97 resultados para Histórias e materiais diversificados

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The overwhelming gear that boosted tourism as the main economic activity of Pipa a district formerly agricultural and fishery, that belongs to the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN produced significant changes in the social, economic and cultural rights of the native population of the place where social relations were narrow and justified in some cases, the line of kinship in an environment where all residents knew each other. However, we can not observe the emergence of this activity just as voracious disarticulator of old local forms of sociability that in a linear process, destroys the old, replacing it with the new. New compositions are generated by merging elements of past and present. Overcoming opposition to simplistic positive or negative impacts of tourism sought especially in this dissertation, review the history of Pipa (told in narrative form), showing how slowly this district has become a major international tourist destination and how its residents were being swallowed by the "whirlwind" that led to this reality. The research used qualitative methodology and was based on photographic, literature and survey, observation, experience, oral and written reports acquired in the field. We conducted in-depth interviews (oral history) with subjects that are the living memory of the place local residents (mostly natives). We found that before the process of "modernization" resulting from the pressure of globalization itself and the capital investment in tourism resulting from the native population is not passive. On the contrary, natives resist, creating mechanisms of material and symbolic reformulations. The present moment is always dynamic. Because of that, the identity of a place is not the crystallization of its past. Many landscapes still reveal materialities of yesteryear, such as registration of social practices in the construction of the place


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Nous avons pris comme point de départ le préssuposé que en exerçant ses practiques de lecture en salle de classe, les professeurs récuperent des signes de ses expériences socioculturelles par rapport à la lecture, construites au long de ses trajectoires. Indépendemment de sa discipline scolaire, la mémoire de ces expériences interviennent certainement, de manière positive ou négative, dans la médiation de la formation de l élève lecteur. C est donc, par l articulation entre les perspectives de ses études qui parlent sur l histoire de la lecture, narratives (auto)biographiques et formation du professeur que je prétends récupérer et reconstruire, par les narratives de lectures racontées par les professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires, les processus d appropriation de la lecture en considérant ses tactiques d accès et d utilisation des matériels écrits en circulation dans les groupes sociaux auxquels ils appartennaient. Pour ça ce travail s inquérit : Quels models de lectures émergent dans les narratives de professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires ? Comment se manifestent-elles les représentations sur sa performance pour la formation de l élève lecteur ? L objectif central est d inférer les rapports existants entre des expériences de lecture et la médiation dans la formation de lecteurs. Douze professeurs de l éducation de base des écoles de la ville de Belém y ont participé. Le corpus est constitué par les transcriptions de deux genres d instruments: douze interviews narratives et deux groupes de débats. Les analyses montrent deux grandes fases de la rencontre avec la lecture : une antérieure à l école et l autre à partir de l école. Ces fases montrent des pratiques et des représentations de lecture hétérogènes différenciés par rapport à ses aspects fonctionnaux. Elles revellent encore que la formation du lecteur professeur et élève se lie, d abord, à la constitution culturelle de l homme, marquée, fondamentalement, par son interlocution avec l autre. La famille, l école et le lieu de travail se présentent comme des espaces qui impriment des marques profondes dans le rapport avec la lecture. Malgré ça, le même matériel écrit, un fois mis en scène le lu dans ces espaces n ont pas de significat coincidents pour les différentes personnes qui s en approprient. Cette raison montre la possibilité de la construction d une histoire de la lecture, basée pas exclusivement à la description des matériels lus pendant le cours de leurs vies, mais surtout, sur les indicateurs de ses différentes manières de lire. Cette trajectoire exerce de cette façon une forte influence sur la prise de décision et les manifestations du travail du professeur en situation de salle de classe. Comme ça on peut conclure, premièrement, que les représentations et pratiques de lecture se sont constitués et se sont (re)configurés dans des différentes formes, concepts, temps et espaces, dans un entrecroisement de différents discours. Deuxièmement que la reflexion sur les mémoires de lecture a resulté un nouveau regard des participants sur son travail de professeur et a confirmé l hipothèse selon laquelle la production des narratives autoréférencées offre, à qui les narre, la possibilité de transformation des représentations du sujet avec lui-même, avec l autre et avec le monde, ce qui démontre l importance de la recherche (auto)biographique comme méthode d investigation en éducation et sa contribuition pour la formation des formateurs de lecteurs dans des différents domaines de la connaissance , comme territoires constitutifs du sujet et de ses pratiques sociales, à l école et ailleurs


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This research has as its theoretical and methodological assumptions (1) the Narrative Inquiry (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 2011), (2) the Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1985, 1994; THOMPSON, 2002; EGGINS, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and (3) the English for Specific Purposes Approach (ESP - HUTCHINSON; WATERS, 1987; CELANI, 2005; RAMOS, 2005), and its overall objective is to survey the meanings construed by the participants who are ESP practitioners and have not received a specific education to teach this approach at their undergraduation. The field texts and therefore the analises were divided into two distinct groups: the first with data generated from a questionnaire applied to nine professors from a federal university in the northeast of Brazil, which contains open and closed questions about their training and their experiences in teaching ESP; the second group, focusing this time on the experiences of three professors from the first group who were still teaching ESP, with data generated from interviews with these participants in addition to the data generated from their autobiographies and from the researcher´s as well. The computational tool WordSmith Tools 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012) was used to select, organize, and quantify data to be analyzed in the first group of texts, identifying the types of Processes and Participants through the Transitivity System (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). The Processes which were more used by the professors in the questionnaire were the Material, followed by the Relational and then the Mental ones, indicating that most professors reported their actions related to the teaching of ESP, rated or evaluated the approach, their training to teach it and their experiences, hence, rarely showing their thoughts and emotions about teaching ESP. Most of the nine professors say they carry out needs analysis, but not all do it according to the authors cited by them or the ones that are considered a reference in this area, such as the ones used in this research as reference. Similarly, their definitions and conceptions of ESP, in most cases, differed from these authors. All the professors claim not having had specific education to teach ESP at the undergraduation. When examining the stories of the four teachers, in the second group of the field texts, based on meaning composition according to Ely, Vinz, Downing and Anzul (2001), it was revealed that the kind of knowledge they report using when they teach ESP is related to their Personal Practical Knowledge and their Professional Knowledge (ELBAZ, 1983; CLANDININ, 1988). In their autobiographies, metaphors were also identified and they represent their concepts of teaching and being a teacher. Through this research, we hope to contribute to the understanding of what teaching ESP might mean for professors in the researched context and also to the continuing education of ESP practitioners, as well as to a review of the curricula in the English language undergraduate courses and of the role of ESP in the training of these professionals


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Dutra, R. P. S.; Varela,M. L.; Nascimento, R. M. ; Gomes, U. U. ; Martinelli1, A. E. ; Paskocimas, C. A. Estudo comparativo da queima rápida com a queima tradicional nas propriedades de materiais cerâmicos de base argilosa. Cerâmica [online]. 2009, vol.55, n.333, pp. 100-105. ISSN 0366-6913. doi:Disponivem em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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ARAÚJO, M. M. ; Olivia M. de Medeiros Neta ; FIGUEIREDO, Franselma. Reverências à vida terrena e post-mortem (Caicó-RN, século XIX). Revista HISTEDBR On-line, v. 33, p. 179-193, mar. 2009


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O modelo civilizatório da sociedade global fundamenta-se na produção à larga escala e no aumento exponencial e diversificado do consumo. Este modelo impacta o meio ambiente já que demanda grandes quantidades de recursos naturais e provoca contaminação ambiental. No leque desta contaminação, a geração de resíduos sólidos surge como uma das principais devido a seus efeitos nocivos serem sentidos de forma imediata pelas pessoas. Em países como o Brasil, uma das soluções requeridas para se minimizar e/ou equacionar a problemática engendrada pelos resíduos sólidos é a reciclagem dos materiais. A justificativa oficial pelo esforço à reciclagem está nas características da atividade já que o uso de materiais reciclados reduz a demanda por recursos naturais em processos produtivos industriais, aumenta o tempo de vida útil dos aterros sanitários (local de destino final dos resíduos), além de gerar emprego e renda para os catadores, sujeitos que sobrevivem da coleta e separação dos materiais recicláveis. A partir de uma ética ambiental, a pergunta que deve ser feita quando nos propomos a analisar as implicações da geração dos resíduos é: por que a sociedade global gera resíduos sólidos de maneira acentuada? Contudo, à luz dos pressupostos mercadológicos do capitalismo, a pergunta que move as discussões acerca da problemática dos resíduos sólidos é: o que fazer com a crescente geração de resíduos sólidos? O presente artigo se propõe a uma reflexão dos elementos justificativos dessa ode à reciclagem. Em nossa perspectiva, a reciclagem fomenta ao que denominamos de ambientalismo econômico, no qual o discurso pró-reciclagem se apropria dos elementos e potencialidades ambientais da atividade da reciclagem para justificar as ações de caráter econômico no que se refere ao que fazer com os resíduos gerados diariamente.


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Tendo como base os conceitos de espaço, lugar, ambiente e imagem, sob as vertentes da Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Geografia e Psicologia Ambiental, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo averiguar a percepção de estudantes da Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí (EAJ UFRN) a fim de identificar aspectos das interrelações pessoa-ambiente que diferenciam tal escola de outras instituições. A coleta de dados utilizou multimétodos e investigou um grupo de alunos residentes na Escola que cursavam o ensino médio e técnico em agropecuária em 2006, analisando seus discursos, comportamentos e atitudes de modo a identificar os principais elementos da imagem sócio-ambiental da EAJ. Os resultados apontaram locais, práticas sociais e símbolos representativos da instituição, indicando espaços (construídos e naturais) adequados/inadequados às necessidades/expectativas dos estudantes incluindo a ampliação da interdisciplinaridade no conjunto de suas atividades. Além disso, a fim de incrementar a análise sócio-ambiental em instituições que promovem experiências exitosas, recomenda-se que os aspectos cotidiano e tempo sejam mais profundamente investigados em estudos futuros na área


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This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisner´s work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions


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This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisner´s work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions


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Este trabalho investigou o processo criativo do espetáculo Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, do Coletivo paraibano Tribo Éthnos, fundado na década de 1990 e ainda em atividade. A estratégia metodológica se dá através de estudos descritivos, valendo-se da teoria e prática de diversas linguagens artísticas presentes na obra apontada: artes visuais, performance, literatura e histórias em quadrinho; em ações realizadas pelo Coletivo ao longo dos anos, objetivando descrever e analisar o processo de criação do referido espetáculo de dança, através da minuciosa coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, e da pesquisa e captação de materiais audiovisuais. A Tribo Éthnos destaca-se na cena local na cidade de João Pessoa, e estadual, na Paraíba, visto que, nesse longo percurso de existência, além da preocupação em fundir muitas formas artísticas, bem como os artistas da Paraíba, aglutina pessoas que fazem arte em outros países e faz das danças urbanas algo instigante. A Tribo ainda preocupa-se com a troca de saberes através de palestras, oficinas, cursos e intercâmbios. A dissertação investiga o processo de criação dos artistas e, especificamente, dos dançarinos, utilizando-se principalmente do conceito de work in progress, proposto por Renato Cohen, e aplicado ao espetáculo estudado. Apresentam-se descrições dos movimentos coreográficos, do espetáculo de dança paraibano Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, de Dança de Rua da Era Funky, especificamente, com estilos como popping, waving, animation, strobing, floatine/ slidini, tiokine, trebing, breaking, waving, sliding, entre outros, visto serem estes parte integrante do processo de criação. Tais estilos remetem ao ilusionismo ou ao mimetismo, sugerindo, em seus movimentos truques, câmeras lentas, flutuações com os pés, entre outros. Segundo Valmir Vaz, o Coletivo, através do espetáculo, busca a integração dos corpos, procura uma libertação individual e sugere uma sensação de querer voar nas coreografias/cenas. Abordam-se os aspectos do processo criativo: o espaço cênico, o trabalho corporal, a sonoplastia e a roupa/indumentária. Trabalha-se o conceito do corpo virtual de José Gil no aspecto do corpo cênico


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In this work have been studied the preparation, characterization and kinetic study of decomposition of the polymerizing agent used in the synthesis under non-isothermal condition ceramics PrMO3 of general formula (M = Co and Ni). These materials were obtained starting from the respective metal nitrates, as a cations source, and making use of gelatin as polymerizing agent. The powders were calcined at temperatures of 500°C, 700°C and 900°C and characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG / DTG/ DTA), Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The perovskite phase was detected in all the X-rays patterns. In the infrared spectroscopy observed the oxide formation as the calcination temperature increases with the appearance of the band metal - oxygen. The images of SEM revealed uniform distribution for the PrCoO3 and particles agglomerated as consequence of particle size for PrNiO3. From the data of thermal analysis, the kinetics of decomposition of organic matter was employed using the kinetics methods called Model Free Kinetics and Flynn and Wall, in the heating ratios 10, 20 and 30° C.min-1 between room temperature and 700°C. Finally, been obtained the values of activation energy for the region of greatest decomposition of organic matter in samples that were determined by the degree of conversion (α)


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One of waste produced on large scale during the well drilling is the gravel drilling. There are techniques for the treatment of the same, but there isn t consensus on what are the best in terms of economic and environmental. One alternative for disposal of this waste and objective of this paper is the incorporation and immobilization of gravel clay matrix to assess their technological properties. The Raw Materials used were characterized by the following techniques: Chemical Analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical analysis by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Grain Size Analysis (FA) and Thermal Analysis by Thermogravimetry (TG) and thermodiferential (DTA). After characterizing, samples were formulated in the following percentages: 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100% (weight) of gravel drilling, then the pieces were pressed, dried (110 ° C) and sintered at temperatures of 850, 950 and 1050 ° C. After sintering, samples were tested for water absorption, linear shrinkage, flexural strength, porosity, density, XRD and test color. The results concluded that the incorporation of gravel drilling is a viable possibility for solid masonry bricks and ceramic blocks manufacture at concentrations and firing temperature described here. Residue incorporation reduces an environmental problem, the cost of raw materials for manufacture of ceramic products


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The development and study of detectors sensitive to flammable combustible and toxic gases at low cost is a crucial technology challenge to enable marketable versions to the market in general. Solid state sensors are attractive for commercial purposes by the strength and lifetime, because it isn t consumed in the reaction with the gas. In parallel, the use of synthesis techniques more viable for the applicability on an industrial scale are more attractive to produce commercial products. In this context ceramics with spinel structure were obtained by microwave-assisted combustion for application to flammable fuel gas detectors. Additionally, alternatives organic-reducers were employed to study the influence of those in the synthesis process and the differences in performance and properties of the powders obtained. The organic- reducers were characterized by Thermogravimetry (TG) and Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG). After synthesis, the samples were heat treated and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), analysis by specific area by BET Method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Quantification of phases and structural parameters were carried through Rietveld method. The methodology was effective to obtain Ni-Mn mixed oxides. The fuels influenced in obtaining spinel phase and morphology of the samples, however samples calcined at 950 °C there is just the spinel phase in the material regardless of the organic-reducer. Therefore, differences in performance are expected in technological applications when sample equal in phase but with different morphologies are tested


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The clay mineral attapulgite is a group of hormitas, which has its structures formed by microchannels, which give superior technological properties classified the industrial clays, clays of this group has a very versatile range of applications, ranging from the drilling fluid for wells oil has applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Such properties can be improved by activating acid and / or thermal activation. The attapulgite when activated can improve by up to 5-8 times some of its properties. The clay was characterized by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy before and after chemical activation. It can be seen through the results the efficiency of chemical treatment, which modified the clay without damaging its structure, as well as production of polymer matrix composites with particles dispersed atapugita


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The MCM-41 mesoporous synthesis was done using rice hulls ash and chrysotile as natural alternative silica sources. For the using of these sources, chemical and thermic treatments were done in both materials. After chemical and thermic treatments, these materials were employed on the MCM-41 mesoctructures synthesis. The natural materials treated and employed in the synthesis were characterized by several techniques such as X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption and desorption, scanning electronic microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. MCM-41 standart samples synthetized with aerosil 200 commercial sílica were used to evaluation. The formed material from rice hulls ash showed values from BET specific area about 468 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms and loss mass similar to reference materials. The silica from chrysotile calcined and leached was employed to mesoporous materials synthesis. The BET specific area showed values about 700 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms type IV and loss mass similar to mesoporous materials. The formed material from calcined and leached chrysotile, without calcination, applied to phenol remotion carried high performance liquid chromatography and evaluated with organophilic clays with different treatments. By the characterization techniques were proved that mesoporous materials with lesser order that reference samples. The material formed from rice hulls ash without the calcination step achieved better adsorption results than organophilic clays