48 resultados para Interferão Alfa
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The vitamins A and E are recognizably important in the initial stages of life and the newborn depends on nutritional adequacy of breast milk to meet their needs. These vitamins share routes of transport to the tissues and antagonistic effects have been observed in animals after supplementation with vitamin A. This study aimed to verify the effect of maternal supplementation with vitamin A megadose (200,000 UI) in the immediate post-partum on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum. Healthy parturient women attended at a public maternity natalensis were recruited for the study and divided into two groups: control (n = 37) and supplemented (n = 36). Blood samples of colostrum and milk were collected until 12 hours after delivery. The women of the supplemented group was administered a retynil palmitate capsule and 24 hours after the first collection was obtained the 2nd sample of colostrum in two groups for analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in milk. The mean retinol concentration of 50,7 ± 14,4 μg/dL (Mean ± standard deviation) and alpha-tocopherol of 1217.4 ± 959 mg/dL in the serum indicate the nutritional status biochemical appropriate. Supplementation with retynil palmitate resulted in increase not only retinol levels in the colostrum of the supplemented group (p = 0.002), but also the concentration of alpha-tocopherol (p = 0.04), changing from 1456.6 ± 1095.8 mg/dL to 1804.3 ± 1432.0 mg/dL (milk 0 and 24 respectively) compared to values in the control group, 984.6 ± 750.0 mg/dL and 1175.0 ± 730.8 mg/dL. The women had different responses to supplementation, influenced by baseline levels of retinol in colostrum. Those with previous by low levels of retinol in colostrum (<60 mg/dL) had increased the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in milk, whereas those with adequate levels (> 60 mg/dL), showed a reduction after supplementation. Supplementation with retinol palmitate is an important intervention in situations of high risk for vitamin A deficiency, when considering the need to maternal supplementation, since the excess vitamin can offer unfavorable interactions between nutrients essential for the mother-child group
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant with favourable anti-inflammatory, metabolic and endothelial effects, and has been widely investigated due to its potential against cardiovascular risk factors. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of oral ALA supplementation on oxidative stress biomarkers, inflammation and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension. This is a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, where the intervention was evaluated prospectively comparing results in both groups. The sample consisted of 64 hypertensive patients who were randomly distributed into ALA group (n = 32), receiving 600 mg / day ALA for twelve weeks and control group (n = 32), receiving placebo for the same period. The following parameters were evaluated before and after intervention: lipid peroxidation, content of reduced glutathione (GSH), enzymatic activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismustase, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions, fasting glucose and anthropometric indicators. There was a statistically significant reduction (p <0.05) in serum concentrations of total cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and blood glucose. There was a reduction in body weight and waist, abdominal and hip circumferences in the group that received ALA. In addition, there was a statistically significant increase (p <0.05) in the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in the group receiving ALA. Oral administration of ALA appears to be a valuable adjuvant therapy, which may contribute to decrease the damage caused by oxidative stress and other risk factors associated with the atherosclerotic process
Alpha thalassemia, the most common monogenic disorder in the world, is characterized by deletions of one (+-thalassemia) or both alpha genes (0-thalassemia) located on human chromosome 16 (16p13.3). The most common case of +-thalassemia is a deletion of 3.7 kb of DNA (-3.7 deletion). It is most prevalent in African and Middle East regions. In the few studies carried out in Brazilian population -3.7 deletion was the most common deletion, mainly in African descendants. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of +- thalassemia (deletion 3.7kb) in adult population from Rio Grande do Norte. We obtained blood samples from 713 unrelated individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 59 years old. All individuals were born in Rio Grande do Norte. The hematological indices were obtained in an automatic cell counter (Micros 60, ABX Diagnostics). The hemoglobin measurement (A2 and Fetal hemoglobin) and the profile confirmation were carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodology. Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes using Illustra Blood GenomicPrep Mini Spin kit and -3.7 deletion was investigated by PCR. Among the 713 individuals studied, 80 (11,2%) presented +- thalassemia: 79 (11,1%) were heterozygous and 1 (0,1%) homozygous for the -3.7 deletion. Considering the ethnic group, negroes showed the greatest prevalence of +-thalassemia (12,5%), followed by mulattoes (12,3%) and caucasian (9,6%). Statistical comparison of hematological parameters between normal individuals and heterozygous to +-thalassemia showed significant differences in RBC (p<0,001), MCV (p<0,001), MCH (p<0,001), Hb A2 (p=0,007) as well as female hemoglobin concentration (p=0,003). This is one of the first studies to research +-thalassemia in general population of Rio Grande do Norte state and these results attest the importance of investigation of this condition to define the etiology of microcytosis and hypochromia.
Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with motor symptoms and dopaminergic cell loss in the nigrostriatal pathway. Alpha-synuclein is the major component of the Lewy bodies, the biological hallmarks of disease, and has been associated with familial cases of PD. Recently, the spinal cord stimulation (SCS) showed to be effective to alleviate the Parkinson symptoms in animal models and human patients. In this project, we characterized the motor and electrophysiological effects of alpha-synuclein overexpression in the substantia nigra of rats. We further investigated the effects of spinal electrical stimulation, AMPT and L-dopa administration in this model. Method: Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with empty viral vector or the vector carrying the gene for alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra, and were tested weekly for 10 weeks in the open field and cylinder tests. A separated group of animals implanted with bilateral electrode arrays in the motor cortex and the striatum were recorded in the open field, during the SCS sessions and the pharmacological experiments. Results: Alpha-synuclein expression resulted in motor asymmetry, observed as the reduction in use of contralateral forepaw in the cylinder test. Animals showed an increase of local field potential activity in beta band three and four weeks after the virus injection, that was not evident after the 5th week. AMPT resulted in a sever parkinsonian state, with reduction in the locomotor activity and significant peak of oscillatory activity in cortex and striatum. SCS was effective to alleviate the motor asymmetry at long term, but did not reduce the corticostriatal low frequency oscillations observed 24 hs after the AMPT administration. These oscillations were attenuated by L-dopa that, even as SCS, was not effective to restore the locomotor activity during the severe dopaminergic depletion period. Discussion: The alpha-synuclein model reproduces the motor impairment and the progressive neurodegenerative process of PD. We demonstrated, by the first time, that this model also presents the increase in low frequency oscillatory activity in the corticostriatal circuit, compatible with parkinsonian condition; and that SCS has a therapeutic effect on motor symptom of this model.
The term vitamin E refers to a group of eight molecular compounds which differ in structure and bioavailability, and the RRR-alpha-tocopherol more biologically active form. The composition of vitamin E in breast milk undergoes variations during lactation, colostrum and milk richer in this micronutrient compared to transitional and mature milk. Newborns, especially premature infants are more susceptible to vitamin E deficiency and to prevent the damage caused by this deficiency has been proposed supplementation of neonates with this micronutrient, however, there is no consensus to carry out this intervention. Thus, maternal supplementation with RRRalpha-tocopherol in the postpartum period can be a good alternative to try to raise the alpha-tocopherol levels in breast milk and therefore provide the premature newborn adequate amounts of vitamin E. This study to evaluate the effect of supplementation with 400 UI acetate RRR-alpha-tocopherol in women with premature births, on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk colostrum, transitional and mature. The study included 89 healthy adult women were enrolled in the control group (n = 51) and supplemented group (n = 38). Blood samples were collected and milk colostrum soon after birth (0h milk) twenty-four hours, new rate of colostrum milk was collected (24h milk). The transitional and mature milk were collected in seven days (7d milk) and thirty days (30d milk) after delivery, respectively. Supplementation in the supplemented group was held after the collection of blood and 0h milk. The alpha-tocopherol analyzes were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Serum levels of alpha-tocopherol less than 516 μg/dL were considered indicative of nutritional deficiency. The average concentration of alphatocopherol in the serum of the control group mothers was 1159.8 ± 292.4 μg/dL and the supplemented group was 1128.3 ± 407.2 μg/dL (p = 0.281). All women had nutritional status in vitamin E suitable. In both groups, it was observed that the concentration of vitamin E in colostrum milk was higher compared to transitional and mature milk. In the supplemented group, the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in the milk increased 60 % after supplementation, from 1339.3 ± 414.2 μg/dL (0h milk) to 2234.7 ± 997.3 μg/dL (24h milk). While the control group values in colostrum 0h and colostrum 24h were similar (p = 0.681). In the control group the follow-on milk alphatocopherol value was 875.3 ± 292.4 μg/dL and in the group supplemented 1352.8 ± 542.3 μg/dL, an increase of 35% in the supplemented group compared to control (p <0.001). In mature milk alpha-tocopherol concentrations between the control group (426.6 ± 187.5 μg/dL) and supplemented (416.4 ± 214.2 μg/dL) were similar (p = 0.853). Only 24h milk supplemented group answered the nutritional requirement of alpha-tocopherol (4 mg/day) of the newborn. These results show that the transport of this micronutrient for milk occurs in a controlled and limited way. Thus, the native vitamin E supplementation increases the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum and milk and transition does not influence the concentration in mature milk. Only the increase in colostrum milk was sufficient to meet the nutritional requirement of premature newborns.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The vitamins A and E are recognizably important in the initial stages of life and the newborn depends on nutritional adequacy of breast milk to meet their needs. These vitamins share routes of transport to the tissues and antagonistic effects have been observed in animals after supplementation with vitamin A. This study aimed to verify the effect of maternal supplementation with vitamin A megadose (200,000 UI) in the immediate post-partum on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum. Healthy parturient women attended at a public maternity natalensis were recruited for the study and divided into two groups: control (n = 37) and supplemented (n = 36). Blood samples of colostrum and milk were collected until 12 hours after delivery. The women of the supplemented group was administered a retynil palmitate capsule and 24 hours after the first collection was obtained the 2nd sample of colostrum in two groups for analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in milk. The mean retinol concentration of 50,7 ± 14,4 μg/dL (Mean ± standard deviation) and alpha-tocopherol of 1217.4 ± 959 mg/dL in the serum indicate the nutritional status biochemical appropriate. Supplementation with retynil palmitate resulted in increase not only retinol levels in the colostrum of the supplemented group (p = 0.002), but also the concentration of alpha-tocopherol (p = 0.04), changing from 1456.6 ± 1095.8 mg/dL to 1804.3 ± 1432.0 mg/dL (milk 0 and 24 respectively) compared to values in the control group, 984.6 ± 750.0 mg/dL and 1175.0 ± 730.8 mg/dL. The women had different responses to supplementation, influenced by baseline levels of retinol in colostrum. Those with previous by low levels of retinol in colostrum (<60 mg/dL) had increased the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in milk, whereas those with adequate levels (> 60 mg/dL), showed a reduction after supplementation. Supplementation with retinol palmitate is an important intervention in situations of high risk for vitamin A deficiency, when considering the need to maternal supplementation, since the excess vitamin can offer unfavorable interactions between nutrients essential for the mother-child group
Self-efficacy, the construct developed by Albert Bandura in 1977 and widely studied around the world, means the individual's belief in his own capacity to successfully perform a certain activity. This study aims to determine the degree of association between sociodemographic characteristics and professional training to the levels of Self-Efficacy at Work (SEW) of the Administrative Assistants in a federal university. This is a descriptive research submitted to and approved by the Ethics Committee of UFRN. The method of data analysis, in quantitative nature, was accomplished with the aid of the statistical programs R and Minitab. The instrument used in research was a sociodemographic data questionnaire, variables of professional training and the General Perception of Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES), applied to the sample by 289 Assistants in Administration. Statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, reliability test (Cronbach's alpha), and test of significance (Pearson). Results show a sociodemographic profile of Assistants in Administration of UFRN with well-distributed characteristics, with 48.4% men and 51.6% female; 59.9% of them were aged over 40 years, married (49.3%), color or race white (58%) and Catholics (67.8%); families are composed of up to four people (75.8%) with children (59.4%) of all age groups; the occupation of the mothers of these professionals is mostly housewives (51.6%) with high school education up to parents (72%) and mothers (75.8%). Assistants in Administration have high levels of professional training, most of them composed two groups of servers: the former, recently hired public servants (30.7%) and another with long service (59%), the majority enter young in career and it stays until retirement, 72.4% of these professionals have training above the minimum requirement for the job. The analysis of SEW levels shows medium to high levels for 72% of assistants in administration; low SEWclassified people have shown a high average of 2.7, considered close to the overall mean presented in other studies, which is 2.9. The cluster analysis has allowed us to say that the characteristics of the three groups (Low, Medium and High SEW) are similar and can be found in the three levels of SEW representatives with all the characteristics investigated. The results indicate no association between the sociodemographic variables and professional training to the levels of self-efficacy at work of Assistants in Administration of UFRN, except for the variable color or race. However, due to the small number of people who declared themselves in color or black race (4% of the sample), this result can be interpreted as mere coincidence or the black people addressed in this study have provided a sense of efficacy higher than white and brown ones. The study has corroborated other studies and highlighted the subjectivity of the self-efficacy construct. They are needed more researches, especially with public servants for the continuity and expansion of studies on the subject, making it possible to compare and confirm the results
Burnout is a psychological syndrome triggered in response to continuous exposure to interpersonal stressors. It is considered a multifactorial construct, which is commonly characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, dehumanization, and lack of personal accomplishment.This study aimed to verify if the three characteristics of burnout (exhaustion, lack of dehumanization and personal accomplishment) are present in people working as guides Tourism in Natal - RN. It is a descriptive and quantitative study. 109 subjects were surveyed. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires, the instrument used was the characterization of the Burnout Scale (ECB) created and validated in Brazil by Trocoli and Tamayo (2000). In order to analyze data we used descriptive statistics, analysis of core measures, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, multiple discriminant and Spearman correlation. Factor analysis identified four factors that explain 58.3% of the total variance. Those factors were named exhaustion, deception, avoidance, and dehumanization. The reliability of the instrument, as measured by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.918, which is considered excellent reliability. The 109 subjects were grouped into three cluster, which had the deception, avoidance, and dehumanization as discriminant. It is possible to conclude that the characteristics of burnout syndrome are present in the studied population where 19 people are on the high level of burnout, moderate in 32 and 56 in the light. The correlations between socio-demographic variables studied and the dimensions of burnout, were few and weak. The variable leave for health reasons in the study appeared to be related to feelings of exhaustion and avoidance behavior appeared related to younger individuals and who work only in the activity of Receptive Tourism Guide. Verification of the incidence of burnout in individuals surveyed suggest the need to adopt intervention strategies are individual, organizational and / or combined
Os estudos sobre estratégia têm se difundido há muitos anos e seu processo de formulação também está inserido no cotidiano dos gestores. O objetivo do presente trabalho é constatar se há relação entre o pensamento, formulação e mudança estratégica e o nível acadêmico, hierárquico e tempo no cargo dos decisores da CAERN. A abordagem teórica é realizada com os seguintes pontos: estratégia, Decisão e liderança organizacional e o processo de formação da estratégia (Pensamento estratégico; Formulação da estratégia; Mudança estratégica). O estudo é de caráter exploratório descritivo. Para a tabulação e análise dos dados, utilizou-se um programa estatístico em que foi adotada a técnica de análise fatorial, e verificou-se a confiabilidade da escala de Likert utilizada no questionário através do teste Alfa de Cronbach e análise de Spearman a fim de constatar a correlação das variáveis e proporcionar uma abordagem quantitativa à pesquisa. Todos os respondentes da pesquisa são tomadores de decisão cujos níveis hierárquicos que obtiveram representatividade na amostra foram coordenadores, gerentes e chefes de seção. A partir das análises dos resultados do estudo, constatou-se que, das hipóteses levantadas, apenas uma se mostrou coerente com a realidade dos profissionais responsáveis pela estratégia organizacional da empresa: Há correlação entre a formulação estratégica e o nível acadêmico dos decisores (no constructo de formulação deliberada). Notouse também que o nível de formação acadêmica (nível superior) é importante e influencia diretamente no processo da formulação estratégica. Conclui-se que na organização em estudo o conhecimento dos gestores interfere na formulação estratégica
Vitamins A and E are essential nutrients in many biological processes, so that their adequate supply to the neonate is crucial. However, the bioavailability of vitamins may be limited by factors such as maternal nutritional status and the interaction between nutrients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of biochemical nutritional status of retinol and alpha-tocopherol levels in serum and colostrum. The study included 103 healthy puerperal women treated at the reference state maternity hospital (Natal-RN). Colostrum and serum samples were collected fasting in the immediate postpartum period and the analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Specific cutoff points were adopted to characterize the biochemical status of vitamins A and E. For the total group of lactanting women the average concentration of retinol in serum (1.49 ± 0.4 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (2.18 ± 0.8 μmol/L-1), as well as alpha-tocopherol in serum (26.4 ± 8.0 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (26.1 ± 12.8 μmol/L-1), indicated adequate biochemical state. However, when evaluating the individual, was found a high prevalence of deficient serum (15%) and colostrum retinol (50%), and also alphatocopherol in serum (16%) and colostrum (61%). In women with serum retinol ≥ 1.05 μmol/L-1, found an inverse correlation between serum retinol and alpha-tocopherol in colostrum (p = 0.008, r = -0.28). This association was not observed in women with serum retinol <1.05 μmol/L-1. This situation demonstrates for the first time in humans that high physiological levels of serum retinol, without supplementation, can negatively influence the transfer of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk. Although the diagnosis of satisfactory nutritional status lactanting women showed high risk of subclinical deficiency of vitamins A and E from measurements made in the colostrum
In Brazil, accidents with scorpions are considered of medical importance, not only by the high incidence, but also for the potentiality of the venom from some species in determining severe clinical conditions. Tityus stigmurus is a widely distributed scorpion species in Northeastern Brazil and known to cause severe human envenomations, inducing pain, hyposthesia, edema, erythema, paresthesia, headaches and vomiting. The present study uses a transcriptomic approach to characterize the molecular repertoire from the non-stimulated venom gland of Tityus stigmurus scorpion. A cDNA library was constructed and 540 clones were sequenced and grouped into 37 clusters, with more than one EST (expressed sequence tag) and 116 singlets. Forty-one percent of ESTs belong to recognized toxin-coding sequences, with antimicrobial toxins (AMP-like) the most abundant transcripts, followed by alfa KTx- like, beta KTx-like, beta NaTx-like and alfa NaTx-like. Our analysis indicated that 34% include other possible venom molecules , whose transcripts correspond to anionic peptides, hypothetical secreted peptides, metalloproteinases, cystein-rich peptides and lectins. Fifteen percent of ESTs are similar to cellular transcripts. Sequences without good matches corresponded to 11%. This investigation provides the first global view of cDNAs from Tityus stigmurus. This approach enables characterization of a large number of venom gland component molecules, which belong either to known or atypical types of venom peptides and proteins from the Buthidae family