26 resultados para Formas de ensino

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The dissertation presents the learning, production and results of a study with a group of adult students of a high school level class in a night time public school at the Zona Oeste district of Natal-RN. As a teacher of Physics of these adult students, whose age is between 17 and 65 years, we felt the need to deepen our knowledge about the specifics of these students and build ways of teaching which would lead to a more significant educational process beside them. Among these ways of teaching, we emphasize, first, the performance of an extra-class activity that triggered the students' oral narratives about their life stories. Such narratives have led us to prioritize, as goals of teaching: socialization and the rescue of the search for a permanent learning, self-esteem and skills development to promote the exercise of autonomy. The students' previous contacts with the country life showed to be extremely significant for their memories and motives, suggesting the theme "Nature" to be adopted as a matrix for generative themes to be adopted during the teaching and learning moments with them. Considering these results, we construct a teaching proposal for continued work with the class, with which we chose the "Climate" as a guiding theme of this proposal, here presented and analyzed. In addition to a movement between problematizations developed in a thematic framework - through the initial questions of the students -, and those in a more conceptual approach - that we induced -, we have adopted as central methodological aspect the use of oral and written language, both as an exercise of dialogue, Freire's perspective, such as a structural element of cognitive processes, the perspectives of Vygotsky and Bakhtin. The development of the proposal was registered by audio and teacher and students´ regular written records, for 1 month and a half. As positive outcomes of the proposal, we emphasize the changing attitudes of students, showing a significant increase of their initiative in participating of the classes, besides a creative and critical use of arguments during the situations studied


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As Sociology becomes a mandatory subject in the curricular componentof Brazilian high schools, we find anopportune moment to proposals and changes in the subject and in teaching, in a general aspect. It s noticed the great importance of the role that the create imagination plays in individual s formation (BACHELARD), and it s also seen that Brazilian education system has marginalized imagination to the detriment of a unifocused scientism that sterilizes creativity, playfulness and poetry in its educational process. Nevertheless, a way of thinking redefinitions to the educational horizons of Sociology as a subject and education is upheld. An educational practice that reconnects the prosaic and the poetic, using images/songs as paths/strategies of the teaching-learning process. As for that, the school structure was used where the tutor work was done to undertake experiences that made the use of songs as strategy to facilitate/stimulate the learning of the subject Sociology in high school. From thoughts and results of this experience, plus the bibliographic studies, analysis were made. The goal of this essay is to make use and stimulate the creation of poetic images from the teaching point of view, specially the Sociology subject in high school, rethinking and searching more efficient and playful ways of approaching and building educational methods from images; stimulating the development of the Thinking Reform and the Anthropoetics of the human gender (MORIN); acknowledging that imagination is an indispensable part of our integral formation


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Ce travail se propose de discuter, dans les domaines de la linguistique appliquée, focalisés dans l enseignement-apprentissage de la langue maternelle, les processus didactique-pédagogique avec lesquels se construisent, interactivement, et s organisent les pratiques de lecture et d écoute du genre roman, en tant qu objet enseigné, dans le contexte du cours de langue portugaise. On cherche ici, spécifiquement, à décrire et à interpréter les différentes manières utilisées par l enseignante pour apprendre la lecture et l écoute du roman Le Petit Prince, d Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, et, par conséquent, la réception de ce genre du discours par les apprenants, résultat des échanges interactifs entre l enseignante et les apprenants pris dans le processus de transposition de savoirs à propos de ce genre. La condition d existence de ces échanges se trouve dans les procédures didactiques de l enseignant lorsqu il propose aux apprenants des activités de la lecture et de l écoute des textes. Dans ce contexte, le corpus dont nous nous occupons se constitue des enregistrements en vidéo, audio et prises de notes dans les carnets de classe des cours de Portugais, pour la période scolaire de 2005, avec un groupe de 5ème année de la formation fondamentale d une école publique fédérale de Belém (PA). Du point de vue théorique-methodologique, nous nous inspirons des contributions de Moita-Lopes (2003) et Geertz (2006), surtout à ce qui concerne la conception et les procédures de constitution et traitement des données selon les présupposés de la recherche ethnographique. Encore du point de vue théorique et pour ce qui concerne l analyse des données, nous utilisons les contributions de Bakhtin (2003), sur les études énonciatif-discoursifs sous une conception dialogique du langage, les contributions issues des domaines des études appliquées et des études en didactiques de langues, dans la section de Psychologie et Sciences de l Éducation de l Université de Genève, coordonnée par Schneuwly, Dolz et ses collaborateurs (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 et 2005) envisageant la construction de l objet enseigné par moyen d instruments didactiques, et, finalement, Rojo (2001 et 2002), et sa discussion sur l apprentissage des capacités de lecture essentielles à la formation du lecteur et producteur à l école. L analyse des données obtenues nous a permis de relever la façon utilisée par le professeur pour enseigner le genre roman, mettant en relief l apprentissage de la lecture par les apprenants à travers les instruments didactiques capables de le faire devenir l objet enseigné


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La défense d une école inclusive dans les forums internationaux du monde entier a stimulé l adoption de politiques éducationnelles d inclusion et la pratique d inclusion dans les écoles, de sorte à ce que la scolarisation des élèves aux besoins éducatifs spéciaux dans les classes comunes est devenue une réalité dans la majorité des systèmes d éducation. Et pourtant, l inclusion scolaire, au Brésil, avance à pas lents et pose d innombrables questions, notamment quand il s agit de l inclusion des personnes qui présentent une déficience mentale dans les niveaux d enseignement plus avancés. Basé sur ce fait, et tout en considérant que les études et recherches sur ce thème, au Brésil, sont centrées majoritairement sur l éducation enfantine et les séries initiales de l enseignement fondamental, cette étude se propose d analyser l inclusion d une élève ayant une déficience mentale, inscrite dans l Enseignement Moyen, dans une école appartenant au réseau d enseignement de l Etat, dans la ville de Natal RN. Pour répondre aux questions proposées dans cette étude nous avons fait appel aux méthodologies qualitatives, du genre Etude de Cas, et au cours de sa réalisation avons utilisé l interview demi-structurée et l observation libre dans l ambiance naturelle de l école. Ont participé de l étude, en plus de l élève qui présentait une déficience mentale, sa mère et deux segments de l école, desquels ont fait partie trois professionnels de l équipe administrative pédagogique et quatre enseignants. L analyse des données a mis en relief la résistence de l école à répondre au projet pédagogique d éducation inclusive, aspect qui a un rapport très étroit avec les spécificités de l Enseignement Moyen, la structure traditionnelle d un enseignement basé sur l idée d une classe homogène, et le bas niveau d attentes des éducateurs concernant les possibilités d apprentissage et de développement de l élève handicapée mentale. De surcroît, le manque de directives pour conduire les adaptations pédagogiques et du curriculum à l école ont rendu fragile l action des enseignants, dont le résultat est une pratique d intégration rudement malmenée. Au travers des points de refléxions suscités par cette étude, nous considérons que l inclusion des élèves qui présentent une déficience mentale doit être centrée sur une pratique pédagogique qui repousse l idée de soumettre tous les élèves à des procédures universelles cristalisées sur des pratiques imposées par les contraintes d homogénéisation, et qui, contrairement, puisse trouver à l école des conditions favorables au développement de chacun, au travers des processus d apprentissages formés par des instances de médiation et d interaction sociales


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Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.


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Plongés dans le temps présent, les dessins humoristiques, par la capacité de représenter, de suggérer et de communiquer une idée, marquent présence à l école et dans la salle de classe. Caractérisés par l utilisation d éléments comiques, satiriques et irôniques, outre la nature persuasive, ces dessins possibilitent le lecteur de faire une lecture critique des événements sociaux et politiques de notre société. En tant que langage visuel, structuré dans les formes verbale et icônique, de même que par le caractère analogique de représentation, les dessins humoristiques constituent un excellent recours pédagogique. Toutefois, ils sont longtemps restés inaperçus par l école et, seul récemment, ils sont devenus objet d investigation de la part des historiens. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes proposés, dans cette étude, à analyser l utilisation de ces dessins par les professeurs d histoire des écoles publiques nommées Centros Paraibanos de Educação Solidária (CEPES), de João Pessoa, capitale de l Etat de Paraíba, en vue d appréhender et de discuter la façon dont ces professeurs font usage de ces dessins dans leur pratique pédagogique. Par le moyen des actions des professeurs, conçues comme des arts de faire, selon Certeau, et par l identification des usages qui se caractérisent comme des tactiques, nous avons essayé de percevoir comment se réalise le rapport humour et histoire, en salle de classe. La systématisation, la catégorisation et la narration des pratiques pédagogiques observées ont été réalisées par l analyse des questionnaires et des interviews appliqués aux professeurs et élèves, ainsi qu à l observation des classes. Notre recherche s est fondée sur les théories de Roger Chartier et Michel de Certeau, dont les concepts de représentation et d appropriation, d usages et de tactiques nous ont aidé à comprendre la forme par laquelle les sujets incorporés au quotidien de la salle de classe se sont appropriés de la dimension imagétique à travers l humour. A partir des concepts d usage et d appropriation nous avons identifié dans les actions et les parlers, la façon dont les dessins humoristiques sont travaillés par les professeurs. Conçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, ces dessins sont perçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, identifant, ainsi, les adversités du présent, dans le monde social


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Access is a problem of higher education in Brazil that has existed since the formalization of this has occurred since the installation of the Portuguese court in Brazil in 1808. Only 10% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age attending this level of education in 2000, arriving in 2010 just 15%, far from that determined the National Education Plan in 2001, triple that percentage by the year 2010. In addition, a majority of seats of public HEIs is populated by students from the private network, especially in high-demand courses. In this context, this study aims to identify the costs related to the trajectories of students who were successful in the vestibular UFRN editions from 2006 to 2010. Presents an overview of higher education in Brazil, a brief history of vestibular, as well as new forms of access, and some of the policies to expand such access, highlighting the argument Inclusion UFRN. Focusing on the theme of the paper presents the concepts of opportunity costs and social. After collecting data through a questionnaire and consultation of databases COMPERVE was developed to search for a descriptive and analytical, with the participation of 3,995 students, of whom 1642 (41.1%) had completed secondary education in schools public, and 2,078 (52%) in private schools. The profile indicates that 90% are single, about 50% are 21 years of age, are white and female. In the course of preparation for college entrance exams, 80% chose the course during or after completion of the last year of high school, and almost 70% said they had started preparing at that time. Findings related to the costs involved with this preparation indicate that, in most cases there were school fees and disbursements and workshops, and the purchase of books and other materials, with parents primarily responsible for this cost, the amount disbursed each month was up $ 300 for 64% of respondents and only 7% of them exceeded $ 1,000, the major non-financial costs were characterized by the following resignations: job opportunities (24%) or temporary work (20%) courses of languages (26%), leisure activities (48%), leisure travel (43%), and parties and / or shows (54%). Of social investments by the government, stand out in the tax waiver scholarships for study in private institutions, grant exemption from the registration fee of vestibular, the preparatory courses UFRN, and seminars by COMPERVE / UFRN with networks of high school. From the junction of the opportunity costs (private costs) and social costs (public costs), a new concept: the social opportunity cost, which measures the combined efforts of families and government to finance the opportunity to access higher education of an individual. This concept can and should be incorporated as a strategic vector for the sake of democratic university, which reflects the social model that is sought


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Estamos vivendo no século da criatividade em que os sujeitos precisam ser estimulados a criar e inovar nos processos de aprendizagem escolar. Nesse sentido, a criatividade precisa ser compreendida como um bem cultural, um direito de todos e uma condição histórica e cultural do sujeito, e não como uma capacidade inerente ao sujeito ou pertencente alguns poucos eleitos. Para que a criatividade do aluno seja estimulada, faz-se necessário, dentre outros elementos, que o conhecimento profissional do professor considere as crenças como componente de seu processo de profissionalização com o objetivo de reconhecer o seu papel e influências como formas de nortear as ações profissionais docentes. Para tanto, a presente tese tem o objetivo de estudar as crenças dos professores sobre a criatividade dos estudantes no Ensino Médio Inovador. O ensino, nessa perspectiva, mais especificamente, o ensino médio precisa inovar-se, e nesse processo, o Programa Ensino Médio Inovador PROEMI emerge como uma das iniciativas das políticas públicas educacionais vigentes. Para tanto, no intuito de fundamentar as nossas discussões dialogamos com autores que discutem a criatividade no contexto da educação, às crenças, o conhecimento profissional do professor e o ensino médio. Nessa pesquisa, 207 professores que atuam no ensino médio em escolas estaduais na cidade de Natal e sua Região Metropolitana dentro do PROEMI constituíram-se em nosso público-alvo. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário normativo de crenças contendo perguntas fechadas e abertas. Para a organização dos dados utilizamos os softwares estatísticos R. 2.15.1 e o Modalisa. O tratamento dos dados se deu mediante análises estatísticas como a análise descritiva dos enunciados, da média, do desvio padrão e a Análise de Componentes Principais ACP em relação aos resultados oriundos das perguntas fechadas e a análise de conteúdo em se tratando dos resultados referentes às perguntas abertas. Os resultados corroboraram com a tese de que os professores apresentam em suas crenças a predominância do enfoque tradicional ou clássico da criatividade, ou seja, creem-na como algo inato ao ser humano e que se desenvolve independentemente dos fatores sociais e culturais. No tocante às principais características do aluno criativo, a autonomia e o alto grau de originalidade em sua aprendizagem se destacaram, dentre outras características. Suas crenças, em relação aos elementos que inibem a criatividade do aluno apontaram que a escola, ao privilegiar os conteúdos escolares compromete a criatividade dos alunos e sobre os elementos que favorecem, destacaram-se as áreas da Arte, da Educação Física e da Literatura como disciplinas, que preferencialmente, desenvolvem a criatividade dos alunos no contexto escolar. Assim, constatamos que as crenças dos professores se configuram de forma reducionista e inatista e que precisam, urgentemente, ser repensadas para que não continue a comprometer o desenvolvimento da criatividade do aluno no contexto escolar, e nesse caso, as crenças se constituem em um dos elementos básicos da profissionalização docente que precisam constantemente ser repensadas e incluídas nas discussões sobre a formação e atuação docente, principalmente, dentro do PROEMI que tem como objetivo principal inovar e estimular a criatividade dos alunos no ensino médio


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The following study aims at the main conceptions around the body and the learning through physical education classes at school. Therefore, this research mainly presents a proposal of pedagogical intervention on physical education for Ensino Médio, centered on the knowledge about the body as well as how to evaluate the impacts of such interventions on the students‟ learning process. In order to surround our field of investigation, this work elaborates the following study questions: a) What have students learned about the body in physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN? b) What methodological possibilities can contribute on the experience of meaningful learning processes in physical education in Ensino Médio related to the knowledge of body aspects? Regarding to the methodology used, this ethnographic research used several instruments for data collecting like dairies, diagnostic activities, self-assessment evaluations, portfolio, filming, photographs and posts on the social network facebook. The materialization of the pedagogical intervention and all of its implications allow us to consider that the physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN, campus Parnamirim have supported meaningful experiences of learning. Also they motivate relevant discussions applicable to the students‟ everyday lives once they are supported by discussions related to the influence of media about the body of teenagers, the irregular use of steroids, massaging as a possibility of body relaxation. Also, we point out that the students had the chance to experience body activities which crossed the limits of physical education classes‟ hegemony at school, such as indoor soccer, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and handball. Thus, the students could experience body activities beyond the limits of most common sports, which started several discussions about the juvenile universe and culture. Beside the professional and personal importance of this work, we list the scientific relevance for the production of knowledge on the educational field once the number of Works about the knowledge of the body are still only a few. This study is mainly about alternative body practices. Therefore, we consider that the knowledge about the body can and must be studied not only through alternative practices, but also in different approaches which can be attributed to body running phenomenon. Finally, we believe that the discussions hereby motivated about the matter are far from being enough, so we deliver our intention in deepening this study on forthcoming researches about the knowledge of the body in the field of physical education in Ensino Médio


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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In the historical-cultural perspective, the drawing is processed by means of a shared and complex way, under diverse relations with the other and with the immersed signs of the culture. That is, something constituted by the social interactions and that can modify the structure of the psychological functions, therefore as socialized sign, propitiates the incorporation of the functions socially. In this way, the figuration carrier sensitive and established meanings historically disclosing the shared experiences and the ways of the subject to think and perceive the world. Such reflections gave shape to the main problem of this research: how to think over about the drawing at the school to incide in the reconstruction of the childs imaginative language? Under such perspective, this work deals with the interactions in the production process of the drawing of the children in a context of teach-Iearning of the elementary school having as goal to analyze the interactions established in the cIassroom in the process of production of the drawings; to propose situations of learnings that favor the advance graphical expression of the students; and to identify in the interactive games some relations between body expression and drawing. For its accomplishment, it was opted for the construction process based in the collaborative investigation by the fact to propitiate negotiations, sharing and confrontation of ideas, becoming possible a joint construction of the knowledge. For this research, the researcher and the collaborating teacher, as well as the involved children, become themselves into co-authors of the context studied. As locus of the research, it was chosen a first cycle class, with 30 students, from Municipal School Profª. Emília Ramos (Natal/RN - Brazil), whose election took in account the fact of this school to constitute in a promotional space of reflections and professional development of teachers in service and, at the same time, for presentinglimitations theoretic- methodological in the field of teaching for Arts. In the process of the research, it was perceived that the children with the support of the verbal language formulates meanings on the seen and imagined object, printing lines and forms that if overlap to the physiological aspects of the visual perception. That is, the drawing discloses a reality appraised, enriched for the picked up vision of the image, but the meanings established for the author, or observer who becomes it perceivable and identified. In the systemizing situations, it was observed that the teaching-Iearning process of the drawing, implies a co-construction between teachers and learners. And, moreover, the necessity to interlace emotion and cognition by means of plastic-corporal interactions that foment drawing experiences, whose process concurs for the imagenative reconstruct of the apprentices


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It is in the work environment that occurs the relations of production, economy, personal development and professional growth. Thus, this environment characterizes for being a propitious way to the intellectual development diligent them. In this context, this study it had as objective to analyze the possibilities and challenges of the education to consist integrant part of the process of work of the nursing, in an education hospital. One is about a research of analytical matrix and qualitative boarding, that had as collaborating fifteen professionals of the nursing, middle- and upper-level, of a hospital of education in Natal/RN. It followed the metodológicos estimated ones of the thematic verbal history, which looks for to promote the agreement or clarification of determined situations, catching experiences of made use people to say on aspects of its life, keeping a commitment with the social context. The information then had been gotten by means of a research instrument that made possible the accomplishment of interviews, which had been marked anticipatedly and counted on the assent of that in they had participated. The interviews had been recorded in proper equipment, so that you say them of the collaborators transcribing and they were analyzed with the support of pertinent literature. The content of you say them was classified in empirical categories, as the nuclei of felt that they presented. With the analysis of the data, one evidenced that the education in the process of work of the nursing is something possible to occur, but that diverse they are the challenges that the same one has that to face to promote this phenomenon in its daily one of work. The collaborators had affirmed that the worker is necessary to remain itself permanently in study so that, thus, it grows professionally and improves its assistance. They had still affirmed that she is possible to work and to study, but that this requires determination of who intends such intention. E also guarantees that the diverse forms of education directed toward the care in nursing can have resolution, since that has collective compromising of the institution. This, as education hospital, recognizes to be necessary to possess one politics of education for its workers and is if considering implementation the same one through a structuralized program already. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of changes in the current scene where if they find the workers of nursing of the institution in study. These changes can be reached through one politics of investment in the workers, allowing, beyond other benefits, the reach of new knowledge that take them to a significant learning in favor of the population, reflecting in the quality of the given assistance


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The Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) described by David Paul Ausubel offers a proposal for the teaching strategies to provide a more active and effective student learning. The projection of the TML practice is demonstrated through the development of concept maps (CM) technique, created by Joseph Donald Novak, which presents as a strategy, method or schematic feature, which is an indicator to identify the cognitive organization of the knowledge acquired by students. The survey was conducted in the light of TML in relation to learning concepts involving students of undergraduate nursing in a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the study aimed to compare the concept learning of students of undergraduate nursing, when subjected to different forms of education, to point approaches that promote more effective and meaningful results. It was a quasi - experimental study with a qualitative analysis, conducted with students of the Undergraduate Nursing of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), approved by the Research Ethics Committee/UFRN Certification of Presention for Ethics Appreciation (CPEA) in 11706412.3.0000.5537. The study took place at two different times and involved content on complications mediate postoperative surgical wound in the same discipline with students who attended the 5th semester of the degree course in Nursing. For the viability of data collection, in the second half of 2013, we used the technique of CM, to represent the concept of complications mediate postoperative surgical wound covered in the classroom. CM were built at a different time from that of the discipline, with the support of tutors and preceded by a brief description and explanation about the form of preparation and application. In this study were subjected, 31 students of undergraduate nursing, registered in the discipline of Integral Attention to health I. In the first stage, 18 students participated in the survey, they had the teaching intervention based on TML, and in the second stage, all students participated in the lesson provided curriculum with the responsible teacher of the subject, on the same issue occurred. At the end of each meeting, the students 11 developed concept maps with the aid of software Cmap Tools®. Data analysis happened upon the technique of content analysis, supported by a conceptual map "glass", previously developed by researchers and aid in the preparation of the categories in which the concepts found were classified. The study found that the teaching intervention based on TML with the help of CM, managed to develop in students a more expressive teaching learning process than just classroom curriculum with the traditional teaching method, and also that the association between the intervention motion teaching with the traditional method and the use of the technique of CM encourages the student the ability to articulate the various acquired knowledge as well as apply them in real situations


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La disertación, desarrollada en el Programa de PostGraduación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales y de la Matemática de la UFRN, estudia las necesidades formativas de licenciandos en Química sobre el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones (NTIC), en especial, las relacionadas con la utilización de programas computacionales para la enseñanza de la química. En la actual sociedad del conocimiento, se torna imperativo la eclosión de nuevas formas de aprender y de enseñar, que requieren de nuevas concepciones del trabajo pedagógico. En ese sentido, se exige de los profesores el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades y competencias. El presente trabajo está comprometido con la búsqueda de elementos que puedan nortear los procesos formativos de profesores de química con el objetivo de contribuir con una mejor preparación de la formación inicial, tomando en cuenta sus necesidades de formación. Fue utilizado el cuestionario como instrumento de investigación para diagnosticar y caracterizar las necesidades fomativas, buscando establecer correlaciones entre diferentes variables que cacarterizan el estudio, con el fin de establecer semenazas y discrepancias entre las habilidades docentes en estudio y las necesidades formativas. Los analises de los datos tomo elementos de la estadistica descriptivo e inferencial, con analises multivariados, lo que posibilitó identificar las necesidades formativas. Los resultados muestran ue de forma general los licenciandos evaluan como de bajo, el grado de desarrollo de las habilidades para enseñar usando las NTIC, así como manifiestan sentir necesidades formativas en todas las habilidades referentes a esa esfera del trabajo docente


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This paper aims at building a proposal for teaching of electromagnetism in the secondary level in the state public school in Natal, RN, encompassing at the most possible comprehensive manner the fundamental aspects of electromagnetism. The methodology employed here is prioritize physical concepts rather than instruments (such as the mathematics), which should have the connotation of just tools, or of aids in the context of physics teaching in the referred teaching level. The proposal is to give teachers a consultation resource, from differentiated lesson plans, which have as main focus activities based primarily in texts and active participation of students in the teaching- learning process and the implementation of the PCN+ proposals (BRAZIL, 2000), which suggest alternative ways to make the practice in the classroom more exciting, targeting a significant teaching-learning process for both the teacher and the student. This material was applied during the 3rd and 4th term (i.e., bimester) throughout the school year of 2007, in the State School Teacher Varela Barca in two classes (3V1 and 3V2) of 3rd grade of secondary level. As evaluation of the implementation of this proposal one can cite that students were more secure when to apply the concepts, when conducting the experiments, and less anxious when formal evaluation of the evidence, showing greater motivation when presented to electromagnetism contextualized in their everyday situations. The product of this educational work includes, besides the dissertation, the lesson plans, itineraries and experimental assessment of the instruments used (Annex E to I)