20 resultados para Drogas e emprego
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
GOMES, Z. B. ; LOURENÇO, André Luís Cabral de . Atuação do Estado como empregador de última Instância: uma proposta para eliminar o desemprego estrutural do Brasil. In: Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, 13. 2008, João Pessoa/PB. Anais... João Pessoa: ENEP, 2008.
Diversion colitis is a chronic inflammatory process affecting the dysfunctional colon, after a colostomy. It is postulated that nutritional deficiency of the colonic epithelium by the absence of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) is one of the factors responsible for the appearance of DC and that their employment could reverse the morphological changes of the mucosa. The treatment of choice for fecal diversion colitis (DC) is the reconstruction of the intestinal tract, although they suggested therapeutic options using enemas. This study evaluates the effect of SCFA in atrophy and inflammation in excluded colonic segments before and after the installation DC. Forty Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 10 for each group), submitted colostomy with distal colon exclusion. Two control groups (A1 and B1) received rectally administered physiological saline, whereas two experimental groups (A2 and B2) received rectally administered short-chain fatty-acids. The A groups were prophylactically treated (5th to 40th days postoperatively), whereas the B groups were therapeutically treated (after postoperative day 40), for 07 days. Histological sections stained with HE were used for histological analysis of the thickness of the colonic mucosa excluded (t- Student p ≤0.05). Inflammatory reaction of the lamina propria and mucosa were measured with scores previously established (Mann Whitney p ≤ 0.05). There was a significant thickness recovery of the colonic mucosa in group B2 animals (p = 0.0001), which also exhibited a significant reduction in the number of eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria (p = 0.0126) and in the intestinal lumen (p = 0.0256). Group A2 did not prevent the mucosal atrophy and significant increases in the numbers of lymphocytes (p=0.0006) and 50 eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria of the mucosa (p = 0.0022). Therapeutic use of short-chain fatty-acids significantly reduced eosinophilic polymorphonuclear cell numbers in the intestinal wall and in the colonic lumen; it also reversed the atrophy of the colonic mucosa. Prophylactic use did not impede the development of mucosal atrophy
The topical corneal application of antimitotic mitomycin-C (MMC) during refractive surgery is still characterized by a lack of standardization and considerable empirism. For this reason the creation of a system capable of reliable drug delivery represents a beneficial innovation for patients submitted to these procedures. Objective: Elaborate a new MMC delivery system during the transoperatory period of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) followed by patent application. Methods: The project consists of an in vitro experimental study to create an MMC (0.02%) release system. The drug was impregnated in sterile Whatman® 41 paper filter discs with a diameter of 8 mm. After drying, the discs were applied to antibiogram plates seeded with Staphylococcus epidermidis (American Type Culture Collection ATCC 12228), followed by the addition of a drop of sterile water. At the end of 1 minute, the discs were removed and the plates incubated for 48 hours at 35oC. Mean drop volume in the collyrium flasks was measured using analytical balance weighing. The inhibition halo (mm) was correlated with the MMC impregnated into the disc. After completion of the invention design a patent application was lodged at the National Institute of Industrial Property. Results: The correspondence between MMC-produced inhibition halos indicated that a dose of 16μg was ideal for impregnating into the discs. The mean drop volume obtained from the collyrium flasks was 37.7 μL. A minute after the application of one drop of balanced saline solution, the system released an adequate concentration for PRK surgery. Conclusion: A new MMC delivery system was created for transoperatory application in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Publication of the patent application (number PI 0704739-8) gives the authors exclusive intellectual property rights. The study was sponsored by Ophthalmos Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (São Paulo-SP, Brazil) and received the indispensable scientific contribution of researchers from the fields of Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology, Statistics and Law, characterizing the work as multidisciplinary, in accordance with norms established by the Postgraduate Health Sciences Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is a clonal proliferation of mature B lymphocytes characterized by indolent clinical course. Biologically this clonallity is characterized by low expression of surface immunoglobulin (sIg) with restriction to a single immunoglobulin light chain associated with high expression of CD5 antigen and positivity to B cell antigens lymphocytes such as CD19, CD20 and CD23 and negativity to FMC7. The immunological profile and morphological analysis of lymphoid cells are the main means for the differential diagnosis of B-CLL from other chronic lymphoproliferative diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression pattern of a variety of membrane antigens in leukemic cells originating from patients with B-CLL. In this study, peripheral blood samples from 80 patients with B-CLL were analyzed by multiparametric flow cytometry in addition to routine hematologic exams, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb): CD45/CD14, CD3/CD19/CD45, CD4/CD8 / CD3, CD20/CD5/CD3, CD3/CD16-56/CD45, CD2/CD7, FMC7/CD23, CD103/CD22/CD20, HLADR/CD38, CD10/CD19, CD1a, CD11b and also IgM/gD, kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains for the detection of surface immunoglobulin and clonal restriction for immunoglobulin light chain. The Hematological data were obtained from the hematological analyzer and cytomorphological analysis in blood film stained by Leishmann. The study samples consisted of 45 men and 35 women, ages ranging from 55 to 84 years (mean 65 years). Complete white blood count showed count ranging from 10.0 to 42.0 x 109/l. (mean 50.0 x 109/l) and lymphocytes count greater than 5.0 x 109/l in all cases. The neoplastic cells displayed B-CLL phenotype (CD5+/CD19+/CD20+/HLADR+/CD23+) in the vast majority of the cases, associated to failed to stain for T cell markers (CD1a, CD2, CD4, CD3, CD7, CD8), CD103, CD14 and FMC7. Leukemic cells of most patients also expressed low intensity of IgM and IgD with restricted kappa light chain, in most cases (59,7%). This observation highlights the importance of immunophenotyping for correct diagnosis of chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes and the panel of MoAb used was sufficient for diagnostic confirmation of B-CLL
In this paper artificial neural network (ANN) based on supervised and unsupervised algorithms were investigated for use in the study of rheological parameters of solid pharmaceutical excipients, in order to develop computational tools for manufacturing solid dosage forms. Among four supervised neural networks investigated, the best learning performance was achieved by a feedfoward multilayer perceptron whose architectures was composed by eight neurons in the input layer, sixteen neurons in the hidden layer and one neuron in the output layer. Learning and predictive performance relative to repose angle was poor while to Carr index and Hausner ratio (CI and HR, respectively) showed very good fitting capacity and learning, therefore HR and CI were considered suitable descriptors for the next stage of development of supervised ANNs. Clustering capacity was evaluated for five unsupervised strategies. Network based on purely unsupervised competitive strategies, classic "Winner-Take-All", "Frequency-Sensitive Competitive Learning" and "Rival-Penalize Competitive Learning" (WTA, FSCL and RPCL, respectively) were able to perform clustering from database, however this classification was very poor, showing severe classification errors by grouping data with conflicting properties into the same cluster or even the same neuron. On the other hand it could not be established what was the criteria adopted by the neural network for those clustering. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Neural Gas (NG) networks showed better clustering capacity. Both have recognized the two major groupings of data corresponding to lactose (LAC) and cellulose (CEL). However, SOM showed some errors in classify data from minority excipients, magnesium stearate (EMG) , talc (TLC) and attapulgite (ATP). NG network in turn performed a very consistent classification of data and solve the misclassification of SOM, being the most appropriate network for classifying data of the study. The use of NG network in pharmaceutical technology was still unpublished. NG therefore has great potential for use in the development of software for use in automated classification systems of pharmaceutical powders and as a new tool for mining and clustering data in drug development
This work aims to show that the protection of the employment relation is one of the determining factors to respect the principle of the human dignity. The goal is initially to show the devaluation of work from antiquity to the early twentieth century, when the constitutions began to standardize protective devices. This way, the consecration of the social labor rights in the Constitution of 1988 represents the culmination of the historical achievements. This work demonstrates that such rights can not be reduced or suppressed by political conveniences, once these rights are included in the list of immutable clauses. It is displayed that to achieve the fundamental right to work is not well advised to encourage the creation of jobs that maculates the worker s dignity. The outsourced work is, therefore, a classic example of the advancement of precarious forms of contemporary labor. It is inferred that the presence of various forms of harassment results in a degradation of working environment, bringing about dire consequences on professional and personal life of the worker. Thus, decent work must be the appropriate benchmark for the creation of new jobs. It is also shown that the flexibilization of the propaganda rights by certain pressure groups has as main goal to reduce or eliminate rights, based on fallacious data depicting an increase of competitiveness and jobs. In addition, the flexibility implies a growth of the precarization of the work - a reality felt by many workers subjected to such a situation due to the unemployment phenomenon whose origin is not in the protectionism of the norms. It is necessary to expand and structure the constitutionally legitimate institutions to monitor and curb the precarized work, as well as all practices that go against the dignity of the worker. It is also shown the loss of power of the sindicates in the last few years as a consequence of the pulverization workes and the capital attacks through the productive restructure whose outsourcings and privatizations are notorious examples
As substâncias entorpecentes acompanham a humanidade desde o início da civilização. No entanto, várias delas foram consideradas proscritas ao longo do tempo. Seu combate foi inaugurado na comunidade internacional a partir do começo do século XX. No início, tinha o condão eminentemente moral, porquanto a proibição encerrava, por princípio, a proteção da ética ameaçada pelo padrão desviado do consumo de estupefacientes. Na década de 1970, a guerra contra as drogas, expressão cunhada nesse período, evoluiu para se tornar o meio pelo qual o consumo seria mitigado. Dez anos mais tarde, ante à impossibilidade de sucumbir o narcotráfico, passou a ser um fim em si mesma o novo argumento para os esforços militares dos Estados Unidos da América. A criminalização das substâncias entorpecentes consideradas ilícitas é fundamento jurídico da guerra contra as drogas. Esse modelo proibicionista encontra argumento no direito penal do inimigo, segundo o qual o Estado pode, em situações que exponham a coletividade a grave perigo, negar à determinada categoria de criminosos (os inimigos) as garantias inerentes ao direito penal, cabendo-lhes apenas a coação estatal. Mesmo tendo consumido trilhões de dólares, encarcerado aos milhões e custado a vida de milhares de pessoas, pode-se dizer que a guerra contra as drogas não reduziu a oferta e o consumo de substâncias entorpecentes consideradas ilícitas, nem mitigou os danos delas decorrentes pelo contrário, tornou-se um problema de segurança pública. Assim, impõe-se a verificação da constitucionalidade da norma penal que fundamenta a guerra contra as drogas, sob ponderação do princípio da proporcionalidade. Referido postulado cobra que a norma seja adequada, cumprindo a finalidade pretendida, necessária, não havendo meio menos gravoso à obtenção do mesmo fim, e proporcional, estrito senso, que a sanção imposta ao indivíduo seja equivalente ao dano que se quis prevenir. Em matéria penal há de se incluir um outro elemento, a ponderar se as consequências da proibição em matéria penal, por si só, são mais graves que os consectários dos fatos que se pretendem proibir - exige-se que a lei seja socialmente menos ofensiva. A norma penal que fundamenta a guerra contra as drogas não se mostrou hábil a mitigar os danos sociais delas decorrentes sendo, por isso, inadequada. Existem meios alternativos à criminalização mais eficientes à esse objetivo, pelo que se faz desnecessária. Na medida em que estupefacientes mais nocivos à coletividade são considerados lícitos, a criminalização de drogas menos danosas se mostra desproporcional. E, uma vez que dela resultam graves danos à sociedade, não atende ao critério da menor ofensividade social. É, portanto, inconstitucional
This work aims to study the problem of the formal job in the Brazilian Northeast region and its effect in the social inclusion, taking for base the analysis of variables defined in the Atlas of Social Exclusion, which is based on the 2000 Brazilian Census, choosing the county as unit of analysis. As methodological options, an exploratory data analysis was performed, followed by multivariate statistical techniques, such as weighted multiple regression analysis, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis of spatial data. The results pointed out to low rates of formal job for the active age population as well as low indexes of social inclusion in the Northeast region of Brazil. A strong association of the formal job with the indicators of social inclusion under investigation, was evidenced (schooling, inequality, poverty, youth and income form government transfers), as well as a strong association of the formal job with the new index of social inclusion (IIS), modified from the IES. At the Federative Units, in which better levels of formal job had been found, good indexes of social inclusion are also observed. Highlights for the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, with the best conditions of life, and for the states of the Maranhão and Piauí, with the worst conditions. The situation of the Northeast region, facing the indicators under study, is very precarious, claiming for the necessity of emphasizing programs and governmental actions, specially directed to the raise of formal job levels of the region, reflecting, thus, in improvements on the income inequality, as well as in the social inclusion of the population of Northeastern natives.
This study received the title THE JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT IN THE THRESHOLD OF THE XXI CENTURY: study starting from RAIS and of the programs of youths' insert in the labor market of Natal/RN . It presents as main objective to investigate, starting from the officials data of the Ministério do trabalho e emprego - MTE and of the federal and state government programs, the evolution of the formal employment for youths and the difficulties that leads the success of the returned initiatives the youths' insert in the formal market of work in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 2000 to 2004. To accomplish the research, it prioritizes the study of the evolution of the formal employment starting from the data of the MTE as form of diagnosing the formal market of the juvenile work. Search a descriptive way to identify the first results of the programs Primeiro Emprego- PPE (federal) and Primeira Chance - PPC (state), to interpret and to identify the existent gaps among the proposal initial of those programs and the first results obtained in the city of Natal. The research has character no-probability and it applies closed questionnaires for youths assisted by the programs. Were interviewed the local representatives of PPE and PPC, besides representatives of the organized civil society all through open structured interview, covering a total of 103 interviews. The results demonstrated that while PPC (state) obtained success inserting youngs, the PPE (federal) just got to insert 1,5% of the amount subsidized by the state program in Natal. That situation demonstrates a clear preference of the companies for PPC (state), in detriment of the federal program
The work consists in a discussion of the evolution of formal employment in the industrial cities of Ceará state averages from 1990 to 2010, since this period was marked by important changes. It is emphasized that in order to achieve this aim, the present study was based on a survey of relevant literature on the subject, as well as the use of the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS), published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The central question to be considered in this study is how we evolved formal employment industry in medium-sized cities (Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Sobral) of Ceará? The assumption that guides this work is that given the economic policies of the 1990 and 2000 these policies encouraged the relocation, thus implying significant growth in the formal manufacturing employment in these cities. Regarding the results obtained in the survey, it was found that the industrial sector of these cities, showed considerable dynamism in what refers to the expansion of establishments. When observed in percentage terms medium-sized cities (345.5%) had the highest growth in number of establishments in the 1990s with rates higher than the Northeast region (285.9%) and Brazil (167.5%). The highlight was the city of Juazeiro, with the highest concentration of micro and small footwear companies in the state. Regarding the number of formal jobs created in medium-sized cities, it went from 6.596 in 1990 to 41.660 million formal jobs in 2010, with a growth rate of 532%. The sector contributed most to employment generation was the footwear. Although the levels of minimum wages, the 1990 recorded the lowest levels. In the 2000, there were real gains in levels of minimum wages in all cities, however, it may be noted that over the decades there has been significant momentum. However, this momentum was not enough to prevent the end of the study period CMs-Ceará present low wages
The Northeast has a record of fighting to reduce disparities. In late 1950, the state intervened through SUDENE, organizing and planning the promotion of development through industrialization. This study aims to identify the characteristics of the industrialization of the Northeast and evolution of formal employment in the metropolitan area of Cariri, located in the southern state of Ceará, in the case of the municipalities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha (CRAJUBAR) in decades of 1990 and 2000. The assumption permeates the SUDENE with public policies to encourage the industry, causing profound changes in the cities studied. The results indicate that the Cariri since the 1960 has been benefiting the programs implemented by SUDENE. With the implementation of these programs, with in a set of circumstances based on local vocations and state policies, there was a spatial distribution industry, triggering a growth and development on the provision of formal jobs in the industrial sector
Industrial development experienced by Brazil from the 1950s, changed the concentration of population in the country. The process of development of domestic industry, concentrated in urban areas, crowded growing portion of the population.The Southeast region during the first stage of industrialization driven by the state, with the implementation of Plan goals, captained the major industrial projects implemented in the period and became the main industrial center of the country.In the decade from 1960 to 1980 the state action was marked by numerous regional development projects, softening the industrial concentration and Brazilian investment redirected to the Northeast.The second National Development Plan implemented in the 1970s led to major investments Northeast.This period marked the widespread urban growth and institutionalization of the first metropolitan areas in Brazil.The change of this developmental process is altered with the fiscal and financial crisis of the state in the 1980s and 1990s and spending cuts aimed at national development, reorienting the economy to liberal policies of economic liberalization and reduction of activity in the economy.Industrial policy was relegated to local development plans from the 1990s to the federating units fitting the wide use of tax incentives, the "war tax" to the continued industrialization process.In this context of the national economy work seeks to analyze the industrial setting in the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador between 1995 and 2010.Although the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador are the main urban centers of the Northeast, responsible for the advancement of industrial development, reconfigurations occurred between 1995 and 2010 by changing the level of industrial specialization built by regional division of labor in these regions.The work will be carried out by the method of descriptive analysis of the literature review on regional and urban development.Constitute quantitative method as the secondary data analysis of formal employment from the Annual Social Information (RAIS) Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE).Using data RAIS / MTE analyzes the industrial specialization index using the Locational Quotient (LQ).Thus, it is assumed as a parameter analysis QL> 1, when the region has become specialized in a particular sector or QL <1, when the region does not have expertise in industrial sector analyzed.The conclusion of study indicates that there was in these metropolitan areas maintained the same bias hub.Fiscal policies, the states, was not successful in diversifying the productive structure and the Northeast region itself.This result is demonstrated by the need and dependence on state investments in the region to promote development.Industrial policies of recent years have been positive to meet the objectives of employment generation, but there must be specific policies for better diversification of production, in addition to integrating the economy of the Northeast sector and regionally
This study aimed to analyze the phenomenon of abdication of monitoring/treatment of crack users in a CAPS AD in Campina Grande-PB. That s an exploratory , description approach ,whose theoretical focus was historical-dialect of public politics on alcohol and drugs. The information collected was realized by using the technique of semi-structured interviews, combined with the crack users registered in CAPS AD in Campina Grande between 2007 and 2011.The material collected was subjected to thematic analysis method, obtaining the extraction of the following categories and subcategories of analysis: CATEGORY 1: Factors of abdication of monitoring/treatment in CAPS AD in Campina Grande PB with subcategory 1.1. Abdication on their own , 1.2. To take work/employment, 1.3 . Search for more intensive treatment , 1.4. Due to relapse; CATEGORY 2 : Treatment/monitoring in CAPS AD to the subcategory, 2.1. The dependence of crack and family support as reasons that led to frequent CAPS AD. CATEGORY 3: Living with crack addiction without treatment/monitoring in CAPS AD with the subcategory, 3.1. Religiosity as a therapeutic tool .The results showed a distance between priority for community treatment and the reality where there is lack of information about this kind of treatment and the admission as a solution. The discourse about the abdication of treatment of crack users make reference to the importance of family support, to the influence for the phenomenon of relapse and the affection to religious conceptions. Although the subjects recognize the qualifications of CAPS AD treatment, they try by themselves or by family influence, another ways of hospitalization. This leads us to conclude that it is necessary reflection and assessment of the work of CAPS AD. Counting on the social changes and the need of answers that the phenomenon requires
T. gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan and the main cause of retinochoroiditis in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the antipsychotic drugs haloperidol and clozapine on the course of infection by T. gondii of cultured embryonic retinal cells. Embryo retinas of Gallus gallus domesticus (E12) were used for the preparation of mixed monolayer cultures of retinal cells. Cultures were maintained on plates of 96 and 24 wells by 37°C in DMEM medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum for 2 days. After this period, cultures were simultaneously infected with tachyzoites of T. gondii and treated with the antipsychotics haloperidol and clozapine for 48 hours. Treatment effects were determined by both assessing cell viability with the MTT method and evaluating infection outcomes in slides stained with Giemsa. The treatment with haloperidol and clozapine cells infected with T. gondii resulted in higher viability of these cells, suggesting a possible prevention of neuronal degeneration induced by T. gondii. Additionally, intracellular replication of this protozoan in cells treated with haloperidol and clozapine were significantly reduced, possibly by modulation of the parasite s intracellular calcium concentration
The house work is a reality for girls of humble class and one of the most found forms of work among adolescent workers. Moreover, it is a mean of work which reproduces poverty and gender relations within the society. The purpose of this essay in to understand the house work in the life of adolescent workers, emphasizing the meaning produced by these teenagers concerning the job they perform. In order to achieve such goal, questionnaires were applied to 332 adolescents, under 18 years old from public schools (from EJA-supletivo) in Natal, with the purpose of mapping the registration of this activity among young students. Next, 14 adolescents were interviewed in order to recognize the meaning of this work and its repercussions over the teenagery, such as school education, socialization, relations with employers and adolescent s self-image. Later we have noticed most workers among the students from public schools are housemaids. Furthermore, this work is used as a form of social ascension and it contributes for the search for better opportunities in the state capital for adolescents who leave the countryside trying to agree to education and remuneration. This work plays an important role, which is to reproduce gender relations, as a woman works to maintain the private space as a female space and maintains the man out of this relation. Besides it reproduces class relations, ethny and generation conflicts, in which the employer replaces the control the parents have in the adolescent s life. Summing up, this study about house work have negative aspects, related to exploitation, humiliation and mistreat, as well as positive ones, for it permits the adolescent to improve his life conditions. The most important thing is to look for a mean of work in which human and workers rights are respected