18 resultados para Jornal diário

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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O tema deste trabalho é o Jornalismo Cultural. Uma apresentação e discussão de temas pertinentes ao jornalismo especializado em cultura nas páginas do jornal diário. A partir da leitura de alguns jornais, se traça considerações gerais acerca dos caminhos do jornalismo e dos estudos sobre jornalismo com o objetivo de apresentar o jornal que hoje se produz no Brasil, em texto, imagem e cor. O resultado é a descoberta do jornal como forma, desde o texto, escolhas lexicais e sintáticas, passando pelas imagens, composição, escolha e determinação da pauta, ao arranjo destes elementos na página, em respeito ao projeto editorial de diagramação. A conclusão a que se chega que há vários "eus" que governam o jornal diário, e que fazem o jornalismo cultural inovador, porta de entrada às mudanças no jornalismo.


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This project wants to analyze the newspaper like a collective organic intellectual thing, and its action like a conservator integral journalism, it makes it looks like a politics block. In this case, the newspaper inserts itself in a process to support the dominated fundamental class. In the same time, it searches to disqualify politically, using the news and the opinion, the sprouting of against-hegemony even untimely and distant in the historical time. Facing this proposal we take as study object the FOLHA DE S. PAULO, nowadays the most representative agency of the great conservative press. Our theoretical reference takes as base the Gramsci organic intellectual formularizations, hegemony, position´s war, integral journalism and private device of hegemony. We allow ourselves, in a subsidiary way to the Gramsci basement, using the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, as a method to explicit, in a comparative way, the manipulation of the reality by the newspaper in its activity of collective organic intellectual. The ideology is the heuristic connection point to make convergence between reality and fiction. For the intended evidences we develop analysis of the daily covering about two great accidents occurred in 2007: The landslide of part of the workmanships of the tunnel of the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo-Metrô (line yellow 4). And the flying disaster involving the airbus of Transportes Aéreos Meridionais-TAM, flight 3054, also in that state. In the first accident we find endorsement of the newspaper to the São Paulo´s government, in the person of the politician actor José Serra (PSDB), representative of the conservative forces and responsible for the workmanships of the Subway, to who it tried to distance politically of the fact. In the second event, the opposition to the politician actor Luis Inácio Luis Lula da Silva and his politics block, the PT, as a possibility against-hegemonic contested, being the mentioned actor appointed as responsible for the occurrence. However, the newspaper says that it is independent and direct, and this direct action comes from the environment. In this environment, the diversity of conceptions of world would guide the publishing work, making the FOLHA DE S. PAULO to take it as a reference for the intended objective, hiding the politics block militancy


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The infographics historically experience the process of evolution of journalism, from the incipient models handmade in the eighteenth century to the inclusion of computers and sophisticated software today. In order to face the advent of TV against of the partiality readers of the printed newspaper, or to represent the Gulf War, where not allowed photography, infographics reaches modern levels of production and publication. The technical devices which enabled the infographics to evolve the environment of the internet, with conditions for the manipulation of the reader, incorporating video, audio and animations, so styling of interactive infographics. These digital models of information visualization recently arrived daily in the northeast and on their respective web sites with features regionalized. This paper therefore proposes to explore and describe the processes of producing the interactive infographics, taking the example of the Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Ceará, whose department was created one year ago. Therefore, based on aspects that guide the theory of journalism, as newsmaking, filters that focus on productive routine (gatekeeping) and the construction stages of the news. This research also draws on the theoretical framework on the subject, in concepts essential characteristics of computer graphics, as well as the methodological procedures and systematic empirical observations in production routines of the newsroom who can testify limitations and / or advances


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The elections for governor in 2006 with its victory Marcelo Déda Workers Party (PT), were a landmark in the state of Sergipe, for the first time, called progressive fronts (an alliance of parties formed mostly by origin of the left) broke the hegemony of two political groups, Franco and the Alves, whose direction was in force for over 30 years. This study proceeds on the assumption that the print media has certain standards of conduct in covering the election period. Therefore, this study seeks to quantify, classify and compare data from three newspapers more representative of the State of Sergipe (Cinform, Cidade Journal and Correio de Sergipe) to analyze the behavior of these journals, such as private apparatus of hegemony in election coverage 2006. It also uses the concept of hegemony Gramsci and theories of journalism framing (Entman and Porto) and agenda setting (McCombs and Shaw) to identify these patterns


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio sobre el noticiero "Jornal do Dia" de la TV Ponta Negra, afiliada a la cadena de televisión SBT con sede en Natal / Rio Grande do Norte. El estudio evalúa, desde una perspectiva crítica, el comportamiento de la sección política de ese noticiero sobre la cobertura que ha estado haciendo sobre los acontecimientos políticos en el estado. Específicamente, estamos interesados en conocer, a través del estudio detallado de sus noticias, como los "hechos políticos" del Estado, entendida como una práctica política que se informó, se presentan en su noticiero. Del punto de vista metodológico, la investigación se toma la decisión de utilizar la hermenéutica de profundidad (HP) como propuesto por Thompson (2007) en su libro "La ideología y la cultura moderna". Sugerimosla HP porque es una referencial de alta eficacia analítica para el estudio de los medios de comunicación y en particularde la ideología. De este modo, como se versade una investigación sobre las "formas simbólicas" creemos que estamos en posesión de una importante herramienta metodológica capaz de permitir la comprensión e interpretación de las noticias diariamente "teleplasmadas"


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise à l école et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoquée par un enseignement cloisonné et décontextualisé de la réalité. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une présence si hégémonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pédagogique et on ne fait que très rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage télévisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient être utilisé pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, variée et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la compétence de communication. En même temps, ce langage pourrait servir à sensibiliser les apprenants à une éducation aux médias. Le journal télévisé peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intégré de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère, grâce à son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et à son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des sociétés. Ces qualités sont très favorables pour stimuler le transfert des compétences entre la langue maternelle et la langue étrangère, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connaître une culture. Le journal télévisé est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer à la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualisé, critique et conscient des problèmes et des répresentations des sociétés


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The present work has the intention to analyze the contribution of the writer and journalist Palmyra Guimarães Wanderley to the education, throughout her writings in the period between 1914 to 1920. I search through her journalist writings produced in the feminine magazine Via Láctea (1914-1915) her idealization, and as in the newspaper A República e Diário de Natal, in the decade of 1920 establishing relationships with education, mostly because of her production in the pages of the paper articles regarding feminine education and women condition. At the same time I sketch the biographic profile of Palmyra Wanderley relating her to the historical moment that she lived. To achieve the proposed goals I begin with a documental research within the available archives and use other sources like pictures and interviews with her relatives. The results of the research show that the worry of Palmira Wanderley with the education in our state, goes beyond her published writings in magazines and newspapers. She has been ahead of Escola de Comércio Feminino and Aliança Feminina, she has also done a conference in the House of the Young Single Ladies' Protection (Casa de Proteção às Moças Solteiras), institution of the Aliança s responsibility that offered shelter, food, formal and religious education to the workers of the Fabric Factory of Natal (Fábrica Tecidos de Natal). Her involvement evidences her contribution to the historiography of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, specially the history of women education ensuring her presence in the day by day history


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O estudo que ora se apresenta, examina a formação e aparição do discurso da educação higienista no Jornal das Moças, em 1926, ano de criação do periódico, na cidade de Caicó. Para tanto, partimos da hipótese de que ele se constituiu em um privilegiado veículo para a intervenção educativa da sociedade caicoense, no período inicial do Regime Republicano, reconhecido pelas intensas movimentações sociais. Para a execução do proposto, optou-se pela base teórica estabelecida pelo paradigma historiográfico instaurado pela Escola dos Annales, que permitiu a conjugação entre os pressupostos conceituais de Norbert Elias, Roger Chartier e Michel Foucault, com vistas a abranger um estudo da configuração social em que se formou a prática discursiva disposta no jornal em estudo, tendo como linha investigativa as proposições da história cultural. Quanto à compreensão e tratamento metodológico do discurso, contido como prática materialmente construída, aderiu-se ao enfoque analítico apresentado nas postulações foucaultianas, nas quais são considerados os conjuntos das formações enunciativas, esparsas em fontes e documentos que, coligidas, formam grupos de enunciados pertinentes à descrição de um mesmo objeto. A principal fonte de pesquisa foi a coleção dos números do Jornal das Moças, editados, apenas, em 1926, parte dela composta por peças documentais originais, a que tivemos acesso nos locais de pesquisa durante o esforço investigativo, como o Acervo da Biblioteca Central Zila Mamede, o Laboratório de Documentação Histórica do Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Desse modo, constatou-se que a prática discursiva que se examinou, na constituição desta dissertação, foi um meio para a compreensão das representações advindas do momento histórico e social das primeiras décadas do século XX, quando se tornam evidentes as articulações discursivas de uma prática pedagógica como dispositivos higienistas


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Maria Judite de Carvalho began his literature in 1949 in journals of Lusitanian capital. Until his death, which occurred in 1998, published more a thousand texts, most of them have never been extracted from their support original, the newspaper, making them unknown to the public today. In order to rescue of this precious material chosen as the literary corpus of Search the chronicles published in the Diário de Lisboa, periodic where the writer published the largest number of texts in the section Rectângulos da Vida, 395 (three hundred and ninety-five) chronic for five consecutive years (1968-1972). Looking at these texts I realized that she inserted into her narrative the changes occurred in the twentieth century, in Portugal, capturing the moment of breaking with traditional models and introducing new paradigms imposed by modernity. What happens in this period is an extremely fast and deep change of values and customs with which the Portuguese society faces and experiences with a certain uneasiness. Given this unstable scenario, Maria Judite expresses, through her ironic and critical narrative, the portrait of the Portuguese people and their behavior full of anguish and sorrows that are revealed through the gloom. After a thorough reading of his texts I found that this was the guiding element of juditiana writing. It is presented in the chronicles in many respects they were privileged during the five years of publications they are loneliness, abandonment, death, isolation of individuals who feel increasingly powerless in the face of changes experienced as a consequence of this state and present is melancholy all the time. This is a photograph of Maria Judite de Carvalho on Portuguese society told in her chronicles as I saw this survey.


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The objective of this paper is to analyze how the female figure was portrayed in discursive narratives in the bi-weekly newspaper O PORVIR , which circulated in Currais Novos, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between May 2, 1926 and January 20, 1929. Our analysis was based on the semantics of the text, by applying one of the primary concepts used in Textual Analysis of Speeches, Discursive Representation (ADAM, 2011; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Textual Analysis of Speeches has its roots in Textual Linguistics and consists of a theoretical and descriptive approach (ADAM, 2011). This research is characterized as documentary (SEVERINO, 2007) and its corpus includes a review of 39 editions of the aforementioned newspaper, of which we extracted 292 articles that dealt with the female figure and 396 statements for analysis. We used the following semantic categories: referencing (CASTILHO, 2010; NEVES, 2007; KOCH; MARCUSCHI, 1998; MARCUSCHI, 2008; KOCH, 2009); predication (NEVES, 2007; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010); modification (ADAM, 2011); and spacial and temporal localization (RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Our analysis revealed that lady, mother, wife and homemaker were most represented, and always combined with questions about motherhood, marriage and devotion to the home. Such representation does not diverge from pre-colonial models in the early twentieth century, which served as a standard for the female figure


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The text, to be held in different linguistic spheres, in many aspects absorbs the changing processes through which language passes as a result of socio-historical changes. In this sense, this research proposes a study on gender sorted, motivated by the desire of understanding how the text incorporates traces of change and how to keep its constituents over time, in order to point out what are its characteristic traits. Our analysis is centered on the newspaper s section called classificados of Tribuna do Norte, state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the XX and XXI centuries. From the survey data a descriptive and analytical analysis was performed with a corpus of 250 listings, divided between the years 1951-2010. Based on a diachronic analysis, we also seek to investigate the macro-structural aspects of gender and microstructural compositional elements from the opportunities section that originated the Caderno de Classificados . For this reason, this approach has focused on particular Roman German Philology, especially in the works of Coseriu (1980) and Kabatek (2006). The analysis revealed that since its inception in Brazil, the classificados have fixed constituent elements, such as the use of "sell" and "rent" in the title or introduction, but also shows traces of change in the closure of the text, and especially with regard to the division of classificados by area of interest, that in the newspaper called Tribuna do Norte started in the Opportunities section


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This study aims to historicize a problem: How Campinense Club, club social of the city of Campina Grande, became a popular club? This guild was founded in 1915 by a group of graduates, which they called "Campinense" a social club dedicated to the enjoyment of the city's elites. To investigate the mechanisms that have led to this popularity, was chosen that includes a period from 1954 to 1965, when it was created a department where the professional football club won a string of six consecutive championships, considered the main achievement of its history sports. Were used as research sources Borborema the Journal, a newspaper founded in 1957 and that during the period in question, was the spokesman of the main political groups in the city, which on many occasions were the sponsors of the clubs the same. This newspaper had a daily sports column and introduced the red-black team to Paraíba. Were used, although the club's meeting minutes taken as official documents, which allowed it to be mounted on a puzzle of the club's events, since the information about the Campinense present rather fragmented. Finally, respondents were fans, athletes and leaders who, through his lines in a way pointed out other possibilities such as a club, believed to be aristocratic, has become a passion among the fans, giving rise to this conception to be one that Campinense broke with the established elites of the city.


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The present work regards, as its subject, the management of the urban space. It aims to survey the role assumed by the Conselho de Intendência Municipal de Natal (Municipal Stewardship Council of Natal) in the formation of a new urban order between the years of 1904 and 1929. For a better comprehension of the object of research, the milestone of the time span analyzed in this work was receded to the year of 1890, specifically at the first chapter of this dissertation. In this chapter, we will turn our attention towards an analysis of the referred council, on the regulation of its operation, the relations of this institution with the state government and its mechanisms of action in the city, among other topics. In the next chapter, we will delve into an elite who administrated the city of Natal during the first republic, understanding that the analysis of the formation of a modern city project by the Municipal Stewardship undergoes the comprehension of those who leaded this institution. In the third chapter, we will examine the limits of the municipal management to put into practice its projects to the upraise of a new Natal, between the years of 1904 and 1921. The last chapter, on its turn, presents a new Stewardship, reformulated after a process of administrative streamlining, and a city that transforms itself, especially during the O Grady tenure by receiving major constructions, which alter its main features. We will regard, as the main resources of this study, articles from the daily newspapers A República (The Republic) and Diário de Natal (Daily Natal), dictums, announcements, laws, state decrees and the messages disclosed by the state government. To build a way of analysis, we make use of authors such as Anthony Giddens, Peter Burke and Laurent Vidal, among many others who discuss concepts related to the proposed theme