14 resultados para Gram-Negative Infection

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study explores the potential of the simvastatin to ameliorate inflammation and infection in open infected skin wounds of rats. Methods: Fourteen Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were used. The study was done in a group whose open infected skin wounds were treated with topical application of sinvastatina microemulsion (SIM, n=7) and a second group with wounds treated with saline 0.9 % (SAL, n=7). A bacteriological exam of the wounds fluid for gram positive and gram negative bacteria, the tecidual expression of TNFá and IL-1â by imunohistochemical technique, and histological analysis by HE stain were performed. Results: The expression of TNFa could be clearly demonstrated in lower degree in skin wounds treated with simvastatin (668.6 ± 74.7 ìm2) than in saline (2120.0 ± 327.1 ìm2). In comparison, wound tissue from SIM group displayed leukocyte infiltration significantly lower than that observed in SAL group (p<0.05). Culture results of the samples taken from wound fluid on fourth post treatment day revealed wound infection in only one rat of group simvastatin (SIM), where Proteus mirabilis, Escherchia coli and Enterobacter sp were isolated. In the rats whose wounds were treated with saline (SAL), polymicrobial infection with more than 100,000 CFU/g was detected in all the wounds. Conclusion: In addition to its antiinflammatory properties, the protective effects of simvastatin in infected open skin wounds is able to reduce infection and probably has antibacterial action. The potential to treat these wounds with statins to ameliorate inflammation and infection is promising


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This study explores the potential of the simvastatin to ameliorate inflammation and infection in open infected skin wounds of rats. Methods: Fourteen Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were used. The study was done in a group whose open infected skin wounds were treated with topical application of sinvastatina microemulsion (SIM, n=7) and a second group with wounds treated with saline 0.9 % (SAL, n=7). A bacteriological exam of the wounds fluid for gram positive and gram negative bacteria, the tecidual expression of TNFá and IL-1â by imunohistochemical technique, and histological analysis by HE stain were performed. Results: The expression of TNFa could be clearly demonstrated in lower degree in skin wounds treated with simvastatin (668.6 ± 74.7 ìm2) than in saline (2120.0 ± 327.1 ìm2). In comparison, wound tissue from SIM group displayed leukocyte infiltration significantly lower than that observed in SAL group (p<0.05). Culture results of the samples taken from wound fluid on fourth post treatment day revealed wound infection in only one rat of group simvastatin (SIM), where Proteus mirabilis, Escherchia coli and Enterobacter sp were isolated. In the rats whose wounds were treated with saline (SAL), polymicrobial infection with more than 100,000 CFU/g was detected in all the wounds. Conclusion: In addition to its antiinflammatory properties, the protective effects of simvastatin in infected open skin wounds is able to reduce infection and probably has antibacterial action. The potential to treat these wounds with statins to ameliorate inflammation and infection is promising


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Chitinases are enzymes involved in degradation of chitin and are present in a range of organisms, including those that do not contain chitin, such as bacteria, viruses, plants and animals, and play important physiological and ecological roles. Chitin is hydrolyzed by a chitinolytic system classified as: endo-chitinases, exo-chitinases and N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidases. In this study a Litochitinase1 extracted from the cephalotorax of the shrimp Litopenaeus Schmitt was purified 987.32 times using ionexchange chromatography DEAE-Biogel and molecular exclusion Sephacryl S-200. These enzyme presented a molecular mass of about 28.5 kDa. The results, after kinetic assay with the Litochitinase1 using as substrate p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-b-Dglucosaminideo, showed apparent Km of 0.51 mM, optimal activity at pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.0, optimum temperature at 55°C and stability when pre-incubated at temperatures of 25, 37, 45, 50 and 55°C. The enzyme showed a range of stability at pH 4.0 to 5.5. HgCl2 inhibited Litochitinase1 while MgCl2 enhances its activity. Antimicrobial tests showed that Litochitinase1 present activity against gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli in the 800 μg/mL concentration. The larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti was investigated using crude extracts, F-III (50-80%) and Litochitinase1 at 24 and 48 hours. The results showed larvicidal activity in all these samples with EC50 values of 6.59 mg/mL for crude extract, 5.36 mg/mL for F-III and 0.71 mg/mL for Litochitinase1 at 24 hours and 3.22 and 0.49 mg/mL for the F-III and Litochitinase1 at 48 hours, respectively. Other experiments confirmed the presence of chitin in the midgut of Aedes aegypti larvae, which may be suffering the action of Litochitinase1 killing the larvae, but also the absence of contaminating proteins as serine proteinase inhibitors and lectins in the crude extract, F-III and Litochitinase1, indicating that the death of the larvae is by action of the Litochitinase1. We also observed that the enzymes extracted from intestinal homogenate of the larvae no have activity on Litochitinase1. These results indicate that the enzyme can be used as an alternative to control of infections caused by Escherichia coli and reducing the infestation of the mosquito vector of dengue.


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The Chromobacterium violaceum is a β-proteobacterium Gram-negative widely found in tropical and subtropical regions, whose genome was sequenced in 2003 showing great metabolic versatility and biotechnological and pharmaceutical potential. Given the large number of ORFs related to iron metabolism described in the genome of C. violaceum, the importance of this metal for various biological processes and due to lack of data about the consequences of excess of iron in free-living organisms, it is important to study the response mechanism of this bacterium in a culture filled with iron. Previous work showed that C. violaceum is resistant to high concentrations of this metal, but has not yet been described the mechanism which is used to this survival. Thus, to elucidate the response of C. violaceum cultured in high concentrations of iron and expecting to obtain candidate genes for use in bioremediation processes, this study used a shotgun proteomics approach and systems biology to assess the response of C. violaceum grown in the presence and absence of 9 mM of iron. The analysis identified 531 proteins, being 71 exclusively expressed by the bacteria grown in the presence of the metal and 100 just in the control condition. The increase in expression of proteins related to the TCA cycle possibly represents a metabolic reprogramming of the bacteria caused by high concentration of iron in the medium. Moreover, we observed an increase in the activity assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as in Total Antioxidant Activity assay, suggesting that the metal is inducing oxidative stress in C. violaceum that increases the levels of violacein and antioxidant enzymes to better adapt to the emerging conditions. Are also part of the adaptive response changes in expression of proteins related to transport, including iron, as well as an increased expression of proteins related to chemotaxis response, which would lead the bacteria to change the direction of its movement away from the metal. Systems Biology results, also suggest a metabolic reprogramming with mechanisms coordinated by bottleneck proteins involved in transcription (GreA), energy metabolism (Rpe and TpiA) and methylation (AhcY)


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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The β-proteobacterium Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative, free-living, saprophytic and opportunistic pathogen that inhabits tropical and subtropical ecosystems among them, in soil and water of the Amazon. It has great biotechnological potential, and because of this potential, its genome was completely sequenced in 2003. Genome analysis showed that this bacterium has several genes with functions related to the ability to survive under different kinds of environmental stresses. In order to understand the physiological response of C. violaceum under oxidative stress, we applied the tool of shotgun proteomics. Thus, colonies of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 were grown in the presence and absence of 8 mM H2O2 for two hours, total proteins were extracted from bacteria, subjected to SDS-PAGE, stained and hydrolysed. The tryptic peptides generated were subjected to a linear-liquid chromatography (LC) followed by mass spectrometer (LTQ-XL-Orbitrap) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. A shotgun proteomics allows to compare directly in complex samples, differential expression of proteins and found that in C. Violaceum, 131 proteins are expressed exclusively in the control condition, 177 proteins began to be expressed under oxidative stress and 1175 proteins have expression in both conditions. The results showed that, under the condition of oxidative stress, this bacterium changes its metabolism by increasing the expression of proteins capable of combating oxidative stress and decreasing the expression of proteins related processes bacterial growth and catabolism (transcription, translation, carbon metabolism and fatty acids). A tool with of proteomics as an approach of integrative biology provided an overview of the metabolic pathways involved in the response of C. violaceum to oxidative stress, as well as significantly amplified understanding physiological response to environmental stress. Biochemical and "in silico" assays with the hypothetical ORF CV_0868 found that this is part of an operon. Phylogenetic analysis of superoxide dismutase, protein belonging to the operon also showed that the gene is duplicated in genome of C. violaceum and the second copy was acquired through a horizontal transfer event. Possibly, not only the SOD gene but also all genes comprising this operon were obtained in the same manner. It was concluded that C. violaceum has complex, efficient and versatile mechanisms in oxidative stress response


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Extended storage of refrigerated milk can lead to reduced quality of raw and processed milk, which is a consequence of the growth and metabolic activities of psychrotrophic bacteria, able to grow under 7oC or lower temperatures. Although most of these microorganisms are destroyed by heat treatment, some have the potential to produce termoresistant proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes that can survive even UHT processing and reduce the processed products quality. Recently, the IN 51 determineds that milk should be refrigerated and stored at the farm what increased the importance of this group of microorganisms. In this work, psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated from 20 communitarian bulk tanks and 23 individual bulk tanks from dairy farms located at Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais State and from southeastern Rio de Janeiro. Selected milk dilutions were plated on standard agar and after incubation for 10 days at 7oC, five colonies were isolated, firstly using nutrient agar and after using McConkey agar for 24 hours at 21oC. The isolates were identified by morphology, Gram stain method, catalase production, fermentative/oxidative metabolism and by API 20E, API 20NE, API Staph, API Coryne or API 50 CH (BioMerieux). In order to ensure reproductibility, API was repeated for 50% of the isolates. Species identification was considered when APILAB indexes reached 75% or higher. 309 strains were isolated, 250 Gram negative and 59 Gram positive. 250 Gram negative isolates were identified as: Acinetobacter spp. (39), Aeromonas spp. (07), A. Hydrophila (16), A. sobria (1), A. caviae (1), Alcaligenes feacalis (1), Burkholderia cepacia (12), Chryseomonas luteola (3), Enterobacter sp. (1), Ewingella americana(6), Hafnia alvei (7), Klebsiella sp. (1), Klebsiella oxytoca (10), Yersinia spp. (2), Methylobacterium mesophilicum (1), Moraxella spp. (4), Pantoea spp. (16), Pasteurella sp. (1), Pseudomonas spp. (10), P. fluorescens (94), P. putida (3), Serratia spp. (3), Sphigomonas paucomobilis (1). Five isolates kept unidentified. Pseudomonas was the predominant bacteria found (43%) and P. fluorescens the predominant species (37.6%), in accordance with previous reports. Qualitative analysis of proteolytic and lipolytic activity was based on halo formation using caseinate agar and tributirina agar during 72 hours at 21oC and during 10 days at 4°C, 10oC and 7°C. Among 250 Gram negative bacteria found, 104 were identified as Pseudomonas spp. and 60,57% of this group showed proteolytic and lipolytic acitivities over all four studied temperatures. 20% of Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Burkholderia, Chryseomonas, Methylobacterium, Moraxella presented only lipolytic activity. Some isolates presented enzymatic activity in one or more studied temperatures. Among Gram positive bacteria, 30.51% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at 7oC, 10oC, and 21oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at all studied temperatures (4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC) and 3.38% were proteolytic only at 21oC. At 4oC, only one isolate showed proteolytic activity and six isolates were lipolytic. In relation to Gram negative microorganisms, 4% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, 10% were proteolytic at 10oC and 4.4% were lipolytic at 4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, while 6.4% of all isolates were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC and 21oC as well as lipolytic at 4oC and 7oC. These findings are in accordance with previous researches that pointed out Pseudomonas as the predominant psycrotrophic flora in stored refrigerated raw milk


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Some microorganisms from virgin ecosystems are able to use petroleum it as source of carbon and energy. The knowledge of microbial biodiversity can help to reveal new metabolic systems for utilization alkanes with biotechnological importance. The aim of this study is: i) Accomplish an in silico study of the AlkB protein aimed to understand the probable mechanism involved on selectivity of alkanes in Gram positive and Gram negative bactéria. ii) prospect and analyze the response of the microbial alkanotrophics communities in soil and mangrove sediments of BPP RN and soil of Atlantic forest in the Horto Dois Irmãos Reserve area/PE using the molecular biomarker, gene alkB; with the PCR and PCR-DGGE approach


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Violacein is a violet pigment isolated from many gram-negative bacteria, especially from Chromobacterium violaceum, a betaproteobacterium found in the Amazon River in Brazil. It has potential medical applications as an antibacterial, fungicide, anti-tryptanocidal, anti-ulcerogenic and anti-cancer drug, among others. Furthermore, its pro-oxidant activity has been suggested, but only in two specific tumor lineages. Thus, in the present study, the prooxidant effects of violacein were investigated in both normal and tumor cells, seeking to evaluate the cell responses. The evaluation of violacein cytotoxicity using the Trypan blue dye exclusion method indicated that CHO-K1 cells were more resistant than tumor HeLa cells. The oxidative stress induced by violacein was manifested as an increase in intracellular SOD activity in CHO-K1 and MRC-5 cells at a specific concentration range. Nevertheless, a decrease was detected specifically at 6-12 μM in HeLa and MRC-5 cells. Interestingly, the increase in SOD activity was not followed by a concomitant increase in catalase activity. Regarding to oxidative stress biomarkers, increased protein carbonylation and lipid hydroperoxides levels were detected respectively in CHO-K1 and MRC-5 cells treated with violacein at 1.5-3 μM and 3 μM, which may be an evidence that this compound causes oxidative stress specifically in these conditions. Additionally, it is believed that the decline in cell viability observed in MRC-5 cells and HeLa treated with violacein at 6-12 M is due to mechanisms not related to oxidative stress. Moreover, the results suggested that violacein might cause oxidative stress by increasing endogenous levels of O2 -, since the occurrence of an expressive change in SOD activity. In addition, in order to evaluate the antioxidant activity of violacein in the absence of a biological system, the total antioxidant and iron chelating activity were evaluated, so that antioxidant activities were detected at 30 and 60 μM of violacein. Altogether, the results indicate that although oxidative stress is triggered by incubation with violacein, it did not seem to be high enough to cause serious damage to cell biomolecules in HeLa cells and only at specific concentrations in CHOK-1 and MRC-5 cells. Comparing the results obtained in cell culture and the in vitro antioxidant activity evaluation, the results confirmed that violacein presents opposing oxidant features when in presence or absence of a biological system and the antioxidant character only occurs at high concentrations of the pigment.


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Helicobacter pylori is a spiral, Gram negative, mobile, and microaerophilic bacteria recognized as a major cause of gastritis, ulcer, gastric cancer, and gastric low grade, B cell, mucosa – associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, constituting an important microorganism in medical microbiology. Its importance comes from the difficulty of treatment because the requirement of multiple drugs use, besides the increasing emergence of resistant and multiresistant strains to antibiotics used in th e clinic. In order to expand safe and effective therapeutic options , chemical studies on medicinal plants by obtaining extracts, fractions, isolated compounds or essential oils with some biological activity has been intensified . Given the above, the objective was to evaluate the inhi bitory activity of organic extracts derived from Syzygium cumini and Encholirium spectabile, with antiulcer history, and the essential oil, obtained from S. cumini, against H. pylori (ATCC 43504) by the disk diffusion method, for qualitative evaluation, an d determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using the broth microdilution method, for quantitative analysis. Also was evaluated the extracts in vitro toxicity by a hemolytic assay using sheep red blood cells, and VERO and HeLa cells using the MTT assay to analyze cell viability. The extracts of both plant used in antimicrobial assays did not inhibit bacterial growth, however the essential oil of S. cumini (SCFO) proved effective, showing MIC value of 205 μg/mL (0.024 % dilution of the original oil). In the hemolytic assay, the same oil shows moderate toxicity, by promote 25% hemolysis at 1000 μg/mL. Regarding the cytotoxicity in cell culture, the SCFO, at 260 μg/mL, affected the cell viability around 80% of HeLa and 50% of VERO cells. So the oi l obtained from S. cumini leaves has antimicrobial activity against H. pylori and cytotoxicity potential, suggesting a source of new molecule drug candidates, since new stages of toxicity in vitro and in vivo, as well, chemical characterization be evaluate d. Moreover, the development of a prospective drug delivery system can result in a prototype to be used in preclinical tests.


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Chitinases are enzymes involved in degradation of chitin and are present in a range of organisms, including those that do not contain chitin, such as bacteria, viruses, plants and animals, and play important physiological and ecological roles. Chitin is hydrolyzed by a chitinolytic system classified as: endo-chitinases, exo-chitinases and N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidases. In this study a Litochitinase1 extracted from the cephalotorax of the shrimp Litopenaeus Schmitt was purified 987.32 times using ionexchange chromatography DEAE-Biogel and molecular exclusion Sephacryl S-200. These enzyme presented a molecular mass of about 28.5 kDa. The results, after kinetic assay with the Litochitinase1 using as substrate p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-b-Dglucosaminideo, showed apparent Km of 0.51 mM, optimal activity at pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.0, optimum temperature at 55°C and stability when pre-incubated at temperatures of 25, 37, 45, 50 and 55°C. The enzyme showed a range of stability at pH 4.0 to 5.5. HgCl2 inhibited Litochitinase1 while MgCl2 enhances its activity. Antimicrobial tests showed that Litochitinase1 present activity against gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli in the 800 μg/mL concentration. The larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti was investigated using crude extracts, F-III (50-80%) and Litochitinase1 at 24 and 48 hours. The results showed larvicidal activity in all these samples with EC50 values of 6.59 mg/mL for crude extract, 5.36 mg/mL for F-III and 0.71 mg/mL for Litochitinase1 at 24 hours and 3.22 and 0.49 mg/mL for the F-III and Litochitinase1 at 48 hours, respectively. Other experiments confirmed the presence of chitin in the midgut of Aedes aegypti larvae, which may be suffering the action of Litochitinase1 killing the larvae, but also the absence of contaminating proteins as serine proteinase inhibitors and lectins in the crude extract, F-III and Litochitinase1, indicating that the death of the larvae is by action of the Litochitinase1. We also observed that the enzymes extracted from intestinal homogenate of the larvae no have activity on Litochitinase1. These results indicate that the enzyme can be used as an alternative to control of infections caused by Escherichia coli and reducing the infestation of the mosquito vector of dengue.


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The Chromobacterium violaceum is a β-proteobacterium Gram-negative widely found in tropical and subtropical regions, whose genome was sequenced in 2003 showing great metabolic versatility and biotechnological and pharmaceutical potential. Given the large number of ORFs related to iron metabolism described in the genome of C. violaceum, the importance of this metal for various biological processes and due to lack of data about the consequences of excess of iron in free-living organisms, it is important to study the response mechanism of this bacterium in a culture filled with iron. Previous work showed that C. violaceum is resistant to high concentrations of this metal, but has not yet been described the mechanism which is used to this survival. Thus, to elucidate the response of C. violaceum cultured in high concentrations of iron and expecting to obtain candidate genes for use in bioremediation processes, this study used a shotgun proteomics approach and systems biology to assess the response of C. violaceum grown in the presence and absence of 9 mM of iron. The analysis identified 531 proteins, being 71 exclusively expressed by the bacteria grown in the presence of the metal and 100 just in the control condition. The increase in expression of proteins related to the TCA cycle possibly represents a metabolic reprogramming of the bacteria caused by high concentration of iron in the medium. Moreover, we observed an increase in the activity assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as in Total Antioxidant Activity assay, suggesting that the metal is inducing oxidative stress in C. violaceum that increases the levels of violacein and antioxidant enzymes to better adapt to the emerging conditions. Are also part of the adaptive response changes in expression of proteins related to transport, including iron, as well as an increased expression of proteins related to chemotaxis response, which would lead the bacteria to change the direction of its movement away from the metal. Systems Biology results, also suggest a metabolic reprogramming with mechanisms coordinated by bottleneck proteins involved in transcription (GreA), energy metabolism (Rpe and TpiA) and methylation (AhcY)


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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The β-proteobacterium Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative, free-living, saprophytic and opportunistic pathogen that inhabits tropical and subtropical ecosystems among them, in soil and water of the Amazon. It has great biotechnological potential, and because of this potential, its genome was completely sequenced in 2003. Genome analysis showed that this bacterium has several genes with functions related to the ability to survive under different kinds of environmental stresses. In order to understand the physiological response of C. violaceum under oxidative stress, we applied the tool of shotgun proteomics. Thus, colonies of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 were grown in the presence and absence of 8 mM H2O2 for two hours, total proteins were extracted from bacteria, subjected to SDS-PAGE, stained and hydrolysed. The tryptic peptides generated were subjected to a linear-liquid chromatography (LC) followed by mass spectrometer (LTQ-XL-Orbitrap) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. A shotgun proteomics allows to compare directly in complex samples, differential expression of proteins and found that in C. Violaceum, 131 proteins are expressed exclusively in the control condition, 177 proteins began to be expressed under oxidative stress and 1175 proteins have expression in both conditions. The results showed that, under the condition of oxidative stress, this bacterium changes its metabolism by increasing the expression of proteins capable of combating oxidative stress and decreasing the expression of proteins related processes bacterial growth and catabolism (transcription, translation, carbon metabolism and fatty acids). A tool with of proteomics as an approach of integrative biology provided an overview of the metabolic pathways involved in the response of C. violaceum to oxidative stress, as well as significantly amplified understanding physiological response to environmental stress. Biochemical and "in silico" assays with the hypothetical ORF CV_0868 found that this is part of an operon. Phylogenetic analysis of superoxide dismutase, protein belonging to the operon also showed that the gene is duplicated in genome of C. violaceum and the second copy was acquired through a horizontal transfer event. Possibly, not only the SOD gene but also all genes comprising this operon were obtained in the same manner. It was concluded that C. violaceum has complex, efficient and versatile mechanisms in oxidative stress response