11 resultados para Interferencia temática

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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MEDEIROS, Rildeci; MELO, Erica S. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. S. Hemeroteca digital temática: socialização da informação em cinema.In:SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS,15.,2008,São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... São Paulo:CRUESP,2008. Disponível em: http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/snbu2008/anais/site/pdfs/3018.pdf


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Throughout its history the population of the region of Mato Grande, which includes the city of João Câmara, in Rio Grande do Norte, was subject to earthquakes. These events are caused by a geological fault, known as fault Samambaia. In the 1980s there was an intensification of this phenomenon culminating in an earthquake 5.1 on the Richter scale in the early hours of November 30, 1986, causing researchers from Brazil and other countries to shift to the region to conduct research in Seismology. During this period there was a strong interaction between scientists and local people. With the aim of studying how people experienced that moment that marked the history of the city of João Câmara, from interviews with some individuals who witnessed the incident, is that this research was developed. Taking as a theoretical approach to Science, Technology and Society (STS), aimed to thus carry the theme in a systematic way to the classroom, promoting ways to help teachers with the scientific training and guidance to students in case of occurrence of earthquakes


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The study object of this thesis is the process of affirmation, (re)construction and (re)signification of the black identities in the discourses which cross the samba-enredo of African theme of the samba schools belonging to the elite group from the carioca carnival, in the period from 1960 and 2007. The main question which guides this research is the following: How does this discursive process occur and which are the possible effects resulting from it? This research aims to understand, through interpretation gestures of such discourses and from those which undergo the interview statements and the answers given to the questionnaires applied to spectators and parade exhibiters of these samba schools, in what way the negritude conception and the citizenship practice of the black Brazilian people, especially those from Rio de Janeiro, can be affected by the meaning production circulating in the discursive practices of these sambas. The research was theoretically related to the Applied Linguistics, however it articulates theories originated from Cultural Studies and Ethnic-racial Studies as well as it presents some theoretical and methodological fundamentals from the Discourse Analysis of French line. As concerns the methodology, it is of interpretative, qualitative basis with procedures of discursive character. The interview analysis did not reveal, as consequence of the discourses circulating in the sambas, a direct involvement of the black people who were interviewed in struggle for their citizenship practice, but it pointed out sliding of meaning in regard to the negritude emergence


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Nowadays, chemistry contents taught in high school continue to be presented in a fragmented and decontextualized manner by the teachers and the textbooks. Even though it is known that contextualization and interdisciplinary exchange play an important role in the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. Therefore, the present study aims at enlightening the importance of these methodological foundations in the learning of chemistry. The data acquisition about the subject Contextualization and Interdisciplinary Exchange involved in Chemistry Teaching was developed through bibliographical researches on chemistry textbooks, which focused on the analysis of the topics acid and base , since it is a theme studied throughout all three years of high school. The present study also developed questionnaires which were applied to analyze to what extent chemistry teachers are working in a contextualized and interdisciplinary manner throughout the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. The results obtained in the researches show that a contextualized and interdisciplinary teaching contributes to a more meaningful acquisition of chemistry knowledge, in a dynamic and interactive way, but there are still many roadblocks towards the achievement of this kind of Chemistry teaching/learning process


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This paper concerns a study on the University Extension, by reference to the research extension activities under the theme human rights and justice, developed in the period 2008 to 2010 in UFRN. To do so, it tried to learn the concepts of extension in Brazil from the 1970s until the 2000s in contemporary times. This study considered the neoliberal social context of the University, dominated by educational policies focusing on the hegemony of liberal ideas about society, reflecting the great advances of capital on the organization of workers in the last decades and intensified in the 1990s. This research was guided by two great motivations: the opportunity to apprehend a way to enforce the commitment of public institutions of higher education to the disadvantaged sections of society and what role the university extension space plays as a socially committed public university. The general aim of this study is to identify inside the university extension education what does it mean for practitioners and extension activities and what results it produces to society and to the academic training of future professional citizens in the current neoliberal context. The research has been developed from an analytical and critical approach based on quantitative and qualitative data, using observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. We sought to investigate and understand the social reality, the main object of this work, with an interest in identifying the need for a new teaching/learning process and for a new university practice, in order to effectively improve an advanced academic formation. For this, some interviews have been conducted with teachers, students and the external community involved in extension actions in the period defined by the work, i.e., from 2008 to 2010. In this stage, it was observed that the academic work of university extension is essential to civic education. It was recognized too as a privileged space where university fulfills its social commitment towards society, as long as it joins scientific and popular knowledge having in view a new science and a new social order


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The study area islocated in the northern cost of Rio Grande do Norte State, preciselyin a west zone of Apodi-Mossoró River, inclunding Tibau City, Grossos City and part of Mossoró City. Geologicaly, this area is composed by rokcs of Potiguar basin, represented by Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This area is characterizer by the intense action of cosatal processes (eolic and costal tranports, generalized erosion, alteration in the sediments balance and coast modification), reponsable for it´s morfological instability, also the antropic interference, where the iol industry is located, next Mossoró City, and also the salt exploration industry and the tendency of expantion of shrimp cultivation. This report had as objective the multitemporalgeoenvorimentalmonitoring of the region by recognizingin the field and analizingimages of orbital sensors of diferents years of last four decades. This analisys was achieved by Digital Images Procesing (DIP) thecnics, com subsidized, in a GIS, the preparion of Thematic Maps of natural resources (Geology, Geomorphology and Use & Ocupatios of Earth) and the Envorimental Sensivity to Oil Spilling, main objective os this project. Such technics constitute important tools of envoriment monitoring and maneging, indicating tendencies of antropic of natural growing, making possible the apropiated planning of development of the region, where the steps can be indicated minimized possibles envorimental impacts caused by antropics interferencies on the region, mainly those related to industrial activities, and oil industry above all. Researchs of this nature are very important to the analisys and ordered manegements of use and ocupation of coastal places


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The North Paraíba River Estuary, located in the eastern portion of the Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil, on coordinates 34º50 00 -34º57 30 S and 6º55 00 -7º7 30 W, constitutes a fluvio-marine plain formed by the North Paraíba River and its tributaries Sanhauá, Paroeira, Mandacaru, Tiriri, Tambiá, Ribeira and Guia. This estuary comprises an area of about 260 km2. Increasing human demands on the estuary area and inadequate environment managing have generated conflicts. The present work main purpose is to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the North Paraíba River Estuary in the period from 1969 to 2001, using digital image processing techniques, thematic digital cartography and multitemporal data integration, combined to geological-geophysical field surveys. The SUDENE cartographic database, converted to digital format were, used to obtain occupation and topographic maps from 1969 and to generate a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Digital Landsat 7 ETM+ and Spot HRVIR-PAN satellite images interpretation allowed the environmental characterization of the estuary. The most important digital processing results were achieved color composites RGB 5-4-3, 5-3-1, 5-2-NDWI and band ratio 7/4-5/3-4/2, 5/7-3/1-5/4). In addition the fusion image technique RGBI was used by the inclusion of the Spot HRVRI and Landsat 7 ETM+ panchromatic band on I layer with RGB triplets 5-4-3, 5-3-1 and 5/7-3/1-5/4. The DEM and digital images integration allowed the identification of seven geomorphological units: coastal tableland, flowing tray, tide plain, fluvial terrace, submerged dune, beach plain and beach). Both Side Scan Sonar and Echosound were used to analyse underwater surface and bedforms of the estuarine channel, sand predominance (fine to very fine) and 2D dune features 5 m wide and 0.5 m height. This investigation characterized the estuary as an environment dominated by regimen of average flow. The channel depth varies between 1 m and 11 m, being this last quota reached in the area of Porto de Cabedelo. The chanel estuary is relatively shallow, with erosion evidences mainly on its superior portion, attested by sand banks exposed during the low tide. Multitemporal digital maps from 1969 and 2001 integration were obtained through geoprocessing techniques, resulting the geodynamic evolution of the estuary based on landuse, DEM geomorphology and bathymetric maps


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The evidence of the water theme in news reports is configured as an important topic of interest to contextualize, problematize and/or generate meaning in the midst of discussion of a content from different levels of education and/or disciplines of basic education. The possibilities to use this theme in classroom is also highlighted in Brazilian official documents that guide the practice of teachers of all Brazilian curricular components of this educational level. So, the theme water can be used as subsidy to teach chemistry, since contextualises the teaching of this discipline aiding in the discussion of different chemical concepts. In this perspective, the meaningful learning theory, developed by David Ausubel, has constructivist nature and says that an individual learns significantly when he can relate new information with a specific knowledge structure that integrates the prior knowledge of its structure. In this sense, the use of water as a theme for the approach prior knowledge of chemical concepts has already been characterized as an important topic that can give meaning to the content of education in chemistry. In this dissertation, a teaching unit potentially significant (TUPS) is presented based on meaningful learning theory of David Ausubel approaching the theme water. approaching the theme water. The unit was used in a class of thirty-five students of the 2nd year of high school, a public school in the city of Extremoz-RN, metropolitan region of Natal / RN. Through it was possible to discuss an issue of interest to students of the school to address the chemical contents, such as solutions, physicochemical aspects and stages of water treatment. At first, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the students' previous ideas on the topic under study to the concept of chemical solutions. It was subsequently developed and implemented a series of activities based on students' ideas. To subsidize the sequence, it was prepared four booklets that worked the content of chemical solutions, contextualizing the theme water. The results of this work showed that the alternative conceptions that students have about concepts related to the chemical solutions are similar to the ideas of other students presented in the literature and that the development of the TUPS, allied to the contextualization strategy with the theme water, not only motivated the students for the teaching of chemical content, as yet provided the learning of chemical concepts not in isolation, but making a connection between their ideas and experiences with scientific knowledge. To this, beyond of dialogued lectures, were also used strategies as experimental activities, problem solving, group discussions and construction of concept maps. The final evaluation of the unit was conducted by a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, answered individually by students, who approved the unit as conducive to teaching and learning of chemistry process


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A história da hanseníase é marcada por preconceito, exclusão social, estigma, abandono e medo, por ter sido conhecida durante muito tempo como incurável e contagiosa. Além dos agravos inerentes às alterações dermatoneurológicas e consequentes incapacidades físicas, são ressaltadas as repercussão emocionais, alterações nos hábitos cotidianos e mudanças na configuração familiar. Atualmente a hanseníase é conhecida como doença negligenciada, com alta incidência e prevalência, considerada como um problema de saúde alvo de incentivos e mobilizações das políticas públicas. Ao estudar a história da hanseníase, parte-se do pressuposto de que pouco se sabe sobre as repercussões da doença do passado na vida dos familiares de ex-doentes tratados em regime asilar, assim como a visão e os sentimentos dos mesmos familiares diante da hanseníase na atualidade. Portanto, objetivou-se narrar a história de familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase que foram tratados em hospital colônia. Os objetivos específicos são: Identificar se familiares de pacientes com hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia eram atingidos pelo preconceito, estigma e exclusão que permeava a vida dos portadores da doença; Verificar se o tratamento de ex-doentes de hanseníase em hospitais colônia alterou a efetivação de laços familiares tais indivíduos e os membros de sua família; Averiguar qual a compreensão que familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia têm sobre a hanseníase; Promover, junto aos participantes da pesquisa, atividade de promoção da saúde sobre hanseníase. Adotou-se o estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa com suporte na História Oral de Temática como técnica e referencial metodológico. Os 52 familiares de ex-doentes de lepra que foram segregados no Hospital Colônia São Francisco de Assis, cadastrados no MORHAN-Potiguar, constituíram a colônia. A partir do ponto zero houve o recrutamento dos participantes que compuseram a rede, totalizando 10 colaboradores, de ambos os sexos e idade de 44 a 76 anos. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - UFRN, sob o protocolo 650.654/2014 e CAAE 25922214.3.0000.5537, realizou-se a coleta de dados por meio de entrevista, utilizando instrumento de identificação da rede e questões abertas. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas, conferidas pelos colaboradores e posteriormente transcriadas. Tratou-se as histórias, narradas pela técnica de Análise Temática de Conteúdo, segundo Bardin, emergindo três eixos temáticos: Impacto nas relações sociais (Estigma e preconceito; Exclusão social); Impacto nas relações familiares (Desagregação familiar; Restrições para visita; Compartilhamento e construção de uma nova família; Consequências familiar geradas pelo isolamento; Reconstrução do vínculo familiar); e Pensamentos frente a lepra e a hanseníase (A história no passado; A história no presente). O fato de ter um familiar doente de hanseníase segregado em hospital colônia gerou empecilhos nas relações sociais vivenciadas pelos colaboradores do estudo, que embora não tivessem a doença, foram vitimados pela exclusão social, estigma e preconceito. O internamento compulsório também gerou modificações na estrutura familiar, com distanciamento, alteração no vínculo e tentativa de reestruturação familiar. Os colaboradores também refletiram sobre política de controle da lepra no passado, assim como a adotada no presente frente à hanseníase.


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MEDEIROS, Rildeci; MELO, Erica S. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. S. Hemeroteca digital temática: socialização da informação em cinema.In:SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS,15.,2008,São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... São Paulo:CRUESP,2008. Disponível em: http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/snbu2008/anais/site/pdfs/3018.pdf