10 resultados para Fábrica da Baleia de São Vicente Ferreira
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The present work aims to reflect on the everyday and its Vincentian practices of sociability in the early years of the presence of television in the city of São Vicente (RN), from the memories of the protagonists who witnessed the first insertion of TV set sin the beginning sof 1970s.Thus, the research was guided by some questions deemed relevant to the study in order to understand the most significant changes in the daily Vincentian boosted by the arrival of television in some private houses, which soon became a meeting place, recreation and sociability. At that time, filled the role of TV unites and brings people together. These houses, reinvented in spaces of sociability, were sanctioned by the various actors who gathered daily to include television programming. This popularity of television was measured by the joint efforts of people who moved their homes to homes that had this technical device. Each home with their uniqueness sand peculiarity, which attracted the population frequency f these spaces were frequent. Of course people still sit on the sidewalks, to be held the night rides in the streets and square, but soon came to the program schedule Preferred came into leaving their homes or to homes that had TV, watch them in the design of audiovisual programs. We use the oral memory as the principal methodology in order to interpret the memories recounted by people who lived in that time period studied. For this purpose we constructed a narrative that highlights the categories memory, media, social practices, everyday life and thus has the theoretical and methodological contributions of authors of humanities and social sciences its main foundation. In field research in the use of in-depth interviews, since the narratives of our research is interviewed. The importance of a study of such order, is not only in understanding the TV as an essential mediator for the interaction of individuals in society, from 1970 in São Vicente (RN), but also for the unveiling of his relationship with the daily routines of the Vincentians, founded in environments and symbols that regulated the conduct and reordered the social practices and sociability of these subjects. In this sense, the making of a work on the presence of TV in the city of São Vicente (RN) is also of paramount importance for the history of this media at the national level, since this is nothing more than a set of multiple stories
In this work we will analyze the function of the city of Currais Novos-RN front of four cities in its hinterland in the process of globalization, now set. Such cities are, Acari, São Vicente, Lagoa Nova and Cerro Corá. We take the theoretical and territory division of labor that result while providing the articulation of cities in urban networks, and the tertiary sector, which holds the means for the articulation. Beyond the historical analysis and secondary database, the analysis of flows of materials and people between the cities above would, lay a greater diagnostic functions of the regional center of Currais Novos, and escape of the search as much of the spread of products
This paper concern the general subject of teacher career construction, since the period of the initial formation in the teaching course of pedagogy crossing the first effectives experiences of professional performance, until the reflections about the results of the continuous formation propositions. The specifics subject is the formative quotidian in the teacher s life beyond of the traditional stereotypes about individuals and institutions bring up for discussion a micro sociological approach about the professionals uncertainty and the personal hopes, the teacher displeasures and the pedagogical satisfactions. The epistemological reflection about the different formatives experiences, taking as example the Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA (Alphabetizers Formation Program) developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Natal City, consider the ambiguous tension between the knowledge that the teachers acquire in their formation and the concrete teachers practical since those experiences. The study methodology is based in the qualitative comprehensive research, sustained by observations, impressive reflective accounts, and also in the theoretic analyses with contemporary references to the critical pedagogical through and education sociology. I used the autobiographic reflective account by the writer-researcher in her owner academic and professional way. I propose an image of a teacher s factory in such a way for its conformist aspects to the continuity stands as much the internal contradictions of the system. Gears, pieces and manual instructions are the educational components of this factory as ideological, institutional and technical structures to aim at to limit the critics and the changes. However the teachers thinking and acting with their owner creativity to adapted uncontexted professional knowledge s to their pedagogical lives. Under those analogies I propose the problem of this research the teacher s formation and theirs pedagogical practices- and also examine briefly its theoretic-philosophical and methodological basis. From the analysis and interpretation of my owner experiential life as teacher s educator I put the necessity of re-thinking the teacher s formation in terms to rebound more meaningfully in their pedagogical actuation. I believe an important part of the teacher s formation process is the personal wish to learn more about the office, explicitly connected to human convictions and values such as to a positive professional identity. Thus, the teacher able to reflect about your owner educator life can find the best way to help the students to think critically about their culture and history, valorizing creative exits by themselves to face the conformist social stands connected with school education
This work intends to describe and analyze the parties of forró that happen in Serra da Gameleira, in São Tomé/RN. Serra is a divided social space: groups of different ethnic origins live together in Gameleira de Baixo, Salgadinho (or Gameleira de Cima) and Chaves Belas. They are approximately two hundred families that live exclusively from agriculture. We try to understand how the parties inform about the social organization, the ethnic composition of the families that live there and the past of Serra, through the genealogy offorró players. In the discussion, we identify the festive places: in the total, we have Five houses of forró that function regularly one of them has been described. The private and public spaces inside them are intimate related, with no clear limits between the house of forró and the residence. Each house of forró has an owner, that regularly makes the parties, mobilizing a big part of the inhabitants, and provoking the straitening of the social relations. Observing the festive sociability between different social segments, the forró appears like na element that minimizes social conflicts, providing news ways of association and cooperation in the space of Serra da Gameleira. For the collection of facts, we used the ethnographic method, through the direct observation, interviewing and documentary research. The local history is recounted following the routes of oral memory and historical documents analysis. In the end of the analysis, we concluded that music and party are elements that aggregate the different groups that live in the location and determine forms of expression of what is seen as a traditional culture
The transport of fluids through pipes is used in the oil industry, being the pipelines an important link in the logistics flow of fluids. However, the pipelines suffer deterioration in their walls caused by several factors which may cause loss of fluids to the environment, justifying the investment in techniques and methods of leak detection to minimize fluid loss and environmental damage. This work presents the development of a supervisory module in order to inform to the operator the leakage in the pipeline monitored in the shortest time possible, in order that the operator log procedure that entails the end of the leak. This module is a component of a system designed to detect leaks in oil pipelines using sonic technology, wavelets and neural networks. The plant used in the development and testing of the module presented here was the system of tanks of LAMP, and its LAN, as monitoring network. The proposal consists of, basically, two stages. Initially, assess the performance of the communication infrastructure of the supervisory module. Later, simulate leaks so that the DSP sends information to the supervisory performs the calculation of the location of leaks and indicate to which sensor the leak is closer, and using the system of tanks of LAMP, capture the pressure in the pipeline monitored by piezoresistive sensors, this information being processed by the DSP and sent to the supervisory to be presented to the user in real time
UMA FONTE DE ÁGUA VIVA: A participação das mulheres no assentamento Arizona São Miguel do Gostoso-RN
Cette étude cherche á comprendre la signification sociale de La participation des féminine dans le contexte de l organisation des périmétres de réforme agraire. Elle est construite autour de la mise en évidence des effets de cette participation dans la vie des femmes et dans les relations qu elles établissent avec leurs familles et avec la communauté du périmétre. Les données ont été obtenues á partir d observations participatives, entretiens et discussions. Elles ont permis d identifier les relations de genre et de pouvoir, construites autour du processus d organisation du périmétre de Arizona, dans la préfecture de São Miguel do Gostoso, Rio Grande do Norte, région de l étude. L analyse s est concentrée sur lês dynamiques liées á la lutte pour l accés á la terre, pour identifier différentes formes de participation de femmes et d hommes, en recherche d alternatives pour s installer dans ce contexte. On constate la participation des femmes á diverses formes d activités inhérentes á l organisation du quotidien en milieu rural, principalement pour la recherche d améliorations des conditions de vies, pour elles et leurs familles. Pour cela elles tissent des liens de solidarité et d amitié, occupent les espaces politiques et de décision, dans le périmétre de réforme agraire et de façon plus large, au niveau de la préfecture. Elles pratiquent le travail en groupe, comme forme d organisation et développent des activités productives dans le domaine de l agroécologie. On constate que les femmes ont une place essentielle dans l économie domestique et s affirment comme des acteurs productifs et sociaux. Il faut noter enfin, que cette étude est une invitation au débat, sur le quotidien de l acteur féminin dans les périmétres de réforme agraire, dans la mesure oú le substrat symbolique est avancé comme un support pour expliquer la participation différenciée de la femme dans la lutte pour la terre et dans son quotidien
The acoustic ecology concept involve the relation between the live organisms and their sound environment and is applied in the present work to study the context in which the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) singing behavior, known as the most complex display in the nature, occurred in the northeastern Brazilian coast, outside the core area of Abrolhos Bank, between 2005 and 2010.I analyze the singer male occurrence , their spatial distribution and probable relations with oceanographic features, such as depth, tide regimen and moon phases. I also describe the acoustic structure and temporal variation of the singing behavior, based on song frequency and time measurements outside the Abrolhos Bank, and further compare the song complexity, registered in the same period, between Abrolhos Bank (16°- 19° S, 37°- 39° W) and the adjacent North Coast, herein considered from Itacaré (14° S, 38° W) to Aracaju (11° S, 37° W). Additionally, I look for describe and analyze anthropogenic noise sources in the marine environment of the study area, produced by the oil industry as well as by the whale watching operation, relating their frequencies to the acoustic niche utilized by the humpbacks. The results indicated a great plasticity in the singing behavior, evidenced by the occurrence of singer males in diverse social structures, from solitary individuals to other groups, even containing females and calves, as well as by the diversity which compound the song, when compared between two regions inside the same breeding area, which present distinct oceanographic characteristics. The singer male distribution may be related with the continental shelf extent along the study area. The anthropogenic noise presented frequency range, amplitude and sound intensity in potential to interfere acoustically in the singing behavior of the species, may resulting in disturbance during the breeding season in the Brazilian coast. Implications about the obtained results in the humpback whale mating system are discussed. In this way, I pretend to contribute with the acoustic ecology subject and provide information to subsidize humpback whale conservation
The study present analyzes the relation between work accident and human values. It was developed with the sample of 156 operators of a factory, through to an application of structured questionnaires. The data were submitted to quantitative analyses (for example, analyses of frequency distributions, Chi-Square, test t). It was verified that 27 employees that filled out the questionnaires suffered work accidents. The results evidence that there aren´t significant differences between the people s values that suffered work accidents and those that did not suffer. The employees presented a hierarchy of different values comparing with the others Brazilian studies. It was observed that the work accidents varies for organizational sectors. So, we get the conclusion, the occurrence of the work accidents is not associated to the values, but they are probably associated to work conditions
In this dissertation we studied the seismic activity in the São Caetano county, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, located near the Pernambuco Lineament. The Pernambuco Lineament is a one of Neoproterozoic continental-scale shear zones that deforms the Borborema province. The seismicity estudied occurred in a NE trending branch of Pernambuco Lineament. The seismic activity in São Caetano started in 2006 and in May 20th, 2006 a 4,0 mb earthquake hit there. This was the largest earthquake ever reported in Pernambuco State. This dissertation is the result of a campaign done in the period from Februay 1th 2007 to July 31 th 2007. In this campaign up to nine three-component digital seismographic stations were deployed and the collected data was used to determine hypocenters and focal mechanism. A total of 214 earthquakes, recorded at least by three stations, were analyzed. To determine hypocenters and time origin the HYPO71 program was used assuming a half-space model with parameters : VP (P-wave velocity) equal to 5.90 km/s and the ratio VP/VS 1.70, where VS is the S-wave velocity. The earthquakes hypocentral distribution was approximately 4 km long and agrees with the NE-SW direction of the Pernambuco Lineamento branch. Hypocentres depth range from 2 to 8 km. The composed focal mechanism was made from a group of 14 selected earthquakes. We try firstly to find the fault plane solution matching the polarity distribution at stations, using the FPFIT program. The result was 43 deg ± 15 deg for strike, 59 deg ± 9 deg for dip and -142 deg ± 15 deg for rake. We also fitted a plane using the hypocentral distribution to obtain the dip and azimuth of the hypocentral distribution. The results obtained by this fit were 58 deg for the azimuth, 55 deg for the dip and -155 deg for rake. This result shows a mechanism of a strike-slip dextral fault with a normal component. This dissertation shows, once more, that there is a good correlation between the seismic activity and geological features in the region near the Pernambuco Lineament and its NE branches
The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone