power and peak velocity. The fatigue protocol consisted of a test of speed with twenty repetitions, performed on an exercise machine leg press 45º . In conclusion, it was found that, in this study, LLLT caused a significant increase in the Average of the Averages Powers, phase eccentric exercise in leg press 45º performed by young individuals


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Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is described as anterior or retropatellar pain knee in the absence of other pathologies and is frequently associated with dysfunction of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO). However, several studies have demonstrated the inability to selectively activate this muscle through exercise. To evaluate the effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) selective VMO in women with syndrome. We evaluated thirty-eight women: twenty in the control group (24.15 ± 2.60 years) and eighteen diagnosed with PFPS (25.56 ± 3.55 years). Both groups were evaluated before and after a protocol of electro stimulation. To measure for comparing groups before and after treatment, we assessed the extensor torque concentric and eccentric knee through an isokinetic dynamometer, the intensity (Root Mean Square - RMS) and the onset of activation (onset) of VMO compared to the vastus lateralis (VL) in two types of exercise: open and closed kinetic chain. . Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Our data showed an increase in the intensity of activation (RMS) of the VMO muscle after NMES in both study groups. During concentric contraction the RMS of the VMO before the NMES was 105.69 ± 32.26 μV and after a single intervention was 122.10 ± 39.62 μV (p = 0.048) for the control group. In the group with PPS, we found a similar behavior, with RMS of the VMO before NMES of 96.25 ± 18.83 μV and 139.80 ± 65.88 μV after the intervention (p = 0.0001). However, there was no evidence in the RMS value of VL muscle. The onset was calculated by subtracting the onset of VL by the onset of VMO. For the group with PFPS, the onset before the intervention was -0.007 ± 0.14 ms, indicating a delay of the VMO relative to VL, and after NMES was 0.074 ± 0.09 ms (p = 0.016), showing an activation previous VMO to VL. The same occurred for the control group. We also observed that NMES increased knee extensor power during the concentric contraction in both groups. Before the intervention the mean power was 28.97 ± 9.01 W for the PPS group and after NMES was 34.38 ± 7.61 W (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: We observed an increase in electromyographic activity of the VMO and also an anticipatory effect of this muscle


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To evaluate the effects of warm-up and stretching, singly or combined, on isokinetic performance and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris. Materials and methods: Sixty-four volunteers of both sexes, with mean age of 23,1 ± 3,5 years and mean body mass index of 23,5 ± 2,5 Kg/m2 were randomly assigned into 4 groups: control, warm-up (stationary bicycle for 10 minutes), stretching (4 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring muscles static stretching) and warm-up + stretching. All the volunteers were submitted to evaluation pre and post-intervention of the muscle latency time and biceps femoris RMS and the passive torque, peak torque and power of the hamstring muscles. Results: The warm-up + stretching group had reduction of muscle latency time. There was a reduction of RMS during passive torque evaluation in stretching group. The RMS during isometric evaluation was reduced in all experimental groups. The RMS during eccentric evaluation showed reduction in control and warm-up + stretching groups. The passive torque and the eccentric peak torque had no significant differences pre to post-intervention in any group. There was reduction in isometric peak torque in all groups. Conclusion: The warm-up and stretching, when applied in combination can reduce the muscle latency time; stretching protocol promoted neural changes; the protocols used did not alter the muscle viscoelastic properties


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To analyze the effects of electrical stimulation at two frequencies on the EMG parameters (EMG) and dynamometer, in muscles with different typing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a controlled clinical trial, randomized and double blind. Sixty healthy volunteers (23.6 ± 4.2anos; 54.2 ± 7.7kg, 1.62 ± 0.009 cm) of both sexes were divided randomly into three groups: control group (CG), experimental group 1 (SG1) with application of the current Russian 30 HZ and experimental group 2 (EG2) at 70 Hz The volunteers performed an initial assessment (AV1) on the isokinetic dynamometer with three repetitions maximum voluntary isometric (MVC) for knee extension concomitant uptake of EMG for the VM muscle, VL and RF. Later, after application of NMES, they underwent an experimental protocol of isometric fatigue using 70% of MVIC, ending with the completion of a final assessment (AV2) in the same manner as the AV1. RESULTS: By analyzing the profile of the 60 subjects in three broad, VM showed a higher value of RMS behavior when the VL and RF (p = 0.03 and p = 0.02). With respect to Fmed the RF muscle (p = 0.001) showed a higher value for the VM. The VM muscle showed significant increases of Fmed (p = 0.05) after electrical stimulation at 70 Hz when compared the AV1 AV2 and RF showed significant decreases (p = 0.009) after stimulation at 30 Hz during the fatigue showed an increase RMS in the VM and VL, with a reduction in RF. For the variable Fmed was observed in three broad decline during fatigue. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide evidence that the muscles VM, VL and RF fiber typing are different besides indicating that the frequency of NMES tend to relate to the muscle stimulated. Finally suggests the surface EMG as a noninvasive method for characterizing muscle


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Methomyl (Lannate®) is an insecticide from the carbamate group, frequently used in pest control in various types of crops. This compound works inhibiting the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The use of physicochemical and ecotoxicological analysis is the most efficient strategy for the correct characterization and control of residues of metomil. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the acute toxicity of methomyl in 96 hours of exposure and, through a sublethal assay of 5 hours, to assess its effect on the activity of acetylcholinesterase present in brain and squeletic dorsal muscle of the Danio rerio fish. The results showed that the LC50-96 found to D. rerio was 3.4 mg/L and it was found through the average of four definitive tests. In vitro assays were used to test the inhibitory action of methomyl directly over soluble AChE, extracted from the squeletic dorsal muscle, with maximum inhibition of 68.57% to the insecticide concentrations of 0.2 mg/L. In sublethal tests with D. rerio, inhibitory effect of methomyl was found over the soluble form of AChE in the squeletic dorsal muscle, both in one and five hours of fish exposure to the insecticide. In both period, the average values of inhibition were around 61%. In the same condition, no significant inhibitory effect of methomyl soluble and membrane AChE of the D. rerio was observed in the 0.42, 0.85, 1.70 and 2.50 mg/L concentrations and in both times of fish exposure


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic rheumatic syndrome characterized by diffuse muscle-skeletal pain, and aerobic exercises represent a fundamental portion in therapeutic approach. Objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic exercises accomplished in the water of the sea (thalassotherapy) for women with FM and to compare with exercises accomplished in the swimming pool, involving a multidisciplinary team, composed by rheumatologists, physical therapists, students of physical therapy and students of physical education. Forty six (46) women with age between 18 and 60 years with FM were randomized in 2 groups: a swimming pool group (23 patients) and a sea group (23 patients). 80th groups trained a week with the same program of aerobic conditioning 3 times (60 minutes each) for 12 weeks. Ali the patients were evaluated, before and immediately after treatment, with Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) for pain and fatigue, number of tending points, Fibromyalgia Impact Ouestionnaire (FIO), Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), Pittsburgh Sleep Ouality Index (PSOI) and Beck Oepression Inventory (BOI). For statistical analysis, it was used paired-t test for analysis intra-group and non-paired test for inter-groups analysis, significance levei of p <0,05. Four patients, of each group, didn't complete the training programo Groups were homogeneous and they were compared in initial evaluation, except for BOI (p <0,05). Both groups presented statistically significant improvement for ali appraised parameters in the post-treatment compared with initial evaluation, there were reduction of intensity of pain and fatigue, number of tending points, better functional capacity (FIO), life quality (SF-36), quality of sleep (PSQI) and depression indexes (BOI). However, in comparison among the groups, group of sea (thalassotherapy) presented better results for ali parameters, however with statistically significant difference just only for depression indexes (BOI). At the end, it was observed that accomplishment of aerobic exercises in sea water or swimming pool was effective as part of treatment for patients with FM. However, exercise programs with thalassotherapy seems to bring more benefits, mainly related to emotional aspects, could be a therapeutic option of low cost for patients with FM in our area


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Osgood-Schlatter (O-S) syndrome, a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, exhibits high incidence in adolescence, a phase of accelerated bone growth. Detection of physiopathological mechanisms that may cause disorders and dysfunctions in bone growth must be taken into account when planning physical activities, in order to promote normal physiological growth patterns. The aim of this epidemiological investigation was to identify and analyze the relationships between sociodemographic, anthropometric and clinical aspects and O-S. A cross-sectional design was used, with a representative sample of 956 subjects: 474 (49.6%) males and 482 (50.4%) females. Age range varied between 12 and 15 years (mean = 13.7±1.04). We used a battery of tests, previously applied in a pilot study, which met the aims of the investigation. Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and standard deviation) were used and the odds ratio was calculated from bivariate and multivariate logistic regression (p<0.05). A prevalence of 9.8% was found (n = 94 cases): 11% males and 8.3% females. Hierarchized multivariate analysis showed a significant association between regular physical activities (OR= 1.94; CI 95%, 1.22-3.10) and shortening of the rectus femoris muscle (OR= 7.15; CI 95%, 2.86-17.86). The results may serve as a basis for therapeutic and prophylactic measures, in addition to increasing our knowledge of this syndrome in Brazilian adolescents. This investigation used a multidisciplinary approach, involving elements of anatomy, nutrition, physical education and physical therapy to elucidate the object under study related to Osgood-Schlatter syndrome


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This study aimed at assessing the interobserver reliability of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). The assessment was made by physiotherapists with extensive or little clinical experience in non-institutionalized elderly individuals. Participants comprised 12 elderly subjects (10 women and 2 men) with mean ages of 75.8 ± 8.4 years (range = 63-87) and 18 physiotherapists with varying clinical experience. Inter-examiner reliability obtained for each scale item yielded weighted kappa value > 0.75 in 11 of the 14 items (varying from 0.37 to 1.0). The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for the total sum of BBS scores between the two groups of physiotherapists was 0.996 (95% confidence interval, 0.987 0.999) with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.996. We found no difference between the rater groups when we compared the sum score means obtained with the student s T-test (p = 0.86). Although some items had low reliability values, in general our results suggest that the Brazilian Version of the BBS showed good levels of interrater reliability and agreement when used by physiotherapists with different clinical practice levels and without previous training on non-institutionalized elderly patients. We concluded that the BBS can be useful as an important evaluation instrument on a protocol for Rehabilitation clinics. It may be used by various health professionals, as: Physicians, Physical therapists, Physical educators, Occupational therapists, Nurses and Phonoaudiologists, so confirming the interdisciplinary character of this study


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Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a rare genetic disease with autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by the generalized absence of subcutaneous adipose tissue and insulin resistance. The aim of our study was to determine the profile of patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) through their clinical history, eating habits, and socioeconomic and cultural aspects; assess food consumption and nutritional status of the study group; propose and evaluate a diet therapy model associated to oral supplementation with zinc to help in the control and prevention of metabolic complications associated to the pathology. Initial assessment of food consumption indicated a voracious appetite in all the patients studied. The introduction of zinc reduced appetite, contributing to patient adherence to the food plan proposed. It was also observed that the proposed diet contributed mainly to glycidic control, specifically with respect to HbA1c. The nutritional status of the patients investigated was adequate in terms of body mass index (BMI), arm muscle circumference (AMC), arm muscle area AMA, but triceps skinfold (TSF) indicated serious malnutrition. Our study is unique in the literature and provides important information to the field of nutrition and to individuals with this pathology. Furthermore, it contemplates the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil


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A prática regular de exercício físico possibilita redução dos efeitos das disfunções hormonais e envelhecimento biológico natural que promovem desajustes hemodinâmicos, vasculares e músculo-esqueléticos, principalmente na população feminina no período pós-menopausa. Nesta fase da vida, o exercício aquático representa mais do que uma forma de ajuste funcional, é uma forma de manutenção de independência para as atividades da vida diária (AVD s) e melhoria na qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações adquiridas pela prática regular de um programa de exercício aquático concorrente de intensidade moderada no nível de óxido nítrico (ON), no índice de resistividade arterial (IR), no perfil lipídico, na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosas. A amostra foi formada por idosas (60 a 80 anos) selecionadas por randomização, por sorteio simples divididas em grupo controle e grupo de intervenção as quais foram submetidas a um programa de exercícios aquáticos proposto inicialmente em projeto piloto, por 12 semanas (n=34) e o ensaio clínico teve duração de 16 semanas (n=40). Foi coletada amostra sanguínea das idosas e avaliado o perfil lipídico pelo método enzimático com kit Labtest e o ON por medida indireta a partir da concentração de nitrito no sobrenadante das células em cultura em leitor de ELISA. A avaliação das artérias carótidas e vertebrais foi feita utilizando o método de ultra-som Doopler. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por quatro testes que simulam atividades da vida diária que são: caminhar 10 metros (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC) e o de levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV). No estudo piloto foi avaliado o índice geral de autonomia funcional (IG) e a qualidade de vida através do questionário WHOQOL-100. Empregou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas nos fatores grupo (GH e GC) e tempo (pré e pós-teste) para as comparações intra e intergrupos nas variáveis seguida do post hoc de Scheffé. Utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson e adotado o valor de p<0,05 para a significância estatística. Houve aumento do ON circulante, redução nos índices de resistividade arterial, melhoria significativa nos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides e ganho na capacidade funcional das idosas após a intervenção. Existiu correlação inversa entre a resistividade da artéria vertebral direita (VERTD) e níveis de ON e entre a VERTD e os níveis plasmáticos de HDL, assim como entre estes e o teste C10m nas idosas em estudo. Não houve modificações significativas na qualidade de vida das idosas. Em conclusão, o programa de exercício proposto foi capaz de oferecer melhorias funcionais, aumentar o nível de óxido nítrico circulante, diminuindo a resistência arterial promovendo modificações no perfil lipídico de idosas


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O desenvolvimento do esporte paraolímpico nacional e internacional tem estimulado maior participação das pessoas com deficiência em praticar atividades desportivas, exigindo dos atletas incrementos na intensidade e freqüência nos treinamentos e competições, o que impulsiona, ainda mais, os índices de lesões esportivas traumato-ortopédicas. Objetivamos neste estudo descritivo analisar as lesões traumato-ortopédicas mais frequentes nos atletas paraolímpicos, sua localização nos segmentos corporais, correlacionando-as com as modalidades esportivas praticadas pelos integrantes das Seleções Brasileiras Paraolímpicas. O presente estudo foi realizado com 82 atletas paraolímpicos da Seleção Brasileira de Atletismo, Halterofilismo, Natação e Tênis de mesa, de ambos os sexos, com deficiências motoras, visual e intelectual, participantes dos Campeonatos Mundiais, no ano de 2002, sendo os mesmos selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional os quais atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para o estudo. Para a avaliação clínica das lesões traumato-ortopédicas foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Prontuário do Departamento Médico do Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro (técnica da observação através da história clinica esportiva do atleta / anamnese e exame físico), entrevistas com os atletas e exames complementares das lesões traumato-ortopédicas quando necessárias. Os resultados do estudo com os atletas paraolímpicos revelaram prevalência de lesões no atletismo (MMII = 64,9%, coluna = 19,3% e MMSS = 15,8%); halterofilismo (coluna = 54,5%, MMSS = 36,4% e MMII = 9,1%); natação (MMSS = 44,4%, coluna = 38,9 e MMII = 16,7%) e tênis de mesa (MMSS = 56%, coluna36% e MMII = 8%), com predomínios das lesões músculotendineas em todos os esportes pesquisados. Os resultados apresentados nos permitem concluir que em todos os esportes pesquisados os atletas paraolímpicos apresentaram um predomínio das lesões músculo-tendíneas, tendo como localização no atletismo, lesões nos membros inferiores, no halterofilismo na coluna vertebral e membros superiores, na natação e no tênis de mesa, nos membros superiores e coluna vertebral


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Ideally the smile should expose minimal gingival, therefore patients with gummy smile and passive eruption altered or excessive marginal gingivae, usually excessive gingival display because incomplete anatomical crown exposure is present. If the maxillary incisor show at rest is optimal, active upper incisor intrusion should not be iniciated. To achieve a smile with minimal gingival exposure, the anatomic crown should be fully exposed by surgical crown lengthening. Precise determination of the location of cementoenamel junction prior to surgery, precise placement of incisions and correct establish of biological width are necessary in order to achive this goal. One protocol is decribed and clinical results from 15 brazilian subjects, after three years post surgery are showed


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The biliopancretic diversion with duodenal switch is one of the mixing techniques used in the treatment of morbid obesity. The duodenal switch reduces the stomach capacity and leaves only 50-100 cm of small intestine for nutrition and absorption. The surgery produces hormonal, structural and biochemical changes, which can influence on the result of scintigraphic examinations in operated patients. With the objective of evaluate the postoperative biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) in brain, thyroid, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, small intestine, bladder, muscle and bone of Wistar rats. The rats were randomly allocated into 3 groups of 7 rats each: the duodenal switch group (DS), the control group (C) and the sham group (S). They were operated under anesthesia and aseptic technique. In the tenth postoperative day, 0.1mL of sodium pertechnetate was injected via orbital plexus. After 30 min the animals were killed with overdose of anesthetic and samples of liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, bone and brain were harvested, washed with saline and weighed. The detention of radioactivity was made using the automatic Gamma Counter Wizard, PerkinElmer and the percentage of activity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g) was calculated. There was no early or late mortality in either rats groups. The values of percent radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g), showed no significant difference in liver, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, kidney, heart, bladder, bone and brain, when compared the DS rats with sham and controls rats. A postoperative significant increase in mean %ATI/g levels was observed in spleen, pancreas and muscle in group DS rats, as compared to group S and C rats (p<0.05). In the lung there was an increase and in thyroid a decrease in mean %ATI/g of DS rats, when compared to sham rats (p>0.05). In conclusion, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch in rats modified the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in thyroid, lung, pancreas, spleen and muscle. The study had the participation of the departments and laboratories researches, as Nucleus of Experimental Surgery, Department of Surgery, Laboratory of Radiobiology, Department of Pathology and Service of Nuclear Medicine, certifying the character of a multidisciplinary research


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Massive resection of the small intestine results in short bowel syndrome with anti-absorptive effect and repercussions on the metabolism. Morphologic and functional evaluation may be necessary in order to control wrapped organs. Scintigraphy an examination with little invading and no biologic damage can be used. The purpose were to assess the biodistribution of sodium pertecnetate in organs of rats subjected to massive resection of the small intestine, the intestinal adaptation of the remnant intestinal mucosa and weight curve evaluation in the postoperative period. Twenty-one Wistar rats were randomly allocated into three groups (n = 7). The operated group named short bowel (SB) after anesthetized was subjected to massive resection of the small intestine; the control group (C), and sham group (SHAM). On the 30th postoperative day, 0.l mL of sodium pertechnetate was injected into the venous orbital plexus. After 30 minutes, the rats were killed with an overdose of anesthetic, and fragments of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, femur and brain were harvested. The percentage of radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g) was determined using Gama Counter WizardTM 1470, PerkinElmer to all samples. Biopsies of 3 cm remaining jejunum were removed to histological analyses. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons were used, considering p<0.05 as significant. The study had the participation of some departments and laboratories, as Nucleus of Experimental Surgery, Department of Surgery, Laboratory of Radiobiology, Department of Pathology and Service of Nuclear Medicine, certifying the character of a multidisciplinary research. The results were no significant differences in %ATI/g of the sodium pertechnetate in the organs of the groups studied (p>0.05). An increase in the weight of the SB rats was observed after the second postoperative week. The jejunal mucosal thickness of the SB rats was significantly greater than that of C and sham rats (p<0.05. The biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate was not affected by massive intestinal resection in rats. An adaptive response by the intestinal mucosa probably contributed to the reversion of weight loss and the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate was not affected by the surgery