30 resultados para Elementos financeiros

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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NASCIMENTO, Bruna Laís C. do; FELIPE, Carla Beatriz Marques; BEZERRA, Midinai Gomes.Política de indexação: visando a qualidade para a recuperação da informação. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 16., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:.


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The present report is the result of an applied research in the educational entities of the third sector, aiming to demonstrate whether the financial influences the perception of users on the image of those entities. For both used the prospect of integrative marketing relationship adapting to and developing a set of indicators which bore the measurement of images from the model of Machado et al (2005) and Kotler and Fox (1994). The sample included a total of 187 parents and financial responsibility in 03 (three) institutions of education in Natal / RN. These data were processed by multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis, linear regression, analysis of cluster and discriminant analysis. The factor analysis also identified 6 images perceived by users of services. Next were the relationships of cause and effect between the financial and images formed. In discriminant analysis, was identified two distinct groups of parents and guardians with financial perceptions similar and well defined. The result of the work shows that the differential level of financial participation of parents and guardians not influence the formation of the images formed from educational institutions of the third sector


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN


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The starting point of the present work consisted of investigating the development of biotechnology in the Northeast region of Brazil from the perspective of a Regional Innovation System (RIS). The theoretical framework adopted relied on the approaches and concepts presented by the Neo-Schumpeterian perspective. This framework was chosen because, by means of the Innovation System concept, this literature allows us to analyze the relationships and configurations of actors, as well as the role of the state and of social, science and technology, and economic policies in the studied region. The analysis considered four selected dimensions: physical infrastructure, human capital, scientific production, and funding. These variables were chosen because they allow us to verify the possibilities and limitations of developing a biotechnology RIS in the Northeast of Brazil, and these elements would help in answering the question behind this dissertation. The location of the physical infrastructure was determined by means of bibliographic and documental research and interviews with heads of institutions that do biotechnology research. Regarding human capital, the analysis focused on resource training in biotechnology, highlighting graduate courses and research groups in the area. To measure knowledge production, we delimited scientific collaboration among researchers in the field of biotechnology as the focus of this category. For the funding dimension, information was gathered from reports available at the websites of national and state funding agencies. The data was analyzed through method triangulation, involving quantitative and qualitative research stages. To back the analyses, we revisited the integration policies in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our analysis has shown that these policies play a crucial role in the development of biotechnology in the region being studied. The data revealed that the physical infrastructure is concentrated in only three states (Bahia, Ceará, and Pernambuco). In this regard, the Northeast Biotechnology Network (Renorbio) stands out as a strategic actor, enabling states with poor infrastructure to develop research through partnerships with institutions located in another state. We have also verified that the practices involving human resource training and knowledge production are factors that enable the emergence of a regional system for biotechnology in the studied region. As limitations, we have verified the low immersion level of regional actors, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic indicators, the lack of financial resources, and a low innovation culture in the business sector. Overall, we have concluded that the development of a Regional Innovation System in Biotechnology, based on the current regional dynamics, depends on an effective change in the behavior of the social agents involved, both in the national and regional dimensions as well as in the public and private spheres


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The main objective is to analyze the abrasive wear resistance to the low stress of the elements that make up the organs of road machinery that are exposed directly to contact with abrasives. These samples were analyzed after these elements are coated superficially by the process of welding electrode coated with (SAER) and the manual process of coating type LVOF thermal spraying. As well, is to provide suggestions for a better recovery and return of these elements, which are reducing costs and avoiding downtime in the fronts of service. The samples were made from a substrate of carbon ABNT 1045 tempered steel, following the same specifications and composition of metals and alloys of constituents was followed the standard governing the dimensions of these samples and in accordance with the corresponding size. The results were evaluated by testing the hardness, abrasion resistance to wear by the low stress and the loss of volume involving the microstructure of coatings analyzed


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Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support


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This paper focuses on a study of public policy jurisdictional control as some effectiveness mechanism for cultural, economical, and social fundamental rights. It investigates the juridical profile of public policies based on premises of the current (Neo)Constitutional State model and the assertion of an essentially constitutionalist Law paradigm from its genesis to its most peculiar elements, and through tormenting issues, such as: its position between Law and Politics, the difference with reflective subjective rights, and the problem of high financial costs. Once its object is identified, it moves forward into the theme itself, which is that of jurisdictional control, investigating its legitimacy based on paradigmatic judicial precedents and the facing of themes such as: current role of the Judicial Power, the splitting of state functions, administrative discretion, financial affordability, illegal omissions, and budget control. Finally, it examines, as its study central object, objective parameters for definition control, execution, and transparency of public policies, as well as identifying the most appropriate collective jurisdictional tutoring to its purposes together with some of its law process means. Therefrom, it shows new perspectives for the recent study on jurisdictional control of public policies, building foundations for the fundamental rights effectiveness


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The present work deals with the linear analysis of bi-dimensional axisymmetric structures, through development and implementation of a Finite Element Method code. The structures are initially studied alone and afterwards compatibilized into coupled structures, that is, assemblages, including tanks and pressure vessels. Examples are analysed and, in order to prove accuracy, the results were compared with those furnished by the analytical solutions


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This work presents the positional nonlinear geometric formulation for trusses using different strain measures. The positional formulation presents an alternative approach for nonlinear problems. This formulation considers nodal positions as variables of the nonlinear system instead of displacements (widely found in literature). The work also describes the arc-length method used for tracing equilibrium paths with snap-through and snap-back. Numerical applications for trusses already established in the literature and comparisons with other studies are provided to prove the accuracy of the proposed formulation


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In this thesis, a frequency selective surface (FSS) consists of a two-dimensional periodic structure mounted on a dielectric substrate, which is capable of selecting signals in one or more frequency bands of interest. In search of better performance, more compact dimensions, low cost manufacturing, among other characteristics, these periodic structures have been continually optimized over time. Due to its spectral characteristics, which are similar to band-stop or band-pass filters, the FSSs have been studied and used in several applications for more than four decades. The design of an FSS with a periodic structure composed by pre-fractal elements facilitates the tuning of these spatial filters and the adjustment of its electromagnetic parameters, enabling a compact design which generally has a stable frequency response and superior performance relative to its euclidean counterpart. The unique properties of geometric fractals have shown to be useful, mainly in the production of antennas and frequency selective surfaces, enabling innovative solutions and commercial applications in microwave range. In recent applications, the FSSs modify the indoor propagation environments (emerging concept called wireless building ). In this context, the use of pre-fractal elements has also shown promising results, allowing a more effective filtering of more than one frequency band with a single-layer structure. This thesis approaches the design of FSSs using pre-fractal elements based on Vicsek, Peano and teragons geometries, which act as band-stop spatial filters. The transmission properties of the periodic surfaces are analyzed to design compact and efficient devices with stable frequency responses, applicable to microwave frequency range and suitable for use in indoor communications. The results are discussed in terms of the electromagnetic effect resulting from the variation of parameters such as: fractal iteration number (or fractal level), scale factor, fractal dimension and periodicity of FSS, according the pre-fractal element applied on the surface. The analysis of the fractal dimension s influence on the resonant properties of a FSS is a new contribution in relation to researches about microwave devices that use fractal geometry. Due to its own characteristics and the geometric shape of the Peano pre-fractal elements, the reconfiguration possibility of these structures is also investigated and discussed. This thesis also approaches, the construction of efficient selective filters with new configurations of teragons pre-fractal patches, proposed to control the WLAN coverage in indoor environments by rejecting the signals in the bands of 2.4~2.5 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b) and 5.0~6.0 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). The FSSs are initially analyzed through simulations performed by commercial software s: Ansoft DesignerTM and HFSSTM. The fractal design methodology is validated by experimental characterization of the built prototypes, using alternatively, different measurement setups, with commercial horn antennas and microstrip monopoles fabricated for low cost measurements


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This thesis describes design methodologies for frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) composed of periodic arrays of pre-fractals metallic patches on single-layer dielectrics (FR4, RT/duroid). Shapes presented by Sierpinski island and T fractal geometries are exploited to the simple design of efficient band-stop spatial filters with applications in the range of microwaves. Initial results are discussed in terms of the electromagnetic effect resulting from the variation of parameters such as, fractal iteration number (or fractal level), fractal iteration factor, and periodicity of FSS, depending on the used pre-fractal element (Sierpinski island or T fractal). The transmission properties of these proposed periodic arrays are investigated through simulations performed by Ansoft DesignerTM and Ansoft HFSSTM commercial softwares that run full-wave methods. To validate the employed methodology, FSS prototypes are selected for fabrication and measurement. The obtained results point to interesting features for FSS spatial filters: compactness, with high values of frequency compression factor; as well as stable frequency responses at oblique incidence of plane waves. This thesis also approaches, as it main focus, the application of an alternative electromagnetic (EM) optimization technique for analysis and synthesis of FSSs with fractal motifs. In application examples of this technique, Vicsek and Sierpinski pre-fractal elements are used in the optimal design of FSS structures. Based on computational intelligence tools, the proposed technique overcomes the high computational cost associated to the full-wave parametric analyzes. To this end, fast and accurate multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network models are developed using different parameters as design input variables. These neural network models aim to calculate the cost function in the iterations of population-based search algorithms. Continuous genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and bees algorithm (BA) are used for FSSs optimization with specific resonant frequency and bandwidth. The performance of these algorithms is compared in terms of computational cost and numerical convergence. Consistent results can be verified by the excellent agreement obtained between simulations and measurements related to FSS prototypes built with a given fractal iteration


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This work aims to present how the application of fractal geometry to the elements of a log-periodic array can become a good alternative when one wants to reduce the size of the array. Two types of log-periodic arrays were proposed: one with fed by microstrip line and other fed by electromagnetic coupling. To the elements of these arrays were applied fractal Koch contours, at two levels. In order to validate the results obtained some prototypes were built, which were measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in a software, for comparison. The results presented reductions of 60% in the total area of the arrays, for both types. By analyzing the graphs of return loss, it was observed that the application of fractal contours made different resonant frequencies appear in the arrays. Furthermore, a good agreement was observed between simulated and measured results. The array with feeding by electromagnetic coupling presented, after application of fractal contours, radiation pattern with more smooth forms than the array with feeding by microstrip line


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This work presents the analysis of an antenna of fractal microstrip of Koch with dielectric multilayers and inclinations in the ground plane, whose values of the angles are zero degree (without inclinations), three, seven and twelve degrees. This antenna consists of three dielectric layers arranged vertically on each other, using feeding microstrip line in patch 1, of the first layer, which will feed the remaining patches of the upper layers by electromagnetic coupling. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects caused by increase of the angle of inclination of the ground plane in some antenna parameters such as return loss, resonant frequency, bandwidth and radiation pattern. The presented results demonstrate that with the increase of the inclination angle it is possible to get antennas with characteristics multiband, with bigger bandwidth, and improving the impedance matching for each case analyzed, especially the larger angle