6 resultados para Linguística - Brasil

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The work in screen constitutes a study of entitled doutoramento THE teacher and your linguistic formation: a dialogue teoria-prática. In him, the researcher, discoursing on subjects that involve the teaching-learning of the verbal language, it focalizes the importance of the linguistic formation for professionals that act in the years you begin of the Fundamental Education. In that perspective, lens to analyze the interrelações among them you know about the teachers, referring to the language (verbal), mobilized in the process teaching-learning of the production of texts written by the students, enrolled in the years you begin of the fundamental teaching. For so much, it developed a research Colaborativa, of qualitative nature, with four partícipes, being three of them teachers of the empiric field, EETB (pointed school for the " Prova Brasil " (2005) as among the ten Brazilian schools with the worst index of revenue discente in the abilities to read, to write and to interpret) and the other (researcher) educational of UERN. The research made use of several methodological procedures, among which stand out: questionnaire, glimpses, reflexive sessions and cycles of reflexive studies, among others. These specific of the Methodology of the Elaboration Conceptual Ferreiriana, adopted in the process of (re)elaboration, for the partícipes of the language concepts, text, textual gender, spoken language and written language. With relationship to the analytic procedures, those were based in contributions of the theory of the formation of concepts, of the Applied Linguistics and of the archaeology of the elect concepts. The results appear that the process of linguistic formation, established through the research colaborativa and of the methodology of the elaboration conceptual ferreiriana, uniting knowledge of the areas of the Education and of the Language, it was productive and he/she reveals a narrow relationship among the acquired knowledge for the partícipes, the (re)organization of the process teachinglearning of the language and the improvement of the productions written by the students of those educational ones


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of the indicative mood, instead of the subjunctive prescribed by the normative grammar, in complement clauses introduced by the conjunction que in Brazilian Portuguese. Contexts of use of the subjunctive according to grammatical prescription, and contexts of fluctuation on the use of that verbal mood were analyzed, in an attempt to investigate what interferes on the choice of the mood by the user of the language. This study is based on North-American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, oriented to analyzing language in use, in the light of the principles of grammaticalization and markedness. The results obtained support that the contexts that favor the indicative over the subjunctive are those composed by a complement clause functioning as a direct object the unmarked clause of all complement clauses and by a verb on the main sentence that belongs to the semantic field of low certainty, corresponding to the epistemic sub-mode the unmarked category of the deontic sub-mode. The results indicate that pragmatics and semantics factors influence the language user on the choice of the verbal mood. This research also presents comparative data on the use of the indicative mood in place of the subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French, aiming to providing suggestions on language teaching


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This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD – (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotle’s Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD – (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotle’s Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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Some of the current discussions in the teaching of Portuguese Language (LP) pertain to how the school should deal with the phenomenon of language variation in the classroom. In 2010, for example, an explosion of talk took over the academic corridors: a book, entitled "Por uma vida melhor", the collection "Viver, Aprender", published by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) to students EJA (Youth and Adults) brought notions regarding linguistic variation, even in their first chapter. In it is clear the notion that it is possible to make use of structures as "pretty boy", instead of "pretty boys", depending on the context in which such use is insert. Therefore, the discussions focused around the notions of variety cultivated, standard and popular measuring them to the possibilities of linguistic appropriateness. The community was surprised by the defense of the "power" to use, since it would be the school space to teach a standard "default", and not the possibility of legitimate use of grammatical patterns that clashed with those recommended in traditional grammars. The television media has been responsible for a major blaze that MEC had endorsed the use in schools of a book that legitimized such linguistic patterns. The quarrel was released on Youtube and in that space, netizens expressed themselves for or against the proposal of LD often directing the discussion to questions of a purely political. We observed that, on one side, loomed arguments related to Sociolinguistics (BAGNO , 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009; BAGNO, M.; STUBBS, M., Gagne, G., 2006; Bortoni - RICARDO, S.M., 2008; Tarallo, F., 1982; U. Weinreich, MARVIN I. HERZOG, Labov, W., 1968, Labov 1972, etc.); another, arguments concentrated on defending the school is the area of language teaching standard, and not fit to bring certain discussions within an LD. It was from these words, that this research was born. Interested in the particular way that the community media, which seemed to have no training in linguistics, understand the concepts of right, wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, so intimate in academic circles. Our thoughts take as reference the theoretical studies on the question of sociolinguistic variation and education, official documents that guide the "work" with the Portuguese language in the classroom, like the NCP (National Curriculum) and Curriculum Proposal for Education Youth and Adult (PCEJA). In our analysis, we found that LD" For a better life "makes no apology for teaching the "error", but it raises discussions about the possibility of "change", linked to factors and different order. We realize how significant it is to observe how speakers of a language are positioned in relation to language teaching which they are not speakers and scholars. Our study showed that certain issues regarding the teaching of the Portuguese language, as is the case of linguistic variation, points are far from being resolved, either for linguists and/or grammarians, whether for language speakers.